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您可以使用同步 InsertMany() 方法或异步 InsertManyAsync() 方法将单个文档插入集合中。

以下示例将多个文档插入 restaurants 集合。

选择 AsynchronousSynchronous 标签页,查看相应的代码。

// Generates 5 new restaurants by using a helper method
var restaurants = GenerateDocuments();
// Asynchronously inserts the new documents into the restaurants collection
await _restaurantsCollection.InsertManyAsync(restaurants);

有关InsertManyAsync() 操作的完全可运行示例,请参阅 InsertManyAsync 代码示例。

// Generates 5 new restaurants by using a helper method
var restaurants = GenerateDocuments();
// Inserts the new documents into the restaurants collection

有关 InsertMany() 操作的完全可运行示例,请参阅 InsertMany 代码示例


Number of restaurants found before insert: 0
Inserting documents...
Number of restaurants inserted: 5
