MongoDB Laravel Integration Now Officially Supported
We are excited to share that MongoDB has taken over development of the community-driven MongoDB integration for Laravel framework, making it a first-class citizen in our product portfolio.

Formerly known as jenssegers/laravel-mongodb, the library delivers a seamless experience for the PHP developers using MongoDB by extending Eloquent, Laravel’s built-in ORM, adding functionalities like Eloquent models, query builder, and transactions. As many in the Laravel community must be aware, the library was in need of a higher degree of support and investment; users have been requesting ongoing maintenance and updates, and we've heard you loud and clear. We understand the importance of an official, robust, and well-maintained library that integrates seamlessly with Laravel. With MongoDB taking over the library, you can expect regular updates with improvements to the functionality, bug fixes, and compatibility with most recent Laravel and MongoDB releases.
We are strongly committed to our PHP Laravel community, providing you with the tools to have a modern and elegant developer experience with MongoDB. Thanks to everyone who contributed to the development of the library as we highly value community contribution and engagement.
To use MongoDB with Laravel framework, check out the latest release of this library, which added support for Laravel 10 - Laravel MongoDB 4.0.0. If you’re just getting started with MongoDB PHP projects, we have a tutorial on how to build a Laravel + MongoDB back end service and documentation for the library. Give it a try today and let us know what you think! Please report any ideas, bugs, or feedback in the PHPORM JIRA project.