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mongocli cloud-manager cluster startup

On this page

  • Syntax
  • Options
  • Output
  • Examples

The cluster startup command starts the replica set mongod processes for the specified cluster in the specified Cloud Manager project. The command prompts you to confirm the operation when you run the command without the --force option. You can also restart the mongod processes from the Cloud Manager UI.

mongocli cm|cloud-manager|cm cluster startup <cluster-name>
[ --force ]
[ --output|-o <output-format> ]
[ --profile|-P <profile-name> ]
[ --projectId <project-ID> ]


Use -h or --help to view the command-line help for this command.

Name of the cluster.
Flag that indicates that the replica set mongod processes can be started without prompting for confirmation.
--output, -o

Command output format. Valid values are:

  • json for output in JSON format

  • go-template for custom output using the Go template

  • go-template-file for custom output specified using Go template file

If omitted, the command returns output in the default format.

--profile, -P
Name of the profile where the public and private keys for the project are set. If omitted, uses the default profile. To learn more about creating a profile, see Configure the MongoDB CLI.

Unique identifier of the project. If omitted, uses the project ID in the profile or environment variable.


The command prints output similar to the following to the terminal if the command succeeds. If the command prints errors, see Troubleshooting for recommended solutions.

Changes are being applied, please check<projectID>#deployment/topology for status

where projectID is the unique identifier of the project.

The following examples show the different ways to run the command.

The following mongocli cm cluster startup command prompts for confirmation before starting the the replica set mongod processes for the cluster named CMsbx in the specified project. It uses the default profile to access the specified project.

mongocli cm cluster startup CMsbx --projectId 5e2f06127a3e5a5700de8d8d
Are you sure you want to startup: CMsbx Yes

The following mongocli cloud-manager cluster startup command does not prompt for confirmation before starting the replica set mongod processes for the cluster named CMsbx in the specified project. It uses the profile CMprofile to access the specified project.

mongocli cloud-manager cluster startup CMsbx --projectId
5e2f06127a3e5a5700de8d8d --profile CMprofile --force

The Example 1 and Example 2 commands print the following to the terminal:

Changes are being applied, please check for status


Create or Modify a Cluster