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MongoDB Atlas
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将Atlas Vector Search与 LangChain 集成


  • 安装和设置
  • Vector Store
  • Retrievers
  • LLM 缓存
  • 文档加载器
  • 聊天历史记录
  • 二进制存储
  • 其他资源

您可以将Atlas Vector Search与 LangChain 集成,以构建生成式AI和 RAG应用程序。本页概述了MongoDB LangChain Python集成以及您可以在应用程序中使用的不同组件。



有关组件的完整列表,请参阅 API参考。

有关JavaScript集成,请参阅 LangChain JS/TS 集成入门。

要将Atlas Vector Search与 LangChain 结合使用,必须首先安装 langchain-mongodb包:

pip install langchain-mongodb

某些组件还需要以下 LangChain 基础包:

pip install langchain langchain_community

MongoDBAtlasVectorSearch 向量存储 允许您在Atlas的集合中存储和检索向量嵌入。您可以使用此组件存储数据中的嵌入,并使用Atlas Vector Search进行检索。

此组件需要Atlas Vector Search索引。

from langchain_mongodb.vectorstores import MongoDBAtlasVectorSearch
from pymongo import MongoClient
# Use some embedding model to generate embeddings
from tests.integration_tests.vectorstores.fake_embeddings import FakeEmbeddings
# Connect to your Atlas cluster
client = MongoClient("<connection-string>")
collection = client["<database-name>"]["<collection-name>"]
# Instantiate the vector store
vector_store = MongoDBAtlasVectorSearch(
collection = collection # Collection to store embeddings
embedding = FakeEmbeddings(), # Embedding model to use
index_name = "vector_index", # Name of the vector search index
relevance_score_fn = "cosine" # Similarity score function, can also be "euclidean" or "dotProduct"


LangChain 检索 器 是用于从向量存储中获取相关文档的组件。您可以使用 LangChain 的内置检索器或以下MongoDB检索器从Atlas查询和检索数据。

MongoDBAtlasFullTextSearchRetriever 是使用 Atlas Search 执行全文搜索的检索器。具体来说,它使用 Lucene 的标准 BM25 算法。

此检索器需要Atlas Search索引。

from langchain_mongodb.retrievers.full_text_search import MongoDBAtlasFullTextSearchRetriever
# Connect to your Atlas cluster
client = MongoClient("<connection-string>")
collection = client["<database-name>"]["<collection-name>"]
# Initialize the retriever
retriever = MongoDBAtlasFullTextSearchRetriever(
collection = collection, # MongoDB Collection in Atlas
search_field = "<field-name>", # Name of the field to search
search_index_name = "<index-name>" # Name of the search index
# Define your query
query = "some search query"
# Print results
documents = retriever.invoke(query)
for doc in documents:

MongoDBAtlasHybridSearchRetriever 是使用倒数排名融合 (RRF)算法将向量搜索和全文搜索结果相结合的检索器。要学习;了解详情,请参阅如何执行混合搜索。

此检索器需要现有的向量存储Atlas Vector Search索引Atlas Search索引。

from langchain_mongodb.retrievers.hybrid_search import MongoDBAtlasHybridSearchRetriever
# Initialize the retriever
retriever = MongoDBAtlasHybridSearchRetriever(
vectorstore = <vector-store>, # Vector store instance
search_index_name = "<index-name>", # Name of the Atlas Search index
top_k = 5, # Number of documents to return
fulltext_penalty = 60.0, # Penalty for full-text search
vector_penalty = 60.0 # Penalty for vector search
# Define your query
query = "some search query"
# Print results
documents = retriever.invoke(query)
for doc in documents:

缓存 用于优化 LLM 性能,方法是存储类似或重复查询的重复响应以避免重新计算。 MongoDB为 LangChain 应用程序提供以下缓存。

MongoDBCache 允许您在Atlas中存储基本缓存。

from langchain_mongodb import MongoDBCache
from langchain_core.globals import set_llm_cache
connection_string = "<connection-string>", # Atlas connection string
database_name = "<database-name>", # Database to store the cache
collection_name = "<collection-name>" # Collection to store the cache


MongoDBAtlasSemanticCache 是一个语义缓存,它使用Atlas Vector Search来检索缓存的提示。此组件需要Atlas Vector Search索引。

from langchain_mongodb import MongoDBAtlasSemanticCache
from langchain_core.globals import set_llm_cache
# Use some embedding model to generate embeddings
from tests.integration_tests.vectorstores.fake_embeddings import FakeEmbeddings
embedding = FakeEmbeddings(), # Embedding model to use
connection_string = "<connection-string>", # Atlas connection string
database_name = "<database-name>", # Database to store the cache
collection_name = "<collection-name>" # Collection to store the cache

文档加载器 是帮助您为 LangChain 应用程序加载数据的工具。

MongodbLoader 是一个文档加载器,可从MongoDB 数据库返回文档列表。

from langchain_community.document_loaders.mongodb import MongodbLoader
loader = MongodbLoader(
connection_string = "<connection-string>", # Atlas cluster or local MongoDB instance URI
db_name = "<database-name>", # Database that contains the collection
collection_name = "<collection-name>", # Collection to load documents from
filter_criteria = { <filter-document> }, # Optional document to specify a filter
field_names = ["<field-name>", ... ] # List of fields to return
docs = loader.load()

MongoDBChatMessageHistory 是一个允许您在MongoDB 数据库中存储和管理聊天消息历史记录的组件。它可以保存与唯一会话标识符相关的用户和AI生成的消息。这对于需要跟踪一段时间内交互的应用程序非常有用,例如聊天机器人。

from langchain_mongodb.chat_message_histories import MongoDBChatMessageHistory
chat_message_history = MongoDBChatMessageHistory(
session_id = "<session-id>", # Unique session identifier
connection_string = "<connection-string>", # Atlas cluster or local MongoDB instance URI
database_name = "<database-name>", # Database to store the chat history
collection_name = "<collection-name>" # Collection to store the chat history
[HumanMessage(content='Hello'), AIMessage(content='Hi')]

MongoDBByteStore 是一个自定义数据存储,它使用MongoDB存储和管理二进制数据,特别是以字节表示的数据。您可以使用键值对执行增删改查操作,其中键是字符串,值是字节序列。

from import MongoDBByteStore
# Instantiate the MongoDBByteStore
mongodb_store = MongoDBByteStore(
connection_string = "<connection-string>", # Atlas cluster or local MongoDB instance URI
db_name = "<database-name>", # Name of the database
collection_name = "<collection-name>" # Name of the collection
# Set values for keys
mongodb_store.mset([("key1", b"hello"), ("key2", b"world")])
# Get values for keys
values = mongodb_store.mget(["key1", "key2"])
print(values) # Output: [b'hello', b'world']
# Iterate over keys
for key in mongodb_store.yield_keys():
print(key) # Output: key1, key2
# Delete keys
mongodb_store.mdelete(["key1", "key2"])

要了解 Atlas Vector Search 的其他RAG使用案例,请参阅 LangChain 提供的以下模板来帮助您构建应用程序:

MongoDB 还提供以下开发者资源:


AI 集成