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Networking, Load Balancing, Service Mesh

Consider the following additional requirements when deploying the Ops Manager Application in multiple Kubernetes clusters:

The following table describes:

  • Origins of connections to the Ops Manager Application instances

  • The tasks that the Ops Manager Application performs after it connects

  • The URL to Ops Manager that each type of connection uses and how to configure it.

Connection's origin
Purpose or action
URL to Ops Manager

The Kubernetes Operator

Configures the Ops Manager instance and enables monitoring after the Application Database is in the running state

Through a default Ops Manager FQDN in the form: <om_resource_name>-svc.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local or the value of spec.opsManagerURL

The Kubernetes Operator

Configures a specific MongoDB resource or MongoDBMultiCluster resource deployment

Through the project's ConfigMap, configured when you create a project

MongoDB Agent in the Application Database Pods

Receives the Automation configuration

Without having to connect to an Ops Manager instance. The MongoDB Agent is running in a headless mode.

Monitoring Agent in the Application Database Pods

Sends monitoring data

Through a default Ops Manager FQDN in the form: <om_resource_name>-svc.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local or the value of spec.opsManagerURL

MongoDB Agent in the MongoDB or MongoDBMultiCluster resources Pods

Receives the Automation configuration, backup and restore processes

Through the project's ConfigMap, configured when you create a project

Monitoring Agent in the MongoDB or MongoDBMultiCluster resources Pods

Sends monitoring data

Through the project's ConfigMap, configured when you create a project


Uses the Ops Manager UI or API

Through a public, external domain of the externally exposed Ops Manager instance, configured with spec.externalConnectivity

Add the nodes hosting the Application Database instances and the Ops Manager Application instances to the same service mesh to allow for:

  • Network connectivity between deployed components.

  • Cross-cluster DNS resolution.

To simplify the networking configuration between the Kubernetes Operator and Ops Manager instances, we recommend that you add the operator cluster, which is the Kubernetes cluster where you install the Kubernetes Operator to the same service mesh, but it's not a strict requirement. If you include the operator cluster into the same service mesh, you can then use it as a host for the Ops Manager Application and the Application Database instances.

Configure a service mesh for the following Kubernetes clusters and include them into the mesh configuration:

  • The "operator cluster" on which you deploy the Kubernetes Operator itself.

  • The "member Kubernetes clusters" that will host the Ops Manager Application instances.

  • Additional member Kubernetes clusters, or the same member clusters used for Ops Manager, that will host the Application Database instances.

Having the same service mesh configured for all Kubernetes clusters ensures that each Ops Manager instance can establish a secure connection to any of the Application Database instances deployed in multiple Kubernetes clusters.

After you deploy the Application Database instances on member Kubernetes clusters, the API endpoint for each Ops Manager instance that you deploy on member Kubernetes clusters must be able to directly connect to each of the Application Database instances. This allows the Kubernetes Operator to complete the stages needed to deploy Ops Manager instances on member clusters, such as creating admin users, and configuring backups.

In most cases, you must provide an external access to the Ops Manager Application to enable user access to the Ops Manager UI.

For multi-cluster deployments of the Ops Manager Application, each cluster can expose its Pods hosting the Ops Manager Application individually using a service of type LoadBalancer .

Create a LoadBalancer service using spec.externalConnectivity and point an external domain to that service's external IP address. Even if you configure more than one instance of the Ops Manager Application, the Kubernetes service sends traffic in a round-robin fashion to all available Pods hosting the Ops Manager Application.

Since the Kubernetes Operator doesn't support load balancing of the traffic to all Pods across all Kubernetes clusters, you must configure load balancing outside of the Kubernetes Operator configuration.

The following examples and diagrams illustrate a few of the many ways in which you can configure load balancing across multiple Kubernetes clusters.

Configure an external network load balancer (a passthrough proxy) for all Kubernetes clusters hosting the Ops Manager Application and the Application Database. The Ops Manager Application is stateless. The load balancer can forward traffic to each cluster's LoadBalancer service in a round-robin fashion, or to one cluster at a time, if you configure the load balancer in a way where while one cluster is active, the other cluster is passive. The following diagram illustrates this approach.

Diagram showing the high-level networking example of the Ops Manager application
deployment on multiple Kubernetes clusters where the traffic
is distributed by an external load balancer.
click to enlarge

In this diagram:

  1. The Kubernetes Operator creates an external service of type LoadBalancer, named <om_resource_name>-svc-ext, with an assigned external IP address, on each member cluster. You can configure this service globally for all member clusters using spec.externalConnectivity. Or, if this service is specific to each member cluster, you can configure it using spec.clusterSpecList.externalConnectivity.

    Each service that the Kubernetes Operator creates for the Ops Manager Application always contains all Pods hosting the Ops Manager Application from the current cluster.

Use cross-cluster load balancing capabilities provided by a service mesh.

In each Kubernetes cluster, the Kubernetes Operator creates a service, named <om_resource_name>-svc, which you can use to distribute traffic across all available Pods hosting the Ops Manager Application instances in all member clusters.

You can deploy a proxy component, such as Nginx or HAProxy, in one of the clusters, expose it externally over the Internet through your public FQDN, and configure the proxy to forward all network traffic through the TCP passthrough to the service named <om_resource_name>-svc.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local.

The following diagram illustrates this approach.

Diagram showing the high-level networking example of the Ops Manager application
deployment on multiple Kubernetes clusters where the traffic
is distributed by a load balancer within a service mesh, and a
proxy service is used.
click to enlarge

In this diagram:

  1. On each member cluster the Kubernetes Operator creates a service of type ClusterIP that you can access using <om_resource_name>-svc.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local. It's a service that contains in its endpoints all Pods deployed in this member cluster.

  2. The traffic between Kubernetes clusters is handled by the service mesh. When the Kubernetes Operator creates services on each member cluster for the Ops Manager Application, the Kubernetes Operator doesn't assign a cluster index suffix to the names of these services. Therefore, the service mesh can perform traffic load balancing to all Pods hosting the Ops Manager Application in all clusters.

  3. In each member cluster, the Kubernetes Operator deploys a StatefulSet named <om_resource_name>-<cluster-index>. For example, om-0 is the name of the StatefulSet for the member cluster with the index 0.

  4. Even though each cluster has an <om_resource_name>-svc ClusterIP service deployed, this service doesn't handle the user traffic. When the user accesses the service in Member Cluster 1, the service mesh handles the traffic.

  5. Each Pod hosting the Ops Manager Application is named after its StatefulSet name. For example, om-1-2 is the name of the Pod number 2 in the cluster with the index 1.