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Improving MongoDB Queries by Simplifying Boolean Expressions

Key takeaways Document databases encourage storing data in fewer collections with many fields, in contrast to relational databases’ normalization principle. This approach improves efficiency but requires careful handling of complex filters. Simplifying Boolean expressions can improve query performance by reducing computational overhead and enabling better plan generation. The solution uses a modified Quine–McCluskey algorithm and Petrick’s method on an efficient bitset representation of Boolean expressions. MongoDB's culture supports innovation by empowering engineers to tackle problems and solve them from beginning to end. Introduction Document databases like MongoDB encourage a strategy that involves storing data in fewer collections with a large number of fields. This is in contrast to the normalization principle of relational databases, which recommends spreading data across numerous tables with a smaller number of fields. Denormalization and avoiding complex joins is a source of efficiency for document databases. However, as the filters become complex, you must take care to handle them properly. Poorly handled complex filters can negatively affect database performance, resulting in slower query responses and higher resource usage. Addressing complex filters becomes a critical task. One optimization technique to mitigate the performance issues with complex filters is Boolean expression simplification. This involves reducing complex Boolean expressions into simpler forms, which the query engine can evaluate more efficiently. As a result, the database can execute queries faster and with less computational overhead. To demonstrate the importance of filter simplification, consider a real MongoDB customer case. The query in the case was enormous in size and clearly machine-generated, which the optimizer couldn't handle efficiently. It was clear that simplifying the query would help the optimizer find a better plan. Here's a smaller example inspired by that case: simplifying filters can lead to more efficient query plans. db.collection.createIndex({b: 1}) filter = {$or: [{$and: [{a: 1}, {a: {$ne: 1}}]}, {b: 2}]} db.collection.find(filter) The query involves predicates on the field “a” so the optimizer cannot generate an Index Scan plan for the unoptimized version of the query and opts for a collection scan plan. However, the simplified expression: {b: 2} makes the IndexScan plan possible. The difference between the plans can be drastic for large collections and selective indexes. In our benchmark, the simplifier showcased a remarkable 18,100% throughput improvement in this scenario. The benefits of the filter simplification can come in different flavors: in one of our benchmarks testing large queries, execution time was cut in half in a collection scan plan. This improvement is due to the faster execution of the simplified queries. Simplifying Boolean expressions: Modified Quine–McCluskey algorithm and Petrick’s method The journey to find a good solution for Boolean simplification was surprisingly complex. The final solution can be expressed in just four steps: Convert the simplifying expression into bitset DNF form Apply QMC reduction operation of DNF terms: (x ∧ y) ∨ (x ∧ ¬y) = x Apply Absorption law: x ∨ (x ∧ y) = x Use Petrick’s method for further simplification Yet we faced a few challenges along the way. This section will explore the challenges and how we addressed them. Simplifying AST The initial solution, applying Boolean laws directly to filters in the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) format, which MongoDB's query engine uses, proved to be resource-intensive, consuming significant memory and CPU time. This outlines the first challenge in the journey: finding an efficient method to simplify Boolean expressions. One issue with the initial solution was that transformations could be applied repeatedly, leading to the same expression appearing multiple times. To address this, we needed to store previously observed expressions in memory and check each time if an expression had already been seen. Modified Quine–McCluskey The Quine–McCluskey algorithm, commonly used in digital circuit design, offers a different approach with a finite number of steps. The explanation of the algorithm might seem daunting but in essence, we just apply the following reduction rule to a pair of expressions: (x ∧ y) ∨ (x ∧ ¬y) = x This allows the pair of expressions to be reduced into one. A challenge with the Quine–McCluskey algorithm is that it requires a list of prime implicants as input. An implicant of a Boolean expression is a combination of predicates that makes the expression true, essentially a row of the truth table where the Boolean expression is true. To obtain a list of prime implicants from a given Boolean expression, we need to calculate a truth table. This involves executing the expression (2^n) times, producing up to (2^n) implicants. For an expression with 10 predicates, we need to evaluate the expression 1024 times. With 20 predicates, the number of evaluations is 1,048,576. This is impractical. Implicants are similar to Disjunctive Normal Form (DNF) minterms, as both evaluate the expression to be true. We could use DNF instead of implicants, but here is another challenge: even though the expressions below are equivalent: (a ∧ b) ∨ (a ∧ ¬b) a ∨ (a ∧ ¬b) Only the first one is represented via implicants: (a ∧ b) is an implicant of the expressions, and can be simplified by QMC, while (a) is not, as it says nothing about the value of predicate (b). Absorption law Tackling the previous challenge, we face another one: now we need to find a way where we can compensate for the reduced power of QMC. Fortunately, this one can be resolved using Absorption Law: x ∨ (x ∧ y) = x With its help, we can simplify the expression from the previous example a ∨ (a ∧ ¬b) to just a. Effective bitset representation One proved to be good optimization is to use bitwise instructions on a bitset representation of Boolean expressions instead of working with the AST representation. This approach boosts performance by taking advantage of the speed and simplicity of bitwise operations, which are generally quicker and more straightforward than working with the more complex AST structure. Petrick’s method Can we do better and ensure the expression stays accurate while further reducing redundancy? For example, for the given expression: (¬a ∧ ¬b ∧ ¬c) ∨ (¬a ∧ b ∧ ¬c) ∨ (a ∧ ¬b ∧ ¬c) ∨ (¬a ∧ b ∧ c) After some QMC reduction steps are applied, we end up with the following expression: (¬a ∧ ¬c) ∨ (¬b ∧ ¬c) ∨ (¬a ∧ b) However, this can be reduced further down to: (¬b ∧ ¬c) ∨ (¬a ∧ b) This redundancy comes from the fact that when we reduce two terms into one - the new term sort of covers (or we can say represents) two original ones, and some of the derivative terms can be removed without breaking the “coverage” of the original expression. To find the minimal “coverage” we use Petrick’s method . The idea of this method is just to express the coverage as a Boolean expression and then find the minimal combination of its predicates which evaluate the expression to be true. It can be done by transforming the expression into DNF and picking up the smallest minterm. Boolean expressions in MongoDB In the previous section, we developed the algorithm for simple Boolean expressions. However, we can't use it to simplify filters in MongoDB just yet. The MongoDB Query Language (MQL) has unique logical semantics, particularly regarding negation, handling missing values, and array values. Logical operators MQL supports the following logical operators: $and - regular conjunction operator. $or - regular disjunction operator. $not - Negation operator with special semantics, see below for details $nor - Negation of disjunction, which is equivalent to conjunction of negations (DeMorgan Laws) The only specific operator is $nor, which can be easily converted to the conjunction of negations. MQL negation semantics MongoDB's flexible schema can lead to some fields being missing in documents. For instance, in a collection with documents {a: 1, b: 1} and {a: 2}, the field b is missing in the second document. When dealing with negations in MQL, missing values play an important role. Negations will match documents where the specified field is missing. Let's look at a collection of four documents and see how they answer to different queries (see Table 1): Table 1: &nbsp; Negating comparison expressions in MQL. As shown, the $not operator matches documents where the field "a" is missing. The $ne operator in MQL is only a syntactic sugar for {$not: {$eq: ...}}, which means it matches documents where the specified field is missing (see Table 2): Table 2: &nbsp; Negating Equality Expressions in MQL. Let’s prove that for MQL negations Boolean algebra laws still hold. To do that we need to introduce new notations: not* - MQL negation exists - exists A means that the field of predicate A does exist not-exists - is a short for not (exists A), and means that the field of predicate A does not exist Being short for not (exists), not-exists behaves in the same way as a normal not: not-exists(A and B) = not-exists(A) or non-exists(B) not-exists(A or B) = not-exists(A) and non-exists(B) The following equation is always true by the definition of MQL negation: not* A = not A or not (exists A) We also state that the predicate A cannot be true when its field is missing: A and not-exists A = false This is true even for operator {$exists: 0} in MQL: e.g. {$and: [{a: {$not: {$exists: 0}}}, {a: {$exists: 0}}]} always returns an empty set of documents. Internally {$exists: false} is implemented through negation of {$exists: 1}, hence the following statements are also true in MQL: not* (not-exists A) = exists A not* (exists A) = not-exists A Complement laws We need to prove that: A and not* A = false A or not* A = true The proof of the first Complement law: A and not* A = A and (not A or not-exists A) = (A and not A) or (A and not-exists A) = false or false = false The proof of the second Complement law: A or not* A = A or (not A or not-exists A) = A or not A or not-exists A = true DeMorgan laws Proof of the first DeMorgan law not* (A and B) = (not* A) or (not* B): not* (A and B) = not (A and B) or not-exists (A and B) = (not A or not B) or (not-exists A or not-exists B) = (not A or not-exists A) or (not B or not-exists B) = not* A or not* B The proof of the second DeMorgan law not* (A or B) = (not* A) and (not* B) is a bit more complicated: not* (A or B) = not (A or B) or not-exists (A or B) = (not A and not B) or (not-exists A and not-exists B) = (not A or not-exists A) and (not B or not-exists A) and (not A or not-exists B) and (not B or not-exists B) = ((not* A) and (not* B)) and ((not A and not B) or (not A and not-exist B) or (not B and not-exists A) or (not-exists A and not-exists B)) = ((not* A) and (not* B)) and ((not* A) and (not* B)) = (not* A) and (not* B) // because (not* A) and (not* B) = (notA and not B) or (not A and not-exist B) or (not B and not-exists A) or (not-exists A and not-exists B) Involution law We need to prove that not* (not* A) = A: not* (not* A) = not* (not A or not-exists A) = not* (not A) and not* (not-exists A) = (A or not-exists A) and (exists A) = (A and exists A) or (not-exists A and exists A) = A or false = A Here we used DeMorgan law for not* proved in the previous section. MQL array values semantics In MQL, array values behave as expected and don’t change the semantics of Boolean operators. However, they alter the semantics of operands within predicates. It’s helpful to think of it as implicitly adding the word “contains” to the operators interpretation: {a: {$eq: 7}} means “array a contains a value equal 7” {a: {$ne: 7}}, which is always equivalent to {a: {$not: {$eq: 7}}, means “array does not contain a value equal 7” {a: {$gt: 7}} - “array a contains a value greater than 7”. Since the Boolean simplifier focuses on the logical structure of expressions, rather than the internal meaning of predicates, it's irrelevant whether the value is an array or scalar. The one important difference with array values semantics is that they behave differently on interval simplifications. If for a scalar value the following interval transformations are always valid, and invalid for arrays: scalar > 100 && scalar <= 1 => scalar: () // empty interval scalar < 100 && scalar >= 1 => scalar: [1, 100) These differences are important for building Index Scan Bounds. However, as previously mentioned, they are not significant for the Boolean simplifier. Implementation considerations We faced several challenges during implementation. To achieve maximum performance, we created our own version of bitsets in C++. The existing options, such as boost::dynamic_bitset, were too slow, and std::bitset lacked flexibility. Memory management was crucial, so we worked hard to reduce memory allocations. This included using an optimized storage for our bitset and a C++ polymorphic allocator for some algorithms. We released the simplifier cautiously, enabling it only for specific types of expressions. We plan to expand the range of expressions that can be simplified in the future. We also set a limit on the maximum number of terms in DNF. Before each transformation, we estimate the number of resulting terms. If the number is too high, we cancel the simplification. Conclusion In this post, we described an effective algorithm to simplify Boolean expressions. We used bitsets to represent query filters, modified the Quine-McCluskey algorithm, and applied Petrick's method. Finally, we proved that the algorithm works with MQL's Boolean algebra. This journey began, as does so much at MongoDB, with a real-world customer example. The customer was struggling with a complex query, and we developed the Boolean Expression Simplifier to help them overcome their specific challenge—and ended up enhancing MongoDB's performance for any user dealing with intricate filters. As noted before, in one particularly demanding case involving large collections and selective indexes, the Simplifier helped achieve an 18,100% throughput improvement" This project reflects MongoDB’s longstanding commitment to turning customer challenges into successes, and our practice of taking what we learn from individual projects and making broad improvements. We’re always working to improve MongoDB’s performance, and the simplifier does this—it enables faster and more efficient query execution. Finally, this project is a good example of how MongoDB's culture of trust and ownership can lead to impact. Our engineers are empowered to innovate from concept to completion, transforming theoretical ideas like Boolean expression minimization into tangible gains that directly improve the customer experience. Join our MongoDB Community to learn about upcoming events, hear stories from MongoDB users, and connect with community members from around the world.

January 30, 2025

2024 William Zola Award for Community Excellence Recipient

We are thrilled to announce the 2024 recipient of MongoDB’s prestigious William Zola Award for Community Excellence: Mateus Leonardi! Each year, the William Zola Award for Community Excellence recognizes an outstanding community contributor who embodies the legacy of William Zola, a lead technical services engineer at MongoDB who passed away in 2014. Zola had an unwavering commitment to user success, and believed deeply in understanding and catering to users' emotions while resolving their technical problems. His philosophy is a guiding force for MongoDB’s community to this day. This award comes with a cash prize and travel sponsorship to attend a regional MongoDB.local event . Mateus Leonardi embodies these leadership values within the MongoDB community. In 2023, he led the launch and leadership of a new MongoDB User Group (MUG) in Florianópolis/Santa Catarina, Brazil. With his co-leaders, he has organized six successful MUG events, and has formed partnerships with local organizations and universities. He has also expanded his impact by becoming a MongoDB Community Creator , and has actively shared his MongoDB expertise outside of the user group. For example, in 2024 Mateus volunteered as a subject matter expert for MongoDB certifications. This involved being a panelist on several critical exam development milestones—from defining the knowledge and skills needed to earn credentials, to developing exam blueprints, to writing exam questions and verifying the technical accuracy of MongoDB certifications. Based on this record of support for our community, Mateus was also honored as a MongoDB Community Champion in 2024. Mateus excels as a dynamic leader and community advocate, extending invitations to fellow Brazilian MongoDB community leaders to speak at MUGs and local events. He also organizes and delivers talks at numerous events, including those for local university students. Ultimately, Mateus goes above and beyond in everything he commits to, and has demonstrated a genuine commitment to enhancing both the local MongoDB community and the broader developer community in his area. Here’s what Mateus Leonardi had to say about what the MongoDB community means to him: Q: Could you tell our readers a little about your day-to-day work? Mateus: As Head of Engineering at HeroSpark, my mission is to empower our team to innovate with quality and consistency. I work to create an environment where efficiency and constant evolution are natural in our day-to-day, always focusing on solutions that benefit both our team and our customers. Q: How does MongoDB support you as a developer? Mateus: MongoDB has been instrumental in our journey to enable adaptability without compromising quality. In work, MongoDB gives us that same flexibility in development, allowing us to quickly adapt to market changes while maintaining high performance and controlled costs. This combination gives us the confidence to innovate sustainably. Q: Why is being a leader in the MongoDB community important to you? Mateus: My sixteen-plus-year career has been marked by people who have helped me grow, and now it's my turn to give back. I view my role in the community as a way to multiply knowledge and create a positive impact. Technology has transformed my life, and through the MongoDB community, I can help others transform their realities too. Q: What has the community taught you? Mateus: The community has taught me that true learning happens when we share experiences. The act of teaching makes us better learners. Each interaction in the community allows us to reflect on our limitations and grow collectively. I've learned that the most rewarding thing is not the destination, but a journey shared with other developers. Congratulations to Mateus Leonardi, recipient of the 2024 William Zola Award for Community Excellence! To learn more about the MongoDB Community, please visit the MongoDB Community homepage .

January 29, 2025

The Ditto MongoDB Connector: Seamlessly Sync Edge and Cloud Data

Picture a delivery service that uses mobile devices for real-time tracking of packages, routes, and customer interactions. The mobile app on drivers' phones must sync with a cloud database (such as MongoDB Atlas ) to update customer addresses, schedules, and tracking info for backend processing. In remote areas with poor internet, instant syncing might not be possible, leading to inconsistencies and delays if field data doesn’t sync immediately. Simultaneous updates to both the mobile app and the cloud could also cause data conflicts, resulting in confusion and potential data loss. And this is just one example from hundreds. In the logistics & supply chain industry, companies depend on a vast array of edge sensors (like temperature-controlled shipping containers or GPS trackers) and need constant, real-time data updates. In the healthcare industry, patient data collected from wearables or remote monitoring devices must be instantly synced with cloud-based databases for analysis. In the finance industry, mobile banking and real-time trading platforms require instant data synchronization with cloud databases without delays for accurate decision-making. In sum, syncing mobile data in real-world environments is a challenge across industries. The solution: Ditto’s bidirectional connector for MongoDB To address these challenges, we’re excited to introduce the Ditto MongoDB Connector. This solution, a collaboration between Ditto and MongoDB, delivers robust, real-time, bidirectional data synchronization between local apps, Ditto Big Peer , a centralized synchronization engine, and MongoDB Atlas , a robust cloud-based non-relational database. By integrating these technologies, applications can operate effectively even when offline and synchronize changes into the cloud once connectivity is restored. This enhances user satisfaction and fosters trust in digital products. Seamless architecture for real-time synchronization Once the Ditto SDK is integrated into your application, each device running your app maintains a local database. Additionally, these devices automatically form a peer-to-peer (P2P) mesh network and synchronize using available transport protocols such as Bluetooth Low Energy (LE), Local Area Network (LAN), or peer-to-peer Wi-Fi (P2P). The Small Peers connect to the Ditto Big Peer, which serves as a centralized cloud datastore and synchronization engine. The Ditto MongoDB Connector works in tandem with Ditto Big Peer, facilitating data synchronization between a MongoDB Atlas cluster and Ditto Big Peer. It efficiently handles this synchronization by utilizing Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs) to resolve conflicts and update both systems with accurate data, preserving changes even when documents are updated simultaneously in both MongoDB Atlas and Ditto. The data between devices stream through Ditto Big Peer using the Ditto MongoDB Connector before being stored in a MongoDB Atlas cluster. Conversely, any changes in a cluster are shared with devices via Ditto Big Peer. Figure 1. &nbsp;Distributed Data Synchronization Architecture for MongoDB Atlas and Ditto Big Peer. Telemetry data handling Real-time information flow is essential across various edge use cases, whether it involves synchronizing telemetry data from edge devices to the cloud or distributing user-initiated updates across devices. The Ditto MongoDB Connector ensures continuous telemetry data synchronization with minimal latency, thanks to a strategy of transferring only deltas—small changes—rather than entire datasets. This significantly improves synchronization speed and reduces data transfer, resulting in fast and seamless updates. Offline-first capabilities: Critical for Field Operations When a device loses connection to the cloud due to poor network conditions or intermittent connectivity, the Ditto MongoDB Connector ensures that changes made locally on the device are queued up and synced back to MongoDB once connectivity is restored. This guarantees data is never lost and ensures consistency across all devices and cloud systems. Robust data security and compliance Security and compliance are critical for modern enterprises, especially those handling sensitive data. By utilizing MongoDB Atlas, audited as SOC 2 Type 2 compliant , the Ditto MongoDB Connector assures data integrity and security across its applications. Whether in healthcare, finance, or other data-sensitive industries, organizations can trust that their data processes meet stringent regulatory standards. How it works in action Let’s come back to our example of a delivery driver updating a customer’s address on their mobile app. This change must be reflected not only on the driver’s device but also in the cloud-based MongoDB database. Ditto’s Bidirectional Connector ensures that updates are instantly synced both ways—any data entered or modified in the mobile app is mirrored in MongoDB, and vice versa. This guarantees consistency across all devices and cloud-based systems. Another example is a salesperson who often finds himself in areas with limited or no network connectivity. With Ditto, mobile apps can continue functioning even offline—storing data locally on the device. Once connectivity is restored, the changes are automatically synced with MongoDB Atlas, ensuring that the cloud database is updated without the risk of data loss or corruption. A seamless integration for developers and enterprises Integrating Ditto’s Bidirectional Connector for MongoDB into your system is simple and designed for scalability. Whether you’re building a new IoT solution or enhancing an existing one, this connector helps solve common data synchronization challenges with ease. Developers will appreciate the simplicity of use and flexibility of the connector, which automatically handles data synchronization and conflict resolution. Enterprises can rely on the scalability and robustness of the solution to ensure their edge devices are always connected, even in remote or low-network environments. Begin your journey The Ditto MongoDB Connector is now available and ready for integration into your systems! Whether you’re tackling edge-to-cloud data challenges in manufacturing, healthcare, or logistics, this new connector simplifies your workflow and ensures data consistency, even in the most demanding environments. Data integration between edge devices and the cloud doesn’t have to be complicated. With Ditto’s new Bidirectional Connector for MongoDB , you can ensure real-time, conflict-free synchronization across all your systems—empowering your business to make better, faster decisions with accurate data, wherever it resides. Want to learn more? Explore Ditto’s comprehensive migration guide to discover how Ditto and MongoDB Atlas enable edge data synchronization. Begin your journey with us today! Read more about Ditto on its MongoDB partner ecosystem page .

January 28, 2025

Away From the Keyboard: Ariel Hou, Staff Engineer

Welcome to our article series about developers and what they do when they’re not building incredible things with code and data. In “Away From the Keyboard,” MongoDB developers discuss what they do, how they keep a healthy work-life balance, and their advice for people seeking a more holistic approach to coding. In this article, Ariel Hou shares her day-to-day responsibilities as a Staff Engineer at MongoDB; how a pots-and-pans symphony helped her set boundaries while working from home; and the two rules she follows to separate work and personal time. Q: What do you do at MongoDB? Ariel: I work with the Atlas Growth Engineering teams, where our focus is on designing and implementing data-driven experiments on the Atlas product. We target metrics like customer acquisition, retention, feature discovery, etc. We not only run experiments ourselves; we also facilitate other teams in running them by creating tools and platforms, like our internal experimentation admin app and our Javascript experimentation SDK. In this role, I get to work on full-stack, cross-functional projects where sometimes the audience is Atlas users, and sometimes it's internal devs. There's a lot of variety! Q: What does work-life balance look like for you? Ariel: Generally, it means I do work during work hours, and then I don't do work when it’s not work hours. I try to enforce a physical separation as much as a mental one. Admittedly, the rise of work-from-home that came with the pandemic blurred the boundary some, and it was a bit of a tough adjustment at the beginning of the pandemic when I first started working at home. Since I was already home, there wouldn't be a clear signal that it was time to "go home"...until there was. Back then, people in Manhattan had taken to banging on pots and pans at around 6 p.m. to salute healthcare workers commuting home, and I could hear it from my apartment. That inadvertently acted as my alarm for the end of the work day! Q: How do you ensure you set boundaries between work and personal life? Ariel: The aforementioned physical boundary (for the days I go into the office). There are two other important concepts for me. First, I compartmentalize: sometimes, I will realize an important work-related thing in my off-hours, but rather than acting on it, I'll file it away for work time. The second idea, which goes hand-in-hand with the others: don't break the seal ! (AKA, don't trivially open your laptop or respond to Slack messages during off-hours.) The minute you do, the boundary is broken for the day and it becomes a slippery slope into working more. Q: Has work/life balance always been a priority for you, or did you develop it later in your career? Ariel: It was definitely not a priority in my first few years out of college. But living to work made me burnt out by 25. By the time I got to MongoDB, I understood that model wasn't sustainable, nor was it worthwhile. Thankfully, we don't have that culture here on the team. Q: What benefits has this balance given you in your career? Ariel: If you've been working for many hours straight, there's a certain point in the day where it's a struggle to progress the code or doc you're writing. You can try to push through it, but there's a high chance that the next day, after a night of sleep, you revisit the task and think, "Who wrote this garbage? Oh, heh, me." And you throw it all out and write a much nicer solution with much less effort. It's happened to me on numerous occasions. Work-life balance isn't just better for mental and physical longevity; it legitimately makes you a more effective engineer. Q: What advice would you give to someone seeking to find a better balance? Ariel: Don't break the seal! Thank you to Ariel Hou for sharing these insights! And thanks to all of you for reading. For past articles in this series, check out our interviews with: Senior AI Developer Advocate, Apoorva Joshi Developer Advocate Anaiya Raisinghani Senior Partner Marketing Manager Rafa Liou Staff Software Engineer Everton Agner Interested in learning more about or connecting more with MongoDB? Join our MongoDB Community to meet other community members, hear about inspiring topics, and receive the latest MongoDB news and events. And let us know if you have any questions for our future guests when it comes to building a better work-life balance as developers. Tag us on social media: @/mongodb #LoveYourDevelopers #AwayFromTheKeyboard

January 27, 2025

Securing Digital Transformation with MongoDB and RegData

Data security and privacy have long been paramount to the financial industry, but they are especially critical for institutions undergoing digital transformations or those implementing new technology. For example, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) into organizations’ infrastructure and offerings introduces security and privacy complexities, making it all the more essential for financial organizations to safeguard sensitive information while complying with regulations. The consequences of a data breach are extensive and significantly impactful. These incidents have transformed from simple cybersecurity concerns into catalysts for financial losses, reputational harm, legal challenges, regulatory penalties, and a significant decline in consumer trust. Even with an increased focus on data security, organizations must adopt modern data architecture to effectively mitigate these risks. For example, using a database solution like MongoDB with built-in encryption, role-based access control, and audit logging can help organizations safeguard sensitive data and respond proactively to potential vulnerabilities. Check out our AI Learning Hub to learn more about building AI-powered apps with MongoDB. The challenge of data security in finance Financial institutions face numerous challenges in protecting data integrity during modernization efforts. The increasing sophistication of cyberattacks, coupled with the need to comply with evolving regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), creates a complex environment for data management. Institutions must also navigate technical sprawl, where diverse applications and data management systems complicate compliance and operational efficiency. Addressing these challenges requires a holistic approach that integrates data protection into the core design of digital transformation initiatives. Financial institutions need to adopt robust data management practices, ensure the encryption of sensitive data, and maintain vigilant cybersecurity measures. Collaboration with trusted third-party vendors, adopting a privacy-first strategy, and complying with global data protection regulations are essential steps toward safeguarding data privacy in this rapidly evolving digital landscape. Discover how the RegData Protection Suite (RPS), built on MongoDB , enables you to balance technological advancement with regulatory requirements. The solution: MongoDB and RegData MongoDB offers unparalleled reliability, scalability, and flexibility, making it an ideal choice for financial services. MongoDB enables financial institutions to combine operational and AI data in a unified interface and can be deployed on-premises with Enterprise Advanced or across any major cloud provider with MongoDB Atlas , multi-cloud, and hybrid cloud when needed. When combined with RegData's Protection Suite (RPS), organizations can effectively tackle the challenges of digital transformation. RPS is a cloud-native application security platform designed to protect sensitive data through advanced techniques such as encryption, anonymization, and tokenization. Figure 1. Simplified architecture of the RPS solution. Key Features of RegData Protection Suite: Core Configuration: Provides services and a user interface to configure the protection of data. RPS Engine: A sophisticated core engine equipped with various data protection tools. This module is the heart of the application and is responsible for all data protection. Consists of encryption, anonymization, tokenization, and pseudonymization RPS Reporting: A vital component focused on data protection oversight. It gathers and analyzes information on the business application activities protected by RPS to generate a range of valuable reports RPS Manager: Provides end-to-end monitoring capabilities for the components of the RPS platform. RPS Integration: RPS seamlessly integrates with various applications, ensuring that sensitive data is protected across diverse environments. The synergy between MongoDB and RegData shines through in practical applications. For instance, a private bank can leverage hybrid cloud deployments to modernize its operations while maintaining data security. By utilizing RPS, the bank can protect sensitive information during cloud migrations and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. Additionally, as financial institutions explore outsourcing, RPS helps mitigate risks by anonymizing sensitive data, allowing organizations to maintain control over their data even when leveraging external service providers. Embracing a zero-trust approach for gen AI applications With the rise of AI (and particularly gen AI), banks are developing increasingly more AI- and gen AI-powered applications. While on-premise AI/gen AI model development and testing provides a high level of data security and confidentiality, it may not be within the bank’s budget to afford a production-grade GPU compute pool or one that is large enough to offer sufficient scalability and economy of scale. With this dilemma, banks have begun developing models in private clouds and then deploying on the public cloud to leverage its scalability and economy of scale. MongoDB can serve as that unified operational data layer for a variety of data sources, structured, semi-structured, or unstructured that may also come in different forms (eg. tabular, geospatial, network graph, time series, etc.) for the model development, training, fine-tuning and/or testing. When the model is tested and found to be working, it can then be deployed to the public cloud to serve the AI/gen AI applications. The figure below shows the high-level architecture of how a private bank implemented its gen AI application with MongoDB and RPS. Figure 2. Gen AI data flow architecture focused on data protection. The road to modernization As financial institutions navigate the complexities of digital transformation, the partnership between MongoDB and RegData offers a robust solution for securing data. By adopting a comprehensive data protection strategy, organizations can innovate confidently while ensuring compliance with regulatory standards. Embracing these technologies not only enhances data security but also paves the way for a more resilient and agile financial sector. Establishing a robust data architecture with a modern data platform like MongoDB Atlas enables financial institutions to effectively modernize by consolidating and analyzing data in any format in real-time, driving value-added services and features to consumers while ensuring privacy and security concerns are adequately addressed with built-in security controls across all data. Whether managed in a customer environment or through MongoDB Atlas, a fully managed cloud service, MongoDB ensures robust security with features such as authentication (single sign-on and multi-factor authentication), role-based access controls, and comprehensive data encryption. These security measures act as a safeguard for sensitive financial data, mitigating the risk of unauthorized access from external parties and providing organizations with the confidence to embrace AI and ML technologies. Are you prepared to harness these capabilities for your projects or have any questions about this? Then please reach out to us at industry.solutions@mongodb.com or nfo@regdata.ch . You can also take a look at the following resources: RegData & MongoDB: Securing Digital Transformation Streamline Data Control and Compliance with RegData & MongoDB Implementing an Operational Data Layer Want to learn more about why MongoDB is the best choice for supporting modern AI applications? Check out our on-demand webinar, “ Comparing PostgreSQL vs. MongoDB: Which is Better for AI Workloads? ” presented by MongoDB Field CTO, Rick Houlihan.

January 23, 2025

Empower Financial Services Developers with the Document Model

In financial services , having a proper data modeling strategy is crucial. The volume of data that banks collect and create is continuously growing, partly due to the expansion of digital banking and payments. Financial institutions rely heavily on data to power applications, analyze risks, and make decisions. The way data is modeled can significantly impact the performance, scalability, and accuracy of these systems, as well as the speed of development for new financial products or services. According to Celent, 62% of banks say the “competitive threat from fintechs and other challengers is increasing.” This is no surprise, as the convenience of managing all financial affairs in one centralized app or on a digital-first platform is pulling more and more customers away from traditional financial institutions. In this blog, we will explore why 24% of retail banks ranked “data platforms and management” as one of their top three IT spending priorities for 2024–2025 and how data modeling plays a critical role in this strategic focus. Data modeling and the document model In financial services, data modeling is a critical process that underpins effective data management, enabling institutions to harness the full potential of their data. This process involves identifying relevant financial data and determining how it should be visualized, including its structure, relationships, and management. A well-structured data model leads to better application performance, simpler implementations, and lower costs. It also enhances adaptability and maintainability over time. The principle that data accessed together should be stored together is fundamental for optimizing performance. MongoDB is a document-oriented NoSQL database that offers flexibility and scalability, making it an ideal choice for the industry. It runs with unparalleled reliability, security, and flexibility in a multi-cloud or on-premises environment. Unlike traditional relational databases, MongoDB allows for a more dynamic schema, enabling organizations to adapt to changing business needs without the constraints of rigid table structures. Document databases have the following key features: Document model: Data is stored in documents (unlike other databases that store data in structures like tables or graphs). The documents map to objects in the most popular programming languages, enabling developers to rapidly develop their applications. Flexible schema: MongoDB’s design enables developers to store data in a way that reflects the real-world relationships between entities, making it easier to manage complex data structures. Data distribution and resilience: Document databases are distributed, which allows for horizontal scaling (typically cheaper than vertical scaling) and data distribution. Queryability through an API or query language: Document databases have an API or query language that allows developers to execute the CRUD operations on the database. Developers have the ability to query for documents based on unique identifiers or field values. MongoDB’s document model enables an organization to design document structures that mirror its application’s access patterns. By embedding related data as subdocuments and arrays within a single document, it can make sure that data that is frequently accessed together is stored together. This alignment simplifies the mapping between the application and the database, enhancing both development efficiency and performance. In contrast to relational databases, document databases are better suited to the needs of modern applications because of their ability to store diverse data types (both structured and unstructured) in binary JSON (BSON) format. This flexibility essentially eliminates the middle layer necessary to convert to a SQL-like format, resulting in easier-to-maintain applications, lower development times, and faster responses to changes. As a document’s schema is dynamic and self-describing, developers don’t need to predefine it in the database. They can modify it at any time, avoiding disruptive schema migrations and improving their own productivity and experience. Watch now: Intro to Data Modeling for Financial Services and Insurance explains: The definition of data modeling Relational database management systems vs MongoDB Relationships: Linking vs Embedding Design Patterns MongoDB’s document model for financial services Leading financial institutions across the world are increasingly adopting MongoDB with seven of the top ten banks in the world (per the 2024 Forbes Global 2000) utilizing MongoDB in their application architectures. MongoDB Atlas is an integrated suite of data services centered on a document database designed to accelerate and simplify how users build with data. MongoDB enables banks to employ an iterative approach to banking modernization . This approach preserves legacy components for as long as they’re needed. By deploying MongoDB as an operational data layer (ODL) in a phased approach, banks can embark on their digital transformation journeys iteratively, without the risk of an all-or-nothing, rip-and-replace approach. Once the new architecture is in place, development teams can build new business functionality faster and scale new services to millions of users. Here are some of the ways that MongoDB helps financial institutions meet their industry data challenges: Open finance: MongoDB’s flexible schema, with the ability to handle various data types including structured and unstructured data, seamlessly integrates with modern technologies and frameworks, making it a great fit for orchestrating open API ecosystems. Personalized banking experiences: Retail banks aim to deliver hyper-personalized services, such as tailored financial advice or customized product recommendations. A flexible and accurate document model ensures platforms can integrate data from multiple channels (mobile apps, branches, and ATMs) for a seamless experience. Encryption and access control: MongoDB provides security capabilities like field-level encryption, role-based access control (RBAC), and auditing—key features to enhance data security and facilitate compliance with regulations like Financial Data Access (FiDA). By encrypting sensitive customer data both at rest and in transit, MongoDB helps keep data secure and tamper-proof throughout its lifecycle. Data sovereignty and global deployment: Financial data must adhere to strict geographic regulations, with certain jurisdictions enforcing the requirement that data remain within specific regions. MongoDB Atlas offers multi-cloud and multi-region deployments, enabling financial institutions to store data in specific regions while maintaining compliance with data sovereignty laws. Multidocument ACID transactions: Transactions in MongoDB feel just like transactions developers are familiar with in relational databases. With multi-document atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (ACID) transactions, developers can address transactional use cases across multiple documents within the same cluster. Payment system scalability and flexibility: MongoDB’s document database excels in unifying an organization’s data, from backend payment processing to customer interactions, surfacing insights to create a seamless, connected, and personalized customer journey. Payment systems must accommodate fluctuating transaction volumes and evolving business needs. MongoDB Atlas makes scaling as easy as setting the right configuration. It supports both horizontal and vertical scaling. Fraud detection: MongoDB’s document data model incorporates any kind of data—any structure, any format, any source—no matter how often it changes, enabling an organization to create a holistic picture of its customers to better predict transaction anomalies in real-time. MongoDB then enables it to process large amounts of data and analyze it in real-time to identify suspicious activity. Financial data management: MongoDB lets organizations capture and store financial and trade-related data together, respond to compliance and regulatory requests with confidence, and analyze pretrade communications to gain insights and detect errors. AI-driven interactive banking: MongoDB is designed to work seamlessly with leading AI frameworks, enabling banks to integrate and scale AI applications quickly and efficiently. MongoDB’s flexibility supports innovation by providing a scalable, developer-friendly environment that enables businesses to rapidly develop new financial services and products and scale to support millions of users. And, as a document-based database, MongoDB supports the flexible data modeling that is so crucial to the financial services industry. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about MongoDB and data modeling, feel free to check out the following resources: Intro to Data Modeling for Financial Services and Insurance Temenos Banking Cloud Scales to Record High Transactions with MongoDB Atlas and Microsoft Azure Our Solutions Library is where you can learn about different use cases for gen AI and other interesting topics that are applied to financial services and many other industries.

January 22, 2025

Built With MongoDB: Kraken Coding Revolutionizes Clinical Decision Support

Within the world of healthcare, clinicians often find themselves overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information they must process to provide optimal patient care. Text-based guidelines and procedures, while essential, can be cumbersome and difficult to navigate. Recognizing this challenge, John Shanks, co-founder of Kraken Coding , embarked on a mission to transform the way clinical staff access decision support information through its product, Clinical Branches. The birth of clinical branches Kraken Coding began its journey with the “Open Source Antimicrobial Stewardship” project, which aimed to provide decision support pathways for antimicrobial prescribing. Despite its limited functionality, the project gained traction. Early success, coupled with valuable feedback from users, inspired the team to develop a more robust solution using a modern database platform, MongoDB. The initial vision for Clinical Branches was simple yet powerful: to create a tool that would streamline access to critical clinical information. Shanks, who developed the original tool during his tenure as a hospital pharmacist, understood firsthand the challenges posed by high staff turnover and the difficulty of training new employees. Clinicians were inundated with lengthy documents that often went unread, leading to potential risks in patient care. The goal was to create a structured decision tree that would guide clinicians through the decision-making process quickly and efficiently. A unique approach to decision support What sets Kraken Coding apart from other solutions in the healthcare industry is its innovative use of data generated through the decision-making process. By abstracting text-based procedures into semi-structured decision algorithms, Clinical Branches not only provide immediate guidance but also collect valuable data that can be analyzed for continuous improvement. The team is currently working on an exciting project supported by the UNSW Tyree IHealthE Innovation Catalyst Awards, which aims to convert this data into semantic embeddings. By utilizing vector search technology, they hope to predict risks for patient admissions early in the patient journey. The role of MongoDB in scaling success A crucial element of Kraken Coding’s growth has been its partnership with MongoDB Atlas . Shanks initially chose MongoDB due to its simplicity and scalability. At university, the practical exercises and tutorials involved mostly SQL inner joins and database normalization. Any courses that did cover NoSQL did so only superficially, but after doing an online course using MongoDB, he saw how easy it was to set up an application and was happy to ditch SQL. With Clinical Branches, he knew MongoDB would be the perfect choice. The focus on simplicity and scalability aligned perfectly with the startup’s needs. As the company expanded its operations, particularly with the recent deployment of a new application server in Canada, MongoDB’s capabilities made it easy to add nodes and tackle data sovereignty issues without compromising sensitive information. Without MongoDB, the team would have to manually set up a database instance for a new geographic location, which can involve complex configurations to manage consistency, conflict resolution, and data synchronization across regions. With MongoDB, they can deploy to any region in Canada with a few clicks. One of the standout features that Kraken Coding has benefited from is MongoDB Atlas Vector Search , which has already shown promise in predicting optimal drug dosing based on historical patient data. Support from the MongoDB for Startups program The MongoDB for Startups program has played a pivotal role in Kraken Coding’s development. The Atlas credits provided financial relief for the early-stage venture, allowing the team to focus on building their product without the burden of high operational costs. Additionally, the free technical advice they received during the initial phases of their project was invaluable. A two-day technical consultant review ensured that their database indexing, design, and application routers were correctly configured before going live, saving the team about 50 hours of rework, by Shanks’ estimate, and ensuring the platform was scalable. Looking ahead: The future of Clinical Branches As Kraken Coding continues to innovate, the roadmap for the coming year is filled with exciting developments. The team is preparing to start phase one audits to register their software as a medical device, focusing on Bayesian inference and vector search to support optimal drug dosing strategies. They are also launching a new project that will utilize pathway answers in conjunction with patient information to predict likely patient outcomes. With their first pilot in Canada on the horizon, the future looks bright for Kraken Coding. Kraken Coding is at the forefront of revolutionizing clinical decision support through its innovative product, Clinical Branches. By leveraging modern technology and data-driven insights, the startup is not only improving the efficiency of clinical workflows but also enhancing patient care. If you’re working in healthcare and looking for a simple initiative that can have a big impact for your service, check out Kraken Coding . To learn more and get started with MongoDB Vector Search, visit our Vector Search Quick Start guide . Are you part of a startup and interested in joining the MongoDB for Startups program? Apply now .

January 21, 2025

Managing MongoDB's DevOps Tools & SOA Programs

David O’Dowd joined MongoDB in January 2022 as a Technical Program Manager, bringing over 20 years of software delivery experience. At MongoDB, he has experienced significant growth partnering with product and engineering executives to successfully deliver key initiatives across the MongoDB Atlas Engineering portfolio such as the DevOps Tools program and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) program. His efforts in establishing the long-term backend engineering vision for Atlas, mentoring team members, building new engineering teams, process improvement, Jira/Slack automation and managing cross-functional programs have propelled his career forward. David is passionate about fostering collaboration, driving process improvement, delivering impact, and sparking innovation, all to empower customers worldwide to build more efficiently through our Atlas Admin API and all our programmatic methods . Read on to learn more about the tools and programs led by David and his team. My path as a Technical Program Manager at MongoDB is a story of continuous learning, strategic innovation, and collaborative problem-solving. When I joined the API Experience and Kubernetes teams, partnering with our VP of Engineering for these areas, I discovered a unique ecosystem at the critical intersection of technology and customer experience, which was experiencing rapid growth. This growth would double the number of engineering teams and create multiple new Director of Engineering and Product Manager roles. These new teams were a continuing sign of our commitment to our customers who are developers accessing the MongoDB Atlas developer data platform programmatically, leveraging various DevOps Tools such as: Atlas Admin API Atlas Terraform Operator Atlas AWS CloudFormation AtlasCLI Atlas Kubernetes Operator Engineering programs with high-scale impact The DevOps Tools program is more than an engineering initiative— we're digital bridge builders . Its mission extends beyond writing code; we create seamless connections between MongoDB's products and our customers' diverse DevOps and Infrastructure as Code landscapes. We operate where technology meets human experience, ensuring our APIs are not just functional, but intuitive and transformative. We consistently analyze the market to meet our customers' programmatic interaction needs with Atlas. Additionally, we focus on documenting our products to enhance the developer experience. As a Technical Program Manager, I've focused on embedding DevOps Tools considerations deeper into the software development lifecycle across teams building the Atlas Control Pane. I've introduced innovative approaches like: Automation to alert API Experience teams earlier in the product planning process to allow for cross-functional discussions around versioning, breaking changes, DevOps tools requested by customers along with API first or API only techniques AI to identify dependencies in Product Descriptions and Scopes automatically Cross-team contracts to standardize collaboration between teams Creation of new teams to tackle new product areas like our Atlas Terraform Operator and Atlas Kubernetes Operator Jira Dashboards using the Jira API/Scriptrunner for executive metrics on team delivery and inter-team dependency management Increasing security, durability, availability, and performance through SOA Beyond the DevOps Tools Program, I’ve worked on the SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture) program, driving MongoDB's long-term backend vision for our cloud backend platform. I focused on aligning over 150 projects between 30+ engineering teams towards the SOA macroservices vision. This effort aims to enhance feature delivery pace while improving customer-visible reliability. Partnering with the VP of Engineering, I have helped shape an architecture supporting sustainable scaling through the breakout of our monolith into macroservices to allow us to scale our workforce and Atlas customer base. The human side of technology What makes our work truly exciting is not just the technical complexity, but the human connections we create. By designing more intuitive APIs and integration tools, we're helping developers worldwide build more efficiently and creatively via programmatic methods. Whether it's organizing cross-functional team offsites in Dublin and Barcelona, or creating sophisticated Jira and Slack automations, my focus has always been on breaking down barriers between teams, departments, and organisations to deliver smoother collaborative processes for all. Why this matters In an era of rapid technological change, especially with AI transforming software development, our work in API Experience and DevOps Tools is more than ever at the forefront of enabling customers to programmatically access our products, such as Atlas Vector Search , to leverage the full potential of their data for AI-driven use cases. My journey at MongoDB has been about empowering teams, connecting technologies, connecting people, and helping our customers achieve more than they thought possible through our developer data platform . If you're passionate about bridging technology and customer experience, there's no more exciting place to be than MongoDB's API Experience and Kubernetes teams. Head to our careers site to apply for a role on David’s team and join our talent community to stay in the loop on all things #LifeAtMongoDB!

January 21, 2025

Building Gen AI with MongoDB & AI Partners | December 2024

Now that 2024 is behind us, we can see clearly how much change, innovation, and progress there was across the AI landscape in 2024. For MongoDB, the year was particularly marked by collaboration with our AI partners, and by the possibilities that AI collaboration holds; as the saying goes, it takes a village. From the release of breakthrough tools and frameworks, to AI-enriched workflows (for both prototyping and production), together we empowered customers and developers alike to build cutting-edge AI applications. To help you prepare for the rest of 2025, below is a selection of content developed by MongoDB’s Developer Relations team. This work will equip you with the knowledge (and tools!) from MongoDB and our AI partners to create the hottest AI applications in the new year. Building an Agent with Fireworks.AI, MongoDB, and LangChain Learn how to create an intelligent agent that combines Fireworks AI’s advanced capabilities, LangChain’s framework, and MongoDB's robust database. This guide walks you through developing an agent capable of reasoning and decision-making with structured and unstructured data. Claude 3.5 and MongoDB: Revolutionizing Retrieval-Augmented Generation Learn how Anthropic's Claude 3.5 integrates with MongoDB to enhance retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) pipelines. This post demonstrates using Claude for contextual and nuanced text generation while leveraging MongoDB Atlas for efficient data retrieval. Build an AI Agent with LangGraph.js and MongoDB Atlas Explore how LangGraph.js simplifies AI agent development for JavaScript and TypeScript developers. This tutorial showcases building an AI-powered agent and managing data with MongoDB Atlas for seamless functionality and scalability. Ingesting Quantized Vectors with Cohere and MongoDB Discover how to leverage Cohere’s quantized vector representations and MongoDB Atlas for efficient vector storage and retrieval. This guide demonstrates workflows for building scalable, high-performance applications that use vector embeddings for AI-driven solutions. And if you’d like to dig into building with MongoDB and gen AI, explore our GenAI Showcase repository on GitHub for a wide range of sample projects, tools, and inspiration to kickstart your AI journey into 2025! Happy New Year—and happy building! Welcoming new AI and tech partners In December 2024, we welcomed six new AI and tech partners that offer product integrations with MongoDB. Read on to learn more about each great new partner! Apigene Apigene enables users to operate all software applications through a single AI assistant, providing complete control of popular services and platforms. " We're excited to partner with MongoDB to bring natural language capabilities to Atlas users, transforming how teams interact with their data”, said Michal Geva, VP of Business of Apigene. “This collaboration makes database operations as intuitive as having conversations, empowering businesses to unlock Atlas’s full potential without complexity." Bauplan Bauplan is a programmable data lake where users can load, transform, query, run, schedule, and replay all from their code, driving superior cost-efficiency and less management from data teams. “ We're pretty darn excited about partnering up with MongoDB because the combination of Bauplan and MongoDB Atlas makes it so incredibly easy to build full-stack AI applications”, said Ciro Greco, CEO and founder of Bauplan. “One can build powerful applications like embedded analytics, feature stores, recommender systems, and RAG based search in a simple Python script. Zero infrastructure overhead, compute is purely serverless and everything's version controlled in the data lake by default.” Botnoi BOTNOI Group offers innovative AI technologies that enhance business operations such as a conversational AI chatbot for enterprise, speech-to-text, text-to-speech, and computer vision. " We’re excited to announce our partnership with MongoDB ”, said Piyoros Tungthamthiti, CTO of BOTNOI Group. “By integrating MongoDB Atlas, we’re enhancing Botnoi’s capabilities to deliver top-tier conversational AI performance. This collaboration will enable seamless data management, advanced analytics, and reliable system performance, ultimately providing greater value to our clients." Jiva.ai Jiva.ai is a zero-code platform for rapid multimodal AI development using structured and unstructured data. " We are thrilled to join MongoDB's ecosystem and bring our no-code AI platform together with their powerful vector search and multimodal data capabilities,” said Dr. Manish Patel, CEO of Jiva.ai. “MongoDB enables us to help businesses rapidly transform complex data into intelligent solutions, democratizing AI development across industries. By combining Jiva.ai's patented model fusion technology with MongoDB's flexible document model, we're accelerating enterprise AI adoption and helping organizations unlock unprecedented insights from their data." mple.ai mple.ai is an AI-powered sales training platform for enterprises, designed to deliver scalable, measurable, and impactful training through role-plays and AI-driven evaluations. " Our collaboration with MongoDB is redefining AI-driven team training”, said Riddhesh Ganatra, Co-Founder of mple.ai. “With MongoDB's reliable and scalable data solutions, we're delivering real-world scenario-based coaching to help organizations achieve faster, more impactful results." TrueFoundry TrueFoundry is a Kubernetes-based platform designed to simplify the process of building, deploying and scaling compound AI systems across any cloud or on-premise infrastructure. “ We’re thrilled to partner with MongoDB to accelerate the development of compound AI applications”, said Nikunj Bajaj, CEO of TrueFoundry. “With TrueFoundry’s powerful accelerators, including AI Gateway, Model Deployment & Finetuning, and RAG Framework, combined with MongoDB’s scalable vector database, enterprises can quickly build, deploy, and scale production-grade AI solutions. TrueFoundry’s platform ensures robust governance, cost optimization, and faster time to value, empowering enterprises to innovate efficiently and at scale.” But wait, there's more! To learn more about building AI-powered apps with MongoDB, check out our AI Resources Hub and stop by our Partner Ecosystem Catalog to read about our integrations with MongoDB’s ever-evolving AI partner ecosystem.

January 16, 2025

Building a Unified Data Platform for Gen AI

In today’s digital-first world, data is the lifeblood of innovation and decision-making. Yet, businesses often find themselves constrained by outdated and fragmented systems that fail to meet the demands of a fast-paced, interconnected landscape. Legacy architectures—such as the 1970s-era mainframes still used in industries like banking—create inefficiencies, siloed data, and operational bottlenecks, leaving organizations struggling to deliver timely, actionable insights. The pressure to adapt is mounting, as customer expectations for real-time interactions and personalized services continue to grow. To thrive in this competitive environment, organizations must embrace a transformative approach to managing their data estates—one that integrates advanced technologies seamlessly. Check out our AI Learning Hub to learn more about building AI-powered apps with MongoDB. Unified data platforms powered by operational data layers (ODLs), generative AI (gen AI), and vector search are the solution. These innovations do more than just modernize data handling; they unlock new opportunities for agility, efficiency, and value creation, empowering businesses to make informed decisions, improve customer experiences, and drive growth. Let’s explore how these technologies are reshaping the way businesses consume, integrate, and leverage their data. Figure 1. Conceptual model of a Converged AI Data Store, showing multimodal data ingest. From stale to real-time data: The case for operational data layers In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses can no longer afford to rely on outdated, batch-processed data. The demands of modern operations require instant access to fresh, accurate information. Yet many organizations continue to struggle with fragmented systems that deliver stale data, creating roadblocks in decision-making and customer engagement. This is where the concept of an ODL becomes transformative. Acting as a centralized hub, an ODL integrates data from multiple transactional systems in real-time, ensuring businesses have a unified and up-to-date view of their operations. Let’s explore how ODLs can revolutionize business processes: 1. Enabling real-time customer interactions Imagine a customer service representative handling a support call. Without real-time access to the latest data—such as a customer’s recent transactions, support history, or preferences—the interaction may feel disconnected and inefficient. An ODL solves this problem by consolidating and providing real-time data. For example, a telecom provider could use an ODL to ensure its agents have immediate access to recent billing information, technical issues reported, and ongoing resolutions. This not only empowers the agents but also leaves the customer with a seamless and satisfactory experience. 2. Streamlining account management Real-time data isn’t just about resolving customer issues; it’s also critical for proactive engagement. In industries like banking and retail, customers often need immediate updates on their accounts, such as current balances, transaction details, or loyalty points. By integrating APIs with the ODL, businesses can offer instantaneous responses to these queries. For instance, a retail bank could enable customers to check recent purchases or transfers through a chatbot that queries the ODL in real-time, delivering fast, accurate results. 3. Enhancing compliance and reporting Highly regulated industries, such as finance and healthcare, face additional challenges in managing large volumes of historical data for audits and compliance. Traditional systems often struggle to handle such demands, resulting in time-consuming manual processes. ODLs, when combined with gen AI, enable businesses to extract, summarize, and structure this data efficiently. For instance, a financial institution could use an ODL to generate compliance reports that pull data from diverse sources—both structured and unstructured—and ensure they meet regulatory standards with minimal manual intervention. 4. Supporting metadata and governance Another often overlooked advantage of an ODL is its ability to support metadata management and data governance. For large enterprises operating across multiple geographies, changes in localized data models are frequent and complex. An ODL can act as a centralized repository, capturing these updates and enabling advanced search functionalities for impact analysis. For example, a global enterprise could use an ODL to track changes in data definitions, understand usage patterns, and ensure compliance with governance policies across regions—all while reducing the risk of errors. The transformative power of gen AI and vector search As businesses transition to real-time data strategies powered by ODLs, the potential to unlock even greater insights lies in adopting cutting-edge tools like gen AI and vector search. These technologies are revolutionizing the way organizations consume and interpret data, enabling unprecedented efficiency and intelligence. Gen AI: By generating actionable insights, predictions, and content, gen AI enables businesses to turn static data into a strategic resource. For example, a retailer could use gen AI to analyze customer purchase histories and recommend personalized product bundles. Vector search: This technology translates high-dimensional data like text, images, and audio into vectors, enabling accurate, intuitive searches. For instance, healthcare providers can search for similar patient cases by symptoms, enhancing diagnostics and treatment planning. By incorporating these tools into an ODL, businesses can go beyond basic data integration, creating smarter, more agile operations capable of delivering value in real-time. Figure 2. Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) implementation, using the converged AI data store to provide context to the LLM prompt. New opportunities: Revolutionizing operations with gen AI and operational data layers The integration of gen AI and vector search into ODLs opens up a world of opportunities for businesses to enhance customer experience, streamline operations, and innovate at scale. Here’s how these technologies drive transformation: Enhanced data discovery: With vector search, organizations can quickly and accurately retrieve relevant data from massive datasets, simplifying complex searches. Improved customer experience: Gen AI–powered ODLs analyze customer behavior to deliver personalized recommendations, building stronger customer relationships. Increased operational efficiency: Automating routine data tasks with gen AI reduces manual effort, enabling teams to focus on strategic initiatives. Enhanced agility and innovation: By enabling rapid development of AI-driven applications, businesses can quickly adapt to market changes and stay ahead of the competition. As organizations embrace these capabilities, they position themselves to thrive in an increasingly competitive and data-driven world. Architectural options for data processing Modernizing data platforms requires a robust architecture that can handle both batch and real-time processing. Depending on their needs, organizations often choose between lambda or kappa architectures, and MongoDB can serve as a flexible operational layer for both. The lambda architecture The lambda architecture is ideal for organizations that need to process both batch and real-time data. It consists of three layers: Batch layer: This layer processes large volumes of historical data offline. Gen AI can enrich this data by generating insights and predictions. Speed layer: This layer handles real-time data streams, enabling immediate responses to changes. Serving layer: This layer combines batch and real-time data into a unified view, powered by MongoDB for seamless queries and data access. The kappa architecture For businesses focused on real-time analytics, the kappa architecture simplifies operations by using a single stream for data processing. MongoDB excels as the operational speed layer in this setup, supporting high-speed, real-time data updates enhanced by gen AI. By choosing the right architecture and leveraging MongoDB’s capabilities, businesses can ensure their data platforms are future ready. A journey toward data modernization Data modernization is a progressive journey, transforming businesses step by step into smarter, more agile systems. It begins with a basic operational data store , where read-heavy workloads are offloaded from legacy systems into MongoDB, boosting performance and accessibility. Next comes the enriched ODL , adding real-time analytics to turn raw data into actionable insights. Then, as needs grow, parallel writes enable MongoDB to handle write-heavy operations, enhancing speed and reliability. In the transition to the system of transaction , monolithic systems are replaced with agile microservices directly connected to MongoDB, simplifying operations and accelerating innovation. Finally, businesses reach the system of record , a domain-driven architecture where MongoDB provides unmatched scalability, flexibility, and efficiency. Each phase of this journey unlocks new opportunities, transforming data into a dynamic asset that powers innovation, operational excellence, and growth. Figure 3. A conceptual model showcasing the joint implementation of the Kappa (Data in Motion) and Lambda (Data at Rest) frameworks on MongoDB Atlas, utilizing Stream Processing for real-time data and Online Archive/Federation features for historical data management. The unified and intelligent future of data As businesses embrace real-time data architectures and advanced AI capabilities, the potential for innovation is boundless. With solutions like MongoDB, organizations can seamlessly integrate and harness their data, driving operational excellence and delivering exceptional customer experiences. Now is the time to modernize, innovate, and unlock the full potential of your data. Discover how TCS and MongoDB are harmonizing technologies for the future. Start your data modernization journey today! Want to learn more about why MongoDB is the best choice for supporting modern AI applications? Check out our on-demand webinar, “ Comparing PostgreSQL vs. MongoDB: Which is Better for AI Workloads ? ” presented by MongoDB Field CTO, Rick Houlihan.

January 15, 2025

Leveraging an Operational Data Layer for Telco Success

The emergence of 5G network communication, IoT devices, edge computing, and AI have accelerated structural changes within the telecommunications industry, creating new needs and opportunities. To remain competitive, telcos must embrace this technology-driven transformation by defining a robust data strategy. Such a strategy should enhance operational efficiency and provide unique value to customers, and should ultimately enable telcos to set themselves apart from their competitors. All of this can be attained by leveraging an operational data layer (ODL) with MongoDB. Operating a consolidated ODL opens new business opportunities that telcos can incorporate into their value matrix, including customer support systems, AI-enriched applications, and IoT-oriented services. These unlocked capacities will help telecommunications companies succeed in a competitive market. Understanding the operational data layer An ODL is an architectural pattern that centrally integrates and organizes siloed enterprise data, making it available to consuming applications. It acts as an intermediary between data producers and consumers. This architecture pattern is illustrated below: Figure 1. ODL sample reference architecture, using MongoDB In this diagram, MongoDB Atlas acts as the ODL, centrally integrating siloed data from multiple sources, including CRM, HR, and billing. Initially, data is extracted to the ODL, transformed according to established requirements, and then loaded to the MongoDB database. By means of delta loads, the ODL is kept in sync over time. Consuming applications, both operational and analytical, access the ODL through an API layer, which delivers a common set of methods for users, and enforces security standards throughout the organization. Enhancing operational efficiency with MongoDB and the ODL At its core, implementing an ODL with MongoDB provides access to a rich document model and a data developer platform that boosts operational efficiency and unlocks the value of previously siloed enterprise data. The ODL attains this efficiency through a set of key capabilities inherent to MongoDB. The ODL benefits from the flexibility of the document model that adapts its schema to any application requirement while supporting multiple data structures. This polymorphic structure allows variations from document to document liberating applications from rigid schemas and supporting merging from non-identical entities. Telcos gain speed in development—which translates to better performance—when accessing data through an ODL, as they avoid costly join operations required by legacy applications. MongoDB provides a unique place for data storage that can be accessed in a single database operation decreasing end-user response times. Telcos can leverage MongoDB’s versatility to cast multiple workloads, store any data type, and to adopt a rich query language that executes complex operations. Subsequently, the ODL accepts sophisticated query pipelines capable of processing text, images, videos, geospatial data, facet search, analytical transformations, time series, and more. Horizontal and vertical scalability empowers telcos to receive large data volumes and high traffic loads essential for modern applications. This mechanism is achieved through sharding, a process that partitions and distributes data across multiple nodes, accommodating fluctuating workload demands and enhancing overall system performance. An ODL running in MongoDB Atlas benefits from a multi-cloud strategy that allows deployments across multiple cloud providers. This approach mitigates vendor lock-in risks, grants global coverage, and adapts to infrastructure requirements—ensuring that applications adhere to cost constraints, achieve performance benchmarks, and maintain regulatory compliance. MongoDB provides a robust security framework for storing and managing sensitive data due to its built-in tools—including encryption, authentication, authorization, network security, and auditing—thus protecting data against information breaches. It also complies with important international regulations for telcos like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). MongoDB provides a modern data platform designed to build, manage and scale applications in a unified developer experience. The developer platform fosters innovation allowing developers to access a variety of features to manage their ODL including Atlas Vector Search, Atlas Monitoring, and Atlas Triggers, among others. Refer to our official documentation to learn more about MongoDB Atlas . Using the ODL to gain a competitive advantage Fostering operational efficiency through an ODL is the initial step toward opening a new business that will eventually translate into a competitive advantage. Accordingly, telcos need to develop their own strategies and capitalize on the benefits from these unlocked opportunities, differentiating themselves in the industry. Well-known telcos have already leveraged this approach, creating successful business outcomes. They consolidate single-view instances , concentrating information from different business lines—such as mobile, fixed lines, broadband, and TV/entertainment—into MongoDB Atlas. This environment is well-suited for building personalized customer management solutions, overcoming challenges with siloed data environments. These telcos choose MongoDB because it offers a flexible data model that facilitates data aggregation and horizontal scaling, allowing them to efficiently leverage customer data to build customer-centric applications. Additionally, leading telcos are leveraging AI to enhance their operations, safeguard their business, and improve their services. One prominent use of AI is fraud detection and prevention . This is a critical area that, if poorly managed, can lead to negative consequences like financial losses, unmeasurable reputational damage, and unhinged security network risks. A consolidated ODL serves as a gateway for implementing fraud detection measures. Nowadays, MongoDB’s platform is ingesting and storing terabytes of data from multiple platforms to leverage AI models, potentially saving millions of dollars for telcos. Refer to our ebook, Innovate with AI: The Future Enterprise , to learn more. Telcos are also capitalizing on their networks and the MongoDB ODL by effectively managing the vast amounts of data generated by IoT devices, and adding new end-to-end services. MongoDB is helping large telcos effectively implement IoT platforms supplying scalability for growing device demand, flexibility to manage data model changes, and automatic data tiering to reduce storage costs. These capabilities ultimately improve customer experiences and speed time to market for new applications. Furthermore, ODLs improve product catalog management systems, which are increasingly common in the industry due to telcos’ expanding their offering to a broader set of products, from phone plans to bundled entertainment services. ODLs upgrade the product catalog, allowing for real-time product personalization and analytics. MongoDB assists telcos in upgrading their product catalog systems, enabling advanced search capabilities, reducing development time, and supporting seasonal workload demand. Refer to our white paper, Implementing an Operational Data Layer for Product Catalog Modernization , to learn more. Finally, an ODL accelerates the modernization of monolithic relational database systems that struggle to manage exponential data growth and to adapt to evolving business needs. Telcos use MongoDB in their modernization efforts to deliver 3 to 5x faster operations, allowing scaling to millions of records per day, while at the same time reducing their costs—typically by 50% or more. Future directions This blog highlights how implementing an ODL with MongoDB can unlock telcos’ ability to achieve operational efficiency through the native capabilities of MongoDB and its cloud offering. This innovative architecture not only improves operations, but also unlocks business opportunities that are the foundation for new competitive advantages. These enhanced capabilities represent the backbone to consolidate telcos’ strategic positioning, ultimately differentiating from their competitors in powerful ways. Visit our MongoDB for Telecommunications solutions page to learn more. If you would like to learn more about implementing an ODL with MongoDB for your TELCO organization, visit the following resources: White paper: Implementing an Operational Data Layer White paper: Unleash Telco Transformation with an Operational Data Layer Head over to our quick-start guide to get started with Legacy Modernization today.

January 14, 2025

AI-Powered Retail With Together AI and MongoDB

Generative AI (gen AI) is changing retail in fascinating ways. It’s providing new avenues for IT leaders at retailers to enhance customer experiences, streamline operations, and grow revenue in a fast-paced environment. Recently, we’ve been working closely with a fascinating organization in this space—Together AI. In this blog, we’ll explore how Together AI and MongoDB Atlas tremendously accelerated the adoption of gen AI by combining the capabilities of both platforms to bring high-impact retail use cases to life. Check out our AI Learning Hub to learn more about building AI-powered apps with MongoDB. Introduction to Together AI and MongoDB Atlas From the first look, it’s impressive how well Together AI is designed for gen AI projects. It’s a powerful platform that lets developers train, fine-tune, and deploy open-source AI models with just a few lines of code. This is a critical component for retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) . With RAG, AI can pull real-time business-specific data from MongoDB Atlas , which means retailers get more reliable and relevant outputs. That’s crucial when dealing with data as dynamic as customer behavior or inventory movement from online and physical stores. With its flexible data model, MongoDB Atlas is an ideal database engine for handling diverse data needs. It’s fully managed, multi-cloud, and exceptional at managing different data types, including the vector embeddings that power AI applications. One important feature is MongoDB Atlas Vector Search , a smart library that stores and indexes vector embeddings, making it simple to integrate with Together AI. This lets retailers generate timely, personalized responses to customer queries, creating a better experience all around. Identifying retail use cases With Together AI and MongoDB Atlas working together, the possibilities for retail are huge. Here are some of the use cases we’ve been exploring and testing with clients, each bringing measurable value to the table: Product description generation Product onboarding to a retail e-commerce portal is a time-consuming effort for many retailers. They need to ensure they’ve created a product description that matches the image, then deploy it to their e-commerce portal. For multilingual portals and multiple operating geographies, this challenge of accuracy increases. With Together AI’s support for multimodal models (e.g. Llama 3.2) and MongoDB Atlas’s vector embeddings, we can create accurate product descriptions in multiple languages. Check out a demo app to see it in action. Figure 1. Demo application for generating product descriptions. Personalized product recommendations Imagine being able to offer each customer exactly what they’re looking for, without them even asking. With Together AI’s retrieval and inference endpoints and MongoDB Atlas Vector Search, we can create highly personalized product recommendations. Analyzing individual preferences, browsing history, and past purchases becomes seamless, giving customers exactly what they need, possibly exactly when they need it. Conversational AI-powered tools (a.k.a. chatbots) We’re also deploying intelligent conversational tools that can understand complex questions, offer personalized assistance, and drive conversions. Together AI, paired with MongoDB Atlas, makes these bots responsive and relevant so customers feel like they’re talking to a knowledgeable adviser rather than a chatbot. When real-time data informs the responses, customer experience is enhanced. Dynamic pricing and promotions Pricing in retail is often a moving target, and AI-driven insights help us optimize our approach. We’ve used Together AI and MongoDB Atlas to analyze market trends, competitor pricing, and customer demand to keep our pricing competitive and adjust promotions in real-time. It’s incredible how much more strategic we can be with AI’s help. Inventory management and forecasting This might be one of the most impactful use cases I’ve worked on—using AI to predict demand and optimize stock levels. With Together AI and MongoDB Atlas, it’s easier to balance inventory, reduce waste, and ensure the products customers want are always in stock. This leads to better efficiency and fewer out-of-stock scenarios. Implementing retail use cases with Together AI and MongoDB Atlas Let me share a concrete example that really brings these concepts to life. Case study: Building a multilingual product-description-generation system We recently worked on a solution to create a product-description-generation system for an e-commerce platform. The goal was to provide highly descriptive product information based on the images of the products from the product catalog. This use case really demonstrated the value of storing the data in MongoDB and using the multilanguage capabilities of Together AI’s inference engine. Embeddings and inference with Together AI: Together AI generated product descriptions based on images retrieved from the product catalog using Llama 3.2 vision models. This way, each product’s unique characteristics were considered, then generated in multiple languages. These descriptions could then be embedded into the MongoDB Atlas Vector Search database via a simple API. Indexed embeddings with MongoDB Atlas Vector Search: Using MongoDB Atlas Vector Search capabilities, we created embeddings, and then indexed them to be used to retrieve relevant data based on other matched product queries. This step made sure the product descriptions were not just accurate but also relevant to the images. Real-time data processing: By connecting this setup to a real-time product dataset, we ensured that product descriptions in multiple languages were always updated automatically. So when a marketplace vendor or retailer uploads new images with distinct characteristics, they get up-to-date product descriptions in the catalog. This project showcased how Together AI and MongoDB Atlas could work together to deliver a solution that was reliable, highly efficient, and scalable. The feedback from users was overwhelmingly positive. They especially appreciated how intuitive and helpful the product descriptions were and how simple the whole product onboarding process could become for multilingual businesses spread across multiple geographical regions. Figure 2. An example of a query and response flow for a RAG architecture using MongoDB and Together AI. Looking at the business impacts For a retail organization, implementing Together AI and MongoDB Atlas can streamline the approach to gen AI, creating an effective and immediate positive impact to business in several ways: Reduced product onboarding time and costs: Retailers can onboard products faster and quickly make them available on their sales channels because of the ready-to-use tools and prebuilt integrations. This cuts down on the need for custom code and significantly lowers development costs. Increased flexibility and customization: MongoDB’s flexible document model and Together AI’s inference engine enables retailers to mold their applications to fit specific needs, such as back-office data processing, demand forecasting, and pricing as well as customer-facing conversational AI. Seamless integration with existing systems: MongoDB Atlas, in particular, integrates seamlessly with other frameworks we’re already using, like LangChain and LlamaIndex. This has made it easier to bring AI capabilities to adopt across various business units. Added support and expertise: The MongoDB AI Applications Program (MAAP) is especially helpful in beginning the journey into AI adoption across enterprises. It offers not just architectural guidance but also hands-on support, so enterprises can implement AI projects with confidence and a well-defined road map. Combining Together AI and MongoDB Atlas for a powerful approach to retail Together AI and MongoDB Atlas are a powerful combination for anyone in the retail industry looking to make the most of gen AI. It is evident how they help unlock valuable use cases, from personalized customer experiences to real-time operational improvements. By adopting MongoDB Atlas with Together AI, retailers can innovate, create richer customer interactions, and ultimately gain a competitive edge. If you’re exploring gen AI for retail, you’ll find that this combination has a quick, measurable, and transformative impact. Learn more about Together AI by visiting www.together.ai . For additional information, check out Together AI: Advancing the Frontier of AI With Open Source Embeddings, Inference, and MongoDB Atlas . Want to learn more about why MongoDB is the best choice for supporting modern AI applications? Check out our on-demand webinar, “ Comparing PostgreSQL vs. MongoDB: Which is Better for AI Workloads ? ” presented by MongoDB Field CTO, Rick Houlihan.

January 13, 2025