Docs 菜单


The following tutorials provide information in maintaining existing replica sets.

更改自管理副本集节点的 Oplog 大小
Increase the size of the oplog which logs operations. In most cases, the default oplog size is sufficient.
Perform Maintenance on Self-Managed Replica Set Members
Perform maintenance on a member of a replica set while minimizing downtime.
Force a replica set member to become primary.
Sync the data on a member. Either perform initial sync on a new member or resync the data on an existing member that has fallen too far behind to catch up by way of normal replication.
Assign tags to replica set members for use in targeting read and write operations to specific members.
Reconfigure a replica set when a majority of replica set members are down or unreachable.
Disable or enable chained replication. Chained replication occurs when a secondary replicates from another secondary instead of the primary.
Change Hostnames in a Self-Managed Replica Set
Update the replica set configuration to reflect changes in members' hostnames.
Specify the member that a secondary member synchronizes from.
Rename an unsharded replica set.
Modify a Self-Managed PSA Replica Set Safely
Safely perform some reconfiguration changes on a primary-secondary-arbiter (PSA) replica set or on a replica set that is changing to a PSA architecture.
使用自我管理的 PSA 副本集缓解性能问题
Reduce cache pressure and increased write traffic for a deployment that has a three-member primary-secondary-arbiter (PSA) architecture.