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Update a Federated Database Instance Region

You can change the AWS region through which your federated database instance requests are routed. By default, Data Federation requests are routed through the region that is closest to your client application. The region that is closest to your application may be different from the regions that house your data stores.


If you change the AWS region through which your federated database instance requests are routed, you must update your federated database instance connection string with the new hostname. This change ensures that your requests are routed through the new region.

To update your federated database instance region, you must have Project Owner access to the project. Users with Organization Owner access must add themselves as a Project Owner to the project before setting up a private endpoint.

To change the AWS region through which your federated database instance requests are routed, do the following in the Atlas CLI or Atlas UI:

← Delete a Private Endpoint for a Federated Database Instance