In this guide, you can learn how to manage your encryption keys with a Key Management System (KMS) in your Client-Side Field Level Encryption (CSFLE)-enabled application.
Encryption Components
MongoDB uses the following components to perform Client-Side Field Level Encryption:
数据加密密钥 (DEK)
客户主密钥 (CMK)
密钥管理系统 (KMS)
To learn more about keys and key vaults, see 加密密钥和密钥保管库.
Client-Side Field Level Encryption supports the following Key Management System providers:
Amazon Web Services KMS
Azure Key Vault
Google Cloud KMS
Any KMIP Compliant Key Management System
默认 KMIP 协议版本是 1.2。您可以在 MongoDB 服务器的配置文件中将 MongoDB 配置为使用 KMIP 1.0 或 1.1 版本。
To learn more about these providers, including diagrams that show how your application uses them to perform Client-Side Field Level Encryption, see KMS 提供商.
Manage a Data Encryption Key's Alternate Name
You can assign a Data Encryption Key alternate names to make the key easier to reference. Assigning alternate names allows you to perform the following actions:
Reference a DEK by different means than the
field.Dynamically assign DEKs at runtime.
Create a Data Encryption Key with an Alternate Name
Prior to adding a new key alternate name, you must create a partial
unique index on the keyAltNames
field. This index should have a
for documents where keyAltNames
To learn how to create a partial index, refer to 部分索引.
The following example creates a Data Encryption Key with an alternate name. Select the tab that corresponds to your driver language:
var autoEncryptionOpts = { keyVaultNamespace: keyVaultNamespace, kmsProviders: kmsProviders, }; var encryptedClient = Mongo( connectionString, autoEncryptionOpts ); var clientEncryption = encryptedClient.getClientEncryption(); var masterKey = { "<Your dataKeyOpts Key>": "<Your dataKeyOpts Value>", }; var keyVault = encryptedClient.getKeyVault(); var keyId = keyVault.createKey("aws", masterKey, ["<Your Key Alt Name>"]);
var keyVaultClient = new MongoClient(connectionString); var clientEncryptionOptions = new ClientEncryptionOptions( keyVaultClient: keyVaultClient, keyVaultNamespace: keyVaultNamespace, kmsProviders: kmsProviders); var clientEncryption = new ClientEncryption(clientEncryptionOptions); var dataKeyOptions = new DataKeyOptions( alternateKeyNames: new[] { "<Your Key Alt Name>" }, masterKey: new BsonDocument { { "<Your dataKeyOpts Keys>", "<Your dataKeyOpts Values>" }, }); var dataKeyId = clientEncryption.CreateDataKey("<Your KMS Provider>", dataKeyOptions, CancellationToken.None);
clientEncryptionOpts := options.ClientEncryption().SetKeyVaultNamespace(KeyVaultNamespace).SetKmsProviders(kmsProviders) keyVaultClient, err := mongo.Connect(context.TODO(), options.Client().ApplyURI(URI)) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Client connect error %v", err) } clientEnc, err := mongo.NewClientEncryption(keyVaultClient, clientEncryptionOpts) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("NewClientEncryption error %v", err) } defer func() { _ = clientEnc.Close(context.TODO()) }() masterKey := map[string]interface{}{ "<Your dataKeyOpts Key>": "<Your dataKeyOpts Value>", } dataKeyOpts := options.DataKey(). SetMasterKey(masterKey). SetKeyAltNames([]string{"<Your Key Alt Name>"}) dataKeyID, err := clientEnc.CreateDataKey(context.TODO(), provider, dataKeyOpts) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("create data key error %v", err) }
ClientEncryptionSettings clientEncryptionSettings = ClientEncryptionSettings.builder() .keyVaultMongoClientSettings(MongoClientSettings.builder() .applyConnectionString(new ConnectionString(connectionString)) .build()) .keyVaultNamespace(keyVaultNamespace) .kmsProviders(kmsProviders) .build(); ClientEncryption clientEncryption = ClientEncryptions.create(clientEncryptionSettings); BsonDocument masterKeyProperties = new BsonDocument(); masterKeyProperties.put("provider", new BsonString("<Your KMS Provider>")); masterKeyProperties.put("<Your dataKeyOpts Key>", new BsonString("<Your dataKeyOpts Value>")); List keyAltNames = new ArrayList<String>(); keyAltNames.add("<Your Key Alt Name>"); BsonBinary dataKeyId = clientEncryption.createDataKey(kmsProvider, new DataKeyOptions().masterKey(masterKeyProperties).keyAltNames(keyAltNames));
const encryption = new ClientEncryption(client, { keyVaultNamespace, kmsProviders, }); const masterKey = { "<Your dataKeyOpts Key>": "<Your dataKeyOpts Value>", }; const key = await encryption.createDataKey(provider, { masterKey: masterKey, keyAltNames: ["<Your Key Alt Name>"], });
client = MongoClient(connection_string) client_encryption = ClientEncryption( kms_providers, key_vault_namespace, client, CodecOptions(uuid_representation=STANDARD), ) master_key={ "<Your dataKeyOpts Key>" : "<Your dataKeyOpts Value>"} data_key_id = client_encryption.create_data_key(provider, master_key, key_alt_names=["<Your Key Alt Name>"])
To learn more about dataKeyOpts
and kmsProviders
objects, see
KMS 提供商.
Use Key Alternate Names in an Automatic Encryption Schema
Encryption schemas contain user-specified rules that identify which fields must be encrypted and how to encrypt those fields. In your encryption rules, you can specify alternate key names name for the Data Encryption Key which encrypts your field.
You must refer to a key alternate name with a JSON pointer. A JSON
pointer is a string prefixed with a "/"
character that can be used
to access a particular field value in the same or another document. Use
JSON pointers to reference a field in your query or update document
which contains the value of your key alternate name.
Cannot Use Alternate Name for Deterministically Encrypted Field
You cannot reference a DEK by it's alternate name when
encrypting a field with the deterministic encryption algorithm. To encrypt your field
deterministically, you must specify the _id
of the key you would
like to use to encrypt your field.
Reference Key Alternate Name in an Encryption Schema
Consider the following encryption schema which encrypts the salary
{ "<database>.<collection>": { "bsonType": "object", "properties": { "salary": { "encrypt": { "bsonType": "int", "keyId": "/fieldWithAltName", "algorithm": "AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Random" } } } } }
The schema's keyId
field contains a JSON pointer to reference the
field within the documents being encrypted.
The following document's fieldWithAltName
value is my-alt-name
{ "name": "Jon Doe", "salary": 45000, "fieldWithAltName": "my-alt-name" }
The salary
field is encrypted by the DEK that has the
alternate name my-alt-name
Dynamically Assign Keys at Runtime
You can use alternate key names to dynamically set the Data Encryption Key for a field at runtime. Use this functionality to encrypt individual documents with different DEKs using the same encryption schema.
{ "name": "Jon Doe", "salary": 45000, "fieldWithAltName": "my-alt-name" }, { "name": "Jane Smith", "salary": 70000, "fieldWithAltName": "my-other-alt-name" }
You insert the preceding documents using a CSFLE-enabled client configured with the encryption schema from the previous example.
In the encryption schema, the salary.encrypt.keyId
field contains a
JSON pointer to the fieldWithAltName
field of the inserted document.
As a result, the salary
fields in the two example documents are
each encrypted using a DEK specific to the individual
document. The keys are assigned dynamically at runtime.
Procedure: Rotate Encryption Keys Using Mongo Shell
With version 1.5 and later of the Mongo Shell, you can rotate encryption keys
using the rewrapManyDataKey
method. The rewrapManyDataKey
automatically decrypts multiple data keys and re-encrypts them using a specified
Customer Master Key. It then updates the rotated keys in the key vault collection.
This method allows you to rotate encryption keys based on two optional arguments:
A filter used to specify which keys to rotate. If no data key matches the given filter, no keys are rotated. Omit the filter to rotate all keys in your key vault collection.
An object that represents a new CMK. Omit this object to rotate the data keys using their current CMKs.
The rewrapManyDataKey
uses the following syntax:
keyVault = db.getKeyVault() keyVault.rewrapManyDataKey( { "<Your custom filter>" }, { provider: "<KMS provider>", masterKey: { "<dataKeyOpts Key>" : "<dataKeyOpts Value>" } } )
To learn more about the dataKeyOpts
object for your KMS provider, see
You can delete a Data Encryption Key from your Key Vault collection using standard CRUD delete operations. If you delete a DEK, all fields encrypted with that DEK become permanently unreadable.
MongoDB Shell Specific Feature
The MongoDB shell allows you to delete a DEK by UUID
the keyVault.deleteKey()
method as follows:
keyVault = db.getKeyVault() keyVault.deleteKey(UUID("<UUID String>"))
To learn more about Key Vault collections see 加密密钥和密钥保管库.
For tutorials detailing how to set up a CSFLE-enabled application with each of the supported KMS providers, see the following pages:
To view additional examples of encryption schemas, see CSFLE 加密模式.