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An operator is a standard mechanism that extends the control plane of Kubernetes to managing custom Kubernetes resources. Because each operator is built for its own Custom Resources (CRs), it can contain logic that addresses the type of service that the operator is built for. For the Kubernetes Operator, the operator includes the logic for the deployment of MongoDB Server and Ops Manager instances.

Each CR used by the Kubernetes Operator represents an element of a MongoDB Server deployment in Kubernetes, and has options for customizing that part of the deployment. Once you configure these objects in the Kubernetes deployment, the operator builds native Kubernetes objects, such as Stateful Sets that are necessary to create Pods according to your specified requirements for MongoDB Servers. The Kubernetes Operator also facilitates configuration of MongoDB Server features, such as database backups, through interaction with MongoDB Cloud Manager or Ops Manager.

Running MongoDB on Kubernetes simplifies the setup and management of self-hosting MongoDB.

The Kubernetes Operator works with MongoDB and Ops Manager to automate configuration using custom resource files that you create to define your setup. This allows you to manage the configuration using whatever tools you already have for managing applications in Kubernetes, including tools that enable a GitOps workflow where configuration is managed in a Git repository. The high level of automation and abstraction from complexity makes Kubernetes and the Kubernetes Operator especially well suited to running MongoDB as a service, either for internal users or external customers.

Kubernetes allows MongoDB to take advantage of the scalability and automated resilience that Kubernetes offers, like the automated replacement of a lost Pod making up a replica set or sharded cluster. This allows MongoDB to be highly scalable and resilient when running in Kubernetes.

MongoDB within Kubernetes is as scalable as MongoDB on bare metal or VMs. For many customers, scalability is easier to achieve within Kubernetes. The Kubernetes Operator and Kubernetes work seamlessly together to enable easy horizontal scaling, including the ability to span MongoDB deployments across multiple Kubernetes clusters for multi-cluster and multi-site resilience.

Vertical scaling is as easy as changing the resources for a deployment in the custom resource that defines it.

All of this allows MongoDB to scale to meet any demands.

There are no downsides from a technical perspective. MongoDB within Kubernetes is as performant and scalable as MongoDB running on any hardware or infrastructure.

But, as with any infrastructure, there is an inherent requirement for customers to have familiarity and expertise with the technology, in this case Kubernetes. While the Kubernetes Operator simplifies and automates the setup of MongoDB within Kubernetes, there is still a dependency on the underlying resources and capabilities that are part of the Kubernetes cluster, things like stateful storage, networking, security, and compute. This means that customers still need to ensure that those services and resources are available and configured correctly to support MongoDB, much as this would be needed if running on bare metal or virtual machines.

MongoDB Server supports any platform that builds upon native Kubernetes without changing the default logic or behavior. In practice, this means that MongoDB Server supports any Kubernetes platform certified by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. To learn more, see MongoDB Kubernetes Operator Compatibility.

Kubernetes Operator can support hundreds of deployments. To facilitate parallel reconciliation operations and avoid prolonged reconciliation times, increase thread count of your Kubernetes Operator instance.

To help minimize latency, consider colocating your database and applications on the same Kubernetes cluster if your deployment architecture allows this.

Yes. To learn more, see Deploy MongoDB Resources on Multiple Kubernetes Clusters. For help, contact MongoDB Support.

To use the Kubernetes Operator for managing a multi-Kubernetes cluster MongoDB deployment, you must set up a specific set of Kubernetes Roles, ClusterRoles, RoleBindings, ClusterRoleBindings, and ServiceAccounts.

The Kubernetes Operator used for a multi-Kubernetes cluster MongoDB deployment can also reconcile a single Kubernetes cluster resource. To learn more, see Does MongoDB support running more than one Kubernetes Operator instance?.

If possible, we recommend that you set up a single Kubernetes Operator instance to watch one, many, or all namespaces within your Kubernetes cluster. By default, the Kubernetes Operator watches all custom resource types that you choose to deploy, and you don't need to configure it to watch specific resource types.

However, once you reach a performance limit for the number of deployments a single Kubernetes Operator instance can support, you can set up an additional Kubernetes Operator instance. At this point, consider how you want to divide up management of resources in the Kubernetes cluster. Use the following recommendations listed in the order of priority:

  • Ensure that each Kubernetes Operator instance is watching different and non-overlapping namespaces within the Kubernetes cluster.

  • Alternatively, configure different instances of the Kubernetes Operator to watch different resource types, either in different namespaces or overlapping namespaces.

    If you choose to use overlapping namespaces, ensure that each Kubernetes Operator instance watches different types of resources to avoid conflict that would result in two instances of the Kubernetes Operator attempting to manage the same resources.


Before you configure another Kubernetes Operator instance, verify that none of its namespaces are included in the subset of namespaces for the existing Kubernetes Operator instance.