Module: Mongoid::Association::EagerLoadable
- Defined in:
- lib/mongoid/association/eager_loadable.rb
This module defines the eager loading behavior for criteria.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#eager_load(docs) ⇒ Array<Mongoid::Document>
Load the associations for the given documents.
#eager_loadable? ⇒ true | false
Indicates whether the criteria has association inclusions which should be eager loaded.
#preload(associations, docs) ⇒ Object
Load the associations for the given documents.
Instance Method Details
#eager_load(docs) ⇒ Array<Mongoid::Document>
Load the associations for the given documents.
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# File 'lib/mongoid/association/eager_loadable.rb', line 25 def eager_load(docs) docs.tap do |d| if eager_loadable? preload(criteria.inclusions, d) end end end |
#eager_loadable? ⇒ true | false
Indicates whether the criteria has association inclusions which should be eager loaded.
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# File 'lib/mongoid/association/eager_loadable.rb', line 16 def eager_loadable? !criteria.inclusions.empty? end |
#preload(associations, docs) ⇒ Object
Load the associations for the given documents. This will be done recursively to load the associations of the given documents’ associated documents.
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# File 'lib/mongoid/association/eager_loadable.rb', line 40 def preload(associations, docs) assoc_map = associations.group_by(&:inverse_class_name) docs_map = {} queue = [ klass.to_s ] # account for single-collection inheritance queue.push(klass.root_class.to_s) if klass != klass.root_class while klass = queue.shift if as = assoc_map.delete(klass) as.each do |assoc| queue << assoc.class_name # If this class is nested in the inclusion tree, only load documents # for the association above it. If there is no parent association, # we will include documents from the documents passed to this method. ds = docs if assoc.parent_inclusions.length > 0 ds ={ |p| docs_map[p].to_a }.flatten end res = assoc.relation.eager_loader([assoc], ds).run docs_map[] ||= [].to_set docs_map[].merge(res) end end end end |