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Handle Sync Errors and Timeouts - .NET SDK

Device Sync represents errors via SessionExceptions. In addition to the standard exception properties, you have access to an 错误代码 that contains information about the type of the error and allows you to have strongly typed handling logic.

config.OnSessionError = (session, sessionException) =>
switch (sessionException.ErrorCode)
// See
// for a list of all error codes
case ErrorCode.BadQuery:


Additional Exception Information

For security reasons, App Services may send only a minimal amount of information about an exception, but the server-side logs will contain more details. In these cases, the HelpLink property on the exception contains a link to the associated log entry.


有关常见 错误的列表以及如何处理这些错误,请参阅Device Sync Atlas App ServicesDevice Sync文档中的 同步错误 。


Logger.LogLevel = LogLevel.Debug;


要在开发应用程序时诊断和排除错误,请将日志级别设置为debugtrace 。 对于生产部署,请降低日志级别以提高性能。


using Realms.Logging;
Logger.LogLevel = LogLevel.All;
// customize the logging function:
Logger.Default = Logger.Function(message =>
// Do something with the message

During Sync sessions, events may timeout without throwing an exception. You can set the CancelAsyncOperationsOnNonFatalErrors to true so that these events throw an exception that you can then handle. The following code shows an example of setting the CancelAsyncOperationsOnNonFatalErrors property, and 3 events that will throw an exception if they timeout:

var config = new FlexibleSyncConfiguration(app.CurrentUser!)
CancelAsyncOperationsOnNonFatalErrors = true,
// These operations will throw an exception
// on timeout or other transient sync session errors.
var realm = await Realm.GetInstanceAsync(config);
var session = realm.SyncSession;
await session.WaitForUploadAsync();
await session.WaitForDownloadAsync();