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您可以通过在 实例上调用 replace_one() Collection方法来替换集合中的文档。


  • 查询筛选器,指定要匹配的条件

  • 替换文档,其中包含将替换第一个匹配文档的字段和值

replace_one()方法返回 UpdateResult 类型,包含有关替换操作结果的信息,例如已修改文档的数量。


此示例替换 sample_restaurants数据库的 restaurants集合中的文档。 replace_one() 方法将 name字段值为 "Landmark Coffee Shop" 的第一个文档替换为新文档。

您可以将 restaurants集合中的文档作为 Document 类型或自定义数据类型的实例进行访问权限。要指定代表集合数据的数据类型,请对突出显示的行执行以下操作:

  • 要将集合文档作为BSON文档访问权限,请将 <T> 类型参数替换为 <Document>,并将 <struct or doc> 占位符替换为 replace_doc

  • 要将集合文档作为 Restaurant 结构体的实例进行访问权限,请将 <T> 类型参数替换为 <Restaurant>,并将 <struct or doc> 占位符替换为 replace_structRestaurant 结构体在代码文件的顶部定义。

选择 AsynchronousSynchronous标签页,查看每个运行时的相应代码:

use std::env;
use mongodb::{ bson::doc, Client, Collection };
use serde::{ Deserialize, Serialize };
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
struct Restaurant {
borough: String,
cuisine: String,
name: String,
async fn main() -> mongodb::error::Result<()> {
let uri = "<connection string>";
let client = Client::with_uri_str(uri).await?;
// Replace <T> with the <Document> or <Restaurant> type parameter
let my_coll: Collection<T> = client
let filter = doc! { "name": "Landmark Coffee Shop" };
let replace_doc = doc! {
"borough": "Brooklyn",
"cuisine": "Café/Coffee/Tea",
"name": "Harvest Moon Café",
let replace_struct = Restaurant {
borough: "Brooklyn".to_string(),
cuisine: "Café/Coffee/Tea".to_string(),
name: "Harvest Moon Café".to_string(),
// Replace <struct or doc> with the replace_struct or replace_doc variable
let res = my_coll.replace_one(filter, <struct or doc>).await?;
println!("Replaced documents: {}", res.modified_count);
Replaced documents: 1
use std::env;
use mongodb::{ bson::doc, sync::{ Client, Collection } };
use serde::{ Deserialize, Serialize };
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
struct Restaurant {
borough: String,
cuisine: String,
name: String,
fn main() -> mongodb::error::Result<()> {
let uri = "<connection string>";
let client = Client::with_uri_str(uri)?;
// Replace <T> with the <Document> or <Restaurant> type parameter
let my_coll: Collection<T> = client
let filter = doc! { "name": "Landmark Coffee Shop" };
let replace_doc = doc! {
"borough": "Brooklyn",
"cuisine": "Café/Coffee/Tea",
"name": "Harvest Moon Café",
let replace_struct = Restaurant {
borough: "Brooklyn".to_string(),
cuisine: "Café/Coffee/Tea".to_string(),
name: "Harvest Moon Café".to_string(),
// Replace <struct or doc> with the replace_struct or replace_doc variable
let res = my_coll.replace_one(filter, <struct or doc>).run()?;
println!("Replaced documents: {}", res.modified_count);
Replaced documents: 1

