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MongoDB Enterprise supports proxying authentication requests to a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) service.

MongoDB supports simple and SASL binding to LDAP servers:


Operating system libraries

MongoDB supports binding to an LDAP server via operating system libraries.

This allows MongoDB servers on Linux and Windows to use an LDAP server for authentication.

In earlier versions, MongoDB on Microsoft Windows cannot connect to LDAP servers.


MongoDB servers on Linux supports binding to an LDAP server via the saslauthd daemon.

Not available for MongoDB on Windows.

A full description of LDAP is beyond the scope of this documentation. This page assumes prior knowledge of LDAP.

This documentation only describes MongoDB LDAP authentication, and does not replace other resources on LDAP. We encourage you to thoroughly familiarize yourself with LDAP and its related subject matter before configuring LDAP authentication.

MongoDB can provide professional services for optimal configuration of LDAP authentication for your MongoDB deployment.

When connecting to the LDAP server for authentication/authorization, MongoDB, by default:

  • Uses connection pooling if run:

    • on Windows or

    • on Linux where MongoDB Enterprise binaries are linked against libldap_r.

  • Does not use connection pooling if run:

    • on Linux where MongoDB Enterprise binaries are linked against libldap.

To change the connection pooling behavior, update the ldapUseConnectionPool parameter.


security.sasl.saslauthdSocketPath--setParameter saslauthdPath 指定的 saslauthd Unix 域套接字文件的父目录必须授予以下任一项读取和执行 (r-x) 的权限:

  • 启动 mongodmongos 的用户,或者

  • 该用户所属的组。

如果没有指定 saslauthd 目录及其内容的权限,mongodmongos 无法通过 saslauthd 成功进行身份验证。

对于与 libldap 链接的 MongoDB 4.2 企业版二进制文件(例如在 RHEL 上运行时),对 libldap 的访问是同步进行的,会产生一些性能/延迟成本。

对于链接到 libldap_r MongoDB 4.2 Enterprise 二进制文件,与早期 MongoDB 版本相比,行为没有变化。

When using LDAP authentication without LDAP authorization, user management requires managing users both on the LDAP server and the MongoDB server. For each user authenticating via LDAP, MongoDB requires a user on the $external database whose name exactly matches the authentication username. Changes to a user on the LDAP server may require changes to the corresponding MongoDB $external user.

要将 客户端会话和因果一致性保证$external 身份验证用户(Kerberos、LDAP 或 X.509 用户)结合使用,用户名不能大于 10k 字节。


A user authenticates as The MongoDB server binds to the LDAP server and authenticates the user, respecting any username transformations. On successful authentication, the MongoDB server then checks the $external database for a user and grants the authenticated user the roles and privileges associated to that user.

To manage users on the MongoDB server, you must authenticate as an LDAP user whose corresponding MongoDB $external user has user administrative privileges on the $external database, such as those provided by userAdmin.


If no $external users have user administrative privileges on $external database, you cannot perform user management for LDAP authentication. This scenario may occur if you configure users prior to enabling LDAP authentication, but do not create the appropriate user administrators.

If there are existing users not on the $external database, you must meet the following requirements for each user to ensure continued access:

  • User has a corresponding user object on the LDAP server

  • User exists on the $external database with equivalent roles and privileges

If you want to continue allowing access by users not on the $external database, you must configure setParameter authenticationMechanisms to include SCRAM-SHA-1 and/or SCRAM-SHA-256 as appropriate. Users must then specify --authenticationMechanism SCRAM-SHA-1 or SCRAM-SHA-256 when authenticating.

For replica sets, configure LDAP authentication on secondary and arbiter members first before configuring the primary. This also applies to shard replica sets, or config server replica sets. Configure one replica set member at a time to maintain a majority of members for write availability.

In sharded clusters, you must configure LDAP authentication on the config servers and each mongos for cluster-level users. You can optionally configure LDAP authorization on each shard for shard-local users.

The LDAP authentication via OS libraries process is summarized below:

  1. A client authenticates to MongoDB, providing a user's credentials.

  2. If the username requires mapping to an LDAP DN prior to binding against the LDAP server, MongoDB can apply transformations based on the configured security.ldap.userToDNMapping setting.

  3. MongoDB binds to an LDAP server specified in security.ldap.servers using the provided username or, if a transformation was applied, the transformed username.

    MongoDB uses simple binding by default, but can also use sasl binding if configured in security.ldap.bind.method and security.ldap.bind.saslMechanisms.

    If a transformation requires querying the LDAP server, or if the LDAP server disallows anonymous binds, MongoDB uses the username and password specified to security.ldap.bind.queryUser and security.ldap.bind.queryPassword to bind to the LDAP server before attempting to authenticate the provided user credentials.

  4. The LDAP server returns the result of the bind attempt to MongoDB. On success, MongoDB attempts to authorize the user.

  5. The MongoDB server attempts to map the username to a user on the $external database, assigning the user any roles or privileges associated to a matching user. If MongoDB cannot find a matching user, authentication fails.

  6. The client can perform those actions for which MongoDB granted the authenticated user roles or privileges.

To use LDAP for authentication via operating system libraries, specify the following settings as a part of your mongod or mongos configuration file:


Quote-enclosed comma-separated list of LDAP servers in host[:port] format.

You can prefix LDAP servers with srv: and srv_raw:.

If your connection string specifies "srv:<DNS_NAME>", mongod verifies that "_ldap._tcp.gc._msdcs.<DNS_NAME>" exists for SRV to support Active Directory. If not found, mongod verifies that "_ldap._tcp.<DNS_NAME>" exists for SRV. If an SRV record cannot be found, mongod warns you to use "srv_raw:<DNS_NAME>" instead.

If your connection string specifies "srv_raw:<DNS_NAME>", mongod performs an SRV record lookup for "<DNS NAME>".


Used to specify the method the mongod or mongos uses to authenticate, or bind, to the LDAP server. Specify sasl to use one of the SASL protocols defined in security.ldap.bind.saslMechanisms.

Defaults to simple.

NO, unless using sasl for binding to the LDAP server.

Used to specify the SASL mechanisms mongod or mongos can use when authenticating or binding to the LDAP server. MongoDB and the LDAP server must agree on at least one SASL mechanism.

Defaults to DIGEST-MD5.

NO, unless setting method to sasl and you need different or additional SASL mechanisms.

The LDAP entity, identified by its distinguished name (DN) or SASL name, with which the MongoDB server authenticates, or binds, when connecting to an LDAP server.

Use with queryPassword.

The user specified must have the appropriate privileges to execute queries on the LDAP server.

NO, unless specifying a query as part of a userToDNMapping transformation, or if the LDAP server's security settings disallow anonymous binds.

The password used to authenticate to an LDAP server when using queryUser.

NO, unless specifying queryUser.

Windows MongoDB deployments can use the operating system credentials in place of queryUser and queryPassword for authenticating or binding as when connecting to the LDAP server.

NO, unless replacing queryUser and queryPassword.

Clients may authenticate using a username whose format is incompatible with the format expected by the configured bind method. For example, simple binding may require a full LDAP DN while the username used to authenticate to MongoDB might be an e-mail address.

userToDNMapping allows MongoDB to transform incoming usernames into a format compatible with your LDAP schema. MongoDB supports transformations using either a substitution template or an LDAP query template.

If you specify a userToDNMapping transformation that uses LDAP queries as part of the transformation, you must also specify a queryUser with the appropriate level of permissions for the LDAP server

NO, unless client authenticate using usernames that require transformation.


MongoDB Enterprise for Windows 不支持通过 saslauthd 绑定。

  • Linux MongoDB 服务器支持通过 saslauthd 守护进程绑定到 LDAP 服务器。

  • 在客户端和服务器之间以及 saslauthd 和 LDAP 服务器之间使用安全加密或可信连接。LDAP 服务器使用 SASL PLAIN 机制,以明文形式发送和接收数据。您应该只使用可信通道,如 VPN、使用 TLS/SSL 加密的连接或可信有线网络。

To configure the MongoDB server to bind to the LDAP server using via saslauthd, start the mongod using either the following command line options or the following configuration file settings:

Include any other command line options required for your deployment. For complete documentation on mongod command line options, see mongod.

Include any other configuration file settings required for your deployment. For complete documentation on configuration files, see YAML configuration file.

You need to create or update the saslauthd.conf file with the parameters appropriate for your LDAP server. Documenting saslauthd.conf is out of scope for this documentation.


security.sasl.saslauthdSocketPath--setParameter saslauthdPath 指定的 saslauthd Unix 域套接字文件的父目录必须授予以下任一项读取和执行 (r-x) 的权限:

  • 启动 mongodmongos 的用户,或者

  • 该用户所属的组。

如果没有指定 saslauthd 目录及其内容的权限,mongodmongos 无法通过 saslauthd 成功进行身份验证。

The following tutorials provide basic information on configuring saslauthd.conf to work with two popular LDAP services:

Please see the documentation for saslauthd as well as your specific LDAP service for guidance.

To authenticate to a MongoDB server via LDAP authentication, use db.auth() on the $external database with the following parameters:



The username to authenticate as.


The password to authenticate with.


Set to PLAIN.