驱动程序 API
Callback API 与 Core API
. 的错误处理逻辑。
回调 API
回调 API 包含以下逻辑:
从 MongoDB 6.2 开始,服务器在收到 TransactionTooLargeForCache
➤ 使用右上角的选择语言下拉菜单来设置本页面上示例的语言。
使用适合您的 MongoDB 版本的 MongoDB 驱动程序。
该示例使用新的 Callback API 来处理事务,具体操作是启动事务、执行指定操作并提交(或在出错时中止)。新的 Callback API 包含针对 TransientTransactionError
或 UnknownTransactionCommitResult
static bool with_transaction_example (bson_error_t *error) { mongoc_client_t *client = NULL; mongoc_write_concern_t *wc = NULL; mongoc_collection_t *coll = NULL; bool success = false; bool ret = false; bson_t *doc = NULL; bson_t *insert_opts = NULL; mongoc_client_session_t *session = NULL; mongoc_transaction_opt_t *txn_opts = NULL; /* For a replica set, include the replica set name and a seedlist of the * members in the URI string; e.g. * uri_repl = "mongodb://mongodb0.example.com:27017,mongodb1.example.com:" \ * "27017/?replicaSet=myRepl"; * client = mongoc_client_new (uri_repl); * For a sharded cluster, connect to the mongos instances; e.g. * uri_sharded = * "mongodb://mongos0.example.com:27017,mongos1.example.com:27017/"; * client = mongoc_client_new (uri_sharded); */ client = get_client (); /* Prereq: Create collections. Note Atlas connection strings include a majority write * concern by default. */ wc = mongoc_write_concern_new (); mongoc_write_concern_set_wmajority (wc, 0); insert_opts = bson_new (); mongoc_write_concern_append (wc, insert_opts); coll = mongoc_client_get_collection (client, "mydb1", "foo"); doc = BCON_NEW ("abc", BCON_INT32 (0)); ret = mongoc_collection_insert_one (coll, doc, insert_opts, NULL /* reply */, error); if (!ret) { goto fail; } bson_destroy (doc); mongoc_collection_destroy (coll); coll = mongoc_client_get_collection (client, "mydb2", "bar"); doc = BCON_NEW ("xyz", BCON_INT32 (0)); ret = mongoc_collection_insert_one (coll, doc, insert_opts, NULL /* reply */, error); if (!ret) { goto fail; } /* Step 1: Start a client session. */ session = mongoc_client_start_session (client, NULL /* opts */, error); if (!session) { goto fail; } /* Step 2: Optional. Define options to use for the transaction. */ txn_opts = mongoc_transaction_opts_new (); mongoc_transaction_opts_set_write_concern (txn_opts, wc); /* Step 3: Use mongoc_client_session_with_transaction to start a transaction, * execute the callback, and commit (or abort on error). */ ret = mongoc_client_session_with_transaction (session, callback, txn_opts, NULL /* ctx */, NULL /* reply */, error); if (!ret) { goto fail; } success = true; fail: bson_destroy (doc); mongoc_collection_destroy (coll); bson_destroy (insert_opts); mongoc_write_concern_destroy (wc); mongoc_transaction_opts_destroy (txn_opts); mongoc_client_session_destroy (session); mongoc_client_destroy (client); return success; } /* Define the callback that specifies the sequence of operations to perform * inside the transactions. */ static bool callback (mongoc_client_session_t *session, void *ctx, bson_t **reply, bson_error_t *error) { mongoc_client_t *client = NULL; mongoc_collection_t *coll = NULL; bson_t *doc = NULL; bool success = false; bool ret = false; BSON_UNUSED (ctx); client = mongoc_client_session_get_client (session); coll = mongoc_client_get_collection (client, "mydb1", "foo"); doc = BCON_NEW ("abc", BCON_INT32 (1)); ret = mongoc_collection_insert_one (coll, doc, NULL /* opts */, *reply, error); if (!ret) { goto fail; } bson_destroy (doc); mongoc_collection_destroy (coll); coll = mongoc_client_get_collection (client, "mydb2", "bar"); doc = BCON_NEW ("xyz", BCON_INT32 (999)); ret = mongoc_collection_insert_one (coll, doc, NULL /* opts */, *reply, error); if (!ret) { goto fail; } success = true; fail: mongoc_collection_destroy (coll); bson_destroy (doc); return success; }
使用适合您的 MongoDB 版本的 MongoDB 驱动程序。
该示例使用新的 Callback API 来处理事务,具体操作是启动事务、执行指定操作并提交(或在出错时中止)。新的 Callback API 包含针对 TransientTransactionError
或 UnknownTransactionCommitResult
// The mongocxx::instance constructor and destructor initialize and shut down the driver, // respectively. Therefore, a mongocxx::instance must be created before using the driver and // must remain alive for as long as the driver is in use. mongocxx::instance inst{}; // For a replica set, include the replica set name and a seedlist of the members in the URI // string; e.g. // uriString = // 'mongodb://mongodb0.example.com:27017,mongodb1.example.com:27017/?replicaSet=myRepl' // For a sharded cluster, connect to the mongos instances; e.g. // uriString = 'mongodb://mongos0.example.com:27017,mongos1.example.com:27017/' mongocxx::client client{mongocxx::uri{"mongodb://localhost/?replicaSet=repl0"}}; // Prepare to set majority write explicitly. Note: on Atlas deployments this won't always be // needed. The suggested Atlas connection string includes majority write concern by default. write_concern wc_majority{}; wc_majority.acknowledge_level(write_concern::level::k_majority); // Prereq: Create collections. auto foo = client["mydb1"]["foo"]; auto bar = client["mydb2"]["bar"]; try { options::insert opts; opts.write_concern(wc_majority); foo.insert_one(make_document(kvp("abc", 0)), opts); bar.insert_one(make_document(kvp("xyz", 0)), opts); } catch (mongocxx::exception const& e) { std::cout << "An exception occurred while inserting: " << e.what() << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Step 1: Define the callback that specifies the sequence of operations to perform inside the // transactions. client_session::with_transaction_cb callback = [&](client_session* session) { // Important:: You must pass the session to the operations. foo.insert_one(*session, make_document(kvp("abc", 1))); bar.insert_one(*session, make_document(kvp("xyz", 999))); }; // Step 2: Start a client session auto session = client.start_session(); // Step 3: Use with_transaction to start a transaction, execute the callback, // and commit (or abort on error). try { options::transaction opts; opts.write_concern(wc_majority); session.with_transaction(callback, opts); } catch (mongocxx::exception const& e) { std::cout << "An exception occurred: " << e.what() << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } return EXIT_SUCCESS;
使用适合您的 MongoDB 版本的 MongoDB 驱动程序。
该示例使用新的 Callback API 来处理事务,具体操作是启动事务、执行指定操作并提交(或在出错时中止)。新的 Callback API 包含针对 TransientTransactionError
或 UnknownTransactionCommitResult
// For a replica set, include the replica set name and a seedlist of the members in the URI string; e.g. // string uri = "mongodb://mongodb0.example.com:27017,mongodb1.example.com:27017/?replicaSet=myRepl"; // For a sharded cluster, connect to the mongos instances; e.g. // string uri = "mongodb://mongos0.example.com:27017,mongos1.example.com:27017/"; var client = new MongoClient(connectionString); // Prereq: Create collections. var database1 = client.GetDatabase("mydb1"); var collection1 = database1.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("foo").WithWriteConcern(WriteConcern.WMajority); collection1.InsertOne(new BsonDocument("abc", 0)); var database2 = client.GetDatabase("mydb2"); var collection2 = database2.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("bar").WithWriteConcern(WriteConcern.WMajority); collection2.InsertOne(new BsonDocument("xyz", 0)); // Step 1: Start a client session. using (var session = client.StartSession()) { // Step 2: Optional. Define options to use for the transaction. var transactionOptions = new TransactionOptions( writeConcern: WriteConcern.WMajority); // Step 3: Define the sequence of operations to perform inside the transactions var cancellationToken = CancellationToken.None; // normally a real token would be used result = session.WithTransaction( (s, ct) => { try { collection1.InsertOne(s, new BsonDocument("abc", 1), cancellationToken: ct); collection2.InsertOne(s, new BsonDocument("xyz", 999), cancellationToken: ct); } catch (MongoWriteException) { // Do something in response to the exception throw; // NOTE: You must rethrow the exception otherwise an infinite loop can occur. } return "Inserted into collections in different databases"; }, transactionOptions, cancellationToken); }
该示例使用新的 Callback API 来处理事务,具体操作是启动事务、执行指定操作并提交(或在出错时中止)。新的 Callback API 包含针对 TransientTransactionError
或 UnknownTransactionCommitResult
使用适合您的 MongoDB 版本的 MongoDB 驱动程序。
// WithTransactionExample is an example of using the Session.WithTransaction function. func WithTransactionExample(ctx context.Context) error { // For a replica set, include the replica set name and a seedlist of the members in the URI string; e.g. // uri := "mongodb://mongodb0.example.com:27017,mongodb1.example.com:27017/?replicaSet=myRepl" // For a sharded cluster, connect to the mongos instances; e.g. // uri := "mongodb://mongos0.example.com:27017,mongos1.example.com:27017/" uri := mtest.ClusterURI() clientOpts := options.Client().ApplyURI(uri) client, err := mongo.Connect(clientOpts) if err != nil { return err } defer func() { _ = client.Disconnect(ctx) }() // Prereq: Create collections. wcMajority := writeconcern.Majority() wcMajorityCollectionOpts := options.Collection().SetWriteConcern(wcMajority) fooColl := client.Database("mydb1").Collection("foo", wcMajorityCollectionOpts) barColl := client.Database("mydb1").Collection("bar", wcMajorityCollectionOpts) // Step 1: Define the callback that specifies the sequence of operations to perform inside the transaction. callback := func(sesctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) { // Important: You must pass sesctx as the Context parameter to the operations for them to be executed in the // transaction. if _, err := fooColl.InsertOne(sesctx, bson.D{{"abc", 1}}); err != nil { return nil, err } if _, err := barColl.InsertOne(sesctx, bson.D{{"xyz", 999}}); err != nil { return nil, err } return nil, nil } // Step 2: Start a session and run the callback using WithTransaction. session, err := client.StartSession() if err != nil { return err } defer session.EndSession(ctx) result, err := session.WithTransaction(ctx, callback) if err != nil { return err } log.Printf("result: %v\n", result) return nil }
使用适合您的 MongoDB 版本的 MongoDB 驱动程序。
该示例使用新的 Callback API 来处理事务,具体操作是启动事务、执行指定操作并提交(或在出错时中止)。新的 Callback API 包含针对 TransientTransactionError
或 UnknownTransactionCommitResult
/* For a replica set, include the replica set name and a seedlist of the members in the URI string; e.g. String uri = "mongodb://mongodb0.example.com:27017,mongodb1.example.com:27017/admin?replicaSet=myRepl"; For a sharded cluster, connect to the mongos instances; e.g. String uri = "mongodb://mongos0.example.com:27017,mongos1.example.com:27017:27017/admin"; */ final MongoClient client = MongoClients.create(uri); /* Create collections. */ client.getDatabase("mydb1").getCollection("foo") .withWriteConcern(WriteConcern.MAJORITY).insertOne( new Document("abc", 0)); client.getDatabase("mydb2").getCollection("bar") .withWriteConcern(WriteConcern.MAJORITY).insertOne( new Document("xyz", 0)); /* Step 1: Start a client session. */ final ClientSession clientSession = client.startSession(); /* Step 2: Optional. Define options to use for the transaction. */ TransactionOptions txnOptions = TransactionOptions.builder() .readPreference(ReadPreference.primary()) .readConcern(ReadConcern.LOCAL) .writeConcern(WriteConcern.MAJORITY) .build(); /* Step 3: Define the sequence of operations to perform inside the transactions. */ TransactionBody txnBody = new TransactionBody<String>() { public String execute() { MongoCollection<Document> coll1 = client.getDatabase("mydb1").getCollection("foo"); MongoCollection<Document> coll2 = client.getDatabase("mydb2").getCollection("bar"); /* Important:: You must pass the session to the operations.. */ coll1.insertOne(clientSession, new Document("abc", 1)); coll2.insertOne(clientSession, new Document("xyz", 999)); return "Inserted into collections in different databases"; } }; try { /* Step 4: Use .withTransaction() to start a transaction, execute the callback, and commit (or abort on error). */ clientSession.withTransaction(txnBody, txnOptions); } catch (RuntimeException e) { // some error handling } finally { clientSession.close(); }
使用适合您的 MongoDB 版本的 MongoDB 驱动程序。
该示例使用新的 Callback API 来处理事务,具体操作是启动事务、执行指定操作并提交(或在出错时中止)。新的 Callback API 包含针对 TransientTransactionError
或 UnknownTransactionCommitResult
# For a replica set, include the replica set name and a seedlist of the members in the URI string; e.g. # uriString = 'mongodb://mongodb0.example.com:27017,mongodb1.example.com:27017/?replicaSet=myRepl' # For a sharded cluster, connect to the mongos instances; e.g. # uriString = 'mongodb://mongos0.example.com:27017,mongos1.example.com:27017/' client = AsyncIOMotorClient(uriString) wc_majority = WriteConcern("majority", wtimeout=1000) # Prereq: Create collections. await client.get_database("mydb1", write_concern=wc_majority).foo.insert_one({"abc": 0}) await client.get_database("mydb2", write_concern=wc_majority).bar.insert_one({"xyz": 0}) # Step 1: Define the callback that specifies the sequence of operations to perform inside the transactions. async def callback(my_session): collection_one = my_session.client.mydb1.foo collection_two = my_session.client.mydb2.bar # Important:: You must pass the session to the operations. await collection_one.insert_one({"abc": 1}, session=my_session) await collection_two.insert_one({"xyz": 999}, session=my_session) # Step 2: Start a client session. async with await client.start_session() as session: # Step 3: Use with_transaction to start a transaction, execute the callback, and commit (or abort on error). await session.with_transaction( callback, read_concern=ReadConcern("local"), write_concern=wc_majority, read_preference=ReadPreference.PRIMARY, )
使用适合您的 MongoDB 版本的 MongoDB 驱动程序。
该示例使用新的 Callback API 来处理事务,具体操作是启动事务、执行指定操作并提交(或在出错时中止)。新的 Callback API 包含针对 TransientTransactionError
或 UnknownTransactionCommitResult
// For a replica set, include the replica set name and a seedlist of the members in the URI string; e.g. // const uri = 'mongodb://mongodb0.example.com:27017,mongodb1.example.com:27017/?replicaSet=myRepl' // For a sharded cluster, connect to the mongos instances; e.g. // const uri = 'mongodb://mongos0.example.com:27017,mongos1.example.com:27017/' const client = new MongoClient(uri); await client.connect(); // Prereq: Create collections. await client .db('mydb1') .collection('foo') .insertOne({ abc: 0 }, { writeConcern: { w: 'majority' } }); await client .db('mydb2') .collection('bar') .insertOne({ xyz: 0 }, { writeConcern: { w: 'majority' } }); // Step 1: Start a Client Session const session = client.startSession(); // Step 2: Optional. Define options to use for the transaction const transactionOptions = { readPreference: 'primary', readConcern: { level: 'local' }, writeConcern: { w: 'majority' } }; // Step 3: Use withTransaction to start a transaction, execute the callback, and commit (or abort on error) // Note: The callback for withTransaction MUST be async and/or return a Promise. try { await session.withTransaction(async () => { const coll1 = client.db('mydb1').collection('foo'); const coll2 = client.db('mydb2').collection('bar'); // Important:: You must pass the session to the operations await coll1.insertOne({ abc: 1 }, { session }); await coll2.insertOne({ xyz: 999 }, { session }); }, transactionOptions); } finally { await session.endSession(); await client.close(); }
对于Perl驾驶员,请参阅Core API使用示例。
使用适合您的 MongoDB 版本的 MongoDB 驱动程序。
该示例使用新的 Callback API 来处理事务,具体操作是启动事务、执行指定操作并提交(或在出错时中止)。新的 Callback API 包含针对 TransientTransactionError
或 UnknownTransactionCommitResult
/* * For a replica set, include the replica set name and a seedlist of the members in the URI string; e.g. * uriString = 'mongodb://mongodb0.example.com:27017,mongodb1.example.com:27017/?replicaSet=myRepl' * For a sharded cluster, connect to the mongos instances; e.g. * uriString = 'mongodb://mongos0.example.com:27017,mongos1.example.com:27017/' */ $client = new \MongoDB\Client($uriString); // Prerequisite: Create collections. $client->selectCollection( 'mydb1', 'foo', [ 'writeConcern' => new \MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern(\MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern::MAJORITY, 1000), ], )->insertOne(['abc' => 0]); $client->selectCollection( 'mydb2', 'bar', [ 'writeConcern' => new \MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern(\MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern::MAJORITY, 1000), ], )->insertOne(['xyz' => 0]); // Step 1: Define the callback that specifies the sequence of operations to perform inside the transactions. $callback = function (\MongoDB\Driver\Session $session) use ($client): void { $client ->selectCollection('mydb1', 'foo') ->insertOne(['abc' => 1], ['session' => $session]); $client ->selectCollection('mydb2', 'bar') ->insertOne(['xyz' => 999], ['session' => $session]); }; // Step 2: Start a client session. $session = $client->startSession(); // Step 3: Use with_transaction to start a transaction, execute the callback, and commit (or abort on error). \MongoDB\with_transaction($session, $callback);
使用适合您的 MongoDB 版本的 MongoDB 驱动程序。
该示例使用新的 Callback API 来处理事务,具体操作是启动事务、执行指定操作并提交(或在出错时中止)。新的 Callback API 包含针对 TransientTransactionError
或 UnknownTransactionCommitResult
# For a replica set, include the replica set name and a seedlist of the members in the URI string; e.g. # uriString = 'mongodb://mongodb0.example.com:27017,mongodb1.example.com:27017/?replicaSet=myRepl' # For a sharded cluster, connect to the mongos instances; e.g. # uriString = 'mongodb://mongos0.example.com:27017,mongos1.example.com:27017/' client = MongoClient(uriString) wc_majority = WriteConcern("majority", wtimeout=1000) # Prereq: Create collections. client.get_database("mydb1", write_concern=wc_majority).foo.insert_one({"abc": 0}) client.get_database("mydb2", write_concern=wc_majority).bar.insert_one({"xyz": 0}) # Step 1: Define the callback that specifies the sequence of operations to perform inside the transactions. def callback(session): collection_one = session.client.mydb1.foo collection_two = session.client.mydb2.bar # Important:: You must pass the session to the operations. collection_one.insert_one({"abc": 1}, session=session) collection_two.insert_one({"xyz": 999}, session=session) # Step 2: Start a client session. with client.start_session() as session: # Step 3: Use with_transaction to start a transaction, execute the callback, and commit (or abort on error). session.with_transaction( callback, read_concern=ReadConcern("local"), write_concern=wc_majority, read_preference=ReadPreference.PRIMARY, )
使用适合您的 MongoDB 版本的 MongoDB 驱动程序。
该示例使用新的 Callback API 来处理事务,具体操作是启动事务、执行指定操作并提交(或在出错时中止)。新的 Callback API 包含针对 TransientTransactionError
或 UnknownTransactionCommitResult
# For a replica set, include the replica set name and a seedlist of the members in the URI string; e.g. # uriString = 'mongodb://mongodb0.example.com:27017,mongodb1.example.com:27017/?replicaSet=myRepl' # For a sharded cluster, connect to the mongos instances; e.g. # uri_string = 'mongodb://mongos0.example.com:27017,mongos1.example.com:27017/' client = Mongo::Client.new(uri_string, write_concern: {w: :majority, wtimeout: 1000}) # Prereq: Create collections. client.use('mydb1')['foo'].insert_one(abc: 0) client.use('mydb2')['bar'].insert_one(xyz: 0) # Step 1: Define the callback that specifies the sequence of operations to perform inside the transactions. callback = Proc.new do |my_session| collection_one = client.use('mydb1')['foo'] collection_two = client.use('mydb2')['bar'] # Important: You must pass the session to the operations. collection_one.insert_one({'abc': 1}, session: my_session) collection_two.insert_one({'xyz': 999}, session: my_session) end #. Step 2: Start a client session. session = client.start_session # Step 3: Use with_transaction to start a transaction, execute the callback, and commit (or abort on error). session.with_transaction( read_concern: {level: :local}, write_concern: {w: :majority, wtimeout: 1000}, read: {mode: :primary}, &callback)
对于Scala驾驶员,请参阅Core API使用示例。
Core API
核心事务 API 不包含标记为以下错误的重试逻辑:
➤ 使用右上角的选择语言下拉菜单来设置本页面上示例的语言。
/* takes a session, an out-param for server reply, and out-param for error. */ typedef bool (*txn_func_t) (mongoc_client_session_t *, bson_t *, bson_error_t *); /* runs transactions with retry logic */ bool run_transaction_with_retry (txn_func_t txn_func, mongoc_client_session_t *cs, bson_error_t *error) { bson_t reply; bool r; while (true) { /* perform transaction */ r = txn_func (cs, &reply, error); if (r) { /* success */ bson_destroy (&reply); return true; } MONGOC_WARNING ("Transaction aborted: %s", error->message); if (mongoc_error_has_label (&reply, "TransientTransactionError")) { /* on transient error, retry the whole transaction */ MONGOC_WARNING ("TransientTransactionError, retrying transaction..."); bson_destroy (&reply); } else { /* non-transient error */ break; } } bson_destroy (&reply); return false; } /* commit transactions with retry logic */ bool commit_with_retry (mongoc_client_session_t *cs, bson_error_t *error) { bson_t reply; bool r; while (true) { /* commit uses write concern set at transaction start, see * mongoc_transaction_opts_set_write_concern */ r = mongoc_client_session_commit_transaction (cs, &reply, error); if (r) { MONGOC_DEBUG ("Transaction committed"); break; } if (mongoc_error_has_label (&reply, "UnknownTransactionCommitResult")) { MONGOC_WARNING ("UnknownTransactionCommitResult, retrying commit ..."); bson_destroy (&reply); } else { /* commit failed, cannot retry */ break; } } bson_destroy (&reply); return r; } /* updates two collections in a transaction and calls commit_with_retry */ bool update_employee_info (mongoc_client_session_t *cs, bson_t *reply, bson_error_t *error) { mongoc_client_t *client; mongoc_collection_t *employees; mongoc_collection_t *events; mongoc_read_concern_t *rc; mongoc_write_concern_t *wc; mongoc_transaction_opt_t *txn_opts; bson_t opts = BSON_INITIALIZER; bson_t *filter = NULL; bson_t *update = NULL; bson_t *event = NULL; bool r; bson_init (reply); client = mongoc_client_session_get_client (cs); employees = mongoc_client_get_collection (client, "hr", "employees"); events = mongoc_client_get_collection (client, "reporting", "events"); rc = mongoc_read_concern_new (); mongoc_read_concern_set_level (rc, MONGOC_READ_CONCERN_LEVEL_SNAPSHOT); wc = mongoc_write_concern_new (); mongoc_write_concern_set_w ( wc, MONGOC_WRITE_CONCERN_W_MAJORITY); /* Atlas connection strings include majority by default*/ txn_opts = mongoc_transaction_opts_new (); mongoc_transaction_opts_set_read_concern (txn_opts, rc); mongoc_transaction_opts_set_write_concern (txn_opts, wc); r = mongoc_client_session_start_transaction (cs, txn_opts, error); if (!r) { goto done; } r = mongoc_client_session_append (cs, &opts, error); if (!r) { goto done; } filter = BCON_NEW ("employee", BCON_INT32 (3)); update = BCON_NEW ("$set", "{", "status", "Inactive", "}"); /* mongoc_collection_update_one will reinitialize reply */ bson_destroy (reply); r = mongoc_collection_update_one (employees, filter, update, &opts, reply, error); if (!r) { goto abort; } event = BCON_NEW ("employee", BCON_INT32 (3)); BCON_APPEND (event, "status", "{", "new", "Inactive", "old", "Active", "}"); bson_destroy (reply); r = mongoc_collection_insert_one (events, event, &opts, reply, error); if (!r) { goto abort; } r = commit_with_retry (cs, error); abort: if (!r) { MONGOC_ERROR ("Aborting due to error in transaction: %s", error->message); mongoc_client_session_abort_transaction (cs, NULL); } done: mongoc_collection_destroy (employees); mongoc_collection_destroy (events); mongoc_read_concern_destroy (rc); mongoc_write_concern_destroy (wc); mongoc_transaction_opts_destroy (txn_opts); bson_destroy (&opts); bson_destroy (filter); bson_destroy (update); bson_destroy (event); return r; } void example_func (mongoc_client_t *client) { mongoc_client_session_t *cs; bson_error_t error; bool r; ASSERT (client); cs = mongoc_client_start_session (client, NULL, &error); if (!cs) { MONGOC_ERROR ("Could not start session: %s", error.message); return; } r = run_transaction_with_retry (update_employee_info, cs, &error); if (!r) { MONGOC_ERROR ("Could not update employee, permanent error: %s", error.message); } mongoc_client_session_destroy (cs); }
using transaction_func = std::function<void(client_session & session)>; auto run_transaction_with_retry = [](transaction_func txn_func, client_session& session) { while (true) { try { txn_func(session); // performs transaction. break; } catch (operation_exception const& oe) { std::cout << "Transaction aborted. Caught exception during transaction." << std::endl; // If transient error, retry the whole transaction. if (oe.has_error_label("TransientTransactionError")) { std::cout << "TransientTransactionError, retrying transaction ..." << std::endl; continue; } else { throw oe; } } } }; auto commit_with_retry = [](client_session& session) { while (true) { try { session.commit_transaction(); // Uses write concern set at transaction start. std::cout << "Transaction committed." << std::endl; break; } catch (operation_exception const& oe) { // Can retry commit if (oe.has_error_label("UnknownTransactionCommitResult")) { std::cout << "UnknownTransactionCommitResult, retrying commit operation ..." << std::endl; continue; } else { std::cout << "Error during commit ..." << std::endl; throw oe; } } } }; // Updates two collections in a transaction auto update_employee_info = [&](client_session& session) { auto& client = session.client(); auto employees = client["hr"]["employees"]; auto events = client["reporting"]["events"]; options::transaction txn_opts; read_concern rc; rc.acknowledge_level(read_concern::level::k_snapshot); txn_opts.read_concern(rc); write_concern wc; wc.acknowledge_level(write_concern::level::k_majority); txn_opts.write_concern(wc); session.start_transaction(txn_opts); try { employees.update_one( make_document(kvp("employee", 3)), make_document(kvp("$set", make_document(kvp("status", "Inactive"))))); events.insert_one(make_document( kvp("employee", 3), kvp("status", make_document(kvp("new", "Inactive"), kvp("old", "Active"))))); } catch (operation_exception const& oe) { std::cout << "Caught exception during transaction, aborting." << std::endl; session.abort_transaction(); throw oe; } commit_with_retry(session); }; auto session = client.start_session(); try { run_transaction_with_retry(update_employee_info, session); } catch (operation_exception const& oe) { // Do something with error. throw oe; }
public void RunTransactionWithRetry(Action<IMongoClient, IClientSessionHandle> txnFunc, IMongoClient client, IClientSessionHandle session) { while (true) { try { txnFunc(client, session); // performs transaction break; } catch (MongoException exception) { // if transient error, retry the whole transaction if (exception.HasErrorLabel("TransientTransactionError")) { Console.WriteLine("TransientTransactionError, retrying transaction."); continue; } else { throw; } } } } public void CommitWithRetry(IClientSessionHandle session) { while (true) { try { session.CommitTransaction(); Console.WriteLine("Transaction committed."); break; } catch (MongoException exception) { // can retry commit if (exception.HasErrorLabel("UnknownTransactionCommitResult")) { Console.WriteLine("UnknownTransactionCommitResult, retrying commit operation"); continue; } else { Console.WriteLine($"Error during commit: {exception.Message}."); throw; } } } } // updates two collections in a transaction public void UpdateEmployeeInfo(IMongoClient client, IClientSessionHandle session) { var employeesCollection = client.GetDatabase("hr").GetCollection<BsonDocument>("employees"); var eventsCollection = client.GetDatabase("reporting").GetCollection<BsonDocument>("events"); session.StartTransaction(new TransactionOptions( readConcern: ReadConcern.Snapshot, writeConcern: WriteConcern.WMajority)); try { employeesCollection.UpdateOne( session, Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Eq("employee", 3), Builders<BsonDocument>.Update.Set("status", "Inactive")); eventsCollection.InsertOne( session, new BsonDocument { { "employee", 3 }, { "status", new BsonDocument { { "new", "Inactive" }, { "old", "Active" } } } }); } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine($"Caught exception during transaction, aborting: {exception.Message}."); session.AbortTransaction(); throw; } CommitWithRetry(session); } public void UpdateEmployeeInfoWithTransactionRetry(IMongoClient client) { // start a session using (var session = client.StartSession()) { try { RunTransactionWithRetry(UpdateEmployeeInfo, client, session); } catch (Exception exception) { // do something with error Console.WriteLine($"Non transient exception caught during transaction: ${exception.Message}."); } } }
runTransactionWithRetry := func(ctx context.Context, txnFn func(context.Context) error) error { for { err := txnFn(ctx) // Performs transaction. if err == nil { return nil } log.Println("Transaction aborted. Caught exception during transaction.") // If transient error, retry the whole transaction if cmdErr, ok := err.(mongo.CommandError); ok && cmdErr.HasErrorLabel("TransientTransactionError") { log.Println("TransientTransactionError, retrying transaction...") continue } return err } } commitWithRetry := func(ctx context.Context) error { sess := mongo.SessionFromContext(ctx) for { err := sess.CommitTransaction(ctx) switch e := err.(type) { case nil: log.Println("Transaction committed.") return nil case mongo.CommandError: // Can retry commit if e.HasErrorLabel("UnknownTransactionCommitResult") { log.Println("UnknownTransactionCommitResult, retrying commit operation...") continue } log.Println("Error during commit...") return e default: log.Println("Error during commit...") return e } } } // Updates two collections in a transaction. updateEmployeeInfo := func(ctx context.Context) error { employees := client.Database("hr").Collection("employees") events := client.Database("reporting").Collection("events") sess := mongo.SessionFromContext(ctx) err := sess.StartTransaction(options.Transaction(). SetReadConcern(readconcern.Snapshot()). SetWriteConcern(writeconcern.Majority()), ) if err != nil { return err } _, err = employees.UpdateOne(ctx, bson.D{{"employee", 3}}, bson.D{{"$set", bson.D{{"status", "Inactive"}}}}) if err != nil { sess.AbortTransaction(ctx) log.Println("caught exception during transaction, aborting.") return err } _, err = events.InsertOne(ctx, bson.D{{"employee", 3}, {"status", bson.D{{"new", "Inactive"}, {"old", "Active"}}}}) if err != nil { sess.AbortTransaction(ctx) log.Println("caught exception during transaction, aborting.") return err } return commitWithRetry(ctx) } txnOpts := options.Transaction().SetReadPreference(readpref.Primary()) return client.UseSessionWithOptions( ctx, options.Session().SetDefaultTransactionOptions(txnOpts), func(ctx context.Context) error { return runTransactionWithRetry(ctx, updateEmployeeInfo) }, ) }
void runTransactionWithRetry(Runnable transactional) { while (true) { try { transactional.run(); break; } catch (MongoException e) { System.out.println("Transaction aborted. Caught exception during transaction."); if (e.hasErrorLabel(MongoException.TRANSIENT_TRANSACTION_ERROR_LABEL)) { System.out.println("TransientTransactionError, aborting transaction and retrying ..."); continue; } else { throw e; } } } } void commitWithRetry(ClientSession clientSession) { while (true) { try { clientSession.commitTransaction(); System.out.println("Transaction committed"); break; } catch (MongoException e) { // can retry commit if (e.hasErrorLabel(MongoException.UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION_COMMIT_RESULT_LABEL)) { System.out.println("UnknownTransactionCommitResult, retrying commit operation ..."); continue; } else { System.out.println("Exception during commit ..."); throw e; } } } } void updateEmployeeInfo() { MongoCollection<Document> employeesCollection = client.getDatabase("hr").getCollection("employees"); MongoCollection<Document> eventsCollection = client.getDatabase("reporting").getCollection("events"); TransactionOptions txnOptions = TransactionOptions.builder() .readPreference(ReadPreference.primary()) .readConcern(ReadConcern.MAJORITY) .writeConcern(WriteConcern.MAJORITY) .build(); try (ClientSession clientSession = client.startSession()) { clientSession.startTransaction(txnOptions); employeesCollection.updateOne(clientSession, Filters.eq("employee", 3), Updates.set("status", "Inactive")); eventsCollection.insertOne(clientSession, new Document("employee", 3).append("status", new Document("new", "Inactive").append("old", "Active"))); commitWithRetry(clientSession); } } void updateEmployeeInfoWithRetry() { runTransactionWithRetry(this::updateEmployeeInfo); }
对于Motor ,请参阅Callback API 。
async function commitWithRetry(session) { try { await session.commitTransaction(); console.log('Transaction committed.'); } catch (error) { if (error.hasErrorLabel('UnknownTransactionCommitResult')) { console.log('UnknownTransactionCommitResult, retrying commit operation ...'); await commitWithRetry(session); } else { console.log('Error during commit ...'); throw error; } } } async function runTransactionWithRetry(txnFunc, client, session) { try { await txnFunc(client, session); } catch (error) { console.log('Transaction aborted. Caught exception during transaction.'); // If transient error, retry the whole transaction if (error.hasErrorLabel('TransientTransactionError')) { console.log('TransientTransactionError, retrying transaction ...'); await runTransactionWithRetry(txnFunc, client, session); } else { throw error; } } } async function updateEmployeeInfo(client, session) { session.startTransaction({ readConcern: { level: 'snapshot' }, writeConcern: { w: 'majority' }, readPreference: 'primary' }); const employeesCollection = client.db('hr').collection('employees'); const eventsCollection = client.db('reporting').collection('events'); await employeesCollection.updateOne( { employee: 3 }, { $set: { status: 'Inactive' } }, { session } ); await eventsCollection.insertOne( { employee: 3, status: { new: 'Inactive', old: 'Active' } }, { session } ); try { await commitWithRetry(session); } catch (error) { await session.abortTransaction(); throw error; } } return client.withSession(session => runTransactionWithRetry(updateEmployeeInfo, client, session) );
sub runTransactionWithRetry { my ( $txnFunc, $session ) = @_; LOOP: { eval { $txnFunc->($session); # performs transaction }; if ( my $error = $@ ) { print("Transaction aborted-> Caught exception during transaction.\n"); # If transient error, retry the whole transaction if ( $error->has_error_label("TransientTransactionError") ) { print("TransientTransactionError, retrying transaction ->..\n"); redo LOOP; } else { die $error; } } } return; } sub commitWithRetry { my ($session) = @_; LOOP: { eval { $session->commit_transaction(); # Uses write concern set at transaction start. print("Transaction committed->\n"); }; if ( my $error = $@ ) { # Can retry commit if ( $error->has_error_label("UnknownTransactionCommitResult") ) { print("UnknownTransactionCommitResult, retrying commit operation ->..\n"); redo LOOP; } else { print("Error during commit ->..\n"); die $error; } } } return; } # Updates two collections in a transactions sub updateEmployeeInfo { my ($session) = @_; my $employeesCollection = $session->client->ns("hr.employees"); my $eventsCollection = $session->client->ns("reporting.events"); $session->start_transaction( { readConcern => { level => "snapshot" }, writeConcern => { w => "majority" }, readPreference => 'primary', } ); eval { $employeesCollection->update_one( { employee => 3 }, { '$set' => { status => "Inactive" } }, { session => $session}, ); $eventsCollection->insert_one( { employee => 3, status => { new => "Inactive", old => "Active" } }, { session => $session}, ); }; if ( my $error = $@ ) { print("Caught exception during transaction, aborting->\n"); $session->abort_transaction(); die $error; } commitWithRetry($session); } # Start a session my $session = $client->start_session(); eval { runTransactionWithRetry(\&updateEmployeeInfo, $session); }; if ( my $error = $@ ) { # Do something with error } $session->end_session();
private function runTransactionWithRetry3(callable $txnFunc, \MongoDB\Client $client, \MongoDB\Driver\Session $session): void { while (true) { try { $txnFunc($client, $session); // performs transaction break; } catch (\MongoDB\Driver\Exception\CommandException $error) { $resultDoc = $error->getResultDocument(); // If transient error, retry the whole transaction if (isset($resultDoc->errorLabels) && in_array('TransientTransactionError', $resultDoc->errorLabels)) { continue; } else { throw $error; } } catch (\MongoDB\Driver\Exception\Exception $error) { throw $error; } } } private function commitWithRetry3(\MongoDB\Driver\Session $session): void { while (true) { try { $session->commitTransaction(); echo "Transaction committed.\n"; break; } catch (\MongoDB\Driver\Exception\CommandException $error) { $resultDoc = $error->getResultDocument(); if (isset($resultDoc->errorLabels) && in_array('UnknownTransactionCommitResult', $resultDoc->errorLabels)) { echo "UnknownTransactionCommitResult, retrying commit operation ...\n"; continue; } else { echo "Error during commit ...\n"; throw $error; } } catch (\MongoDB\Driver\Exception\Exception $error) { echo "Error during commit ...\n"; throw $error; } } } private function updateEmployeeInfo3(\MongoDB\Client $client, \MongoDB\Driver\Session $session): void { $session->startTransaction([ 'readConcern' => new \MongoDB\Driver\ReadConcern('snapshot'), 'readPrefernece' => new \MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference(\MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference::PRIMARY), 'writeConcern' => new \MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern(\MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern::MAJORITY), ]); try { $client->hr->employees->updateOne( ['employee' => 3], ['$set' => ['status' => 'Inactive']], ['session' => $session], ); $client->reporting->events->insertOne( ['employee' => 3, 'status' => ['new' => 'Inactive', 'old' => 'Active']], ['session' => $session], ); } catch (\MongoDB\Driver\Exception\Exception $error) { echo "Caught exception during transaction, aborting.\n"; $session->abortTransaction(); throw $error; } $this->commitWithRetry3($session); } private function doUpdateEmployeeInfo(\MongoDB\Client $client): void { // Start a session. $session = $client->startSession(); try { $this->runTransactionWithRetry3([$this, 'updateEmployeeInfo3'], $client, $session); } catch (\MongoDB\Driver\Exception\Exception) { // Do something with error } }
def run_transaction_with_retry(txn_func, session): while True: try: txn_func(session) # performs transaction break except (ConnectionFailure, OperationFailure) as exc: # If transient error, retry the whole transaction if exc.has_error_label("TransientTransactionError"): print("TransientTransactionError, retrying transaction ...") continue else: raise def commit_with_retry(session): while True: try: # Commit uses write concern set at transaction start. session.commit_transaction() print("Transaction committed.") break except (ConnectionFailure, OperationFailure) as exc: # Can retry commit if exc.has_error_label("UnknownTransactionCommitResult"): print("UnknownTransactionCommitResult, retrying commit operation ...") continue else: print("Error during commit ...") raise # Updates two collections in a transactions def update_employee_info(session): employees_coll = session.client.hr.employees events_coll = session.client.reporting.events with session.start_transaction( read_concern=ReadConcern("snapshot"), write_concern=WriteConcern(w="majority"), read_preference=ReadPreference.PRIMARY, ): employees_coll.update_one( {"employee": 3}, {"$set": {"status": "Inactive"}}, session=session ) events_coll.insert_one( {"employee": 3, "status": {"new": "Inactive", "old": "Active"}}, session=session ) commit_with_retry(session) # Start a session. with client.start_session() as session: try: run_transaction_with_retry(update_employee_info, session) except Exception: # Do something with error. raise
def run_transaction_with_retry(session) begin yield session # performs transaction rescue Mongo::Error => e puts 'Transaction aborted. Caught exception during transaction.' raise unless e.label?('TransientTransactionError') puts "TransientTransactionError, retrying transaction ..." retry end end def commit_with_retry(session) begin session.commit_transaction puts 'Transaction committed.' rescue Mongo::Error => e if e.label?('UnknownTransactionCommitResult') puts "UnknownTransactionCommitResult, retrying commit operation ..." retry else puts 'Error during commit ...' raise end end end # updates two collections in a transaction def update_employee_info(session) employees_coll = session.client.use(:hr)[:employees] events_coll = session.client.use(:reporting)[:events] session.start_transaction(read_concern: { level: :snapshot }, write_concern: { w: :majority }, read: {mode: :primary}) employees_coll.update_one({ employee: 3 }, { '$set' => { status: 'Inactive'} }, session: session) events_coll.insert_one({ employee: 3, status: { new: 'Inactive', old: 'Active' } }, session: session) commit_with_retry(session) end session = client.start_session begin run_transaction_with_retry(session) do update_employee_info(session) end rescue StandardError => e # Do something with error raise end
/* * Copyright 2008-present MongoDB, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.mongodb.scala import org.mongodb.scala.model.{Filters, Updates} import org.mongodb.scala.result.UpdateResult import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration //scalastyle:off magic.number class DocumentationTransactionsExampleSpec extends RequiresMongoDBISpec { // Implicit functions that execute the Observable and return the results val waitDuration = Duration(5, "seconds") implicit class ObservableExecutor[T](observable: Observable[T]) { def execute(): Seq[T] = Await.result(observable.toFuture(), waitDuration) } implicit class SingleObservableExecutor[T](observable: SingleObservable[T]) { def execute(): T = Await.result(observable.toFuture(), waitDuration) } // end implicit functions "The Scala driver" should "be able to commit a transaction" in withClient { client => assume(serverVersionAtLeast(List(4, 0, 0)) && !hasSingleHost()) client.getDatabase("hr").drop().execute() client.getDatabase("hr").createCollection("employees").execute() client.getDatabase("hr").createCollection("events").execute() updateEmployeeInfoWithRetry(client).execute() should equal(Completed()) client.getDatabase("hr").drop().execute() should equal(Completed()) } def updateEmployeeInfo(database: MongoDatabase, observable: SingleObservable[ClientSession]): SingleObservable[ClientSession] = { observable.map(clientSession => { val employeesCollection = database.getCollection("employees") val eventsCollection = database.getCollection("events") val transactionOptions = TransactionOptions.builder() .readPreference(ReadPreference.primary()) .readConcern(ReadConcern.SNAPSHOT) .writeConcern(WriteConcern.MAJORITY) .build() clientSession.startTransaction(transactionOptions) employeesCollection.updateOne(clientSession, Filters.eq("employee", 3), Updates.set("status", "Inactive")) .subscribe((res: UpdateResult) => println(res)) eventsCollection.insertOne(clientSession, Document("employee" -> 3, "status" -> Document("new" -> "Inactive", "old" -> "Active"))) .subscribe((res: Completed) => println(res)) clientSession }) } def commitAndRetry(observable: SingleObservable[Completed]): SingleObservable[Completed] = { observable.recoverWith({ case e: MongoException if e.hasErrorLabel(MongoException.UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION_COMMIT_RESULT_LABEL) => { println("UnknownTransactionCommitResult, retrying commit operation ...") commitAndRetry(observable) } case e: Exception => { println(s"Exception during commit ...: $e") throw e } }) } def runTransactionAndRetry(observable: SingleObservable[Completed]): SingleObservable[Completed] = { observable.recoverWith({ case e: MongoException if e.hasErrorLabel(MongoException.TRANSIENT_TRANSACTION_ERROR_LABEL) => { println("TransientTransactionError, aborting transaction and retrying ...") runTransactionAndRetry(observable) } }) } def updateEmployeeInfoWithRetry(client: MongoClient): SingleObservable[Completed] = { val database = client.getDatabase("hr") val updateEmployeeInfoObservable: Observable[ClientSession] = updateEmployeeInfo(database, client.startSession()) val commitTransactionObservable: SingleObservable[Completed] = updateEmployeeInfoObservable.flatMap(clientSession => clientSession.commitTransaction()) val commitAndRetryObservable: SingleObservable[Completed] = commitAndRetry(commitTransactionObservable) runTransactionAndRetry(commitAndRetryObservable) } }
无论是何种数据库系统,无论是 MongoDB 还是关系型数据库,应用程序都应采取相应措施来处理事务提交期间的错误,并包含事务的重试逻辑。
事务中的单独写入操作不可重试,无论 retryWrites
的值如何。如果操作遇到与标签相关的 "TransientTransactionError"
回调 API 包含
的重试逻辑。核心事务 API 不包含
,应用程序应显式包含错误的重试逻辑。要查看包含瞬时错误重试逻辑的示例,请参阅 Core API 示例。
提交操作是可重试写入操作。如果提交操作遇到错误,那么无论 retryWrites
的值如何,MongoDB 驱动程序都会重试提交。
如果提交操作遇到标记为 "UnknownTransactionCommitResult"
回调 API 包含
的重试逻辑。核心事务 API 不包含
,应用程序应显式包含错误的重试逻辑。要查看包含未知提交错误的重试逻辑示例,请参阅 Core API 示例。
6.2 版本新增。
从 MongoDB 6.2 开始,服务器在收到 TransactionTooLargeForCache
阈值的默认值为 0.75
。当事务使用超过 75% 的缓存时,服务器会返回 TransactionTooLargeForCache
在 MongoDB 的早期版本中,服务器会返回 TemporarilyUnavailable
或 WriteConflict
,而不是 TransactionTooLargeForCache
使用 setParameter
以下 mongosh
// Create collections: db.getSiblingDB("mydb1").foo.insertOne( {abc: 0}, { writeConcern: { w: "majority", wtimeout: 2000 } } ) db.getSiblingDB("mydb2").bar.insertOne( {xyz: 0}, { writeConcern: { w: "majority", wtimeout: 2000 } } ) // Start a session. session = db.getMongo().startSession( { readPreference: { mode: "primary" } } ); coll1 = session.getDatabase("mydb1").foo; coll2 = session.getDatabase("mydb2").bar; // Start a transaction session.startTransaction( { readConcern: { level: "local" }, writeConcern: { w: "majority" } } ); // Operations inside the transaction try { coll1.insertOne( { abc: 1 } ); coll2.insertOne( { xyz: 999 } ); } catch (error) { // Abort transaction on error session.abortTransaction(); throw error; } // Commit the transaction using write concern set at transaction start session.commitTransaction(); session.endSession();