Config Servers
On this page
Config servers store the metadata for a sharded cluster. The metadata reflects state and organization for all data and components within the sharded cluster. The metadata includes the list of chunks on every shard and the ranges that define the chunks.
The mongos
instances cache this data and use it to route
read and write operations to the correct shards. mongos
updates the cache when there are metadata changes for the cluster, such
as adding a shard. Shards also read
chunk metadata from the config servers.
The config servers also store Authentication on Self-Managed Deployments configuration information such as Role-Based Access Control or internal authentication settings for the cluster.
MongoDB also uses the config servers to manage distributed locks.
Each sharded cluster must have its own config servers. Do not use the same config servers for different sharded clusters.
Administrative operations conducted on config servers may have significant impact on sharded cluster performance and availability. Depending on the number of config servers impacted, the cluster may be read-only or offline for a period of time.
Starting in MongoDB 8.0, you can configure a config server to store application data in addition to the usual sharded cluster metadata. The config server is then known as a config shard. You'll learn more later on this page in the Config Shards section.
Replica Set Config Servers
The following restrictions apply to a replica set configuration when used for config servers:
Must have zero arbiters.
Must have no delayed members.
Must build indexes (i.e. no member should have
setting set to false).
Read and Write Operations on Config Servers
The admin
database and the config
database exist on the config
Writes to Config Servers
The admin
database contains the collections related to the
authentication and authorization as well as the other system.*
collections for internal use.
The config
database contains the
collections that contain the sharded cluster metadata. MongoDB writes
data to the config
database when the metadata changes, such as after
a chunk migration or a chunk split.
Users should avoid writing directly to the config database in the course of normal operation or maintenance.
When writing to the config servers, MongoDB uses a write concern of "majority"
Reads from Config Servers
MongoDB reads from the admin
database for authentication and
authorization data and other internal uses.
MongoDB reads from the config
database when a mongos
starts or after a change in the metadata, such as after a chunk
migration. Shards also read chunk metadata from the config servers.
When reading from the replica set config servers, MongoDB uses a
Read Concern level of "majority"
Metadata Views Must be Up-to-Date
For an operation to succeed, the view of the metadata on the specific shard member must be up-to-date. The shard and the router issuing the request must have the same version of the chunks metadata.
If the metadata is not up-to-date, the operation fails with the
error and the metadata refresh process is triggered.
Refreshing the metadata can introduce additional operational latency.
On a secondary, a metadata refresh can take a long time if there
is significant replication lag. For secondary reads, set
to minimize the impact of replication lag.
Config Server Availability
If the config server replica set loses its primary and cannot elect a primary, the cluster's metadata becomes read only. You can still read and write data from the shards, but no chunk migration or chunk splits will occur until the replica set can elect a primary.
In a sharded cluster, mongod
and mongos
monitor the replica sets in the sharded cluster (e.g. shard replica
sets, config server replica set).
If all config servers become unavailable, the cluster can become inoperable. To ensure that the config servers remain available and intact, backups of config servers are critical. The data on the config server is small compared to the data stored in a cluster, and the config server has a relatively low activity load.
See A Config Server Replica Set Member Become Unavailable for more information.
Sharded Cluster Metadata
Config servers store metadata in the config
Always back up the config
database before doing any
maintenance on the config server.
To access the config
database, issue the following command in
use config
In general, you should never edit the content of the config
database directly. The config
database contains the following
For more information on these collections and their role in sharded clusters, see Config Database. See Read and Write Operations on Config Servers for more information about reads and updates to the metadata.
Sharded Cluster Security
Use Self-Managed Internal/Membership Authentication to enforce intra-cluster
security and prevent unauthorized cluster components from accessing the
cluster. You must start each mongod
in the cluster with the
appropriate security settings in order to enforce internal authentication.
Starting in MongoDB 5.3, SCRAM-SHA-1 cannot be used for intra-cluster authentication. Only SCRAM-SHA-256 is supported.
In previous MongoDB versions, SCRAM-SHA-1 and SCRAM-SHA-256 can both be used for intra-cluster authentication, even if SCRAM is not explicitly enabled.
See Deploy Self-Managed Sharded Cluster with Keyfile Authentication for a tutorial on deploying a secured sharded cluster.
Config Shards
New in version 8.0.
Starting in MongoDB 8.0, you can:
Configure a config server to store your application data in addition to the usual sharded cluster metadata. A config server that stores application data is called a config shard.
Transition a config server between being a config shard and a dedicated config server.
A cluster requires a config server, but it can be a config shard instead of a dedicated config server. Using a config shard reduces the number of nodes required and can simplify your deployment.
If your application has demanding availability and resiliency requirements, consider deploying a dedicated config server. A dedicated config server provides isolation, dedicated resources, and consistent performance for critical cluster operations.
You cannot use the same config shard for multiple sharded clusters.
To configure a dedicated config server to run as a config shard, run the
To configure a config shard to run as a dedicated config server, run the
A user created on a config shard has the same behavior as a user created on a dedicated config server.
Confirm use of Config Shard
You can confirm that a sharded cluster uses a config shard by using one of the following methods:
Run the
method inmongosh
. If thesh.isConfigShardEnabled()
output containsenabled: true
, the cluster uses a config shard. If the output containsenabled: false
, the cluster does not use a config shard.Run the
command against theadmin
database while connected to amongos
and inspect the output for a document where_id
is set to"config"
. If thelistShards
output does not contain a document where_id
is set to"config"
, the cluster does not use a config shard.
The following example runs the listShards
command and tries to find
a document where _id
is set to "config"
db.adminCommand({ listShards: 1 })["shards"].find(element => element._id === "config")
In this example, the returned document has _id
set to "config"
which confirms that this cluster uses a config shard.
{ _id: "config", host: "configRepl/localhost:27018", state: 1, topologyTime: Timestamp({ t: 1732218671, i: 13 }), replSetConfigVersion: Long('-1') }
Downgrade Feature Compatibility Version
If your cluster has a config shard and you need to downgrade the
feature compatibility version to earlier than 8.0,
connect to mongos
and perform this procedure:
Configure a config shard to run as a dedicated config server.
To begin configuring a config shard to run as a dedicated config
server, run transitionToDedicatedConfigServer
db.adminCommand( { transitionToDedicatedConfigServer: 1 } )
List all of the databases and collections in the cluster.
To list all the databases in the cluster, run
:db.adminCommand( { listDatabases: 1, nameOnly: true } ) Exclude
databases.For each database, list all of the collections in the database.
To list all of the collections in the database, run
.db.adminCommand( { listCollections: 1, nameOnly: true, filter: { type: { $ne: "view" } } } ) Exclude collections starting with
For each non-system collection, move the collection to a new shard.
To move the collection to a new shard, run
db.adminCommand( { moveCollection: "<database>.<collection>", toShard: "<new shard>", } )
Wait for balancer to move sharded collection data off config server.
To verify the balancer has moved sharded collection data off the
config server, run transitionToDedicatedConfigServer
db.adminCommand( { transitionToDedicatedConfigServer: 1 } )
The response after a successful data move contains state:
. If the response contains
state: "pendingDataCleanup"
, wait a moment then continue
calling transitionToDedicatedConfigServer
until the command
response contains state: "completed"
. For full response
details, see removeShard
Set the feature compatibility version.
To set the feature compatibility version, run
db.adminCommand( { setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: "7.0" } )