- API >
- Public API Resources >
- Measurements and Alerts >
- Alerts >
- Acknowledge One Alert
Acknowledge One Alert¶
On this page
Groups and projects are synonymous terms. Your {PROJECT-ID}
is the
same as your project id. For existing groups, your group/project id
remains the same. This page uses the more familiar term group when
referring to descriptions. The endpoint remains as stated in the
Base URL: https://{OPSMANAGER-HOST}:{PORT}/api/public/v1.0
Request Path Parameters¶
Parameter | Type | Necessity | Description |
string | Required | Unique identifier for the Project in which this alert is set. |
string | Required | Unique identifier for the Alert. |
Request Query Parameters¶
The following query parameters are optional:
Name | Type | Necessity | Description | Default | ||||||
pretty | boolean | Optional | Flag indicating whether the response body should be in a prettyprint format. | false |
envelope | boolean | Optional | Flag that indicates whether or not to wrap the response in an envelope. Some API clients cannot access the HTTP response headers or status code. To remediate this, set envelope=true in the query. For endpoints that return one result, the response body includes:
false |
Request Body Parameters¶
Field | Type | Necessity | Description |
acknowledged Until |
string | Conditional | Timestamp in ISO 8601 date and time format in UTC until which the alert should be acknowledged.
acknowledgement Comment |
string | Optional | Text description of the reason for this acknowledgement. Ops Manager displays the comment next to the message that the alert has been acknowledged. |
The fields in the return document depend on the alert type:
Name | Type | Description |
acknowledged Until |
string | Timestamp in ISO 8601 date and time format in UTC until which the alert has been acknowledged. Ops Manager returns this value if the alert has been acknowledged. |
acknowledgement Comment |
string | Comment left by the user who acknowledged the alert. Ops Manager returns this value if the alert has been acknowledged. |
acknowledging Username |
string | Username of the user who acknowledged the alert. Ops Manager returns this value if the alert has been acknowledged. |
alertConfigId |
string | Unique identifier for the alert configuration that triggered this alert. |
clusterId |
string | Unique identifier for the cluster to which this alert applies. Ops Manager returns this value if
clusterName |
string | Name of the cluster to which this alert applies. Ops Manager returns this value if
created |
string | Timestamp in ISO 8601 date and time format in UTC when the alert was opened. |
currentValue |
object | Current value of the metric that triggered the alert. Ops Manager returns this value if
currentValue .number |
number | Value of the metric. |
currentValue .units |
string | Units for the value. Value depends on the type of metric. Example A metric that measures memory consumption would have a byte measurement, while a metric that measures time would have a time unit. Ops Manager can return:
eventTypeName |
string | Name of the event that triggered the alert. Accepted values are: Agent
Automation Configuration Backup
- BI Connector
Data Explorer Accessed Host
Replica Set
For a complete list of events included in the Ops Manager audit log, see Audit Events. |
groupId |
string | Unique identifier of the group for which this alert was opened. |
hostId |
string | unique identifier for the host to which the metric pertains. Ops Manager returns this value if
hostnameAndPort |
string | Hostname and port of each host to which the alert applies. This can be a hostname, an FQDN, an IPv4 address, or an IPv6 address. Ops Manager returns this value if
id |
string | Unique identifier for the alert. |
lastNotified |
string | Timestamp in ISO 8601 date and time format in UTC when the last notification was sent for this alert. Ops Manager returns this value if notifications have been sent. |
links |
array of objects | One or more links to sub-resources and/or related resources. All
links arrays in responses include at least one link called
self . The relationships between URLs are explained in the
Web Linking Specification. |
metricName |
string | Name of the measurement whose value went outside the threshold. Ops Manager returns this value if For possible values, see Measurement Types for Alerts. |
replicaSetName |
string | Name of the replica set. Ops Manager returns this value if
resolved |
string | Timestamp in ISO 8601 date and time format in UTC when the alert was closed. Ops Manager returns this value if |
status |
string | Current state of the alert. Ops Manager can return one of the following:
sourceTypeName |
string | Type of host being backed up when
tags |
string array | Identifying labels set for this alert. |
typeName |
string | Deprecated field. |mms| ignores it. |
updated |
string | Timestamp in ISO 8601 date and time format in UTC when the alert was last updated. |