CRUD - 读取 - Swift SDK
从 Realm 读取
Realm 读取一般包括以下步骤:
查询、过滤和排序操作会返回结果或 SectionedResults 集合。这些集合是实时的,这意味着它们始终包含关联查询的最新结果。
当您围绕 Realm 中读取的以下三个关键特征设计应用的数据访问模式时,您可以确信自己正在尽可能高效地读取数据。
Realm 仅在您实际请求该查询的结果时才运行查询。这种惰性求值机制让您能够编写优雅、高性能的代码来处理大型数据集和复杂查询。您可以链接多个过滤和排序操作,而无需额外的工作来处理中间状态。
Realm 对象模型的一项优势是,Realm 会自动将对象的所有关系保留为直接引用,因此您可以通过查询结果直接遍历关系图。
Realm 使用零拷贝活动对象绕过所有这些操作。Realm 对象访问器使用内存映射直接指向数据库存储,因此 Realm 中的对象与应用程序内存中的查询结果没有区别。因此,您可从任一查询结果遍历整个 Realm 的直接引用。
由于出现延迟求值,因此无需任何特殊机制来限制 Realm 的查询结果。例如,如果您的查询匹配到数千个对象,但您只想加载前十个对象,则只需访问结果集合的前十个元素即可。
借助延迟求值,分页的常见任务变得非常简单。例如,假设您有一个与某一查询关联的结果集合,而该查询可与您 Realm 中的数千个对象匹配。您选择每页显示一百个对象。要前进到任一页面,只需从与目标页面相对应的索引开始访问结果集合中的元素即可。
读取 Realm 对象
// DogToy.h @interface DogToy : RLMObject @property NSString *name; @end // Dog.h @interface Dog : RLMObject @property NSString *name; @property int age; @property NSString *color; // To-one relationship @property DogToy *favoriteToy; @end // Enable Dog for use in RLMArray RLM_COLLECTION_TYPE(Dog) // Person.h // A person has a primary key ID, a collection of dogs, and can be a member of multiple clubs. @interface Person : RLMObject @property int _id; @property NSString *name; // To-many relationship - a person can have many dogs @property RLMArray<Dog *><Dog> *dogs; // Inverse relationship - a person can be a member of many clubs @property (readonly) RLMLinkingObjects *clubs; @end RLM_COLLECTION_TYPE(Person) // DogClub.h @interface DogClub : RLMObject @property NSString *name; @property RLMArray<Person *><Person> *members; @end // Dog.m @implementation Dog @end // DogToy.m @implementation DogToy @end // Person.m @implementation Person // Define the primary key for the class + (NSString *)primaryKey { return @"_id"; } // Define the inverse relationship to dog clubs + (NSDictionary *)linkingObjectsProperties { return @{ @"clubs": [RLMPropertyDescriptor descriptorWithClass:DogClub.class propertyName:@"members"], }; } @end // DogClub.m @implementation DogClub @end
class DogToy: Object { var id: ObjectId var name = "" } class Dog: Object { var name = "" var age = 0 var color = "" var currentCity = "" var citiesVisited: MutableSet<String> var companion: AnyRealmValue // To-one relationship var favoriteToy: DogToy? // Map of city name -> favorite park in that city var favoriteParksByCity: Map<String, String> // Computed variable that is not persisted, but only // used to section query results. var firstLetter: String { return ?? "" } } class Person: Object { true) var id = 0 (primaryKey: var name = "" // To-many relationship - a person can have many dogs var dogs: List<Dog> // Inverse relationship - a person can be a member of many clubs "members") var clubs: LinkingObjects<DogClub> (originProperty: // Embed a single object. // Embedded object properties must be marked optional. var address: Address? convenience init(name: String, address: Address) { self.init() = name self.address = address } } class DogClub: Object { var name = "" var members: List<Person> // DogClub has an array of regional office addresses. // These are embedded objects. var regionalOfficeAddresses: List<Address> convenience init(name: String, addresses: [Address]) { self.init() = name self.regionalOfficeAddresses.append(objectsIn: addresses) } } class Address: EmbeddedObject { var street: String? var city: String? var country: String? var postalCode: String? }
如果知道给定对象的主键,则可以直接使用+[RLMObject objectForPrimaryKey:] 进行查找。
// Get a specific person from the default realm Person *specificPerson = [Person objectForPrimaryKey:@12345];
let realm = try! Realm() let specificPerson = realm.object(ofType: Person.self, forPrimaryKey: 12345)
要在 Realm 中查询给定类型的对象,请将域实例传递给 +[ 域 allObjectsInRealm:] 。 将 YourRealmObjectClass
替换为您的Realm 对象类名称。 这将返回一个RLMResults对象,表示域中给定类型的所有对象。
RLMRealm *realm = [RLMRealm defaultRealm]; RLMResults *dogs = [Dog allObjectsInRealm:realm]; RLMResults *people = [Person allObjectsInRealm:realm];
要查询域中给定类型的对象,请将元类型实例 YourClassName.self
传递给 Realm.objects(_:)。这将返回一个 Results 对象,代表域中给定类型的所有对象。
let realm = try! Realm() // Access all dogs in the realm let dogs = realm.objects(Dog.self)
过滤器根据一个或多个对象属性的值选择结果子集。Realm 提供了一个功能完备的查询引擎,您可以用它来定义过滤器。
版本 10.19.0 的新增功能。
要使用 Realm Swift 查询 API,请调用 .where,它具有一个闭包,其中包含一个用作参数的查询表达式。
let realm = try! Realm() // Access all dogs in the realm let dogs = realm.objects(Dog.self) // Query by age let puppies = dogs.where { $0.age < 2 } // Query by person let dogsWithoutFavoriteToy = dogs.where { $0.favoriteToy == nil } // Query by person's name let dogsWhoLikeTennisBalls = dogs.where { $ == "Tennis ball" }
要进行筛选,请使用查询谓词调用Results.filter(_:) 。
let realm = try! Realm() // Access all dogs in the realm let dogs = realm.objects(Dog.self) // Filter by age let puppies = dogs.filter("age < 2") // Filter by person let dogsWithoutFavoriteToy = dogs.filter("favoriteToy == nil") // Filter by person's name let dogsWhoLikeTennisBalls = dogs.filter(" == 'Tennis ball'")
要进行筛选,请使用查询谓词调用-[RLMResultsobjectswhere:] 。
RLMRealm *realm = [RLMRealm defaultRealm]; // Access all dogs in the realm RLMResults *dogs = [Dog allObjectsInRealm:realm]; // Filter by age RLMResults *puppies = [dogs objectsWhere:@"age < 2"]; // Filter by favorite toy RLMResults *dogsWithoutFavoriteToy = [dogs objectsWhere:@"favoriteToy == nil"]; // Filter by favorite toy's name RLMResults *dogsWhoLikeTennisBalls = [dogs objectsWhere:@" == %@", @"Tennis ball"];
根据对象 ID 属性进行筛选
谓词中的类型必须与属性的类型匹配。避免将 ObjectId 属性与字符串进行比较,因为 Realm 不会自动将字符串转换为 ObjectId。
版本 10.19.0 的新增功能。
Realm Swift 查询 API 的内置类型安全性简化了使用 ObjectId 编写查询的过程:
let realm = try! Realm() let dogToys = realm.objects(DogToy.self) // Get specific user by ObjectId id let specificToy = dogToys.where { $ == ObjectId("11223344556677889900aabb") }
以下示例展示了在给定以下 Realm 对象的情况下使用 ObjectId 编写查询的正确和错误方法:
let realm = try! Realm() let dogToys = realm.objects(DogToy.self) // Get specific toy by ObjectId id let specificToy = dogToys.filter("id = %@", ObjectId("11223344556677889900aabb")).first // WRONG: Realm will not convert the string to an object id // users.filter("id = '11223344556677889900aabb'") // not ok // users.filter("id = %@", "11223344556677889900aabb") // not ok
您可以通过关系进行查询,就像访问常规 Swift 或 Objective-C 对象的成员一样。
RLMRealm *realm = [RLMRealm defaultRealm]; // Establish a relationship Dog *dog = [[Dog alloc] init]; = @"Rex"; dog.age = 10; Person *person = [[Person alloc] init]; person._id = 12345; [person.dogs addObject:dog]; [realm transactionWithBlock:^() { [realm addObject:person]; }]; // Later, query the specific person Person *specificPerson = [Person objectForPrimaryKey:@12345]; // Access directly through a relationship NSLog(@"# dogs: %lu", [specificPerson.dogs count]); NSLog(@"First dog's name: %@", specificPerson.dogs[0].name);
let realm = try! Realm() // Establish a relationship let dog = Dog() = "Rex" dog.age = 10 let person = Person() = 12345 person.dogs.append(dog) try! realm.write { realm.add(person) } // Later, query the specific person let specificPerson = realm.object(ofType: Person.self, forPrimaryKey: 12345) // Access directly through a relationship let specificPersonDogs = specificPerson!.dogs let firstDog = specificPersonDogs[0] print("# dogs: \(specificPersonDogs.count)") print("First dog's name: \(")
你可以通过反向关系进行查询,就像访问常规 Swift 或 Objective-C 对象的成员一样。
RLMRealm *realm = [RLMRealm defaultRealm]; // Establish a relationship Person *person = [[Person alloc] init]; person._id = 12345; DogClub *club = [[DogClub alloc] init]; = @"Pooch Pals"; [club.members addObject:person]; [realm transactionWithBlock:^() { [realm addObject:club]; }]; // Later, query the specific person Person *specificPerson = [Person objectForPrimaryKey:@12345]; // Access directly through an inverse relationship NSLog(@"# memberships: %lu", [specificPerson.clubs count]); NSLog(@"First club's name: %@", [specificPerson.clubs[0] name]);
let realm = try! Realm() // Establish an inverse relationship let person = Person() = 12345 let club = DogClub() = "Pooch Pals" club.members.append(person) try! realm.write { realm.add(club) } // Later, query the specific person let specificPerson = realm.object(ofType: Person.self, forPrimaryKey: 12345) // Access directly through an inverse relationship let clubs = specificPerson!.clubs let firstClub = clubs[0] print("# memberships: \(clubs.count)") print("First club's name: \(")
版本 10.19.0 的新增功能。
// Open the default realm let realm = try! Realm() // Get all contacts in Los Angeles, sorted by street address let losAngelesPeople = realm.objects(Person.self) .where { $ == "Los Angeles" } .sorted(byKeyPath: "address.street") print("Los Angeles Person: \(losAngelesPeople)")
// Open the default realm let realm = try! Realm() // Get all people in Los Angeles, sorted by street address let losAngelesPeople = realm.objects(Person.self) .filter(" = %@", "Los Angeles") .sorted(byKeyPath: "address.street") print("Los Angeles Person: \(losAngelesPeople)")
RLMRealm *realm = [RLMRealm defaultRealm]; RLMResults<Contact *> *losAngelesContacts = [Contact objectsInRealm:realm where:@" = %@", @"Los Angeles"]; losAngelesContacts = [losAngelesContacts sortedResultsUsingKeyPath:@"address.street" ascending:YES]; NSLog(@"Los Angeles Contacts: %@", losAngelesContacts);
查询 Map 属性
您可以像检查标准字典一样遍历和检查域 映射 的值 :
let realm = try! Realm() let dogs = realm.objects(Dog.self) // Find dogs who have favorite parks let dogsWithFavoriteParks = dogs.where { $0.favoriteParksByCity.count >= 1 } for dog in dogsWithFavoriteParks { // Check if an entry exists if dog.favoriteParksByCity.keys.contains("Chicago") { print("\( has a favorite park in Chicago") } // Iterate over entries for element in dog.favoriteParksByCity { print("\('s favorite park in \(element.key) is \(element.value)") } }
查询 MutableSet 属性
您可以查询 MutableSet 以检查它是否包含某个元素。如果要处理多个集,您可以检查两个集的交集,或者检查一个集是否是另一个集的子集。
let realm = try! Realm() // Find dogs who have visited New York let newYorkDogs = realm.objects(Dog.self).where { $0.citiesVisited.contains("New York") } // Get some information about the cities they have visited for dog in newYorkDogs { print("Cities \( has visited: \(dog.citiesVisited)") } // Check whether two dogs have visited some of the same cities. // Use "intersects" to find out whether the values of the two sets share common elements. let isInBothCitiesVisited = (dog.citiesVisited.intersects(dog2.citiesVisited)) print("The two dogs have visited some of the same cities: \(isInBothCitiesVisited)") // Prints "The two dogs have visited some of the same cities: true" // Or you can check whether a set is a subset of another set. In this example, // the first dog has visited "New York" and "Toronto", while dog2 has visited both of // those but also "Toronto" and "Boston". let isSubset = (dog.citiesVisited.isSubset(of: dog2.citiesVisited)) print("\('s set of cities visited is a subset of \('s: \(isSubset)") // Prints "Maui's set of cities visited is a subset of Lita's: true"
读取和查询 AnyRealmValue 属性
当您读取 AnyRealmValue 属性时,请先检查该值的类型,然后再执行任何操作。Realm Swift SDK 提供了一个 AnyRealmValue 枚举,它可以遍历 AnyRealmValue 可以存储的所有类型。
let realm = try! Realm() let dogs = realm.objects(Dog.self) for dog in dogs { // Verify the type of the ``AnyRealmProperty`` when attempting to get it. This // returns an object whose property contains the matched type. // If you only care about one type, check for that type. if case let .string(companion) = dog.companion { print("\('s companion is: \(companion)") // Prints "Wolfie's companion is: Fluffy the Cat" } // Or if you want to do something with multiple types of data // that could be in the value, switch on the type. switch dog.companion { case .string: print("\('s companion is: \(dog.companion)") // Prints "Wolfie's companion is: string("Fluffy the Cat") case .object: print("\('s companion is: \(dog.companion)") // Prints "Fido's companion is: object(Dog { name = Spot })" case .none: print("\( has no companion") // Prints "Rex has no companion" and "Spot has no companion" default: print("\('s companion is another type.") } }
使用 AnyRealmValue
查询会匹配值和类型not equals
查询会匹配具有不同值或不同类型的对象Realm 会尽可能转换可比较的数值属性。例如,在混合类型字段中,1 匹配所有 1.0、1 和 true。
字符串属性不匹配数值查询。例如,在混合类型字段中,1 不匹配 "1"。“1” 不匹配 1、1.0 或 true。
10.47.0 版本的新增功能。
Swift SDK 提供几种形状以简化地理空间数据查询。您可以使用 GeoCircle
和 GeoPolygon
SDK 提供两种专用的非持久保存数据类型以定义形状:
:一种结构,表示由一对 double(包含以下值)组成的点的坐标:纬度:范围在 -90 度到 90 度之间(含这两个值)。
经度:范围在 -180 度到 180 度之间(含这两个值)。
是一个圆形的形状,其边界源自中心 GeoPoint
,大小对应于以弧度测量的半径。您可以使用 SDK 的便利 RLMDistance
使您能够使用以下 4 个单位之一指定地理形状的半径距离:
// You can create a GeoCircle radius measured in radians. // This radian distance corresponds with 0.25 degrees. let smallCircle = GeoCircle(center: (47.3, -121.9), radiusInRadians: 0.004363323) // You can also create a GeoCircle radius measured with a Distance. // You can specify a Distance in .degrees, .kilometers, .miles, or .radians. let largeCircle = GeoCircle(center: GeoPoint(latitude: 47.8, longitude: -122.6)!, radius: Distance.kilometers(44.4)!)
let largeBox = GeoBox(bottomLeft: (47.3, -122.7), topRight: (48.1, -122.1)) let smallBoxBottomLeft = GeoPoint(latitude: 47.5, longitude: -122.4)! let smallBoxTopRight = GeoPoint(latitude: 47.9, longitude: -121.8) let smallBox = GeoBox(bottomLeft: smallBoxBottomLeft, topRight: smallBoxTopRight!)
多边形的外环必须至少包含三个线段。 最后一个和第一个GeoPoint
必须相同,表示闭合多边形。 这意味着构造一个多边形至少需要四个GeoPoint
孔不得交叉。 一个孔的边界不得与任何其他孔的内部和外部相交。
孔不得股票边。 如果一个孔包含边 AB,则其他孔不得包含该边。
孔可以股票顶点。 但是,任何顶点都不能在单个孔中出现两次。
// Create a basic polygon let basicPolygon = GeoPolygon(outerRing: [ (48.0, -122.8), (48.2, -121.8), (47.6, -121.6), (47.0, -122.0), (47.2, -122.6), (48.0, -122.8) ]) // Create a polygon with one hole let outerRing: [GeoPoint] = [ GeoPoint(latitude: 48.0, longitude: -122.8)!, GeoPoint(latitude: 48.2, longitude: -121.8)!, GeoPoint(latitude: 47.6, longitude: -121.6)!, GeoPoint(latitude: 47.0, longitude: -122.0)!, GeoPoint(latitude: 47.2, longitude: -122.6)!, GeoPoint(latitude: 48.0, longitude: -122.8)! ] let hole: [GeoPoint] = [ GeoPoint(latitude: 47.8, longitude: -122.6)!, GeoPoint(latitude: 47.7, longitude: -122.2)!, GeoPoint(latitude: 47.4, longitude: -122.6)!, GeoPoint(latitude: 47.6, longitude: -122.5)!, GeoPoint(latitude: 47.8, longitude: -122.6)! ] let polygonWithOneHole = GeoPolygon(outerRing: outerRing, holes: [hole]) // Add a second hole to the polygon let hole2: [GeoPoint] = [ GeoPoint(latitude: 47.55, longitude: -122.05)!, GeoPoint(latitude: 47.55, longitude: -121.9)!, GeoPoint(latitude: 47.3, longitude: -122.1)!, GeoPoint(latitude: 47.55, longitude: -122.05)! ] let polygonWithTwoHoles = GeoPolygon(outerRing: outerRing, holes: [hole, hole2])
在类型安全的 Realm Swift 查询 API 中使用
操作符在 RQL 中使用
在 NSPredicate 查询中使用
以下示例显示使用两个 Company
let company1 = Geospatial_Company() company1.location = CustomGeoPoint(47.68, -122.35) let company2 = Geospatial_Company(CustomGeoPoint(47.9, -121.85))
let companiesInSmallCircle = realm.objects(Geospatial_Company.self).where { $0.location.geoWithin(smallCircle!) } print("Number of companies in small circle: \(companiesInSmallCircle.count)") let companiesInLargeCircle = realm.objects(Geospatial_Company.self) .filter("location IN %@", largeCircle) print("Number of companies in large circle: \(companiesInLargeCircle.count)")
let companiesInSmallBox = realm.objects(Geospatial_Company.self).where { $0.location.geoWithin(smallBox) } print("Number of companies in small box: \(companiesInSmallBox.count)") let filterArguments = NSMutableArray() filterArguments.add(largeBox) let companiesInLargeBox = realm.objects(Geospatial_Company.self) .filter(NSPredicate(format: "location IN %@", argumentArray: filterArguments as? [Any])) print("Number of companies in large box: \(companiesInLargeBox.count)")
let companiesInBasicPolygon = realm.objects(Geospatial_Company.self).where { $0.location.geoWithin(basicPolygon!) } print("Number of companies in basic polygon: \(companiesInBasicPolygon.count)") let companiesInPolygonWithTwoHoles = realm.objects(Geospatial_Company.self).where { $0.location.geoWithin(polygonWithTwoHoles!) } print("Number of companies in polygon with two holes: \(companiesInPolygonWithTwoHoles.count)")
对 Realm 对象的查询
let akcClub = realm.objects(Club.self).where { $ == "American Kennel Club" }.first! // You can use type-safe expressions to check for equality XCTAssert(akcClub.url == URL(string: "")!) let clubs = realm.objects(Club.self) // You can use the persisted property type in NSPredicate query expressions let akcByUrl = clubs.filter("url == ''").first! XCTAssert( == "American Kennel Club")
动态 API
由于模式没有自定义类型映射的概念,因此通过任何动态 API 读取数据都会给出底层持久化类型。Realm 确实支持通过动态 API 编写映射类型,并将投影类型转换为持久化类型。
动态 API 最常见的用法是迁移。您可以在迁移期间写入投影类型,Realm 会将投影类型转换为持久化类型。但是,在迁移期间读取数据会得到底层持久化类型。
当您使用 actor 隔离的Realm时,您可以使用 Swift 并发功能来异步查询对象。
let actor = try await RealmActor() // Read objects in functions isolated to the actor and pass primitive values to the caller func getObjectId(in actor: isolated RealmActor, forTodoNamed name: String) async -> ObjectId { let todo = actor.realm.objects(Todo.self).where { $ == name }.first! return todo._id } let objectId = await getObjectId(in: actor, forTodoNamed: "Keep it safe")
如果您需要手动推进主线程上的 Realm 或 actor 隔离 Realm 上被观察到的 Realm 状态,请调用 await realm.asyncRefresh()
。这会更新 Realm 管理的 Realm 对象和未完成的对象,使其指向最新的数据并提供所有适用的通知。
有关使用 Swift 并发功能处理 Realm 的更多信息,请参阅结合使用 Realm 与 Actor - Swift SDK。
排序操作允许您配置 Realm 数据库返回查询对象的顺序。您可以根据结果集合中对象的一个或多个属性进行排序。仅当您对结果进行显式排序时,Realm 才能保证结果顺序一致。
要排序,请使用所需的排序依据键路径调用-[RLMResultssortedResultsUsingKeyPath:ascending:] 。
RLMRealm *realm = [RLMRealm defaultRealm]; RLMResults *dogs = [Dog allObjectsInRealm:realm]; // Sort dogs by name RLMResults *dogsSorted = [dogs sortedResultsUsingKeyPath:@"name" ascending:NO]; // You can also sort on the members of linked objects. In this example, // we sort the dogs by their favorite toys' names. RLMResults *dogsSortedByFavoriteToyName = [dogs sortedResultsUsingKeyPath:@"" ascending:YES];
版本 10.11.0 中的新增内容。
可以通过键路径名称和可选的排序顺序调用 Results.sorted(by: ),以使用类型安全的键路径进行排序:
let realm = try! Realm() // Access all dogs in the realm let dogs = realm.objects(Dog.self) // Sort by type-safe keyPath let dogsSorted = dogs.sorted(by: \.name)
要使用旧版 API 进行排序,请调用 Results.sorted(byKeyPath:ascending:),并使用所需的键路径进行排序。
let realm = try! Realm() // Access all dogs in the realm let dogs = realm.objects(Dog.self) let dogsSorted = dogs.sorted(byKeyPath: "name", ascending: false) // You can also sort on the members of linked objects. In this example, // we sort the dogs by their favorite toys' names. let dogsSortedByFavoriteToyName = dogs.sorted(byKeyPath: "")
字符串排序和不区分大小写的查询仅支持“基本拉丁语”、“拉丁语补充”、“拉丁扩展 A” 和 “拉丁扩展 B”(UTF-8 范围 0-591)中的字符集。
例如,您可以向对象添加计算变量以获取 name
// Computed variable that is not persisted, but only // used to section query results. var firstLetter: String { return ?? "" }
然后,您可以为该对象创建一个 SectionedResults 类型安全的集合,并使用它来检索由该计算变量分割的对象:
var dogsByFirstLetter: SectionedResults<String, Dog> dogsByFirstLetter = realm.objects(Dog.self).sectioned(by: \.firstLetter, ascending: true)
您可以获得各部分的计数,获得键的列表,或通过索引访问各个 ResultSection:
let realm = try! Realm() var dogsByFirstLetter: SectionedResults<String, Dog> dogsByFirstLetter = realm.objects(Dog.self).sectioned(by: \.firstLetter, ascending: true) // You can get a count of the sections in the SectionedResults let sectionCount = dogsByFirstLetter.count // Get an array containing all section keys for objects that match the query. let sectionKeys = dogsByFirstLetter.allKeys // This example realm contains 4 dogs, "Rex", "Wolfie", "Fido", "Spot". // Prints ["F", "R", "S", "W"] print(sectionKeys) // Get a specific key by index position let sectionKey = dogsByFirstLetter[0].key // Prints "Key for index 0: F" print("Key for index 0: \(sectionKey)") // You can access Results Sections by the index of the key you want in SectionedResults. // "F" is the key at index position 0. When we access this Results Section, we get dogs whose name begins with "F". let dogsByF = dogsByFirstLetter[0] // Prints "Fido" print(dogsByF.first?.name)
let realm = try! Realm() let results = realm.objects(Dog.self) let sectionedResults = results.sectioned(by: { String($!) }, sortDescriptors: [SortDescriptor.init(keyPath: "name", ascending: true)]) let sectionKeys = sectionedResults.allKeys
您可以观察 SectionedResults
和 ResultsSection
实例,并且都符合 ThreadConsided。
您可以使用 Realm 的聚合操作符对列表属性进行高级查询。
版本 10.19.0 的新增功能。
let realm = try! Realm() let people = realm.objects(Person.self) // People whose dogs' average age is 5 people.where { $0.dogs.age.avg == 5 } // People with older dogs people.where { $0.dogs.age.min > 5 } // People with younger dogs people.where { $0.dogs.age.max < 2 } // People with many dogs people.where { $0.dogs.count > 2 } // People whose dogs' ages combined > 10 years people.where { $0.dogs.age.sum > 10 }
let realm = try! Realm() let people = realm.objects(Person.self) // People whose dogs' average age is 5 people.filter("dogs.@avg.age == 5") // People with older dogs people.filter("dogs.@min.age > 5") // People with younger dogs people.filter("dogs.@max.age < 2") // People with many dogs people.filter("dogs.@count > 2") // People whose dogs' ages combined > 10 years people.filter("dogs.@sum.age > 10")
RLMRealm *realm = [RLMRealm defaultRealm]; RLMResults *people = [Person allObjectsInRealm:realm]; // People whose dogs' average age is 5 [people objectsWhere:@"dogs.@avg.age == 5"]; // People with older dogs [people objectsWhere:@"dogs.@min.age > 5"]; // People with younger dogs [people objectsWhere:@"dogs.@max.age < 2"]; // People with many dogs [people objectsWhere:@"dogs.@count > 2"]; // People whose dogs' ages combined > 10 years [people objectsWhere:@"dogs.@sum.age > 10"];
版本 10.19.0 的新增功能。
let realm = try! Realm() let tanDogs = realm.objects(Dog.self).where { $0.color == "tan" } let tanDogsWithBNames = tanDogs.where { $ "B") }
let realm = try! Realm() let tanDogs = realm.objects(Dog.self).filter("color = 'tan'") let tanDogsWithBNames = tanDogs.filter("name BEGINSWITH 'B'")
RLMRealm *realm = [RLMRealm defaultRealm]; RLMResults<Dog *> *tanDogs = [Dog objectsInRealm:realm where:@"color = 'tan'"]; RLMResults<Dog *> *tanDogsWithBNames = [tanDogs objectsWhere:@"name BEGINSWITH 'B'"];
要查询域中的类投影,请将元类型实例 YourProjectionName.self
传递给 Realm.objects(_:)。这将返回一个代表域中所有类投影对象的 Results 对象。
// Retrieve all class projections of the given type `PersonProjection` let people = realm.objects(PersonProjection.self) // Use projection data in your view print(people.first?.firstName) print(people.first?.homeCity) print(people.first?.firstFriendsName)
请勿在类投影结果上执行派生查询。取而代之的是,直接对 Realm 对象运行查询,然后投影结果。如果您尝试在类投影结果上执行派生查询,则查询与原始对象具有相同名称和类型的字段可以正常运行,但如果所查询字段的名称或类型不在原始对象中,则查询将失败。