查询转换器使用AI技术,该技术可能无法转换过长或复杂的查询、触发器、数据包或存储过程。某些查询可能无法正确转换,而另一些查询则可能根本无法转换。有关更多信息,请参阅 AI和数据使用信息。
查询转换器使用当前项目中的关系模式、MongoDB 模式和映射规则来确定应如何转换查询。 如果查询引用的表不在关系模式中或者未映射到 MongoDB collection,则转换可能会失败或不正确。
SQL查询仅限于40 , 000文本字符。
您可以在左侧 Query Converter窗格中查看以前转换的历史记录。 每次转换都有一个指示转换结果的图标。 如果对象旁边没有 图标,则尚未尝试转换:
MongoDB没有Oracle包的官方同义词对象类型。相反, MongoDB支持托管数据库逻辑的自定义JavaScript和驾驶员代码。将应用程序迁移到MongoDB时,必须选择最能满足应用程序需求的编程语言和托管选项。您可以在应用程序中或使用 Atlas Function托管转换后的Oracle包代码。
单击左侧窗格中 Packages 下的软件包名称。
代码显示在Imported Package窗格中。
从下拉列表中选择Target Language 。
查询转换器支持将Oracle包转换为 Javascript、 C#和Java。
如果您使用Java ,还可以选择 Return a domain object where possible。选中后,如果查询仅对单个MongoDB集合进行操作,则查询转换器将包含基于 POJO 类的强类型Java实体。
单击Convert按钮。 等待查询转换器转换您的代码。
转换后的 MongoDB 代码会显示在Converted MongoDB Query窗格中。
如果查询转换器出现错误,您可以在 Converted MongoDB Query 窗格中查看详细信息。
单击 Converted MongoDB Query图标,将MongoDB代码复制到剪贴板。
测试并验证生成的 MongoDB 代码。
您可以使用 Filter 文本框,根据对象名称和SQL语法过滤查询、存储过程、触发器、包和视图。
查询转换器可以将您的包转换为 Javascript、 C#或Java代码。以下示例显示了每种语言的转换。
CREATE OR REPLACE EDITIONABLE PACKAGE "TICKETMANAGEMENT" IS procedure sellTickets(person_id IN NUMBER, event_id IN NUMBER, quantity IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1); procedure generateTicketActivity(transaction_delay NUMBER, max_transactions IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1000); procedure generateTransferActivity(transaction_delay IN NUMBER DEFAULT 5, max_transactions IN NUMBER DEFAULT 100); end ticketManagement; / CREATE OR REPLACE EDITIONABLE PACKAGE BODY "TICKETMANAGEMENT" AS -- forward type declaration TYPE eventTab IS TABLE OF sporting_event%ROWTYPE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; TYPE eventRecType IS RECORD ( sport_name sport_type.name%TYPE, home_team_name sport_team.name%TYPE, away_team_name sport_team.name%TYPE, home_field sport_location.name%TYPE, date_time sporting_event.start_date_time%TYPE); -- package variables g_max_person_id person.id%TYPE; g_min_person_id person.id%TYPE; -- forward declarations function get_open_events return eventTab; function get_event_details(event_id IN NUMBER) RETURN eventRecType; procedure sellRandomTickets; -------------------------------- -- sell tickets proc -------------------------------- procedure sellTickets(person_id IN NUMBER, event_id IN NUMBER, quantity IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1) IS not_enough_seats EXCEPTION; p_person_id person.id%TYPE := person_id; p_event_id sporting_event.id%TYPE := event_id; p_quantity NUMBER := quantity; r_seat_level sporting_event_ticket.seat_level%TYPE; r_seat_section sporting_event_ticket.seat_section%type; r_seat_row sporting_event_ticket.seat_row%type; event_rec eventRecType; CURSOR adjacent_seats(p_seat_level NUMBER, p_seat_section VARCHAR2, p_seat_row VARCHAR2) IS SELECT * FROM sporting_event_ticket WHERE sporting_event_id = p_event_id AND seat_level = p_seat_level AND seat_section = p_seat_section AND seat_row = p_seat_row ORDER BY seat_level, seat_section, seat_row FOR UPDATE OF ticketholder_id; cur_ticket sporting_event_ticket%ROWTYPE; BEGIN event_rec := get_event_details(p_event_id); BEGIN SELECT seat_level, seat_section, seat_row INTO r_seat_level, r_seat_section, r_seat_row FROM (SELECT seat_level,seat_section,seat_row FROM sporting_event_ticket WHERE sporting_event_id = p_event_id AND ticketholder_id IS NULL GROUP BY seat_level,seat_section,seat_row HAVING COUNT(*) >= p_quantity) WHERE rownum < 2; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN RAISE not_enough_seats; END; OPEN adjacent_seats(r_seat_level,r_seat_section,r_seat_row); FOR i IN 1..p_quantity LOOP FETCH adjacent_seats INTO cur_ticket; UPDATE sporting_event_ticket SET ticketholder_id = p_person_id WHERE CURRENT OF adjacent_seats; INSERT INTO ticket_purchase_hist(sporting_event_ticket_id, purchased_by_id, transaction_date_time, purchase_price) VALUES(cur_ticket.id, p_person_id, SYSDATE, cur_ticket.ticket_price); END LOOP; COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN not_enough_seats THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Sorry, there aren''t ' || p_quantity || ' adjacent seats for event:'); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(' ' || event_rec.home_team_name || ' VS ' || event_rec.away_team_name || ' (' || event_rec.sport_name || ')' ); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(' ' || event_rec.home_field || ': ' || TO_CHAR(event_rec.date_time,'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI')); END; -------------------------------- -- transfer ticket -------------------------------- procedure transferTicket(ticket_id IN NUMBER, new_ticketholder_id IN NUMBER, transfer_all IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, price IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL) IS p_ticket_id NUMBER := ticket_id; p_new_ticketholder_id NUMBER := new_ticketholder_id; p_price NUMBER := price; xferall NUMBER := 0; old_ticketholder_id NUMBER; last_txn_date DATE; CURSOR txfr_cur(p_purchased_by NUMBER, p_txn_date_time DATE) IS SELECT * FROM ticket_purchase_hist WHERE purchased_by_id = p_purchased_by AND transaction_date_time = p_txn_date_time; BEGIN IF transfer_all THEN xferall := 1; END IF; SELECT max(h.transaction_date_time) as transaction_date_time ,t.ticketholder_id as ticketholder_id INTO last_txn_date, old_ticketholder_id FROM ticket_purchase_hist h ,sporting_event_ticket t WHERE t.id = p_ticket_id AND h.purchased_by_id = t.ticketholder_id AND ((h.sporting_event_ticket_id = p_ticket_id) OR (xferall = 1) ) GROUP BY t.ticketholder_id; FOR xrec IN txfr_cur(old_ticketholder_id, last_txn_date) LOOP UPDATE sporting_event_ticket SET ticketholder_id = p_new_ticketholder_id WHERE id = xrec.sporting_event_ticket_id; INSERT INTO ticket_purchase_hist(sporting_event_ticket_id, purchased_by_id, transferred_from_id, transaction_date_time, purchase_price) VALUES(xrec.sporting_event_ticket_id, p_new_ticketholder_id, old_ticketholder_id, SYSDATE, NVL(p_price,xrec.purchase_price)); END LOOP; COMMIT; -- commit the group EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN ROLLBACK; END; --------------------------------------- -- generate ticket purchase activity --------------------------------------- PROCEDURE generateTicketActivity(transaction_delay NUMBER, max_transactions IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1000) IS txn_count NUMBER := 0; BEGIN WHILE txn_count < max_transactions LOOP sellRandomTickets; txn_count := txn_count +1; dbms_lock.sleep(transaction_delay); END LOOP; END; --------------------------------------- -- generate ticket purchase activity --------------------------------------- PROCEDURE generateTransferActivity(transaction_delay IN NUMBER DEFAULT 5, max_transactions IN NUMBER DEFAULT 100) IS txn_count NUMBER := 0; min_tik_id sporting_event_ticket.id%TYPE; max_tik_id sporting_event_ticket.id%TYPE; tik_id sporting_event_ticket.id%TYPE; new_ticketholder person.id%TYPE; xfer_all BOOLEAN; chg_price BOOLEAN; new_price sporting_event_ticket.ticket_price%TYPE; BEGIN WHILE txn_count < max_transactions LOOP SELECT min(sporting_event_ticket_id), max(sporting_event_ticket_id) INTO min_tik_id, max_tik_id FROM ticket_purchase_hist; SELECT MAX(sporting_event_ticket_id) INTO tik_id FROM ticket_purchase_hist WHERE sporting_event_ticket_id <= dbms_random.value(min_tik_id,max_tik_id); new_ticketholder := TRUNC(dbms_random.value(g_min_person_id,g_max_person_id)); xfer_all := (ROUND(dbms_random.value(1,5)) < 5); -- transfer all tickets 80% of the time new_price := NULL; chg_price := (ROUND(dbms_random.value(1,3)) = 1); -- 30% of the time change price IF chg_price THEN SELECT dbms_random.value(0.8,1.2) * ticket_price INTO new_price FROM sporting_event_ticket WHERE id = tik_id; END IF; transferTicket(tik_id, new_ticketholder, xfer_all, new_price); txn_count := txn_count +1; dbms_lock.sleep(transaction_delay); END LOOP; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN dbms_output.put_line('No tickets available to transfer.'); END; -------------------------------- -- get event details -------------------------------- function get_event_details(event_id IN NUMBER) RETURN eventRecType IS eventRec eventRecType; p_event_id sporting_event.id%TYPE := event_id; BEGIN SELECT e.sport_type_name ,h.name ,a.name ,l.name ,e.start_date_time INTO eventRec.sport_name, eventRec.home_team_name, eventRec.away_team_name, eventRec.home_field, eventRec.date_time FROM sporting_event e ,sport_team h ,sport_team a ,sport_location l WHERE e.id = p_event_id AND e.home_team_id = h.id AND e.away_team_id = a.id AND e.location_id = l.id; RETURN eventRec; END; -------------------------------- -- sell random tickets proc -------------------------------- procedure sellRandomTickets IS event_tab eventTab; ticket_holder person.id%TYPE; row_ct NUMBER(8); event_idx NUMBER(8); event_id NUMBER; quantity NUMBER; BEGIN event_tab := get_open_events; row_ct := event_tab.COUNT; event_idx := TRUNC(dbms_random.value(1,row_ct)); event_id := event_tab(event_idx).id; ticket_holder := TRUNC(dbms_random.value(g_min_person_id,g_max_person_id)); quantity := dbms_random.value(1,6); sellTickets(ticket_holder,event_id,quantity); END; --------------------------------------- -- get open events function --------------------------------------- function get_open_events return eventTab IS event_tab eventTab; CURSOR open_events IS SELECT * FROM sporting_event WHERE sold_out = 0 ORDER BY start_date_time; row_num BINARY_INTEGER := 1; BEGIN FOR oe_rec IN open_events LOOP event_tab(row_num) := oe_rec; row_num := row_num +1; END LOOP; return event_tab; END; BEGIN --- initialize select min(id),max(id) INTO g_min_person_id,g_max_person_id from person; END ticketManagement; /
class TicketManagement { constructor(db) { this.db = db; this.g_max_person_id = null; this.g_min_person_id = null; } async sellTickets(person_id, event_id, quantity = 1) { const notEnoughSeats = new Error('not_enough_seats'); const p_person_id = person_id; const p_event_id = event_id; const p_quantity = quantity; let r_seat_level, r_seat_section, r_seat_row; let event_rec; try { event_rec = await this.get_event_details(p_event_id); const seatData = await this.db.collection('sportingEventTicket').aggregate([ { $match: { sportingEventId: p_event_id, ticketholderId: null } }, { $group: { _id: { seatLevel: "$seatLevel", seatSection: "$seatSection", seatRow: "$seatRow" }, count: { $sum: 1 } } }, { $match: { count: { $gte: p_quantity } } }, { $limit: 1 }, { $project: { _id: 0, seatLevel: "$_id.seatLevel", seatSection: "$_id.seatSection", seatRow: "$_id.seatRow" } } ]).toArray(); if (seatData.length === 0) throw notEnoughSeats; r_seat_level = seatData[0].seatLevel; r_seat_section = seatData[0].seatSection; r_seat_row = seatData[0].seatRow; const adjacentSeatsCursor = this.db.collection('sportingEventTicket').find({ sportingEventId: p_event_id, seatLevel: r_seat_level, seatSection: r_seat_section, seatRow: r_seat_row }).sort({ seatLevel: 1, seatSection: 1, seatRow: 1 }); for (let i = 0; i < p_quantity; i++) { const cur_ticket = await adjacentSeatsCursor.next(); if (!cur_ticket) throw notEnoughSeats; await this.db.collection('sportingEventTicket').updateOne( { _id: cur_ticket._id }, { $set: { ticketholderId: p_person_id } } ); await this.db.collection('ticketPurchaseHist').insertOne({ sportingEventTicketId: cur_ticket.id, purchasedById: p_person_id, transactionDateTime: new Date(), purchasePrice: cur_ticket.ticketPrice }); } } catch (err) { if (err === notEnoughSeats) { console.log(`Sorry, there aren't ${p_quantity} adjacent seats for event:`); console.log(` ${event_rec.home_team_name} VS ${event_rec.away_team_name} (${event_rec.sport_name})`); console.log(` ${event_rec.home_field}: ${event_rec.date_time.toLocaleString('en-GB', { day: '2-digit', month: 'short', year: 'numeric', hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit' })}`); } else { throw err; } } } async $transferTicket(ticket_id, new_ticketholder_id, transfer_all = false, price = null) { const p_ticket_id = ticket_id; const p_new_ticketholder_id = new_ticketholder_id; const p_price = price; const xferall = transfer_all ? 1 : 0; try { const ticket = await this.db.collection('sportingEventTicket').findOne({ id: p_ticket_id }); if (!ticket) throw new Error('Ticket not found'); const lastTransaction = await this.db.collection('ticketPurchaseHist').aggregate([ { $match: { purchased_by_id: ticket.ticketholderId, $or: [{ sporting_event_ticket_id: p_ticket_id }, { xferall: 1 }] } }, { $group: { _id: '$ticketholderId', last_txn_date: { $max: '$transaction_date_time' } } } ]).toArray(); if (lastTransaction.length === 0) throw new Error('No transaction found'); const old_ticketholder_id = ticket.ticketholderId; const last_txn_date = lastTransaction[0].last_txn_date; const transactions = await this.db.collection('ticketPurchaseHist').find({ purchased_by_id: old_ticketholder_id, transaction_date_time: last_txn_date }).toArray(); for (const xrec of transactions) { await this.db.collection('sportingEventTicket').updateOne( { id: xrec.sporting_event_ticket_id }, { $set: { ticketholderId: p_new_ticketholder_id } } ); await this.db.collection('ticketPurchaseHist').insertOne({ sporting_event_ticket_id: xrec.sporting_event_ticket_id, purchased_by_id: p_new_ticketholder_id, transferred_from_id: old_ticketholder_id, transaction_date_time: new Date(), purchase_price: p_price !== null ? p_price : xrec.purchase_price }); } } catch (error) { console.error(error); throw error; } } async generateTicketActivity(transaction_delay, max_transactions = 1000) { let txn_count = 0; while (txn_count < max_transactions) { await this.sellRandomTickets(); txn_count += 1; await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, transaction_delay * 1000)); } } async generateTransferActivity(transaction_delay = 5, max_transactions = 100) { let txn_count = 0; let min_tik_id, max_tik_id, tik_id, new_ticketholder, xfer_all, chg_price, new_price; while (txn_count < max_transactions) { const minMaxResult = await this.db.collection('ticketPurchaseHist').aggregate([ { $group: { _id: null, min_tik_id: { $min: "$sportingEventTicketId" }, max_tik_id: { $max: "$sportingEventTicketId" } } } ]).toArray(); if (minMaxResult.length === 0) { console.log('No tickets available to transfer.'); return; } min_tik_id = minMaxResult[0].min_tik_id; max_tik_id = minMaxResult[0].max_tik_id; const tikResult = await this.db.collection('ticketPurchaseHist').aggregate([ { $match: { sportingEventTicketId: { $lte: Math.random() * (max_tik_id - min_tik_id) + min_tik_id } } }, { $group: { _id: null, tik_id: { $max: "$sportingEventTicketId" } } } ]).toArray(); if (tikResult.length === 0) { console.log('No tickets available to transfer.'); return; } tik_id = tikResult[0].tik_id; new_ticketholder = Math.floor(Math.random() * (this.g_max_person_id - this.g_min_person_id) + this.g_min_person_id); xfer_all = Math.round(Math.random() * 4) < 4; new_price = null; chg_price = Math.round(Math.random() * 2) === 0; if (chg_price) { const priceResult = await this.db.collection('sportingEventTicket').findOne({ id: tik_id }); new_price = Math.random() * (1.2 - 0.8) + 0.8 * priceResult.ticketPrice; } await this.transferTicket(tik_id, new_ticketholder, xfer_all, new_price); txn_count++; await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, transaction_delay * 1000)); } } async $get_event_details(event_id) { const p_event_id = event_id; const result = await this.db.collection('sportingEvent').aggregate([ { $match: { id: p_event_id } }, { $lookup: { from: 'sportTeam', localField: 'homeTeamId', foreignField: 'id', as: 'home_team' } }, { $lookup: { from: 'sportTeam', localField: 'awayTeamId', foreignField: 'id', as: 'away_team' } }, { $lookup: { from: 'sportLocation', localField: 'locationId', foreignField: 'id', as: 'location' } }, { $unwind: '$home_team' }, { $unwind: '$away_team' }, { $unwind: '$location' }, { $project: { sport_name: '$sportTypeName', home_team_name: '$home_team.name', away_team_name: '$away_team.name', home_field: '$location.name', date_time: '$startDateTime' } } ]).toArray(); if (result.length === 0) { throw new Error('Event not found'); } return result[0]; } async sellRandomTickets() { const eventTab = await this.get_open_events(); const row_ct = eventTab.length; const event_idx = Math.floor(Math.random() * row_ct); const event_id = eventTab[event_idx].id; const ticket_holder = Math.floor(Math.random() * (this.g_max_person_id - this.g_min_person_id + 1)) + this.g_min_person_id; const quantity = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 1; await this.sellTickets(ticket_holder, event_id, quantity); } async get_open_events() { const openEvents = await this.db.collection('sportingEvent').find({ soldOut: 0 }).sort({ startDateTime: 1 }).toArray(); return openEvents; } }
using MongoDB.Bson; using MongoDB.Driver; using System; public class TicketManagement { private readonly IMongoDatabase db; public TicketManagement(IMongoDatabase database) { db = database; Initialize(); } private decimal g_max_person_id; private decimal g_min_person_id; private void Initialize() { var personCollection = db.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("person"); var result = personCollection.Aggregate() .Group(new BsonDocument { { "_id", BsonNull.Value }, { "minId", new BsonDocument("$min", "$id") }, { "maxId", new BsonDocument("$max", "$id") } }) .FirstOrDefault(); g_min_person_id = result["minId"].AsDecimal; g_max_person_id = result["maxId"].AsDecimal; } public void sellTickets(decimal person_id, decimal event_id, int quantity = 1) { var notEnoughSeats = new Exception("Not enough seats"); var p_person_id = person_id; var p_event_id = event_id; var p_quantity = quantity; int r_seat_level; string r_seat_section; string r_seat_row; var event_rec = get_event_details(p_event_id); try { var seatQuery = db.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("sportingEventTicket") .Aggregate() .Match(new BsonDocument { { "sportingEventId", p_event_id }, { "ticketholderId", BsonNull.Value } }) .Group(new BsonDocument { { "_id", new BsonDocument { { "seatLevel", "$seatLevel" }, { "seatSection", "$seatSection" }, { "seatRow", "$seatRow" } } }, { "count", new BsonDocument("$sum", 1) } }) .Match(new BsonDocument("count", new BsonDocument("$gte", p_quantity))) .Limit(1) .Project(new BsonDocument { { "seatLevel", "$_id.seatLevel" }, { "seatSection", "$_id.seatSection" }, { "seatRow", "$_id.seatRow" } }) .FirstOrDefault(); if (seatQuery == null) { throw notEnoughSeats; } r_seat_level = seatQuery["seatLevel"].AsInt32; r_seat_section = seatQuery["seatSection"].AsString; r_seat_row = seatQuery["seatRow"].AsString; } catch { throw notEnoughSeats; } var adjacentSeatsCursor = db.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("sportingEventTicket") .Find(new BsonDocument { { "sportingEventId", p_event_id }, { "seatLevel", r_seat_level }, { "seatSection", r_seat_section }, { "seatRow", r_seat_row } }) .Sort(new BsonDocument { { "seatLevel", 1 }, { "seatSection", 1 }, { "seatRow", 1 } }) .ToCursor(); using (var session = db.Client.StartSession()) { session.StartTransaction(); try { for (int i = 0; i < p_quantity; i++) { if (!adjacentSeatsCursor.MoveNext()) { throw notEnoughSeats; } var cur_ticket = adjacentSeatsCursor.Current; var updateFilter = Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Eq("_id", cur_ticket["_id"]); var update = Builders<BsonDocument>.Update.Set("ticketholderId", p_person_id); db.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("sportingEventTicket").UpdateOne(updateFilter, update); var purchaseHistDoc = new BsonDocument { { "sportingEventTicketId", cur_ticket["id"] }, { "purchasedById", p_person_id }, { "transactionDateTime", DateTime.Now }, { "purchasePrice", cur_ticket["ticketPrice"] } }; db.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("ticketPurchaseHist").InsertOne(purchaseHistDoc); } session.CommitTransaction(); } catch { session.AbortTransaction(); throw; } } } public void generateTicketActivity(decimal transaction_delay, int max_transactions = 1000) { int txn_count = 0; while (txn_count < max_transactions) { sellRandomTickets(); txn_count += 1; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep((int)(transaction_delay * 1000)); } } public void generateTransferActivity(int transaction_delay = 5, int max_transactions = 100) { int txn_count = 0; decimal min_tik_id, max_tik_id, tik_id; decimal new_ticketholder; bool xfer_all; bool chg_price; decimal? new_price; while (txn_count < max_transactions) { var minMaxResult = db.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("ticketPurchaseHist") .Aggregate() .Group(new BsonDocument { { "_id", BsonNull.Value }, { "min_tik_id", new BsonDocument("$min", "$sporting_event_ticket_id") }, { "max_tik_id", new BsonDocument("$max", "$sporting_event_ticket_id") } }) .FirstOrDefault(); if (minMaxResult == null) { Console.WriteLine("No tickets available to transfer."); return; } min_tik_id = minMaxResult["min_tik_id"].AsDecimal; max_tik_id = minMaxResult["max_tik_id"].AsDecimal; var tikResult = db.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("ticketPurchaseHist") .Find(Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Lte("sporting_event_ticket_id", new BsonDecimal128(new Random().NextDouble() * (double)(max_tik_id - min_tik_id) + (double)min_tik_id))) .Sort(Builders<BsonDocument>.Sort.Descending("sporting_event_ticket_id")) .FirstOrDefault(); if (tikResult == null) { Console.WriteLine("No tickets available to transfer."); return; } tik_id = tikResult["sporting_event_ticket_id"].AsDecimal; new_ticketholder = (decimal)(new Random().NextDouble() * (double)(g_max_person_id - g_min_person_id) + (double)g_min_person_id); xfer_all = new Random().Next(1, 6) < 5; new_price = null; chg_price = new Random().Next(1, 4) == 1; if (chg_price) { var ticketResult = db.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("sportingEventTicket") .Find(Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Eq("id", tik_id)) .FirstOrDefault(); if (ticketResult != null) { new_price = ticketResult["ticket_price"].AsDecimal * (decimal)(new Random().NextDouble() * 0.4 + 0.8); } } transferTicket(tik_id, new_ticketholder, xfer_all, new_price); txn_count++; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(transaction_delay * 1000); } } public List<BsonDocument> get_open_events() { var event_tab = new List<BsonDocument>(); var open_events = db.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("sportingEvent") .Find(Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Eq("soldOut", 0)) .Sort(Builders<BsonDocument>.Sort.Ascending("startDateTime")) .ToList(); foreach (var oe_rec in open_events) { event_tab.Add(oe_rec); } return event_tab; } public eventRecType get_event_details(decimal event_id) { var eventRec = new eventRecType(); var p_event_id = event_id; var pipeline = new[] { new BsonDocument("$match", new BsonDocument("id", p_event_id)), new BsonDocument("$lookup", new BsonDocument { { "from", "sportTeam" }, { "localField", "homeTeamId" }, { "foreignField", "id" }, { "as", "homeTeam" } }), new BsonDocument("$lookup", new BsonDocument { { "from", "sportTeam" }, { "localField", "awayTeamId" }, { "foreignField", "id" }, { "as", "awayTeam" } }), new BsonDocument("$lookup", new BsonDocument { { "from", "sportLocation" }, { "localField", "locationId" }, { "foreignField", "id" }, { "as", "location" } }), new BsonDocument("$unwind", "$homeTeam"), new BsonDocument("$unwind", "$awayTeam"), new BsonDocument("$unwind", "$location"), new BsonDocument("$project", new BsonDocument { { "sport_name", "$sportTypeName" }, { "home_team_name", "$homeTeam.name" }, { "away_team_name", "$awayTeam.name" }, { "home_field", "$location.name" }, { "date_time", "$startDateTime" } }) }; var result = db.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("sportingEvent").Aggregate<BsonDocument>(pipeline).FirstOrDefault(); if (result != null) { eventRec.sport_name = result["sport_name"].AsString; eventRec.home_team_name = result["home_team_name"].AsString; eventRec.away_team_name = result["away_team_name"].AsString; eventRec.home_field = result["home_field"].AsString; eventRec.date_time = result["date_time"].ToUniversalTime(); } return eventRec; } void sellRandomTickets() { var eventTab = getOpenEvents(); var rowCt = eventTab.Count; var eventIdx = (int)Math.Truncate(new Random().NextDouble() * (rowCt - 1)) + 1; var eventId = eventTab[eventIdx].id; var ticketHolder = (int)Math.Truncate(new Random().NextDouble() * (g_max_person_id - g_min_person_id) + g_min_person_id); var quantity = (int)Math.Truncate(new Random().NextDouble() * 5) + 1; sellTickets(ticketHolder, eventId, quantity); } void transferTicket(decimal ticket_id, decimal new_ticketholder_id, bool transfer_all = false, decimal? price = null) { var p_ticket_id = ticket_id; var p_new_ticketholder_id = new_ticketholder_id; var p_price = price; var xferall = transfer_all ? 1 : 0; decimal old_ticketholder_id; DateTime last_txn_date; var txfr_cur = db.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("ticketPurchaseHist") .Find(Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.And( Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Eq("purchased_by_id", old_ticketholder_id), Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Eq("transaction_date_time", last_txn_date) )).ToList(); var result = db.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("ticketPurchaseHist").Aggregate() .Match(Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.And( Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Eq("sporting_event_ticket_id", p_ticket_id), Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Eq("purchased_by_id", old_ticketholder_id), Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Or( Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Eq("sporting_event_ticket_id", p_ticket_id), Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Eq("xferall", 1) ) )) .Group(new BsonDocument { { "_id", "$ticketholder_id" }, { "transaction_date_time", new BsonDocument("$max", "$transaction_date_time") } }) .FirstOrDefault(); if (result != null) { last_txn_date = result["transaction_date_time"].ToUniversalTime(); old_ticketholder_id = result["_id"].AsDecimal; foreach (var xrec in txfr_cur) { db.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("sportingEventTicket").UpdateOne( Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Eq("id", xrec["sporting_event_ticket_id"]), Builders<BsonDocument>.Update.Set("ticketholder_id", p_new_ticketholder_id) ); db.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("ticketPurchaseHist").InsertOne(new BsonDocument { { "sporting_event_ticket_id", xrec["sporting_event_ticket_id"] }, { "purchased_by_id", p_new_ticketholder_id }, { "transferred_from_id", old_ticketholder_id }, { "transaction_date_time", DateTime.UtcNow }, { "purchase_price", p_price ?? xrec["purchase_price"].AsDecimal } }); } } else { throw new Exception("No tickets available to transfer."); } } }
public class TicketManagement { private MongoDatabase db; private Decimal128 g_max_person_id; private Decimal128 g_min_person_id; public TicketManagement(MongoDatabase db) { this.db = db; initialize(); } private void initialize() { MongoCollection<Document> personCollection = db.getCollection("person"); Document minMaxPersonId = personCollection.aggregate(Arrays.asList( Aggregates.group(null, Accumulators.min("minId", "$id"), Accumulators.max("maxId", "$id")) )).first(); if (minMaxPersonId != null) { g_min_person_id = minMaxPersonId.get("minId", Decimal128.class); g_max_person_id = minMaxPersonId.get("maxId", Decimal128.class); } } public void sellTickets(Number person_id, Number event_id, Number quantity) { try { Document eventRec = get_event_details(event_id); Document seatInfo = db.getCollection("sportingEventTicket") .aggregate(Arrays.asList( Aggregates.match(Filters.and( Filters.eq("sportingEventId", event_id), Filters.eq("ticketholderId", null) )), Aggregates.group(new Document("seatLevel", "$seatLevel") .append("seatSection", "$seatSection") .append("seatRow", "$seatRow"), Accumulators.sum("count", 1) ), Aggregates.match(Filters.gte("count", quantity)), Aggregates.limit(1) )).first(); if (seatInfo == null) { throw new Exception("not_enough_seats"); } Number r_seat_level = seatInfo.getInteger("_id.seatLevel"); String r_seat_section = seatInfo.getString("_id.seatSection"); String r_seat_row = seatInfo.getString("_id.seatRow"); MongoCursor<Document> cursor = db.getCollection("sportingEventTicket") .find(Filters.and( Filters.eq("sportingEventId", event_id), Filters.eq("seatLevel", r_seat_level), Filters.eq("seatSection", r_seat_section), Filters.eq("seatRow", r_seat_row) )) .sort(Sorts.ascending("seatLevel", "seatSection", "seatRow")) .iterator(); for (int i = 0; i < quantity; i++) { if (!cursor.hasNext()) { throw new Exception("not_enough_seats"); } Document cur_ticket = cursor.next(); db.getCollection("sportingEventTicket").updateOne( Filters.eq("_id", cur_ticket.getObjectId("_id")), Updates.set("ticketholderId", person_id) ); db.getCollection("ticketPurchaseHist").insertOne(new Document() .append("sportingEventTicketId", cur_ticket.getDecimal("id")) .append("purchasedById", person_id) .append("transactionDateTime", new Date()) .append("purchasePrice", cur_ticket.getDecimal("ticketPrice")) ); } } catch (Exception e) { if (e.getMessage().equals("not_enough_seats")) { System.out.println("Sorry, there aren't " + quantity + " adjacent seats for event:"); System.out.println(" " + eventRec.getString("home_team_name") + " VS " + eventRec.getString("away_team_name") + " (" + eventRec.getString("sport_name") + ")"); System.out.println(" " + eventRec.getString("home_field") + ": " + new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm").format(eventRec.getDate("date_time"))); } else { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public void generateTicketActivity(int transaction_delay, int max_transactions) { int txn_count = 0; while (txn_count < max_transactions) { sellRandomTickets(); txn_count++; try { Thread.sleep(transaction_delay * 1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } } public void generateTransferActivity(double transaction_delay, int max_transactions) { int txn_count = 0; Decimal128 min_tik_id; Decimal128 max_tik_id; Decimal128 tik_id; Decimal128 new_ticketholder; boolean xfer_all; boolean chg_price; Decimal128 new_price; while (txn_count < max_transactions) { Document minMaxResult = db.getCollection("ticketPurchaseHist") .aggregate(Arrays.asList( Aggregates.group(null, Accumulators.min("min_tik_id", "$sportingEventTicketId"), Accumulators.max("max_tik_id", "$sportingEventTicketId") ) )).first(); if (minMaxResult == null) { System.out.println("No tickets available to transfer."); return; } min_tik_id = minMaxResult.get("min_tik_id", Decimal128.class); max_tik_id = minMaxResult.get("max_tik_id", Decimal128.class); Document tikResult = db.getCollection("ticketPurchaseHist") .aggregate(Arrays.asList( Aggregates.match(Filters.lte("sportingEventTicketId", new Decimal128(Math.random() * (max_tik_id.doubleValue() - min_tik_id.doubleValue()) + min_tik_id.doubleValue()))), Aggregates.group(null, Accumulators.max("tik_id", "$sportingEventTicketId")) )).first(); if (tikResult == null) { System.out.println("No tickets available to transfer."); return; } tik_id = tikResult.get("tik_id", Decimal128.class); new_ticketholder = new Decimal128(Math.floor(Math.random() * (g_max_person_id.doubleValue() - g_min_person_id.doubleValue()) + g_min_person_id.doubleValue())); xfer_all = (Math.round(Math.random() * 4) < 4); // transfer all tickets 80% of the time new_price = null; chg_price = (Math.round(Math.random() * 2) == 0); // 30% of the time change price if (chg_price) { Document priceResult = db.getCollection("sportingEventTicket") .find(Filters.eq("id", tik_id)) .projection(Projections.include("ticketPrice")) .first(); if (priceResult != null) { new_price = new Decimal128(priceResult.getDouble("ticketPrice") * (Math.random() * 0.4 + 0.8)); } } transferTicket(tik_id, new_ticketholder, xfer_all, new_price); txn_count++; try { Thread.sleep((long) (transaction_delay * 1000)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } } public List<Document> getOpenEvents() { List<Document> eventTab = new ArrayList<>(); MongoCollection<Document> sportingEventCollection = db.getCollection("sportingEvent"); FindIterable<Document> openEvents = sportingEventCollection.find(Filters.eq("soldOut", 0)) .sort(Sorts.ascending("startDateTime")); for (Document oeRec : openEvents) { eventTab.add(oeRec); } return eventTab; } public eventRecType get_event_details(Number event_id) { eventRecType eventRec = new eventRecType(); Number p_event_id = event_id; List<Document> pipeline = Arrays.asList( new Document("$match", new Document("id", p_event_id)), new Document("$lookup", new Document("from", "sportTeam") .append("localField", "homeTeamId") .append("foreignField", "id") .append("as", "home_team")), new Document("$lookup", new Document("from", "sportTeam") .append("localField", "awayTeamId") .append("foreignField", "id") .append("as", "away_team")), new Document("$lookup", new Document("from", "sportLocation") .append("localField", "locationId") .append("foreignField", "id") .append("as", "location")), new Document("$unwind", "$home_team"), new Document("$unwind", "$away_team"), new Document("$unwind", "$location"), new Document("$project", new Document("sport_name", "$sportTypeName") .append("home_team_name", "$home_team.name") .append("away_team_name", "$away_team.name") .append("home_field", "$location.name") .append("date_time", "$startDateTime")) ); MongoCollection<Document> collection = db.getCollection("sportingEvent"); AggregateIterable<Document> result = collection.aggregate(pipeline); Document doc = result.first(); if (doc != null) { eventRec.sport_name = doc.getString("sport_name"); eventRec.home_team_name = doc.getString("home_team_name"); eventRec.away_team_name = doc.getString("away_team_name"); eventRec.home_field = doc.getString("home_field"); eventRec.date_time = doc.getDate("date_time"); } return eventRec; } public void sellRandomTickets() { List<Document> eventTab = getOpenEvents(); int rowCt = eventTab.size(); int eventIdx = (int) Math.floor(Math.random() * rowCt); Document event = eventTab.get(eventIdx); Decimal128 eventId = event.get("id", Decimal128.class); Decimal128 ticketHolder = new Decimal128(Math.floor(Math.random() * (g_max_person_id.doubleValue() - g_min_person_id.doubleValue()) + g_min_person_id.doubleValue())); int quantity = (int) Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 1; sellTickets(ticketHolder, eventId, quantity); } public void transferTicket(int ticket_id, int new_ticketholder_id, boolean transfer_all, Double price) { int p_ticket_id = ticket_id; int p_new_ticketholder_id = new_ticketholder_id; Double p_price = price; int xferall = transfer_all ? 1 : 0; int old_ticketholder_id; Date last_txn_date; List<Document> txfr_cur; try { Document result = db.getCollection("ticketPurchaseHist").aggregate(Arrays.asList( Aggregates.match(Filters.eq("sportingEventTicketId", p_ticket_id)), Aggregates.group("$ticketholderId", Accumulators.max("transaction_date_time", "$transactionDateTime")), Aggregates.lookup("sportingEventTicket", "ticketholderId", "ticketholderId", "ticket"), Aggregates.unwind("$ticket"), Aggregates.match(Filters.or( Filters.eq("ticket.id", p_ticket_id), Filters.eq("xferall", 1) )), Aggregates.project(Projections.fields( Projections.computed("transaction_date_time", "$transaction_date_time"), Projections.computed("ticketholder_id", "$ticket.ticketholderId") )) )).first(); if (result != null) { last_txn_date = result.getDate("transaction_date_time"); old_ticketholder_id = result.getInteger("ticketholder_id"); txfr_cur = db.getCollection("ticketPurchaseHist").find(Filters.and( Filters.eq("purchased_by_id", old_ticketholder_id), Filters.eq("transaction_date_time", last_txn_date) )).into(new ArrayList<>()); for (Document xrec : txfr_cur) { db.getCollection("sportingEventTicket").updateOne( Filters.eq("id", xrec.getInteger("sportingEventTicketId")), Updates.set("ticketholder_id", p_new_ticketholder_id) ); db.getCollection("ticketPurchaseHist").insertOne(new Document() .append("sportingEventTicketId", xrec.getInteger("sportingEventTicketId")) .append("purchased_by_id", p_new_ticketholder_id) .append("transferred_from_id", old_ticketholder_id) .append("transaction_date_time", new Date()) .append("purchase_price", p_price != null ? p_price : xrec.getDouble("purchase_price")) ); } } db.getCollection("sportingEventTicket").getDatabase().runCommand(new Document("commitTransaction", 1)); } catch (Exception e) { db.getCollection("sportingEventTicket").getDatabase().runCommand(new Document("abortTransaction", 1)); } } }