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  • 语法
  • 选项
  • 输出
  • 影响分数的因素
  • 举例
  • 操作符示例
  • 自定义分数示例

您可以在scoreDetails 阶段使用$search 布尔选项,详细了解查询结果中每个文档的分数。要查看元数据,您必须在 阶段使用 $meta $project表达式。

"$search": {
"<operator>": {
"scoreDetails": true | false
"$project": {
"scoreDetails": {"$meta": "searchScoreDetails"}

在 $search 阶段scoreDetails布尔选项采用以下值之一:

  • true — 在结果中包含文档分数的详细信息。如果设置为true ,Atlas Search 将返回结果中每个文档的分数明细。要了解更多信息,请参阅输出。

  • false - 排除结果的分数细分详细信息。 (默认)


在 $project 阶段scoreDetails字段采用$meta表达式,该表达式需要以下值:





评分公式因查询中使用的操作符而异。例如,Atlas Search 对包含 文本 邻近 操作符的 复合 查询使用以下评分公式:BM25Similarity + distance decay function




基于评分公式的子集对文档中每个匹配项的分数进行细分。 该值是分数详细信息对象的数组,具有递归结构。

对于BM25Similarity ,分数计算为boost * idf * tf 。 Atlas Search 在计算分数时会考虑以下BM25Similarity因素:


查询的反向文档频率。 Atlas Search 使用以下公式计算频率:

log(1 + (N - n + 0.5) / (n + 0.5))


  • N 是包含该字段的文档总数。

  • n 是包含该术语的文档数量。


术语频率。Atlas Search 使用以下公式计算频率:

freq / (freq + k1 * (1 - b + b * dl / avgdl))


  • freq 是该词语在文档中出现的次数。

  • k1 是内部指定的术语饱和度参数。 它会影响每次出现该术语时分数增加的程度。

  • avgdl 是所有文档中字段的平均长度。

  • dl 是文档中字段的长度。

  • b 是长度归一化参数,也是在内部设置的。 b乘以dlavgdl的比率。 如果b增加,则dlavgdl的比率的影响会放大。

对于距离衰减函数,分数计算为pivot / (pivot + abs(fieldValue - origin)) 。 Atlas Search 在计算分数时会考虑以下因素:

要搜索附近的值。 这是测量结果接近度的原点。
您在文档中查询的字段的值。fieldValue越接近origin ,邻近查询的分数就越高。
指定为参考点的值,如果fieldValueorigin之间的距离等于0.5 ,则分数等于该值。 这定义了随着fieldValueorigin之间的距离增加,分数衰减的速度。 对于fieldValueorigin之间的给定距离,如果pivot减小,则分数也会减小。




config.set('inspectDepth', Infinity)

以下示例演示如何使用$search scoreDetails选项检索textnear复合embeddedDocument操作符查询结果中的文档的分数明细。

以下示例使用文本操作符在sample_mflix.movies集合中的title字段中查询词语autumn 。该查询在$search阶段指定scoreDetails选项,以检索结果中每个文档的分数明细。该查询使用$limit阶段将结果限制为三个文档,并使用$project阶段执行以下操作:

  • 排除_id字段。

  • 仅包含title字段。

  • score字段添加到结果中以返回文档的分数,并将scoreDetails字段添加到结果中以返回文档分数的明细。

2 {
3 "$search": {
4 "text": {
5 "path": "title",
6 "query": "autumn"
7 },
8 "scoreDetails": true
9 }
10 },
11 {
12 "$limit": 3
13 },
14 {
15 "$project": {
16 "_id": 0,
17 "title": 1,
18 "score": { "$meta": "searchScore" },
19 "scoreDetails": { "$meta": "searchScoreDetails" }
20 }
21 }
2 {
3 title: 'Autumn Leaves',
4 score: 3.834893226623535,
5 scoreDetails: {
6 value: 3.834893226623535,
7 description: '$type:string/title:autumn [BM25Similarity], result of:',
8 details: [
9 {
10 value: 3.834893226623535,
11 description: 'score(freq=1.0), computed as boost * idf * tf from:',
12 details: [
13 {
14 value: 7.39188289642334,
15 description: 'idf, computed as log(1 + (N - n + 0.5) / (n + 0.5)) from:',
16 details: [
17 {
18 value: 14,
19 description: 'n, number of documents containing term',
20 details: []
21 },
22 {
23 value: 23529,
24 description: 'N, total number of documents with field',
25 details: []
26 }
27 ]
28 },
29 {
30 value: 0.5187978744506836,
31 description: 'tf, computed as freq / (freq + k1 * (1 - b + b * dl / avgdl)) from:',
32 details: [
33 {
34 value: 1,
35 description: 'freq, occurrences of term within document',
36 details: []
37 },
38 {
39 value: 1.2000000476837158,
40 description: 'k1, term saturation parameter',
41 details: []
42 },
43 {
44 value: 0.75,
45 description: 'b, length normalization parameter',
46 details: []
47 },
48 {
49 value: 2,
50 description: 'dl, length of field',
51 details: []
52 },
53 {
54 value: 2.868375301361084,
55 description: 'avgdl, average length of field',
56 details: []
57 }
58 ]
59 }
60 ]
61 }
62 ]
63 }
64 },
65 {
66 title: 'Late Autumn',
67 score: 3.834893226623535,
68 scoreDetails: {
69 value: 3.834893226623535,
70 description: '$type:string/title:autumn [BM25Similarity], result of:',
71 details: [
72 {
73 value: 3.834893226623535,
74 description: 'score(freq=1.0), computed as boost * idf * tf from:',
75 details: [
76 {
77 value: 7.39188289642334,
78 description: 'idf, computed as log(1 + (N - n + 0.5) / (n + 0.5)) from:',
79 details: [
80 {
81 value: 14,
82 description: 'n, number of documents containing term',
83 details: []
84 },
85 {
86 value: 23529,
87 description: 'N, total number of documents with field',
88 details: []
89 }
90 ]
91 },
92 {
93 value: 0.5187978744506836,
94 description: 'tf, computed as freq / (freq + k1 * (1 - b + b * dl / avgdl)) from:',
95 details: [
96 {
97 value: 1,
98 description: 'freq, occurrences of term within document',
99 details: []
100 },
101 {
102 value: 1.2000000476837158,
103 description: 'k1, term saturation parameter',
104 details: []
105 },
106 {
107 value: 0.75,
108 description: 'b, length normalization parameter',
109 details: []
110 },
111 {
112 value: 2,
113 description: 'dl, length of field',
114 details: []
115 },
116 {
117 value: 2.868375301361084,
118 description: 'avgdl, average length of field',
119 details: []
120 }
121 ]
122 }
123 ]
124 }
125 ]
126 }
127 },
128 {
129 title: 'Cheyenne Autumn',
130 score: 3.834893226623535,
131 scoreDetails: {
132 value: 3.834893226623535,
133 description: '$type:string/title:autumn [BM25Similarity], result of:',
134 details: [
135 {
136 value: 3.834893226623535,
137 description: 'score(freq=1.0), computed as boost * idf * tf from:',
138 details: [
139 {
140 value: 7.39188289642334,
141 description: 'idf, computed as log(1 + (N - n + 0.5) / (n + 0.5)) from:',
142 details: [
143 {
144 value: 14,
145 description: 'n, number of documents containing term',
146 details: []
147 },
148 {
149 value: 23529,
150 description: 'N, total number of documents with field',
151 details: []
152 }
153 ]
154 },
155 {
156 value: 0.5187978744506836,
157 description: 'tf, computed as freq / (freq + k1 * (1 - b + b * dl / avgdl)) from:',
158 details: [
159 {
160 value: 1,
161 description: 'freq, occurrences of term within document',
162 details: []
163 },
164 {
165 value: 1.2000000476837158,
166 description: 'k1, term saturation parameter',
167 details: []
168 },
169 {
170 value: 0.75,
171 description: 'b, length normalization parameter',
172 details: []
173 },
174 {
175 value: 2,
176 description: 'dl, length of field',
177 details: []
178 },
179 {
180 value: 2.868375301361084,
181 description: 'avgdl, average length of field',
182 details: []
183 }
184 ]
185 }
186 ]
187 }
188 ]
189 }
190 }

Atlas Search 在计算分数时会考虑以下BM25Similarity因素:


查询的反向文档频率。 Atlas Search 使用以下公式计算频率:

log(1 + (N - n + 0.5) / (n + 0.5))


  • N 是包含该字段的文档总数。

  • n 是包含该术语的文档数量。


术语频率。Atlas Search 使用以下公式计算频率:

freq / (freq + k1 * (1 - b + b * dl / avgdl))


  • freq 是该词语在文档中出现的次数。

  • k1 是内部指定的术语饱和度参数。 它会影响每次出现该术语时分数增加的程度。

  • avgdl 是所有文档中字段的平均长度。

  • dl 是文档中字段的长度。

  • b 是长度归一化参数,也是在内部设置的。 b乘以dlavgdl的比率。 如果b增加,则dlavgdl的比率的影响会放大。

以下示例使用near操作符查询sample_mflix.movies集合中的released字段,了解 1 月01 、 2010前后上映的电影。查询在$search阶段指定scoreDetails选项,以检索结果中每个文档的分数明细。该查询使用$limit阶段将结果限制为三个文档,并使用$project阶段执行以下操作:

  • 排除_id字段。

  • 仅包含titlereleased字段。

  • score字段添加到结果中以返回文档的分数,并将scoreDetails字段添加到结果中以返回文档分数的明细。

2 {
3 "$search": {
4 "near": {
5 "path": "released",
6 "origin": ISODate("2010-01-01T00:00:00.000+00:00"),
7 "pivot": 7776000000
8 },
9 "scoreDetails": true
10 }
11 },
12 {
13 "$limit": 3
14 },
15 {
16 "$project": {
17 "_id": 0,
18 "title": 1,
19 "released": 1,
20 "score": { "$meta": "searchScore" },
21 "scoreDetails": { "$meta": "searchScoreDetails" }
22 }
23 }
2 {
3 title: 'Tony',
4 released: ISODate("2010-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"),
5 score: 1,
6 scoreDetails: {
7 value: 1,
8 description: 'Distance score, computed as weight * pivotDistance / (pivotDistance + abs(value - origin)) from:',
9 details: [
10 { value: 1, description: 'weight', details: [] },
11 {
12 value: 7776000000,
13 description: 'pivotDistance',
14 details: []
15 },
16 { value: 1262303969280, description: 'origin', details: [] },
17 {
18 value: 1262303969280,
19 description: 'current value',
20 details: []
21 }
22 ]
23 }
24 },
25 {
26 title: 'And Everything Is Going Fine',
27 released: ISODate("2010-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"),
28 score: 1,
29 scoreDetails: {
30 value: 1,
31 description: 'Distance score, computed as weight * pivotDistance / (pivotDistance + abs(value - origin)) from:',
32 details: [
33 { value: 1, description: 'weight', details: [] },
34 {
35 value: 7776000000,
36 description: 'pivotDistance',
37 details: []
38 },
39 { value: 1262303969280, description: 'origin', details: [] },
40 {
41 value: 1262303969280,
42 description: 'current value',
43 details: []
44 }
45 ]
46 }
47 },
48 {
49 title: 'A Film with Me in It',
50 released: ISODate("2010-01-01T00:00:00.000Z")
51 score: 1,
52 scoreDetails: {
53 value: 1,
54 description: 'Distance score, computed as weight * pivotDistance / (pivotDistance + abs(value - origin)) from:',
55 details: [
56 { value: 1, description: 'weight', details: [] },
57 {
58 value: 7776000000,
59 description: 'pivotDistance',
60 details: []
61 },
62 { value: 1262303969280, description: 'origin', details: [] },
63 {
64 value: 1262303969280,
65 description: 'current value',
66 details: []
67 }
68 ]
69 }
70 }

对于距离分数,Atlas Search 在计算分数时会考虑以下因素:

要搜索附近的值。 这是测量结果接近度的原点。
您在文档中查询的字段的值。fieldValue越接近origin ,邻近查询的分数就越高。
指定为参考点的值,如果fieldValueorigin之间的距离等于0.5 ,则分数等于该值。 这定义了随着fieldValueorigin之间的距离增加,分数衰减的速度。 对于fieldValueorigin之间的给定距离,如果pivot减小,则分数也会减小。


  • filter 子句来查找标题中包含friend一词的电影。

  • must 子句查找20002015年之间上映的电影。

  • mustNot 子句查找不属于ShortWesternBiography类型的电影。


  • 排除_id字段。

  • 仅包含titlereleasedgenres字段。

  • score字段添加到结果中以返回文档的分数,并将scoreDetails字段添加到结果中以返回文档分数的明细。

2 {
3 "$search": {
4 "compound": {
5 "filter": [{
6 "text": {
7 "query": "friend",
8 "path": "title"
9 }
10 }],
11 "must": [{
12 "range": {
13 "path": "year",
14 "gte": 2000,
15 "lte": 2015
16 }
17 }],
18 "mustNot": [{
19 "text": {
20 "query": ["Short, Western", "Biography"],
21 "path": "genres"
22 }
23 }]
24 },
25 "scoreDetails": true
26 }
27 },
28 {
29 "$limit": 3
30 },
31 {
32 "$project": {
33 "_id": 0,
34 "title": 1,
35 "released": 1,
36 "genres": 1,
37 "score": { "$meta": "searchScore" },
38 "scoreDetails": { "$meta": "searchScoreDetails" }
39 }
40 }
2 {
3 genres: [ 'Comedy', 'Drama', 'Mystery' ],
4 title: 'With a Friend Like Harry...',
5 released: ISODate("2001-06-15T00:00:00.000Z"),
6 score: 1,
7 scoreDetails: {
8 value: 1,
9 description: 'sum of:',
10 details: [
11 {
12 value: 0,
13 description: 'match on required clause, product of:',
14 details: [
15 { value: 0, description: '# clause', details: [] },
16 {
17 value: 1,
18 description: '$type:string/title:friend',
19 details: []
20 }
21 ]
22 },
23 {
24 value: 1,
25 description: 'sum of:',
26 details: [
27 {
28 value: 1,
29 description: 'sum of:',
30 details: [
31 {
32 value: 1,
33 description: '$type:double/year:[4656510908468559872 TO 4656576879166226432]',
34 details: []
35 }
36 ]
37 }
38 ]
39 }
40 ]
41 }
42 },
43 {
44 genres: [ 'Drama' ],
45 title: 'My Friend Henry',
46 released: ISODate("2004-08-20T00:00:00.000Z"),
47 score: 1,
48 scoreDetails: {
49 value: 1,
50 description: 'sum of:',
51 details: [
52 {
53 value: 0,
54 description: 'match on required clause, product of:',
55 details: [
56 { value: 0, description: '# clause', details: [] },
57 {
58 value: 1,
59 description: '$type:string/title:friend',
60 details: []
61 }
62 ]
63 },
64 {
65 value: 1,
66 description: 'sum of:',
67 details: [
68 {
69 value: 1,
70 description: 'sum of:',
71 details: [
72 {
73 value: 1,
74 description: '$type:double/year:[4656510908468559872 TO 4656576879166226432]',
75 details: []
76 }
77 ]
78 }
79 ]
80 }
81 ]
82 }
83 },
84 {
85 genres: [ 'Comedy', 'Drama' ],
86 title: 'A Friend of Mine',
87 released: ISODate("2006-10-26T00:00:00.000Z"),
88 score: 1,
89 scoreDetails: {
90 value: 1,
91 description: 'sum of:',
92 details: [
93 {
94 value: 0,
95 description: 'match on required clause, product of:',
96 details: [
97 { value: 0, description: '# clause', details: [] },
98 {
99 value: 1,
100 description: '$type:string/title:friend',
101 details: []
102 }
103 ]
104 },
105 {
106 value: 1,
107 description: 'sum of:',
108 details: [
109 {
110 value: 1,
111 description: 'sum of:',
112 details: [
113 {
114 value: 1,
115 description: '$type:double/year:[4656510908468559872 TO 4656576879166226432]',
116 details: []
117 }
118 ]
119 }
120 ]
121 }
122 ]
123 }
124 }


# clause结果中的15 、56 和97 行的 表示 复合 查询filter 子句,该子句对文档的分数没有贡献。


  • 排除_id字段。

  • 仅包含products.name字段。

  • score字段添加到结果中以返回文档的分数,并将scoreDetails字段添加到结果中以返回文档分数的明细。

2 "$search": {
3 "embeddedDocument": {
4 "path": "products",
5 "operator": {
6 "wildcard": {
7 "path": "",
8 "query": "*Basic",
9 "allowAnalyzedField": true
10 }
11 },
12 "score": {
13 "embedded": {
14 "aggregate": "sum"
15 }
16 }
17 },
18 "scoreDetails": true
19 }
22 "$limit": 3
25 "$project": {
26 "_id": 0,
27 "name": 1,
28 "": 1,
29 "score": { "$meta": "searchScore" },
30 "scoreDetails": { "$meta": "searchScoreDetails" }
31 }
2 {
3 name: 'Plaxo',
4 products: [
5 { name: 'Plaxo Basic' },
6 { name: 'Plaxo Pulse' },
7 { name: 'Plaxo Personal Assistant' }
8 ],
9 score: 1,
10 scoreDetails: {
11 value: 1,
12 description: 'Score based on 1 child docs in range from 27 to 29, best match:',
13 details: [
14 {
15 value: 1,
16 description: '$embedded:8/products/$type:string/*Basic',
17 details: []
18 }
19 ]
20 }
21 },
22 {
23 name: 'The Game Creators',
24 products: [
25 { name: 'Dark Basic Professional' },
26 { name: 'FPS Creator' },
27 { name: 'FPS Creator X10' }
28 ],
29 score: 1,
30 scoreDetails: {
31 value: 1,
32 description: 'Score based on 1 child docs in range from 7474 to 7476, best match:',
33 details: [
34 {
35 value: 1,
36 description: '$embedded:8/products/$type:string/*basic',
37 details: []
38 }
39 ]
40 }
41 },
42 {
43 name: 'Load Impact',
44 products: [
45 { name: 'Load Impact LIGHT' },
46 { name: 'Load Impact BASIC' },
47 { name: 'Load Impact PROFESSIONAL' },
48 { name: 'Load Impact ADVANCED' }
49 ],
50 score: 1,
51 scoreDetails: {
52 value: 1,
53 description: 'Score based on 1 child docs in range from 11545 to 11548, best match:',
54 details: [
55 {
56 value: 1,
57 description: '$embedded:8/products/$type:string/*basic',
58 details: []
59 }
60 ]
61 }
62 }


对于基于范围内的子文档的分数,范围内的数字表示 Lucene 在幕后索引的父文档和子文档的 ID。子文档中的description (第16 、 36和57行)显示了路径的内部表示。

以下示例演示如何使用$searchscoreDetails sample_mflix.movies选项检索针对collection的 函数表达式示例 查询结果中的文档的分数明细。

2 "$search": {
3 "text": {
4 "path": "title",
5 "query": "men",
6 "score": {
7 "function":{
8 "multiply":[
9 {
10 "path": {
11 "value": "imdb.rating",
12 "undefined": 2
13 }
14 },
15 {
16 "score": "relevance"
17 }
18 ]
19 }
20 }
21 },
22 "scoreDetails": true
23 }
26 $limit: 5
29 $project: {
30 "_id": 0,
31 "title": 1,
32 "score": { "$meta": "searchScore" },
33 "scoreDetails": {"$meta": "searchScoreDetails"}
34 }
title: 'Men...',
score: 23.431293487548828,
scoreDetails: {
value: 23.431293487548828,
description: 'FunctionScoreQuery($type:string/title:men, scored by (imdb.rating * scores)) [BM25Similarity], result of:',
details: [
value: 23.431293487548828,
description: '(imdb.rating * scores)',
details: []
title: '12 Angry Men',
score: 22.080968856811523,
scoreDetails: {
value: 22.080968856811523,
description: 'FunctionScoreQuery($type:string/title:men, scored by (imdb.rating * scores)) [BM25Similarity], result of:',
details: [
value: 22.080968856811523,
description: '(imdb.rating * scores)',
details: []
title: 'X-Men',
score: 21.34803581237793,
scoreDetails: {
value: 21.34803581237793,
description: 'FunctionScoreQuery($type:string/title:men, scored by (imdb.rating * scores)) [BM25Similarity], result of:',
details: [
value: 21.34803581237793,
description: '(imdb.rating * scores)',
details: []
title: 'X-Men',
score: 21.34803581237793,
scoreDetails: {
value: 21.34803581237793,
description: 'FunctionScoreQuery($type:string/title:men, scored by (imdb.rating * scores)) [BM25Similarity], result of:',
details: [
value: 21.34803581237793,
description: '(imdb.rating * scores)',
details: []
title: 'Matchstick Men',
score: 21.05954933166504,
scoreDetails: {
value: 21.05954933166504,
description: 'FunctionScoreQuery($type:string/title:men, scored by (imdb.rating * scores)) [BM25Similarity], result of:',
details: [
value: 21.05954933166504,
description: '(imdb.rating * scores)',
details: []
2 {
3 "$search": {
4 "text": {
5 "path": "title",
6 "query": "men",
7 "score": {
8 "function":{
9 "constant": 3
10 }
11 }
12 },
13 "scoreDetails": true
14 }
15 },
16 {
17 $limit: 5
18 },
19 {
20 $project: {
21 "_id": 0,
22 "title": 1,
23 "score": { "$meta": "searchScore" },
24 "scoreDetails": {"$meta": "searchScoreDetails"}
25 }
26 }
title: 'Men Without Women',
score: 3,
scoreDetails: {
value: 3,
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score: 3,
scoreDetails: {
value: 3,
description: 'FunctionScoreQuery($type:string/title:men, scored by constant(3.0)) [BM25Similarity], result of:',
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score: 3,
scoreDetails: {
value: 3,
description: 'FunctionScoreQuery($type:string/title:men, scored by constant(3.0)) [BM25Similarity], result of:',
details: [ { value: 3, description: 'constant(3.0)', details: [] } ]
title: "All the King's Men",
score: 3,
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value: 3,
description: 'FunctionScoreQuery($type:string/title:men, scored by constant(3.0)) [BM25Similarity], result of:',
details: [ { value: 3, description: 'constant(3.0)', details: [] } ]
title: 'The Men',
score: 3,
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value: 3,
description: 'FunctionScoreQuery($type:string/title:men, scored by constant(3.0)) [BM25Similarity], result of:',
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7 "score": {
8 "function":{
9 "gauss": {
10 "path": {
11 "value": "imdb.rating",
12 "undefined": 4.6
13 },
14 "origin": 9.5,
15 "scale": 5,
16 "offset": 0,
17 "decay": 0.5
18 }
19 }
20 }
21 },
22 "scoreDetails": true
23 }
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26 "$limit": 10
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30 "_id": 0,
31 "title": 1,
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33 "scoreDetails": {"$meta": "searchScoreDetails"}
34 }
35 }
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value: 0.9471074342727661,
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score: 0.9471074342727661,
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details: []
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scoreDetails: {
value: 0.8849083781242371,
description: 'FunctionScoreQuery($type:string/title:shop, scored by exp((max(0, |imdb.rating - 9.5| - 0.0)^2) / 2 * (5.0^2 / 2 * ln(0.5)))) [BM25Similarity], result of:',
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value: 0.8849083781242371,
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scoreDetails: {
value: 0.7257778644561768,
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details: [
value: 0.7257778644561768,
description: 'exp((max(0, |imdb.rating - 9.5| - 0.0)^2) / 2 * (5.0^2 / 2 * ln(0.5)))',
details: []
title: 'A Woman, a Gun and a Noodle Shop',
score: 0.6559237241744995,
scoreDetails: {
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description: 'FunctionScoreQuery($type:string/title:shop, scored by exp((max(0, |imdb.rating - 9.5| - 0.0)^2) / 2 * (5.0^2 / 2 * ln(0.5)))) [BM25Similarity], result of:',
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5 "query": "men",
6 "score": {
7 "function":{
8 "path": {
9 "value": "imdb.rating",
10 "undefined": 4.6
11 }
12 }
13 }
14 },
15 "scoreDetails": true
16 }
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22 $project: {
23 "_id": 0,
24 "title": 1,
25 "score": { "$meta": "searchScore" },
26 "scoreDetails": {"$meta": "searchScoreDetails"}
27 }
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score: 8.899999618530273,
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value: 8.899999618530273,
description: 'FunctionScoreQuery($type:string/title:men, scored by imdb.rating) [BM25Similarity], result of:',
details: [
value: 8.899999618530273,
description: 'imdb.rating',
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title: 'The Men Who Built America',
score: 8.600000381469727,
scoreDetails: {
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description: 'FunctionScoreQuery($type:string/title:men, scored by imdb.rating) [BM25Similarity], result of:',
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value: 8.600000381469727,
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scoreDetails: {
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description: 'FunctionScoreQuery($type:string/title:men, scored by imdb.rating) [BM25Similarity], result of:',
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value: 8.100000381469727,
description: 'imdb.rating',
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title: 'X-Men: Days of Future Past',
score: 8.100000381469727,
scoreDetails: {
value: 8.100000381469727,
description: 'FunctionScoreQuery($type:string/title:men, scored by imdb.rating) [BM25Similarity], result of:',
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value: 8.100000381469727,
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score: 8.100000381469727,
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7 "function":{
8 "score": "relevance"
9 }
10 }
11 },
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13 }
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20 "_id": 0,
21 "title": 1,
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23 "scoreDetails": {"$meta": "searchScoreDetails"}
24 }
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description: 'FunctionScoreQuery($type:string/title:men, scored by scores) [BM25Similarity], result of:',
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description: 'weight($type:string/title:men in 4705) [BM25Similarity], result of:',
details: [
value: 3.4457783699035645,
description: 'score(freq=1.0), computed as boost * idf * tf from:',
details: [
value: 5.5606818199157715,
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details: []
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details: []
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value: 1,
description: 'freq, occurrences of term within document',
details: []
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details: []
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details: []
value: 1,
description: 'dl, length of field',
details: []
value: 2.868375301361084,
description: 'avgdl, average length of field',
details: []
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score: 2.8848698139190674,
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details: [
value: 2.8848698139190674,
description: 'score(freq=1.0), computed as boost * idf * tf from:',
details: [
value: 5.5606818199157715,
description: 'idf, computed as log(1 + (N - n + 0.5) / (n + 0.5)) from:',
details: [
value: 90,
description: 'n, number of documents containing term',
details: []
value: 23529,
description: 'N, total number of documents with field',
details: []
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details: [
value: 1,
description: 'freq, occurrences of term within document',
details: []
value: 1.2000000476837158,
description: 'k1, term saturation parameter',
details: []
value: 0.75,
description: 'b, length normalization parameter',
details: []
value: 2,
description: 'dl, length of field',
details: []
value: 2.868375301361084,
description: 'avgdl, average length of field',
details: []
title: 'Simple Men',
score: 2.8848698139190674,
scoreDetails: {
value: 2.8848698139190674,
description: 'FunctionScoreQuery($type:string/title:men, scored by scores) [BM25Similarity], result of:',
details: [
value: 2.8848698139190674,
description: 'weight($type:string/title:men in 6371) [BM25Similarity], result of:',
details: [
value: 2.8848698139190674,
description: 'score(freq=1.0), computed as boost * idf * tf from:',
details: [
value: 5.5606818199157715,
description: 'idf, computed as log(1 + (N - n + 0.5) / (n + 0.5)) from:',
details: [
value: 90,
description: 'n, number of documents containing term',
details: []
value: 23529,
description: 'N, total number of documents with field',
details: []
value: 0.5187978744506836,
description: 'tf, computed as freq / (freq + k1 * (1 - b + b * dl / avgdl)) from:',
details: [
value: 1,
description: 'freq, occurrences of term within document',
details: []
value: 1.2000000476837158,
description: 'k1, term saturation parameter',
details: []
value: 0.75,
description: 'b, length normalization parameter',
details: []
value: 2,
description: 'dl, length of field',
details: []
value: 2.868375301361084,
description: 'avgdl, average length of field',
details: []
title: 'X-Men',
score: 2.8848698139190674,
scoreDetails: {
value: 2.8848698139190674,
description: 'FunctionScoreQuery($type:string/title:men, scored by scores) [BM25Similarity], result of:',
details: [
value: 2.8848698139190674,
description: 'weight($type:string/title:men in 8368) [BM25Similarity], result of:',
details: [
value: 2.8848698139190674,
description: 'score(freq=1.0), computed as boost * idf * tf from:',
details: [
value: 5.5606818199157715,
description: 'idf, computed as log(1 + (N - n + 0.5) / (n + 0.5)) from:',
details: [
value: 90,
description: 'n, number of documents containing term',
details: []
value: 23529,
description: 'N, total number of documents with field',
details: []
value: 0.5187978744506836,
description: 'tf, computed as freq / (freq + k1 * (1 - b + b * dl / avgdl)) from:',
details: [
value: 1,
description: 'freq, occurrences of term within document',
details: []
value: 1.2000000476837158,
description: 'k1, term saturation parameter',
details: []
value: 0.75,
description: 'b, length normalization parameter',
details: []
value: 2,
description: 'dl, length of field',
details: []
value: 2.868375301361084,
description: 'avgdl, average length of field',
details: []
title: 'Mystery Men',
score: 2.8848698139190674,
scoreDetails: {
value: 2.8848698139190674,
description: 'FunctionScoreQuery($type:string/title:men, scored by scores) [BM25Similarity], result of:',
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value: 2.8848698139190674,
description: 'weight($type:string/title:men in 8601) [BM25Similarity], result of:',
details: [
value: 2.8848698139190674,
description: 'score(freq=1.0), computed as boost * idf * tf from:',
details: [
value: 5.5606818199157715,
description: 'idf, computed as log(1 + (N - n + 0.5) / (n + 0.5)) from:',
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value: 90,
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details: []
value: 23529,
description: 'N, total number of documents with field',
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details: [
value: 1,
description: 'freq, occurrences of term within document',
details: []
value: 1.2000000476837158,
description: 'k1, term saturation parameter',
details: []
value: 0.75,
description: 'b, length normalization parameter',
details: []
value: 2,
description: 'dl, length of field',
details: []
value: 2.868375301361084,
description: 'avgdl, average length of field',
details: []
2 "$search": {
3 "text": {
4 "path": "title",
5 "query": "men",
6 "score": {
7 "function": {
8 "log": {
9 "path": {
10 "value": "imdb.rating",
11 "undefined": 10
12 }
13 }
14 }
15 }
16 },
17 "scoreDetails": true
18 }
21 $limit: 5
24 $project: {
25 "_id": 0,
26 "title": 1,
27 "score": { "$meta": "searchScore" },
28 "scoreDetails": {"$meta": "searchScoreDetails"}
29 }
title: '12 Angry Men',
score: 0.9493899941444397,
scoreDetails: {
value: 0.9493899941444397,
description: 'FunctionScoreQuery($type:string/title:men, scored by log(imdb.rating)) [BM25Similarity], result of:',
details: [
value: 0.9493899941444397,
description: 'log(imdb.rating)',
details: []
title: 'The Men Who Built America',
score: 0.9344984292984009,
scoreDetails: {
value: 0.9344984292984009,
description: 'FunctionScoreQuery($type:string/title:men, scored by log(imdb.rating)) [BM25Similarity], result of:',
details: [
value: 0.9344984292984009,
description: 'log(imdb.rating)',
details: []
title: 'No Country for Old Men',
score: 0.9084849953651428,
scoreDetails: {
value: 0.9084849953651428,
description: 'FunctionScoreQuery($type:string/title:men, scored by log(imdb.rating)) [BM25Similarity], result of:',
details: [
value: 0.9084849953651428,
description: 'log(imdb.rating)',
details: []
title: 'X-Men: Days of Future Past',
score: 0.9084849953651428,
scoreDetails: {
value: 0.9084849953651428,
description: 'FunctionScoreQuery($type:string/title:men, scored by log(imdb.rating)) [BM25Similarity], result of:',
details: [
value: 0.9084849953651428,
description: 'log(imdb.rating)',
details: []
title: 'The Best of Men',
score: 0.9084849953651428,
scoreDetails: {
value: 0.9084849953651428,
description: 'FunctionScoreQuery($type:string/title:men, scored by log(imdb.rating)) [BM25Similarity], result of:',
details: [
value: 0.9084849953651428,
description: 'log(imdb.rating)',
details: []

