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  • 依赖项
  • crypt_shared
  • mongocryptd
  • 管理加密密钥
  • 创建加密密钥
  • 通过备用名称引用加密密钥
  • 客户端字段级加密 (Client-Side Field Level Encryption)
  • 自动客户端字段级加密
  • 服务器端字段级加密实施
  • 提供本地自动加密规则
  • 显式加密
  • 带自动解密的显式加密
  • 可查询加密
  • 自动 Queryable Encryption
  • 显式可查询加密

要开始在项目中使用正在使用的加密, PHP 驱动程序 (即mongodb 扩展)需要使用 libmongocrypt 进行编译 (默认启用)。

此外,还需要 crypt_sharedmongocryptd 才能使用自动客户端加密。显式加密不需要这两种资源。

自动加密共享库(crypt_shared) 提供与mongocryptd相同的功能,但不要求您生成另一个进程来执行自动加密。

默认情况下,PHP 驱动程序会尝试从系统路径加载 crypt_shared,如果找到,则会自动使用它。要从其他位置加载 crypt_shared,请使用 自动加密 驱动程序选项cryptSharedLibPath 构建客户端时。如果驱动程序无法加载 crypt_shared,它将尝试默认使用 mongocryptd。cryptSharedLibRequired 选项可用于始终需要 crypt_shared,并在无法加载时失败。

有关详细的安装说明,请参阅自动加密共享库的 MongoDB 文档。

mongocryptd 二进制文件是客户端自动加密的替代要求,并作为组件包含在MongoDB Enterprise Server 软件包中。有关详细的安装说明,请参阅有关 mongocryptd 的 MongoDB 文档。

mongocryptd 执行以下操作:

  • 解析客户端配置中指定的自动加密规则。如果schemaMap自动加密驱动程序选项包含无效语法,mongocryptd 将返回错误。

  • 使用指定的自动加密规则对读写操作中的字段进行标记,以便加密。

  • 拒绝在应用于加密字段时可能返回意外或不正确结果的读/写操作。有关支持和不支持的操作,请参阅自动加密支持的操作。

配置自动加密的客户端将自动从应用程序的 生成 mongocryptdPATH 进程。应用程序可以通过各种自动加密 驱动程序选项来控制生成行为。

mongocryptd 仅负责支持自动客户端加密,本身不执行任何加密或解密。




以下示例使用本地主密钥。虽然这适用于开发,但生产应用程序应使用受支持的云提供商(例如 AWS KMS)。主密钥用于加密本地存储的数据密钥,因此确保该密钥的安全非常重要。

要创建加密密钥,请使用加密选项创建一个 MongoDB\Driver\ClientEncryption 实例,并使用 createDataKey() 方法。该方法将返回密钥 ID,稍后可以使用此密钥 ID 引用密钥。您还可以为此密钥传递多个备用名称,并通过这些名称而不是密钥 ID 来引用此密钥。


use MongoDB\BSON\Binary;
use MongoDB\Client;
use MongoDB\Driver\ClientEncryption;
require __DIR__ . '/../../../vendor/autoload.php';
$uri = getenv('MONGODB_URI') ?: 'mongodb://';
// Generate a secure local key to use for this script
$localKey = new Binary(random_bytes(96));
// Create a client with no encryption options
$client = new Client($uri);
/* Prepare the database for this script. Drop the key vault collection and
* ensure it has a unique index for keyAltNames. This would typically be done
* during application deployment. */
$client->selectCollection('encryption', '__keyVault')->drop();
$client->selectCollection('encryption', '__keyVault')->createIndex(['keyAltNames' => 1], [
'unique' => true,
'partialFilterExpression' => ['keyAltNames' => ['$exists' => true]],
// Create a ClientEncryption object to manage data encryption keys
$clientEncryption = $client->createClientEncryption([
'keyVaultNamespace' => 'encryption.__keyVault',
'kmsProviders' => [
'local' => ['key' => $localKey],
/* Create a data encryption key. To store the key ID for later use, you can use
* serialize(), var_export(), etc. */
$keyId = $clientEncryption->createDataKey('local');
// Encrypt a value using the key that was just created
$encryptedValue = $clientEncryption->encrypt('mySecret', [
'algorithm' => ClientEncryption::AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512_DETERMINISTIC,
'keyId' => $keyId,




use MongoDB\BSON\Binary;
use MongoDB\Client;
use MongoDB\Driver\ClientEncryption;
use MongoDB\Driver\Exception\ServerException;
require __DIR__ . '/../../../vendor/autoload.php';
$uri = getenv('MONGODB_URI') ?: 'mongodb://';
// Generate a secure local key to use for this script
$localKey = new Binary(random_bytes(96));
// Create a client with no encryption options
$client = new Client($uri);
/* Prepare the database for this script. Drop the key vault collection and
* ensure it has a unique index for keyAltNames. This would typically be done
* during application deployment. */
$client->selectCollection('encryption', '__keyVault')->drop();
$client->selectCollection('encryption', '__keyVault')->createIndex(['keyAltNames' => 1], [
'unique' => true,
'partialFilterExpression' => ['keyAltNames' => ['$exists' => true]],
// Create a ClientEncryption object to manage data encryption keys
$clientEncryption = $client->createClientEncryption([
'keyVaultNamespace' => 'encryption.__keyVault',
'kmsProviders' => [
'local' => ['key' => $localKey],
// Create a data encryption key with an alternate name
$clientEncryption->createDataKey('local', ['keyAltNames' => ['myDataKey']]);
/* Attempt to create a second key with the same name to demonstrate that the
* unique index is enforced. */
try {
$clientEncryption->createDataKey('local', ['keyAltNames' => ['myDataKey']]);
} catch (ServerException $e) {
printf("Error creating key: %s\n", $e->getMessage());
// Encrypt a value, using the "keyAltName" option instead of "keyId"
$encryptedValue = $clientEncryption->encrypt('mySecret', [
'algorithm' => ClientEncryption::AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512_DETERMINISTIC,
'keyAltName' => 'myDataKey',

在 MongoDB 4中引入。 2 ( 客户端字段级加密)除了允许应用程序加密特定数据字段外,还支持静态加密TLS/SSL(传输加密)等现有 MongoDB 加密功能。



客户端字段级自动加密需要 MongoDB 4 。 2 + Enterprise 或 MongoDB 4 。 2 + Atlas 集群。

通过创建客户端并指定autoEncryption 驱动程序选项 ,启用客户端字段级自动加密 。以下示例演示了如何设置自动客户端字段级加密并使用 MongoDB\Driver\ClientEncryption 对象来创建新的加密密钥。

MongoDB 4 。 2 + 服务器支持使用模式验证来强制对集合中的特定字段进行加密。此模式验证将防止应用程序为任何标有“加密”模式关键字的字段插入未加密的值。

以下示例使用$jsonSchema验证器和加密模式语法设置具有自动加密功能的集合。 encryptedField字段中的数据在插入时自动加密,在客户端读取时自动解密。

use MongoDB\BSON\Binary;
use MongoDB\Client;
use MongoDB\Driver\ClientEncryption;
use MongoDB\Driver\Exception\ServerException;
require __DIR__ . '/../../../vendor/autoload.php';
$uri = getenv('MONGODB_URI') ?: 'mongodb://';
/* Note: this script assumes that the test database is empty and that the key
* vault collection exists and has a partial, unique index on keyAltNames (as
* demonstrated in the encryption key management scripts). */
// Generate a secure local key to use for this script
$localKey = new Binary(random_bytes(96));
// Create a client with no encryption options
$client = new Client($uri);
// Create a ClientEncryption object to manage data encryption keys
$clientEncryption = $client->createClientEncryption([
'keyVaultNamespace' => 'encryption.__keyVault',
'kmsProviders' => [
'local' => ['key' => $localKey],
/* Create a data encryption key. Alternatively, this key ID could be read from a
* configuration file. */
$keyId = $clientEncryption->createDataKey('local');
// Create another client with automatic encryption enabled
$encryptedClient = new Client($uri, [], [
'autoEncryption' => [
'keyVaultNamespace' => 'encryption.__keyVault',
'kmsProviders' => ['local' => ['key' => $localKey]],
// Define a JSON schema for the encrypted collection
$schema = [
'bsonType' => 'object',
'properties' => [
'encryptedField' => [
'encrypt' => [
'keyId' => [$keyId],
'bsonType' => 'string',
'algorithm' => ClientEncryption::AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512_DETERMINISTIC,
/* Create a new collection for this script. Configure a server-side schema by
* explicitly creating the collection with a "validator" option. */
$encryptedClient->selectDatabase('test')->createCollection('coll', ['validator' => ['$jsonSchema' => $schema]]);
$encryptedCollection = $encryptedClient->selectCollection('test', 'coll');
/* Using the encrypted client, insert and find a document to demonstrate that
* the encrypted field is automatically encrypted and decrypted. */
$encryptedCollection->insertOne(['_id' => 1, 'encryptedField' => 'mySecret']);
print_r($encryptedCollection->findOne(['_id' => 1]));
/* Using the client configured without encryption, find the same document and
* observe that the field is not automatically decrypted. */
$unencryptedCollection = $client->selectCollection('test', 'coll');
print_r($unencryptedCollection->findOne(['_id' => 1]));
/* Attempt to insert another document with an unencrypted field value to
* demonstrate that the server-side schema is enforced. */
try {
$unencryptedCollection->insertOne(['_id' => 2, 'encryptedField' => 'myOtherSecret']);
} catch (ServerException $e) {
printf("Error inserting document: %s\n", $e->getMessage());

以下示例使用schemaMap自动加密驱动程序选项,并使用JSON schema语法的严格子集来定义加密字段。

与完全依赖从服务器获取的模式相比,将 schemaMap服务器端模式结合使用可提供更高的安全性。它可以防止恶意服务器宣传虚假模式,虚假模式可能会诱使客户端发送应当加密的未加密数据。



use MongoDB\BSON\Binary;
use MongoDB\Client;
use MongoDB\Driver\ClientEncryption;
use MongoDB\Driver\Exception\ServerException;
require __DIR__ . '/../../../vendor/autoload.php';
$uri = getenv('MONGODB_URI') ?: 'mongodb://';
/* Note: this script assumes that the test database is empty and that the key
* vault collection exists and has a partial, unique index on keyAltNames (as
* demonstrated in the encryption key management scripts). */
// Generate a secure local key to use for this script
$localKey = new Binary(random_bytes(96));
// Create a client with no encryption options
$client = new Client($uri);
// Create a ClientEncryption object to manage data encryption keys
$clientEncryption = $client->createClientEncryption([
'keyVaultNamespace' => 'encryption.__keyVault',
'kmsProviders' => [
'local' => ['key' => $localKey],
/* Create a data encryption key. Alternatively, this key ID could be read from a
* configuration file. */
$keyId = $clientEncryption->createDataKey('local');
/* Define a JSON schema for the encrypted collection. Since this only utilizes
* encryption schema syntax, it can be used for both the server-side and local
* schema. */
$schema = [
'bsonType' => 'object',
'properties' => [
'encryptedField' => [
'encrypt' => [
'keyId' => [$keyId],
'bsonType' => 'string',
'algorithm' => ClientEncryption::AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512_DETERMINISTIC,
/* Create another client with automatic encryption enabled. Configure a local
* schema for the encrypted collection using the "schemaMap" option. */
$encryptedClient = new Client($uri, [], [
'autoEncryption' => [
'keyVaultNamespace' => 'encryption.__keyVault',
'kmsProviders' => ['local' => ['key' => $localKey]],
'schemaMap' => ['test.coll' => $schema],
/* Create a new collection for this script. Configure a server-side schema by
* explicitly creating the collection with a "validator" option.
* Note: without a server-side schema, another client could potentially insert
* unencrypted data into the collection. Therefore, a local schema should always
* be used in conjunction with a server-side schema. */
$encryptedClient->selectDatabase('test')->createCollection('coll', ['validator' => ['$jsonSchema' => $schema]]);
$encryptedCollection = $encryptedClient->selectCollection('test', 'coll');
/* Using the encrypted client, insert and find a document to demonstrate that
* the encrypted field is automatically encrypted and decrypted. */
$encryptedCollection->insertOne(['_id' => 1, 'encryptedField' => 'mySecret']);
print_r($encryptedCollection->findOne(['_id' => 1]));
/* Using the client configured without encryption, find the same document and
* observe that the field is not automatically decrypted. */
$unencryptedCollection = $client->selectCollection('test', 'coll');
print_r($unencryptedCollection->findOne(['_id' => 1]));
/* Attempt to insert another document with an unencrypted field value to
* demonstrate that the server-side schema is enforced. */
try {
$unencryptedCollection->insertOne(['_id' => 2, 'encryptedField' => 'myOtherSecret']);
} catch (ServerException $e) {
printf("Error inserting document: %s\n", $e->getMessage());

显式加密是一项 MongoDB Community 功能,不使用 crypt_sharedmongocryptd。显式加密由 MongoDB\Driver\ClientEncryption 类提供。

use MongoDB\BSON\Binary;
use MongoDB\Client;
use MongoDB\Driver\ClientEncryption;
require __DIR__ . '/../../../vendor/autoload.php';
$uri = getenv('MONGODB_URI') ?: 'mongodb://';
/* Note: this script assumes that the test database is empty and that the key
* vault collection exists and has a partial, unique index on keyAltNames (as
* demonstrated in the encryption key management scripts). */
// Generate a secure local key to use for this script
$localKey = new Binary(random_bytes(96));
// Create a client with no encryption options
$client = new Client($uri);
// Create a ClientEncryption object to manage data encryption keys
$clientEncryption = $client->createClientEncryption([
'keyVaultNamespace' => 'encryption.__keyVault',
'kmsProviders' => [
'local' => ['key' => $localKey],
/* Create a data encryption key. Alternatively, this key ID could be read from a
* configuration file. */
$keyId = $clientEncryption->createDataKey('local');
// Insert a document with a manually encrypted field
$encryptedValue = $clientEncryption->encrypt('mySecret', [
'algorithm' => ClientEncryption::AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512_DETERMINISTIC,
'keyId' => $keyId,
$collection = $client->selectCollection('test', 'coll');
$collection->insertOne(['_id' => 1, 'encryptedField' => $encryptedValue]);
/* Using the client configured without encryption, find the document and observe
* that the field is not automatically decrypted. */
/** @var object{encryptedField: Binary} $document */
$document = $collection->findOne();
// Manually decrypt the field
printf("Decrypted: %s\n", $clientEncryption->decrypt($document->encryptedField));

虽然自动加密需要 MongoDB4 。2 + enterprise 或 MongoDB4 。2 + Atlas 集群,支持所有用户自动 解密 。要配置自动解密而不自动加密,请设置bypassAutoEncryption 自动加密 驱动程序选项 构建客户端时。

use MongoDB\BSON\Binary;
use MongoDB\Client;
use MongoDB\Driver\ClientEncryption;
require __DIR__ . '/../../../vendor/autoload.php';
$uri = getenv('MONGODB_URI') ?: 'mongodb://';
/* Note: this script assumes that the test database is empty and that the key
* vault collection exists and has a partial, unique index on keyAltNames (as
* demonstrated in the encryption key management scripts). */
// Generate a secure local key to use for this script
$localKey = new Binary(random_bytes(96));
// Create a client with automatic encryption disabled
$client = new Client($uri, [], [
'autoEncryption' => [
'keyVaultNamespace' => 'encryption.__keyVault',
'kmsProviders' => ['local' => ['key' => $localKey]],
'bypassAutoEncryption' => true,
// Create a ClientEncryption object to manage data encryption keys
$clientEncryption = $client->createClientEncryption([
'keyVaultNamespace' => 'encryption.__keyVault',
'kmsProviders' => [
'local' => ['key' => $localKey],
/* Create a data encryption key. Alternatively, this key ID could be read from a
* configuration file. */
$keyId = $clientEncryption->createDataKey('local');
// Insert a document with a manually encrypted field
$encryptedValue = $clientEncryption->encrypt('mySecret', [
'algorithm' => ClientEncryption::AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512_DETERMINISTIC,
'keyId' => $keyId,
$collection = $client->selectCollection('test', 'coll');
$collection->insertOne(['_id' => 1, 'encryptedField' => $encryptedValue]);
/* Using the client configured with encryption (but not automatic encryption),
* find the document and observe that the field is automatically decrypted. */
$document = $collection->findOne();

在 MongoDB 7中引入。 0 ,可查询加密是正在使用的加密的另一种形式。数据在客户端加密。可查询加密支持索引加密字段,这些字段会在服务器端进行进一步处理。


自动 Queryable 加密需要 MongoDB 7 。 0 + Enterprise 或 MongoDB 7 。 0 + Atlas 集群。

可查询加密中的自动加密利用crypt_sharedmongocryptd在客户端自动加密和解密数据。 encryptedIndexedencryptedUnindexed字段中的数据将在插入时自动加密,并在客户端查询时自动解密。此外,还可以对encryptedIndexed字段进行查询。

use MongoDB\BSON\Binary;
use MongoDB\Client;
use MongoDB\Driver\ClientEncryption;
require __DIR__ . '/../../../vendor/autoload.php';
$uri = getenv('MONGODB_URI') ?: 'mongodb://';
/* Note: this script assumes that the test database is empty and that the key
* vault collection exists and has a partial, unique index on keyAltNames (as
* demonstrated in the encryption key management scripts). */
// Generate a secure local key to use for this script
$localKey = new Binary(random_bytes(96));
// Create a client with no encryption options
$client = new Client($uri);
// Create a ClientEncryption object to manage data encryption keys
$clientEncryption = $client->createClientEncryption([
'keyVaultNamespace' => 'encryption.__keyVault',
'kmsProviders' => ['local' => ['key' => $localKey]],
/* Create the data encryption keys for this script. Alternatively, the key IDs
* could be read from a configuration file. */
$keyId1 = $clientEncryption->createDataKey('local');
$keyId2 = $clientEncryption->createDataKey('local');
/* Create another client with automatic encryption enabled. Configure the
* encrypted collection using the "encryptedFields" option. */
$encryptedClient = new Client($uri, [], [
'autoEncryption' => [
'keyVaultNamespace' => 'encryption.__keyVault',
'kmsProviders' => ['local' => ['key' => $localKey]],
'encryptedFieldsMap' => [
'test.coll' => [
'fields' => [
'path' => 'encryptedIndexed',
'bsonType' => 'string',
'keyId' => $keyId1,
'queries' => ['queryType' => ClientEncryption::QUERY_TYPE_EQUALITY],
'path' => 'encryptedUnindexed',
'bsonType' => 'string',
'keyId' => $keyId2,
/* Create the data collection for this script. The create and drop helpers will
* infer encryptedFields from the client configuration and manage internal
* encryption collections automatically. Alternatively, the "encryptedFields"
* option can also be passed explicitly. */
$encryptedCollection = $encryptedClient->selectCollection('test', 'coll');
/* Using the encrypted client, insert a document and find it by querying on the
* encrypted field. Fields will be automatically encrypted and decrypted. */
'_id' => 1,
'encryptedIndexed' => 'indexedValue',
'encryptedUnindexed' => 'unindexedValue',
print_r($encryptedCollection->findOne(['encryptedIndexed' => 'indexedValue']));
/* Using the client configured without encryption, find the same document and
* observe that fields are not automatically decrypted. */
$unencryptedCollection = $client->selectCollection('test', 'coll');
print_r($unencryptedCollection->findOne(['_id' => 1]));


显式 Queryable 加密需要 MongoDB 7 。 0 +。

可查询加密中的显式加密是使用 MongoDB\Driver\ClientEncryption::encrypt() 解密() 方法。虽然值必须显式加密(例如插入、查询条件),但可以通过在集合上配置 来对查询进行自动 解密 encryptedFields,如以下示例所示:

use MongoDB\BSON\Binary;
use MongoDB\Client;
use MongoDB\Driver\ClientEncryption;
require __DIR__ . '/../../../vendor/autoload.php';
$uri = getenv('MONGODB_URI') ?: 'mongodb://';
/* Note: this script assumes that the test database is empty and that the key
* vault collection exists and has a partial, unique index on keyAltNames (as
* demonstrated in the encryption key management scripts). */
// Generate a secure local key to use for this script
$localKey = new Binary(random_bytes(96));
// Create a client with no encryption options
$client = new Client($uri);
// Create a ClientEncryption object to manage data encryption keys
$clientEncryption = $client->createClientEncryption([
'keyVaultNamespace' => 'encryption.__keyVault',
'kmsProviders' => ['local' => ['key' => $localKey]],
/* Create the data encryption keys. Alternatively, the key IDs could be read
* from a configuration file. */
$keyId1 = $clientEncryption->createDataKey('local');
$keyId2 = $clientEncryption->createDataKey('local');
// Create another client with automatic encryption disabled
$encryptedClient = new Client($uri, [], [
'autoEncryption' => [
'keyVaultNamespace' => 'encryption.__keyVault',
'kmsProviders' => ['local' => ['key' => $localKey]],
'bypassQueryAnalysis' => true,
// Define encrypted fields for the collection
$encryptedFields = [
'fields' => [
'path' => 'encryptedIndexed',
'bsonType' => 'string',
'keyId' => $keyId1,
'queries' => ['queryType' => ClientEncryption::QUERY_TYPE_EQUALITY],
'path' => 'encryptedUnindexed',
'bsonType' => 'string',
'keyId' => $keyId2,
/* Create the data collection for this script. Specify the "encryptedFields"
* option to ensure that internal encryption collections are also created. The
* "encryptedFields" option should also be specified when dropping the
* collection to ensure that internal encryption collections are dropped. */
$encryptedClient->selectDatabase('test')->createCollection('coll', ['encryptedFields' => $encryptedFields]);
$encryptedCollection = $encryptedClient->selectCollection('test', 'coll');
// Insert a document with manually encrypted fields
$indexedInsertPayload = $clientEncryption->encrypt('indexedValue', [
'algorithm' => ClientEncryption::ALGORITHM_INDEXED,
'contentionFactor' => 1,
'keyId' => $keyId1,
$unindexedInsertPayload = $clientEncryption->encrypt('unindexedValue', [
'algorithm' => ClientEncryption::ALGORITHM_UNINDEXED,
'keyId' => $keyId2,
'_id' => 1,
'encryptedIndexed' => $indexedInsertPayload,
'encryptedUnindexed' => $unindexedInsertPayload,
/* Encrypt the payload for an "equality" query using the same key that was used
* to encrypt the corresponding insert payload. */
$indexedFindPayload = $clientEncryption->encrypt('indexedValue', [
'algorithm' => ClientEncryption::ALGORITHM_INDEXED,
'queryType' => ClientEncryption::QUERY_TYPE_EQUALITY,
'contentionFactor' => 1,
'keyId' => $keyId1,
/* Using the client configured with encryption (but not automatic encryption),
* find the document and observe that the fields are automatically decrypted. */
print_r($encryptedCollection->findOne(['encryptedIndexed' => $indexedFindPayload]));
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