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Remove Shards from a Sharded Cluster

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  • About this Task
  • Before you Begin
  • Steps
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To remove a shard you must ensure the shard's data is migrated to the remaining shards in the cluster. This procedure describes how to safely migrate data and remove a shard.

  1. This procedure uses the sh.moveCollection() method to move collections off of the removed shard. Before you begin this procedure, review the moveCollection considerations and requirements to understand the command behavior.

  2. To remove a shard, first connect to one of the cluster's mongos instances using mongosh.


To migrate data from a shard, the balancer process must be enabled. To check the balancer state, use the sh.getBalancerState() method:


If the operation returns true, the balancer is enabled.

If the operation returns false, see Enable the Balancer.


To find the name of the shard, run the listShards command:

db.adminCommand( { listShards: 1 } )

The shards._id field contains the shard name.


Run the removeShard command for the shard you want to remove:

db.adminCommand( { removeShard: "<shardName>" } )


mongos converts the write concern of the removeShard command to "majority".

The removeShard operation returns:

"msg" : "draining started successfully",
"state" : "started",
"shard" : "<shardName>",
"note" : "you need to call moveCollection for collectionsToMove and afterwards movePrimary for the dbsToMove",
"dbsToMove" : [
collectionsToMove: ["db1.collA"]
"ok" : 1,
"operationTime" : Timestamp(1575398919, 2),
"$clusterTime" : {
"clusterTime" : Timestamp(1575398919, 2),
"signature" : {
"hash" : BinData(0,"Oi68poWCFCA7b9kyhIcg+TzaGiA="),
"keyId" : NumberLong("6766255701040824328")

The shard enters the draining state and the balancer begins migrating chunks from the removed shard to other shards in the cluster. These migrations happens slowly to avoid severe impact on the overall cluster. Depending on your network capacity and the amount of data, this operation can take from a few minutes to several days to complete.


While the shard is in the draining state, you can use the reshardCollection command to redistribute data off of the removed shard.

Moving data with reshardCollection can be faster than waiting for the balancer to migrate chunks. The cluster ensures that data is not placed on any draining shards. You can't run moveCollection and reshardCollection operations simultaneously.

  1. Determine what collections need to be moved

    To list the unsharded collections on the shard, use the aggregation stage $listClusterCatalog:

    use admin
    { $listClusterCatalog: { shards: true } },
    { $match: {
    $and: [
    { sharded: false },
    { shards: '<shard_to_remove>' },
    { type: { $nin: ["timeseries","view"] } },
    { ns: { $not: { $regex: "^enxcol_\..*(\.esc|\.ecc|\.ecoc|\.ecoc\.compact)$" }}},
    { $or: [{ns: {$not: { $regex: "\.system\." }}}, {ns: {$regex: "\.system\.buckets\."}}]},
    { db: { $ne: 'config' } },
    { db: { $ne: 'admin' } }
    { $project: {
    _id: 0,
    ns: {
    $cond: [
    $replaceAll: {
    input: "$ns",
    find: ".system.buckets",
    replacement: ""
  2. Move the collections one by one

    To move the collection, run sh.moveCollection():

    sh.moveCollection( "<database>.<collection>", "<ID of recipient shard>" )


    moveCollection fails if you run the command on a namespace that is sharded. If you receive this error message, ignore it and return to step 1 for the next collection.

  3. Return to step 1 to check that there are no remaining unsharded collections on the draining shard.


Run the db.printShardingStatus() method:


In the databases section of the command output, check the database.primary field. If the primary field is the removed shard, you must move that database's primary to a different shard.

To change a database's primary shard, run the movePrimary command.


When you run movePrimary, any collections that were not moved in the Move collections off of the shard step are unavailable during the movePrimary process.

movePrimary: <dbName>,
to: <shardName>

To check the progress of the migration, run removeShard from the admin database again:

db.adminCommand( { removeShard: "<shardName>" } )

In the output, the remaining field includes these fields:



Number of chunks currently remaining on the shard


Number of databases whose primary shard is the shard. These databases are specified in the dbsToMove output field.


Of the total number of chunks, the number that are jumbo.

If jumboChunks is greater than 0, wait until only the jumboChunks remain on the shard. Once only the jumbo chunks remain, you must manually clear the jumbo flag before the draining can complete. See Clear jumbo Flag.

After the jumbo flag clears, the balancer can migrate these chunks. For details on the migration procedure, see Range Migration Procedure.

Continue checking the status of the removeShard command until the number of chunks remaining is 0.

db.adminCommand( { removeShard: "<shardName>" } )

To finalize the shard removal process, re-run the removeShard command:

db.adminCommand( { removeShard: <shardName> } )


DDL Operations

If you remove a shard while your cluster executes a DDL operation (an operation that modifies a collection such as reshardCollection), the removeShard operation runs after the concurrent DDL operation finishes.

If the shard is removed, the command output resembles the following:

msg: 'removeshard completed successfully',
state: 'completed',
shard: '<shardName>',
ok: 1,
'$clusterTime': {
clusterTime: Timestamp({ t: 1721941519, i: 7 }),
signature: {
hash: Binary.createFromBase64('AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=', 0),
keyId: Long('0')
operationTime: Timestamp({ t: 1721941519, i: 7 })


Add a Member to a Shard