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BI Connector

JDBC Authentication Plugin

On this page

  • Prerequisites
  • Installing the Plugin

New in version 2.2.

The MongoDB Connector for BI provides a client-side MySQL authentication plugin for Java that integrates with MySQL's Connector/J JDBC driver. The mongosql_auth plugin allows a client to authenticate with a BI Connector and MongoDB deployment running with authentication enabled using one of the following authentication mechanisms:


  • SCRAM-SHA-256


  • GSSAPI (Kerberos)


  • The SCRAM-SHA-1 and SCRAM-SHA-256 mechanisms hash the passwords in the client plugin; however, all other data is in cleartext. If possible, use with encrypted connections.

  • The PLAIN mechanism sends the password in cleartext. Use encrypted connections with the PLAIN mechanism .

This plugin requires a version of MySQL Connector/J between 5.1.39 and the latest 5.1.x. It can't use MySQL Server or MySQL Connector/J 8.0 or later.

To download the plugin .jar file, choose one of the following options:

  1. Select the .jar file from the download site.

  2. Save it to a local directory. Refer to the directory as needed.

  1. Include the MongoSQL Authentication Plugin for MySQL Connector/J library in the CLASSPATH. The Maven coordinates are:



    See also:

    To learn more about Maven, refer to its documentation site.

  2. Include MySQL Connector/J in the CLASSPATH. The Maven coordinates are:

  3. Add the authentication plugin in the MySQL connection string:



    See also:

    To learn about the authenticationPlugins query parameter, see the MySQL documentation.

    You may also specify the authentication mechanism and authentication source as a query parameter on the username.

    Default Value

    Authentication mechanism

    Username and Password (SCRAM-SHA-1).

    Authentication source

    • admin for Username and Password (SCRAM-SHA-1)

    • $external for LDAP (PLAIN)


    Specify an authentication mechanism:


    Specify an authentication source using default authentication mechanism:



C Authentication Plugin