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Define Location Range for a 2d Index

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You can define the range of coordinates included in a 2d index. By default, 2d indexes have longitude and latitude boundaries of:

  • Greater than or equal to -180

  • Less than 180

To change the location range of a 2d index, specify the min and max options when you create the index:

<location field>: "2d"
min: <lower bound>,
max: <upper bound>

The min and max bounds are inclusive and apply to both longitude and latitude.


The default location bounds for 2d indexes allow latitudes less than -90 and greater than 90, which are invalid values. The behavior of geospatial queries with these invalid points is not defined.

Defining a smaller location range for a 2d index reduces the amount of data stored in the index, and can improve query performance.

You cannot create a 2d index if your collection contains coordinate data outside of the index's location range.

After you create a 2d index, you cannot insert a document that contains coordinate data outside of the index's location range.

Create the contacts collection:

db.contacts.insertMany( [
name: "Evander Otylia",
phone: "202-555-0193",
address: [ 55.5, 42.3 ]
name: "Georgine Lestaw",
phone: "714-555-0107",
address: [ -74, 44.74 ]
] )

The address field contains legacy coordinate pairs.

Create a 2d index on the address field. Specify the following location bounds:

  • min bound of -75

  • max bound of 60

address: "2d"
min: -75,
max: 60

The index covers a smaller location range and has increased performance than a default 2d index.

After you create the index, you cannot insert a document that contains coordinate data outside of the index's location range. For example, you cannot insert the following document:

name: "Paige Polson",
phone: "402-555-0190",
address: [ 70, 42.3 ]

The address field has a longitude value of 70, which is higher than the max bound of 60.

You can use the 2d index to perform calculations on location data, such as proximity queries.


Location Precision

