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MongoDB Atlas Kubernetes Operator

Atlas Kubernetes Operator Changelog

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You can find the full list of Atlas Kubernetes Operator releases here.

  • Fixes a bug blocking the creation of Flex clusters when trying to create a new Serverless instance.

  • Fixes a bug where connection secrets are not generated for Flex clusters when a database user is added.

  • Fixes a bug in the AtlasDatabaseUser resource that blocked unsetting the scope once added in the spec.

  • Fixed a bug where applying an AtlasProject could delete network peering that is not managed by and not configured in the AtlasProject custom resource.

  • Adds support for Flex clusters.

  • Adds support for configuring Atlas IP Access Lists using the new AtlasIPAccessList Custom Resource. This allows for accidental deletion protection. Configuring IP Access Lists using the AtlasProject custom resource is deprecated and support will end in a future release.

  • Fixes a bug where Atlas Kubernetes Operator could crash if: - spec.deploymentSpec.replicationSpecs is set, but empty - spec.deploymentSpec.replicationSpecs has empty entries - spec.deploymentSpec.replicationSpecs.regionConfigs is set, but empty - spec.deploymentSpec.replicationSpecs.regionConfigs has empty entries

  • Fixes a bug where Atlas Kubernetes Operator reconciled private endpoints defined with custom resources every three hours instead of every 15 minutes.

  • Fixes a bug where Atlas Kubernetes Operator ignores the migration of existing custom roles maintained as AtlasProject subresources to independent custom resources.

  • Supports Kubernetes versions 1.28 through 1.30.

  • Supports OpenShift version 4.17.

M2, M5, and serverless instances are deprecated. Support for these instances will be removed in a future release.

  • Adds support for federated authentication.

  • Adds ability to configure private endpoints using the new AtlasPrivateEndpoint Custom Resource.

  • Adds ability to configure custom roles using the new AtlasCustomRole Custom Resource.

  • Fixes a bug that deleted the database user secrets for serverless instances.

  • Fixes an issue that prevented Atlas Kubernetes Operator from creating Atlas Search indexes.

  • Fixes incorrect reconciliation and prevents accidental deletion of data federation private endpoints that are not tracked by Atlas Kubernetes Operator.

  • Fixes an issue that prevented Atlas Kubernetes Operator from reconciling integrations.

  • Fixes a bug that caused the data federation controller to ignore changes to the AtlasProject custom resource.

  • Supports Kubernetes versions 1.28 through 1.30.

  • Supports OpenShift version 4.16.

  • Adds support for local credentials for custom resources, allowing specific custom resources to be managed using specific Atlas Admin API credentials.

  • AtlasDeployment and AtlasDatabaseUser can now be used as independent resources, meaning you can manage Atlas deployments without also managing the project using the Atlas Kubernetes Operator.

  • Adds new "basic deployment" and "advanced deployment" Helm templates that allow provisioning of Atlas projects, deployments, and database users.

  • Fixes the case when changing the Instance Size was ignored for a shared cluster.

  • Resolves Operator panic when changing a deployment to or from serverless instances.

  • Adds cleanup of orphan connection strings after a database user was deleted.

  • Fixes the case when an AtlasTeam resource that is not managed by the Atlas Kubernetes Operator (not assigned to any AtlasProject resource) was wrongly deleted.

  • Removes custom ResourceWatcher in favor of controller-runtime field indexers. The legacy internal custom ResourceWatcher had bugs and its usage was error prone which could lead to lost data and data integrity issues with resources managed by Atlas Kubernetes Operator.

  • Supports Kubernetes versions 1.28 through 1.30.

  • Supports OpenShift version 4.16.

  • Fixes a bug where Atlas Kubernetes Operator sometimes skips periodic reconciliation if there were no changes to custom resources.

  • Updates deletion protection to delete a team from the Atlas Kubernetes Operator, but keeps it in Atlas when there are no projects associated to it.

  • Supports Kubernetes versions 1.28 through 1.30.

  • Supports OpenShift version 4.15.

  • Supports Backup Compliance Policy.

  • Supports short names for Atlas Kubernetes Operator custom resources.

  • Introduces kubectl command for listing all Atlas Kubernetes Operator resources in your cluster.

  • Supports Kubernetes versions 1.28 through 1.30.

  • Supports OpenShift version 4.15.

  • Improves validation of the spec.x509Type field in the AtlasDatabaseUser custom resource. The valid values continue to be NONE, CUSTOMER, MANAGED.

  • Prevents redundant updates by improving sorting of regionConfigs in the AtlasDeployment custom resource.

  • Supports Kubernetes versions 1.27 through 1.29.

  • Supports OpenShift version 4.14.

  • Supports Kubernetes versions 1.27 through 1.29.

  • Supports OpenShift version 4.14.

  • Fixes a concurrency issue that could have resulted in the Atlas Kubernetes Operator missing changes made to custom resource definitions.

  • All MongoDB images are now signed.

  • Removes CPU limits and increases memory limits to 1Gi and memory requests to 256Mi.

  • Improves reconciliation of Serverless Private Endpoints. Atlas Kubernetes Operator no longer gets stuck in a reconcile loop that recreates serverless private endpoints when they fail to synchronize with Atlas.

  • Ensures Atlas Teams are always cleaned up. This improvement prevents Atlas Team resources from being orphaned and left in a cluster with no associated projects.

  • Supports Kubernetes versions 1.27 through 1.29.

  • Supports OpenShift version 4.14.

  • This release deprecates the following fields and setting them has no effect in serverless deployments:

    • DiskIOPS

    • DiskTypeName

    • EncryptEBSVolume

    • InstanceSizeName

    • VolumeType

    • AutoScaling

  • Disables the --subobject-deletion-protection flag due to a bug that prevents users from modifying existing resources when deletion protection is enabled. You can still use the --object-deletion-protection flag to control deletion protection on a per-custom-resource basis.

  • Adds the terminationProtectionEnabled property to the deploymentSpec fields in the AtlasProject Custom Resource to achieve feature parity with serverless instances deployed with the AtlasDeployment Custom Resource.

  • Adds OIDC and AWS IAM authentication fields to the AtlasDatabaseUser Custom Resource. To learn more, see spec.oidcAuthType.

  • Custom resources you delete in Kubernetes won't get deleted in Atlas. Instead, Atlas Kubernetes Operator stops managing those resources. For example, if you delete an AtlasProject Custom Resource in Kubernetes, Atlas Kubernetes Operator no longer automatically deletes the corresponding project from Atlas, preventing accidental or unexpected deletions. To learn more, including how to revert this behavior to the default prior to Atlas Kubernetes Operator 2.0.1, see New Default: Deletion Protection in Atlas Kubernetes Operator 2.0.

  • deploymentSpec replaces advancedDeploymentSpec in the AtlasDeployment custom resource. You must update your AtlasDeployment custom resource as follows:

    • If you use advancedDeploymentSpec, rename to deploymentSpec. You don't need to change any formatting.

    • If you used deploymentSpec prior to Atlas Kubernetes Operator 2.0.1, rewrite your AtlasDeployment custom resource to match the formatting used in the examples.

  • Improves snapshot distribution management by removing replicationSpecId from the AtlasBackupSchedule Custom Resource so it can be reused by multiple deployments managed by Atlas Kubernetes Operator. The replicationSpecId is now automatically set for every deployment that references it. As a result of this change, you can no longer configure replicationSpecId and should remove it from your AtlasBackupSchedule custom resource.

  • Forces the use of secretRef fields for encryptionAtRest and alertConfigurations features to promote security best practices. You should now store API secrets and credentials as secrets and reference them from the AtlasProject Custom Resource using the following fields:

    For spec.alertConfigurations.notifications:

    • Use APITokenRef instead of APIToken

    • Use DatadogAPIKeyRef instead of DatadogAPIKey

    • Use FlowdockTokenAPIRef instead of FlowdockTokenAPI

    • Use OpsGenieAPIKeyRef instead of OpsGenieAPIKey

    • Use VictorOpsSecretRef instead of VictorOpsAPIKey and VictorOpsRoutingKey

    To learn more, see Third-Party Alert Configuration Example.

    For spec.encryptionAtRest:

    • AWS Use secretRef instead of AccessKeyID, SecretAccessKey, CustomerMasterKeyID, and RoleID.

    • Azure Use secretRef instead of SubscriptionID, KeyVaultName, KeyIdentifier, and Secret.

    • GCP Use secretRef instead of ServiceAccountKey or KeyVersionResourceID.

    To learn more, see Encrypt Data Using a Key Management Service.


This release contains an issue that prevents Atlas Kubernetes Operator from reconciling the AtlasBackupSchedule Custom Resource when deletion protection is enabled. Don't use this version (2.0.0), and instead use Atlas Kubernetes Operator 2.0.1.

  • Fixes an issue that caused reconciliation to fail when you updated a deployment with autoscaling enabled.

  • Validation now rejects duplicate alert configurations.

  • Fixes a bug that duplicated projects listed in a team's status.

  • Refactors the IPAccessList reconciliation flow to avoid unneeded recreation.

  • Fixes backup schedule repeatedly updating.

  • Adds the AtlasFederatedAuth Custom Resource to configure federated authentication for Identity Providers that you already registered in Atlas.

  • Supports Atlas for Government deployments. You must configure the Gov endpoint accordingly. Atlas Kubernetes Operator supports only AWS as a cloud provider for Atlas for Government.

  • Supports database deployment resource tagging. To learn more, see the following settings:

  • Adds new arguments to serverless for continuous backups and termination protection.

  • Improves validation and handling of autoscaling reporting.

  • Provides guidance on using third-party secret management tools with Atlas Kubernetes Operator to support external key management systems. To learn how to configure external secret storage for Atlas Kubernetes Operator, see Configure Secret Storage.

  • Uses UBI micro base image instead of minimal. The micro base image is a smaller base image with fewer dependencies.

AtlasProject Custom Resource:

  • Fixes an issue that caused continual audit log updates in the project activity feed.

  • Fixes an issue that caused incorrect reconciliation of custom database roles.

AtlasDeployment Custom Resource:

  • Upgrades the Atlas client to v0.32.0.

AtlasProject Custom Resource:

AtlasDatabaseUser Custom Resource:

  • Fixes an issue where private endpoint connection strings were missing from sharded clusters.

AtlasDataFederation Custom Resource:

  • Moves to its own proxy-role rule.

AtlasProject Custom Resource:

  • Adds the spec.settings.IsExtendedStorageSizesEnabled parameter.

  • Upgrades Go to 1.20.

  • Updates the value of the spec.export.frequencyType parameter of the AtlasBackupSchedule custom resource from MONTHLY to monthly.

  • Fixes connection secret generation for different namespaces.

  • Fixes configuration of automated cloud backup export.

  • Fixes CVE-2023-0436: Secret logging may occur in debug mode of Atlas Operator

    The affected versions of MongoDB Atlas Kubernetes Operator may print sensitive information like GCP service account keys and API integration secrets while DEBUG mode logging is enabled. This issue affects MongoDB Atlas Kubernetes Operator versions: 1.5.0, 1.6.0, 1.6.1, 1.7.0. Please note that this is reported on an EOL version of the product, and users are advised to upgrade to the latest supported version.

    Required Configuration:

    DEBUG logging is not enabled by default, and must be configured by the end-user. To check the log-level of the Operator, review the flags passed in your deployment configuration (eg.

    CVSS: 4.5

    CWE-319: Cleartext Transmission of Sensitive Information

  • Adds Openshift 4.12 compatibility.

  • Supports Kubernetes 1.25.

AtlasProject Custom Resource:

  • A project can now refer to a connection secret in a different namespace with the spec.connectionSecretRef.namespace parameter.

  • Supports multiple private endpoints per a single provider and region.

  • Supports storing all private endpoint connection strings.

  • Fixes an issue with Google Cloud KMS for the Encryption at Rest feature.

AtlasDeployment Custom Resource:

  • Deprecates the autoIndexingEnabled field.

  • Supports snapshot distribution.

AtlasProject Custom Resource:

  • Fixes an issue with an IP access list.

AtlasDeployment Custom Resource:

AtlasProject Custom Resource:

AtlasDeployment Custom Resource:

AtlasProject Custom Resource:

AtlasDeployment Custom Resource:

  • Fixes an issue with connection secret creation.

  • Fixes the minimum version of Openshift.

AtlasProject Custom Resource:

  • Fixes the InstanceSize must match issue.

  • Ensures private endpoints are always added to the status.

AtlasDeployment Custom Resource:

  • Converts the OplogMinRetentionHours field properly.

  • Updates the minimum required Openshift version to 4.8.

AtlasProject Custom Resource:

AtlasProject Custom Resource:

  • Adds support for audit logs. You can enable auditing with the spec.auditing.enabled field. For more information about Atlas Kubernetes Operator auditing, see Configure Audit Logs.

  • Adds support for project settings via the spec.settings field.

  • Adds support for alert configurations via the spec.alertConfigurations field.

AtlasDeployment Custom Resource:

  • Adds support for autoscaling of the instanceSize and diskSizeGB parameters.

  • Fixes an issue where adding an IP address with CIDR block /32 to Network Access could leave the IP Access List inactive indefinitely.

  • Fixes an issue where creating project integrations that require namespace references could result in errors when the user provides a namespace other than the project namespace, or does not provide a namespace.

AtlasProject Custom Resource:

AtlasDeployment Custom Resource:

  • Fixes a resource reconciliation issue that occured when you delete an AtlasDeployment Custom Resource after the API key has expired.

  • Fixes an issue where you could change the instanceSize and diskSizeGB parameters for deployments with autoscaling enabled. To change the instanceSize and diskSizeGB parameters, you must first disable autoscaling.

  • Fixes an error message that returns when Atlas Kubernetes Operator can't delete a project's backup policy or backup schedule.

  • Fixes an issue where the AtlasDeployment Custom Resource was not created successfully when the instance size for a deployed resource changed from M10 to M40.

  • Fixes an issue where creating an AtlasDeployment Custom Resource with advancedDeploymentSpec failed with autoscaling.diskGBEnabled and adds a new AdvancedAutoScalingSpec struct to AdvancedDeploymentSpecChanges.

  • Fixes an issue where you could decrease diskSizeGB for deployments with autoscaling enabled. To change the diskSizeGB parameter, you must first disable autoscaling.

  • Fixes a resource reconciliation issue where the Atlas API returns an empty object for scheduled backups.

  • Fixes an issue where private endpoint connection strings were missing from Kubernetes secrets.

  • Fixes an issue where Atlas Kubernetes Operator didn't remove conditions for unused resources.

  • Adds missing private endpoint fields to Pod conditions.

  • Adds log levels and JSON log output for Atlas Kubernetes Operator. To change the log level, you can provide the —log-level=debug | info | warn | error | dpanic | panic | fatal flag. To change the output format, you can provide the —log-encoder=json | console flag.

AtlasProject Custom Resource:

AtlasDeployment Custom Resource:

  • Upgrades the Controller Runtime to v0.11.0.

  • Upgrades Go to 1.17.

  • When you install a cluster using Helm Charts, Helm doesn't exit until the cluster is ready if you set postInstallHook.enabled to true.

  • Atlas Kubernetes Operator watches secrets only with the label to avoid watching unnecessary secrets.

  • Supports the annotation for configuring Atlas Kubernetes Operator to skip reconciliations on specific resources.

  • Supports X.509 authentication.

  • Fixes an issue that logged errors for resource deletion.

  • Adds the spec.advancedClusterSpec parameter to the AtlasCluster custom resource. The AtlasCluster custom resource now has two main configuration options. You must specify either spec.clusterSpec or spec.advancedClusterSpec. The spec.clusterSpec parameter uses the Atlas Cluster API Resource. The spec.advancedClusterSpec parameter uses the Atlas Advanced Cluster API Resource.


    To migrate an existing resource to use the spec.clusterSpec structure, you must move all fields currently under spec.* to spec.clusterSpec.* with the exception of spec.projectRef.

You can find the images in the following location:

This Atlas Kubernetes Operator trial release lets you manage Atlas projects, clusters, and database users with Kubernetes specifications.

  • Introduces Global and per project Atlas authentication modes. To learn more, see Configure Access to Atlas.

  • Supports installing Atlas Kubernetes Operator clusterwide (all the namespaces in the Kubernetes cluster) or to its own namespace. To learn more, see Quick Start.

  • Introduces the AtlasProject Custom Resource. Use this resource to create Atlas projects and configure their IP access lists.

  • Introduces the AtlasCluster custom resource. Use this resource to create clusters in an Atlas project.

  • Introduces the AtlasDatabaseUser Custom Resource for creating database users in an Atlas project.

  • Allows you to create or update secrets for each database user and cluster. Applications can use these secrets in Kubernetes to connect to Atlas clusters.