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Kerberos (GSSAPI)

The Generic Security Services API (GSSAPI) authentication mechanism allows you to use your principal name to authenticate to a Kerberos service. You can use this mechanism only when authenticating to MongoDB Enterprise Advanced.

The code examples on this page use the following placeholders:

  • <username>: Your URL-encoded principal name. For example: "username%40REALM.ME"

  • <password>: Your Kerberos user's password.

  • <hostname>: The network address of your MongoDB deployment.

  • <port>: The port number of your MongoDB deployment. If you omit this parameter, the driver uses the default port number (27017).

To use the code examples on this page, replace these placeholders with your own values.



You must percent-encode a username and password before you include them in a MongoDB URI. The quote_plus() method, available in the urllib.parse module, is one way to perform this task. For example, calling quote_plus("and / or") returns the string and+%2F+or.

Don't percent-encode the username or password when passing them as arguments to MongoClient.

Select the tab that corresponds to your operating system to learn how to use Kerberos to authenticate.

First, use pip or easy_install to install the Python kerberos or pykerberos module.

After installing one of these modules, run the kinit command to obtain and cache an initial ticket-granting ticket. The following example uses the knit command to obtain a ticket-granting ticket for the principal mongodbuser@EXAMPLE.COM. It then uses the klist command to display the principal and ticket in the credentials cache.

$ kinit mongodbuser@EXAMPLE.COM
mongodbuser@EXAMPLE.COM's Password:
$ klist
Credentials cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000
Principal: mongodbuser@EXAMPLE.COM
Issued Expires Principal
Feb 9 13:48:51 2013 Feb 9 23:48:51 2013 krbtgt/mongodbuser@EXAMPLE.COM

After you obtain a ticket-granting ticket, set the following connection options:

  • username: The Kerbos principal to authenticate. Percent-encode this value before including it in a connection URI.

  • authMechanism: Set to "GSSAPI".

  • authMechanismProperties: Optional. By default, MongoDB uses mongodb as the authentication service name. To specify a different service name, set this option to "SERVICE_NAME:<authentication service name>".

You can set these options in two ways: by passing arguments to the MongoClient constructor or through parameters in your connection string.


If your authMechanismProperties values include a comma, you must use the MongoClient constructor to set your authentication options.

client = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb://<hostname>:<port>",
authMechanismProperties="SERVICE_NAME:<authentication service name>")
uri = ("mongodb://mongodbuser%40EXAMPLE.COM@<hostname>:<port>/?"
"&authMechanismProperties=SERVICE_NAME:<authentication service name>")
client = pymongo.MongoClient(uri)

First, install the winkerberos module. Then, set the following connection options:

  • username: The Kerbos principal to authenticate. Percent-encode this value before including it in a connection URI.

  • authMechanism: Set to "GSSAPI".

  • password: Optional. If the user to authenticate is different from the user that owns the application process, set this option to the authenticating user's password.

  • authMechanismProperties: Optional. This option includes multiple authentication properties. To specify more than one of the following properties, use a comma-delimited list.

    • SERVICE_NAME: By default, MongoDB uses mongodb as the authentication service name. Use this option to specify a different service name.

    • CANONICALIZE_HOST_NAME: Whether to use the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the MongoDB host for the server principal.

    • SERVICE_REALM: The service realm. Use this option when the user's realm is different from the service's realm.

You can set these options in two ways: by passing arguments to the MongoClient constructor or through parameters in your connection string.

client = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb://<hostname>:<port>",
password="<user password>",
authMechanismProperties="SERVICE_NAME:<authentication service name>,
SERVICE_REALM:<service realm>")
uri = ("mongodb://mongodbuser%40EXAMPLE.COM:<percent-encoded user password>"
"SERVICE_NAME:<authentication service name>,"
"SERVICE_REALM:<service realm>")
client = pymongo.MongoClient(uri)

To learn more about using authentication mechanisms with PyMongo, see the following API documentation: