Life at MongoDB

Who MongoDB is as a company on the inside and outside

Away From the Keyboard: Anaiya Raisinghani, MongoDB Developer Advocate

Welcome to our new article series focused on developers and what they do when they’re not building incredible things with code and data. “Away From the Keyboard” features interviews with developers at MongoDB, discussing what they do, how they establish a healthy work-life balance, and their advice for others looking to create a more holistic approach to coding. In our first article, Anaiya Raisinghani shares her day-to-day responsibilities as a Developer Advocate at MongoDB; how she uses nonrefundable workout classes and dinner reservations to help her step away from work; and her hack for making sure that when she logs off for the day, she stays logged off. Q: What do you do at MongoDB? Anaiya: I’m a developer advocate here at MongoDB on the Technical Content team! This means I get to build super fun MongoDB tutorials for the entire developer community. I’m lucky where each day is different. If I’m researching a platform to build a tutorial, it can mean hours of research and reading up on documentation, whereas if I’m filming a YouTube video it means lots of time recording and editing. Q: What does work-life balance look like for you? Anaiya: A bad habit of mine is to get really caught up in a piece of content I’m creating and refuse to leave a certain spot until I’ve accomplished what I’ve set out to do that day. Because of this—and because I work mainly from home—if I can anticipate that I’m going to get caught up in a project, I create plans that force me to leave my desk. Some examples of these are non-refundable workout classes, drinks with friends after work (I hate being a flake), or even dinner reservations that charge you if you cancel less than 24 hours in advance. My biggest gripe is paying for something that I didn’t get anything out of. If I’m paying for a single pilates class, I will make sure I’m there trying my best on the reformer. So this has been a fantastic motivator. Being 25 and living in NYC means that my weekends are always booked, so I’m always out and about, and this allows me to not think about work on my time off. I’m also lucky enough to have a great manager and team that keep very great work-life boundaries, so I never feel guilty practicing those boundaries myself. Q: Was that balance always a priority for you or did you develop it later in your career? Anaiya: This balance was definitely something I had to develop and actively work on. I’ve always been an anxious over-achiever, and when coming into my first corporate job I thought staying overtime would be expected. We’ve all heard the phrase: “Be the first one in and the last to leave.” My manager actually used to actively tell me to log off when I first started because he would notice that my Slack was active past work hours (shoutout to Nic!). Having him and my team as a great example helped me understand that there will always be more work and to enjoy the time that you spend away from your laptop. It was also the realization that working shouldn’t be your entire life. You need to develop hobbies and build relationships within your community in order to be a happier human being. Q: What benefits has this balance given you? Anaiya: The biggest benefit this balance has given me both at work and in my life is that I’m incredibly present when I’m doing one or the other. When I’m working during the day, I’m entirely locked in and take advantage of each hour. And when I’m done with the workday, I’m actually done and can focus on my hobbies or my friends. It’s also taught me to plan in advance and it gives me a better understanding of how much work on average is expected for each project. Q: What advice would you give to a developer seeking to find a better balance? Anaiya: If you’re seeking a better balance, I recommend removing Slack from your personal phone and laptop. This way when you’re disconnected, you’re truly disconnected. Of course, there are some teams and companies that require you to be on call or working around the clock, but even then having a specific laptop or device with everything you need that is separate from your personal devices can help bridge this gap. Thank you to Anaiya Raisinghani for sharing her insights! And thanks to all of you for reading. Look for more in our new series. Interested in learning more about or connecting more with MongoDB? Join our MongoDB Community to meet other community members, hear about inspiring topics, and receive the latest MongoDB news and events. And let us know if you have any questions for our future guests when it comes to building a better work-life balance as developers. Tag us on social media: @mongodb #AwayFromTheKeyboard

September 3, 2024

Technical Services Tools: Embracing Modern Frameworks and Influencing Efficiency

The Technical Services Tools team at MongoDB plays a pivotal role in ensuring efficiency throughout the customer lifecycle. Led by experienced engineers like Jarrod Hinson , the team leverages advanced technologies such as generative AI and modern frameworks like MERN and MEAN to develop tools that enhance security, streamline support processes, and integrate seamlessly into MongoDB's ecosystem. By prioritizing collaboration and innovation, the team not only supports internal stakeholders, but also delivers significant value to MongoDB's customers, setting new standards in technical service excellence. Read on to learn more about working on the team from Jarrod’s perspective. My journey as a Technical Services Tools Engineer at MongoDB Hey there, I’m Jarrod, a Staff Software Engineer on MongoDB’s Technical Services Tools team. Before joining, I worked as a Salesforce engineer, tinkering with custom Full Stack technologies like MERN and MEAN stacks. My background includes stints in healthcare software engineering and service in the US Army. I initially joined MongoDB as a Salesforce engineer in 2017, transitioning to the Technical Services Tools team in 2022 to delve deeper into Full Stack development and engineer applications using gen AI. Influencing tools and security practices In my role as a Staff Software Engineer at MongoDB, I influence internal tools and security best practices across the entire customer lifecycle. Central to my role is ensuring the secure storage of sensitive data and strictly controlling access to resolve customer issues. I craft robust authentication, authorization, and logging systems that track interactions with customer data from both ends, upholding rigorous standards of security and accountability. Embracing modern frameworks and gen AI My work involves extensive use of modern frameworks and gen AI. We deploy the MERN stack with Next.js and MongoDB's Leafygreen UI framework, complemented by Salesforce architecture for our data needs. Leveraging cutting-edge technology with gen AI, we employ MongoDB for databases and vector stores. Customer and internal support is enhanced through our work with assisted gen AI which refines Technical Services case work to boost efficiency and satisfaction. For example, our public Support Portal lets customers chat about any issues they’re experiencing with responses provided through Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) system results pulled from the MongoDB Technical Services Tools database. We utilize RAG for documentation, knowledge base articles, cached entries, and corrective guidance from our custom-built LLM feedback responses. Cross-collaboration opportunities Collaboration thrives at MongoDB. Within our network of customer-facing teams, we work together to define new features and capabilities. For example, we incorporate diagnostic tools into our frameworks through integration efforts with the broader Technical Services team, while partnerships with Cloud and CRM Tech teams manage user permissions across sites. We’ve worked closely with Professional Services leadership to identify existing use cases and seamlessly implement the tools their teams built into our infrastructure. Plus, we’ve helped them identify overlapping customer engagements, quickly understand projects, and enhance customer consultation experience through custom AI summarization. This collaborative approach ensures our tools are robust, secure, and aligned with stakeholder needs, ultimately providing our customers with the best possible experience. Addressing internal stakeholders Engaging with stakeholders across MongoDB presents unique opportunities and challenges. Our projects focus on optimizing processes and enhancing internal capabilities to deliver value to the company and our customers. This role fosters deep cross-departmental relationships, allowing us to solve complex problems with custom tools that drives efficiency across the organization. We provide improved AI triage assistance, case summaries, and next steps to help engineers quickly gain context and engage with customers. We've generated over 100,000 case summaries and have offered triage assistance on over 40,000 cases. Team dynamics Our team is uniquely skilled and operates under a product-oriented delivery (POD) engineering framework broken into five technical areas: Front End, Back End, AI, Salesforce, and Infrastructure. This framework promotes collaboration and efficiency in an effort to drive successful projects. Led by Team Leads and Senior Engineers and guided by our Engineering Manager Lila Brooks , our structure supports continuous learning and engineering best practices. Paul Rooney , our Senior Director, leads by example and takes a hands-on approach with the team's most challenging engineering goals. In my role as a Staff Engineer, I drive multiple projects and aid PODs in achieving their objectives. This structure makes delegation efficient and empowers POD members to make decisions as needed. Why join our team? Our global, primarily remote team embraces flexible work. Yearly in-person offsites encourage team bonding, while the rest of the time, we communicate asynchronously to accommodate global time zones, with essential meetings aligned for overlap. Our leaders prioritize work-life balance and support individual needs to ensure flexibility for all team members. I’ve also found support through MongoDB Veterans, which is an employee resources group that guides veteran applicants to a role within the company aligned to their military experience and brings together a community of supportive co-workers. In terms of day-to-day work on the Technical Services Tools team, what’s most exciting is our specialization in cutting-edge AI applications involving MongoDB processes and data. With rapid expansion, we explore areas like QA, security, AI, Full Stack, and Salesforce, fostering diverse skill sets and knowledge sharing. Projects span intriguing domains from AI applications to custom MERN stack development and Salesforce integration. By joining the team, you’ll have the opportunity to grow your skills, dive into modern frameworks, and join a community of inspiring and talented people! Find out more about Life at MongoDB in technical services by joining our talent community .

July 22, 2024

Helping MongoDB Customers Unlock Potential with Industry Solutions

Gabriela Preiss is a senior manager within Industry Solutions at MongoDB and was instrumental in building out the team in Barcelona. She’s now relocated to Austin, Texas to build a team in Mexico City and continue expanding the Industry Solutions footprint. In this article, Gabriela shares more about Industry Solutions at MongoDB and how they’re making a difference for both customers and our internal go-to-market teams. The impact of industry solutions teams is not lost on the tech industry. I see our competitors and Big Tech alike becoming more verticalized and providing industry-specific solutions to meet their customers’ needs. In 2019, MongoDB established an Industry Solutions team to understand and address our customers’ industry-specific needs and challenges. In the past two years, our Industry Solutions team has increased by roughly 380% in size and touched over 1,100 customer accounts around the globe. Our tailored, industry-specific solutions and messaging give MongoDB a competitive advantage and lead to higher market penetration, higher customer retention, and increased sales. Not to mention, industry-specific insights gleaned from the field drive internal innovation and product development to propel MongoDB forward. Industry Solutions at MongoDB The Industry Solutions team messages MongoDB as a solution or part of a solution to specific industries. We speak the customer's language and understand their industry needs, industry roadblocks, market trends, and competitors. Our industry experts have been in the shoes of the customers and know how to guide them through modernization. We're an extremely cross-functional team, constantly collaborating with sales, marketing, product, product marketing, and engineering. We work in parallel with sales, and everything we do is ultimately to support them and help drive revenue. This means helping with account prepping, speaking one-on-one with customers, and a lot of sales enablement. Our team holds frequent sales trainings in the form of internal content, office hours, and weekly sessions to coach on industry knowledge. We also create content to help drive MongoDB’s go-to-market messaging externally. This means highlighting MongoDB as an industry solution through blogs, white papers, video content, and, most frequently, interactive solution demos that allow customers to really get their hands on our products. Sharing industry knowledge at MongoDB.local events Skills for success While you don’t necessarily need to be a MongoDB expert to join our Industry Solutions team (we’ll train you on that); it’s beneficial to have foundational technical skills and knowledge, like understanding the concept of a database and how it works. As long as you have the will to learn, we’ll shape you into a MongoDB subject matter expert. I often look for people who have a technical knowledge base, but are also interested in the business solution space. Our team is open for anyone who wants to be part of industry solutions and has the willingness to learn all of the ins and outs of it. In terms of specific skills, I personally think soft skills are the most essential for success. For example, having a willingness to learn, boundless curiosity, a sense of urgency, and a true passion for your work. However, things like strong project management and time management skills come in handy as our team covers many different industries and regions. Each industry has its own nuances, and each team member is involved in many different projects. The ability to own your projects from end-to-end and juggle multiple projects at any given time is crucial. Working with AI AI has become a hot topic, and it's not going away. As a team, we work with industries from financial services to manufacturing, automotive to airline, insurance to telecommunications, and everything in between. AI is affecting every industry, and it's impacting every region. It’s our job to keep our finger on the pulse of industry trends to better enable our sales team and have discussions of modernization with customers. As customers look to implement gen AI applications, it’s important for our team to be able to confidently answer their questions and create relevant content. For the Industry Solutions team, working with gen AI is all about educating ourselves and keeping up with the industry trends to create a competitive advantage for MongoDB. Collaboration never ends! Opportunities for learning and growth There are so many, I wouldn't even know where to begin or end. As far as opportunities for learning, you’ll certainly become a subject matter expert in MongoDB. You’ll have the chance to speak with different customers, participate as a presenter at MongoDB and third-party events, hold internal sales enablement trainings, hone in on your content creation skills, and more. You’ll learn some teaching skills if you join the Industry Solutions team, too. A big part of the role is explaining technical concepts to different audiences and sharing information in a way that enables people to learn. At the end of the day, you’ll be building your brand as an industry expert, building your skills, and building your resume. In my personal experience, I started as a consultant on the team and am now a senior manager. I was able to build out our team in Barcelona, Spain, and I've recently relocated to Austin, Texas to build out a team in Mexico City, which I'm so excited for. It's been amazing to see the team grow. In terms of career advancement, there are tons of opportunities for our team members to grow linearly as individual contributors or into team lead and people manager roles. Plus, because you're getting exposure to so many different teams, it's not uncommon for folks from Industry Solutions to transfer into other departments within MongoDB, or vice versa. It’s something that’s not taboo within the company; it's just a matter of having a conversation with your manager. Rooftop views from MongoDB Barcelona Building a team in Mexico City and beyond It’s a really exciting time as we aim to replicate the team that we've created in Barcelona in Mexico City. For prospective candidates, this is a great opportunity to help us build and shape a team from scratch while working on a diverse set of projects in key regions of the business. I would love to see the Mexico City office grow in the same way our Barcelona office has, which, a few years ago was only 12 people and now contains hundreds. We’ll continue to hire for our team in Barcelona and other locations around the world, too. I’m looking forward to bringing on people who will add unique perspectives to our team and grow their careers at MongoDB for years to come. Join our talent community to stay up to date with MongoDB culture content and career opportunities.

June 12, 2024

MongoDB Sales Recognized as a Top 20 Org for Professional Development by RepVue

It’s no secret that investing in your people can lead to incredible outcomes, especially for sales organizations. Companies with engaged employees see increased productivity, more profitability, and higher earnings per share . And because go-to-market (GTM) functions are responsible for more than 40% of revenue at high-growth software companies, driving effectiveness and engagement within GTM teams is paramount. At MongoDB, the sales and customer success team makes up over 30% of our company and is one of our fastest-growing organizations. We know that providing opportunities for development and receiving support from leadership drives both engagement and career growth for our teams, ultimately making them more effective and empowered to deliver results. Within the last two years, over 160 employees have been promoted into leadership roles within our sales organization, and we’re continually growing the next generation of leaders at MongoDB. So we’re thrilled to announce that MongoDB’s sales organization has received two RepVue Reppy Awards for the Spring 2024 Reppys, highlighting our commitment to excellence in building a world-class sales team and our prioritization of career development opportunities. RepVue recognizes MongoDB for being a Top 20 org for Professional Development and a Top 20 org for Publicly Funded Companies. About the RepVue Reppy awards RepVue collects millions of data points every year from its B2B sales professional user base. This data is voluntarily submitted on RepVue and includes information about their sales organization’s compensation, culture, overall employee experience, and more. This data is then used to rate the organization across categories and generate an overall RepVue Score. Sales organizations that secure a place in the Top 20 for their category or the Top 5 in a metro area become eligible to receive Reppys. These rankings serve as a testament to the exceptional sales environment these organizations consistently deliver. Hear what some of our employees have to say about working in sales at MongoDB. Adam, Enterprise Account Executive, North America “Throughout my time at MongoDB, I’ve been challenged to learn a complex technology while working with some of the smartest people in the industry. I am regularly humbled by the team we have and the engineers we work with. Everything I’ve learned from them has helped me sharpen my skills and advance my career.” Read our blog to learn more . Marie, Regional Director, Inside Sales, EMEA “Being part of the sales organization at MongoDB isn’t just about being a good sales representative, it’s about being part of a growth mindset community. Participating in our BDR to CRO career development program has helped me take my sales career to new heights.” Read our blog to learn more . Salvatore, Area Vice President, EMEA “As a member of our sales team, you’ll find a culture of transparency and meritocracy. We are focused on developing individuals to be great salespeople and like to think that we are the best technology sales school in the world. Our team is competitive, but there is a lot of camaraderie and support for one another. You’ll have the opportunity to express yourself at your best and know that you will be valued for your unique perspectives and experiences.” Read our blog to learn more . Simon, Senior Vice President, APAC “Our role as leaders is to develop our teams, from the bottom all the way up. We need to develop the next wave of leaders so that they’re prepared to step up when the time comes. Being part of a high-growth tech company requires taking risks and making mistakes. We have a high standard, and we hold each other accountable, but it never comes at the cost of creating an environment where people are afraid to fail.” Read our blog to learn more . Cedric, Chief Revenue Officer “If you join MongoDB, you’ll have to expect a culture of learning and growth. We drive a strong culture of ownership and accountability and we are going to invest in you very aggressively in terms of training and coaching, but we are also going to push you as much as we can so that you can grow your sales skills. Whether you sit in New Delhi, Sydney, Paris, London, or New York, you have a chance in this company to take on more responsibilities and grow your career faster than at any other company in the world. ” Watch the video to learn more . Stay up to date with MongoDB awards and culture highlights by joining our talent community .

May 29, 2024

Driven by Values: One Account Executive’s Journey into Personal and Professional Growth

May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. Hear from Adam, Enterprise Account Executive and member of the MongoDB_API employee resource group, as he shares about his role at MongoDB, the importance of living company values, and how MongoDB has contributed to his personal and professional growth. My journey into tech I grew up as a first-generation Asian American in a town outside of San Diego. While San Diego is not traditionally known for being diverse, I’m fortunate that my town always felt relatively progressive and welcoming. The biggest challenges were the ones that existed in our own home and the career and life expectations that had been set for me as a first-generation child. My parents pushed me towards pursuing a career in medicine at a young age and invested in my education as a pre-med student. When they learned that I was shifting my career toward tech sales as an adult, it was difficult for them to digest and understand. Looking back, while non-conventional for backgrounds of tech sellers, pre-med did, in fact, set me up for success when learning an extremely technical product with a complex sales cycle. I started exploring an opportunity at MongoDB after hearing about the unique sales program and significant investment in employee growth. The hiring manager dove into my background and discussed what personally drove me, showing me how much MongoDB wants to ensure a mutually beneficial fit. I joined MongoDB, working in new logo acquisition, moved into enterprise, and am now part of a global strategic team working with one of our largest customers. I’m selling the entire suite of MongoDB’s offerings: Enterprise Advanced , Atlas (our fully managed database), and, most recently, Atlas as a Vector database powering and scaling GenAI initiatives. As I look towards the rest of this year, I have never felt more empowered to bring our expertise and technology to customers as true partners, helping them accelerate their C-level initiatives and drive meaningful impact within their organizations and to their customers. MongoDB Atlas is perfectly positioned and differentiated to support gen AI projects at scale, all within a unified developer data platform. Find a company that lives its values One of MongoDB's company values is to Be Intellectually Honest . We are encouraged to share our perspectives, even if some folks disagree, while also being open-minded to alternative perspectives so that we can all grow towards our goals together. Everyone is open to collaboration when asked, all the way up to our executive leadership. I regularly meet with both my peers and skip levels, and have never felt blocked when it made sense to connect with our executives. I remember a time early on when I was feeling overwhelmed on how to best approach breaking into an account. After working with my leader, they acknowledged my efforts in certain areas, but also quickly identified opportunities that I had completely overlooked based on my own bias within the account. With additional suggestions on how to pursue those opportunities, I was able to quickly feel comfortable with a refreshed approach and landed the first deal. Another core value at MongoDB is to Embrace the Power of Differences . One of the things I’ve appreciated greatly at MongoDB is leadership’s intentionality in creating a diverse environment and emphasizing the importance of pursuing that as an organization. Making sure that everyone feels valued, heard, and treated with respect is an absolute top priority for leaders. Finally, Build Together is a value I live every single day. On a daily basis I work with our wider sales ecosystem who help scale the sales team’s efforts and support our success. Sales Development Representatives help me scale my reach to engage individuals and teams I may have overlooked. Solutions Architects are key in pulling technical expertise from our 50k+ customers and highlighting why they chose MongoDB to accelerate innovation. Customer Success Managers are instrumental in connecting external stakeholders with our internal SMEs and thought leaders to help execute ideas. Deal Strategy and Legal support through complex close cycles, ensuring the fastest, best outcome for all parties involved. Each of these teams are experts in their own domain and are critical parts of both the pre-sales and post-sales process to ensure our teams and customers are as successful as possible. A key component of this is communication, prep, and respect for each other's roles to help drive efficiency throughout the process. A focus on personal and professional growth Throughout my time at MongoDB, I’ve been challenged to learn a complex technology while working with some of the smartest people in the industry. I am regularly humbled by the team we have and the engineers we work with. Everything I’ve learned from them has helped me sharpen my skills and advance my career. As I reflect on Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, I encourage fellow salespeople from the AAPI community to ask for help early and often, whether it’s questions about technology, growth opportunities, or customer engagement. While it may feel intimidating at first, especially earlier on in your career, if you’re at the right organization, you should feel empowered to be vulnerable and supported in your own growth. I’d also recommend finding a network or community with a variety of skill sets and experience to learn from. Doing so has allowed me to gain different perspectives and continue growing personally and professionally. Our sales ecosystem is growing globally. Join our talent community to stay informed about MongoDB culture content and career opportunities.

May 24, 2024

The Developers' Developers: Two Australian Developers Share Their Connections to Customers

The world’s 28 million software developers are writing the foundations of our future, propelling innovation for their organizations through lines of code by creating game-changing new apps. Indeed, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that between 2022 and 2032, the number of software developers, quality assurance analysts, and testers will grow 24%, “much faster than the average for all occupations.” Fueling this innovative workforce is another group of developers, the people working behind the scenes to build the tools, technologies and platforms that other developers need to be successful: the developers’ developers. Many developers at MongoDB—which after all was built by developers for developers, and is beloved by enterprises and startups alike—fall into this camp. To learn more about what makes these developers tick, we talked with two Australia-based senior software engineers at MongoDB who love to code for their peers. For Lavender Chan and Angus Lee, there’s nothing like seeing the ripple effect of the code they have been working on and the impact it has on their customers. What’s more, the opportunity to be a “developer’s developer” has allowed Chan and Lee to find a space for deep technical work while thriving in an autonomous environment. At MongoDB, we believe developers will build the future. First, can you share more about your roles and what you’re working on? Lavender Chan (LC): I work on the Relational Migrator tool, which allows developers to migrate SQL data onto MongoDB. I joined the company two and a half years ago, and have been part of the Sydney technology scene for the last 10 years. The appeal of joining MongoDB was that it’s a large global company, but in the engineering team, you are able to have a big impact and a lot of autonomy. Relational Migrator was a greenfield project, and our team has been able to take the original product idea built out of the US and run with it. I’m a full stack developer and have touched on every feature of the tool. A lot of the engineers were able to contribute and work on new ideas. There’s also a strong emphasis on culture here which practically means a lot of the people I work with are excited to be here and passionate about their roles. Angus Lee (AL): I work in the MongoDB Charts team in Australia and think our team is a sweet spot for developers. I’ve interned for other tech companies and started my career at MongoDB. Since then I’ve been given responsibilities where I can create a lot of impact. My role at MongoDB in Sydney has also given me great opportunities to connect directly to the developers we are creating products for in a way that pushes my work to a higher level. Your roles are focused on products targeted to other developers. How does developing for developers affect your approach to your work? LC: In our roles we are creating directly for other developers, so the work that I am doing is deeply technical and specific. As Migrator is a newer product, we are able to interact directly with our customers—other developers—and often a lot of their questions are quite complex and specific, which means I go on a learning journey in debunking and fixing their problems. AL: We have a strong team culture in that as developers we want to be our own users. That means we want to use other MongoDB team products, and they use ours, so we can better identify pain points and issues for our customers. There’s a term that developers use called “dogfooding” that really sums up how we think on this, which basically means to use your own product. It means for me that I think about writing clean code to help any other developers extend on this, and how effective what I do will be for the user. What I’ve also learnt is how our product helps other products thrive. We should have done all the hard work to transform data and show it through data visualizsation tools so it’s easy for the customer. Can you tell us more about this connection to customers and how MongoDB empowers developers? LC: When Relational Migrator was released as a general product, I went to MongoDB World to work at the booth, and I talked to the developers and customers using the platform. As an engineer, it was an amazing experience and opportunity to see how it was being used and what else we could be doing. This connection of engineers with customers, as well as the ability to speak to them regularly in my role, is unique. In other companies I would need to go through support teams, to go through someone else just to push out a bug fix. Our team is very customer focused, so we can prioritizse features that our customers want. AL: One of the best moments for me at MongoDB was when I went to MongoDB World and I sat down with a customer to talk through a feature of Charts. It was a pivotal moment to see the improvements it makes for the businesses that use it, and the impact it generates for their customers beyond that. I could sit back and see the ripple effect of the code I’m writing. There is also a great feedback engine where our users can submit ideas and other users can vote for that feature. The product managers pick from these and push out features that are directly relevant to the developers using it. We really connect through our aim to create an open forum for developers and customers to provide feedback and suggest ideas. Developers are problem solvers. As part of the MongoDB Love Your Developers campaign, we believe in championing the voice of developers and giving them the freedom to experiment and innovate. How do you see this in action? LC: In other places, I was a small cog in a massive system. At MongoDB, I really have an impact and can see directly how my work translates to our final product. In Sydney, we’re a satellite office, but it’s indicative of our company culture that there is huge trust placed in these teams. We’re given high impact projects and can run with them, which means I’ve been able to watch the Relational Migrator product go from a tiny product used by only a few customers, to one that is now generally available. Not many engineers get to work for a well-established, large company and still have the opportunity to work on and release products like a startup. There is a strong global interest in AI-driven innovations. How have your connections to customers led to innovations in this area? AL: We’ve been able to take an idea for a new AI feature, Natural Language Charts , and take it from concept to being released as a feature at MongoDB.local in London. We could see from our conversations with customers, as well as broader industry trends, that there was strong interest in new AI features, so we were able to prioritize it for Charts. We started with nothing and were given the freedom to research how this feature could work using AI, create a new proof of concept, and from there we were able to push it out into a feature which was a really proud moment. Having this agility and flexibility to prioritize something new is exactly what we want to provide to our customers. I never feel like I'm just churning out code. We are connected to the work and to our customers. MongoDB is built by developers, for developers. Become part of the team changing the way the world works with data!

May 9, 2024

Embracing Neurodiversity During Autism Awareness Month

April is Autism Awareness Month. According to a 2023 study by The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, nearly half of neurodivergent employees feel impacted by their conditions in the workplace. On top of this, many neurodivergent employees choose to not disclose their conditions due to fear of stigma or reduced career opportunities. It’s safe to say that organizations can do more to create supportive, inclusive, and empowering environments for neurodivergent employees. Config.MDB is an employee resource group aiming to raise awareness for and build support around neurodiversity in the workplace at MongoDB. Sarah Lin, Senior Information & Content Architect, and Config member, speaks about her experience as a parent to a child with autism and shares her perspective on creating inclusive spaces for neurodivergent employees, customers, and members of our communities. According to the CDC, one in every 36 children in the U.S . is on the autism spectrum. My child is one of those. Parenting a child with autism is, in many ways, just parenting. There’s often awe, wonder, frustration, exhaustion, and fountains of love all mixed up in the same day. Parenting is hard, period. As a parent of one neurodiverse and one neurotypical child, I'm able to see a little bit of both worlds and while there are highs and lows for both, they’re usually different. People with autism often have a particular area of interest, and my child has opened up a world to me I was only vaguely familiar with. Learning, enjoying, and being part of their world is a gift. I’m so grateful to experience it with them every day. Parenting children with different abilities can be lonely and isolating, though. I get support where I can, but many folks we encounter are actively unsupportive, assuring me “they’ll grow out of it” or expecting I can make them behave in a certain way. My child needs lower levels of support to navigate the world, which means that people often just dismiss their diagnosis entirely as misbehavior or even say that their challenges don’t exist. Understanding autism spectrum disorder I learned pretty early in my journey that if you’ve met one person with autism, you’ve met one person with autism. Autism Spectrum Disorder is just that, a spectrum, with individuals needing more or less support, so interacting with one person on this spectrum isn’t generalizable to everyone else. I’ve found that each person presents a unique constellation of abilities and challenges, and the best way forward is to ask and get to know each person I meet. Learning about autism and how my child experiences the world has made me a better person, which I hope has carried over into work as well. The most significant impact is raising awareness of sensory needs in the workplace. We all have sensory needs to varying degrees, and understanding that they are genuine makes me more empathetic, accommodating, and patient. Considering the needs of the neurodivergent community If my child grows up wanting to work in the tech industry like I do, I’d advise them to remember their needs and seek a role at a company that seems like the best fit. For example, does working from home help them avoid auditory overstimulation? Awareness of their legal rights is paramount, though; they should ask for the accommodations they need to succeed. I’m sure it’s the parent in me, but the most essential advice is that they take care of themselves. Having time off, structuring their workday and environment to meet their needs, and having a healthy sensory diet are all foundational for doing their best work. To workplaces and colleagues, I encourage you to consider that creating inclusive spaces can be both physical and metaphorical. I’m reminded of a previous employer that set out a specific neurodivergent space at its customer conferences for attendees. I can only speak for what has helped my family, but having alternative options and authority figures willing to compromise when accommodation is outside the norm is impactful. As I teach my child to advocate for their own needs, I rely on the rest of us to meet them with understanding and flexibility. The impact of increasing awareness When talking about impact, there’s no denying that millions of individuals and families benefit from increased awareness, understanding, and inclusivity in our society. Speaking from my own experience as a parent, even if we don’t take advantage of specifically autism-friendly events or spaces, just knowing they are available takes some stress off of daily “how am I going to make this work?” questions. Taking advantage of sensory-friendly activities, for example, allows my child to have the same experiences as everyone else, making them feel included and accepted. For kids, shared experiences are essential for social belonging, and when you’re already experiencing the world differently, that can be a very challenging area to begin with. As I reflect on Autism Awareness Month, I encourage my friends and colleagues to work towards learning about and supporting neurodiversity in their communities. Some of the best ways to do this are simply through asking and researching. Information abounds, and so does the work of learning rather than expecting to be taught. You can also participate in (or start) a community group or employee resource group — like Config at MongoDB , a global employee resource group focused on disability and neurodiversity at MongoDB. The more we strive to educate ourselves and create inclusive environments for everyone, the better our workplaces and communities will become. Learn more about Diversity & Inclusion at MongoDB.

April 10, 2024

Architecting Success as a Woman in Tech

Celia Halenke , Solutions Architect at MongoDB, shares insight into the skills, experiences, and aspirations that shape her MongoDB journey in the dynamic world of technology. Plus, learn about her advice for teams wanting to build more inclusive environments for women in tech sales. Mastering the balance: Technical and communication skills In my role, it's all about having a strong blend of technical skills and effective communication. To succeed as a pre-sales Solutions Architect, you need to blend both seamlessly. I’ve had to learn the ins and outs of MongoDB's technology, but equally important is grasping the unique challenges and objectives my clients face. This allows me to craft solutions that are not just tailored but perfectly aligned with their needs. Communication is just as important. From running demos to conducting workshops with people from diverse backgrounds, clear and concise communication is a must. It's not just about showcasing the technology; it's about ensuring everyone is on the same page. Team collaboration is another vital aspect of my role. Working closely with sales reps, CSMs, product managers, and engineers requires building strong relationships. These connections are not just essential for success but play a significant role in personal growth. Celia and team members Fostering inclusivity in tech Being a woman in tech, I can't stress enough the importance of seeing more women in leadership roles. It's not just about breaking stereotypes; it's about having role models who inspire and motivate. That's why promoting women into leadership is crucial. Mentorship and leadership programs specifically designed for women can make a significant impact, providing the support and guidance needed to thrive in a historically male-dominated industry tech. I'm proud to be part of MongoDB, where employee resource groups for women and other communities create a supportive environment. More companies should consider implementing similar initiatives to foster inclusivity and provide platforms for sharing experiences. Celebrating success One of the highlights of my journey at MongoDB has been working closely with the Product Led Sales team. They have recognized me for my efforts for two consecutive quarters, which is a testament to the trust and collaboration I’ve built within the team. It feels really good! Knowing that my work is valued and appreciated motivates me to keep pushing boundaries. I encourage women to make time to celebrate their accomplishments. The joys of customer interaction What I love most about my customer-facing role is the direct interaction with our customers. Understanding their projects, and the problems they aim to solve, and then offering them the perfect MongoDB Atlas feature brings me immense satisfaction. Recently, I had the opportunity to visit clients on-site during a business trip to Latin America. I enjoyed this experience and it changed my perspective on customer interactions: though not as quick as hopping on a video conference, in-person sessions are some of the most engaging. Celia in Latin America Aspirations and future growth Looking ahead, my goal is to continue growing as a Solutions Architect at MongoDB! Embracing the evolving challenges of my role allows me to constantly learn and enhance my communication and technical skills. I aspire to work with larger customers, witnessing firsthand the positive impact MongoDB's applications can have on people's lives. As I gather more experience, I'm eager to take on a leadership role, guiding others in their MongoDB journeys . My journey at MongoDB is a testament to the ever-evolving landscape of technology, where success is not just about technical expertise but also about building meaningful connections, fostering inclusivity, and celebrating every milestone along the way. Learn more about Sell Like a Girl and MDBWomen, Employee Resource Groups supporting a community of women around the world at MongoDB.

March 26, 2024

They Asked, We Answered: A Q&A on Joining MongoDB’s Remote Solutions Center

Our Remote Solutions Center (RSC) team offers those with technical backgrounds interested in working with customers an opportunity to jumpstart a career in pre-sales. We asked Soheyl Rafi, Solutions Architect and former Remote Solutions Center team member, some common questions candidates have about joining the team. What is the day-to-day like on the Remote Solutions Center team? Working in the Remote Solutions Center is a dynamic and ever-changing experience, with each day bringing unique challenges and opportunities. You can expect a blend of calls, hands-on activities, customer interactions, and problem-solving. The variety keeps the role super interesting. Part of the diverse work environment comes from the collaboration that this role inherently entails. Throughout the day, you’ll engage in various customer interactions such as discussing project requirements and challenges to proposing tailored solutions. Another aspect could be your involvement in Technical Feasibility Workshops with customers. This is where your deep technical knowledge comes into play. You’ll be addressing intricate technical questions, providing insights, and ensuring that our solutions align with the customer’s needs. Enablement also plays a pivotal part in the day-to-day. You will spend a lot of time learning new technologies and features released by our Product team, understanding the competition, and staying abreast of the market as a whole. All in all, the day-to-day work is extremely diverse, and you’ll need to both enjoy and be comfortable wearing multiple hats. What can I expect during the onboarding phase? When you join the RSC, you can expect a comprehensive onboarding experience that covers both technical and sales aspects. Our onboarding plan is designed to provide hands-on training, ensuring that you become familiar with MongoDB technology and business processes. From a technical standpoint, you’ll have access to detailed training sessions and resources. You’ll be guided through the intricacies of our products and services, allowing you to build a strong foundation in your technical knowledge. On the sales front, we have a tailored onboarding plan that focuses on honing the skills required for successful client engagement. This includes understanding our market positioning, customer needs, and effective sales strategies. You will be exposed to real-world scenarios and practical exercises to enhance your sales acumen. To complement your onboarding experience, each new team member is paired with a more senior peer within the RSC. This mentorship helps you begin to build relationships within the team and provides valuable insights and guidance on navigating the role effectively. In addition, RSC leadership recognizes the importance of learning from industry veterans. That’s why each new hire is also paired with a seasoned professional from outside the RSC who acts as a Solution Architecture buddy. This experienced mentor with tenure in the industry will offer a unique perspective and share valuable insights to accelerate your learning. To gain practical exposure, you will have the opportunity to shadow calls and workshops conducted by experienced team members. This hands-on approach allows you to observe firsthand how we conduct business, manage client interactions, and collaborate within the team. In summary, our onboarding program within the RSC is a holistic approach that combines technical training, sales development, mentorship, and practical experience. How often can I expect to collaborate with Solutions Architects (SAs) in the field? As an SA within the RSC, collaboration with SAs in the field is consistently high. We are strategically positioned around account activities and proactively engage with our counterparts in the field teams. Depending on the opportunity during an engagement, you might assist in the early stages of the sales cycle, such as discovery and demos, before passing the deal onto the field SA. Collaboration in these engagements is pivotal, requiring alignment to ensure a seamless handover to the field teams. What internal career development opportunities are there for me? Upon joining the RSC team, you’ll immerse yourself in a dynamic learning environment. Unlike traditional career structures, the RSC team fosters an environment where you are in the driver’s seat, dictating the pace of your internal career development. No artificial roadblocks hinder you from taking on more challenging and senior-level tasks. Your dedication, skills, and initiative are the primary determinants of how quickly you progress. While there are specific tasks you’ll work on in your day-to-day, you’ll also have a wide range of internal projects available to enhance your skill sets and advance your career within MongoDB. In a team with diverse interests and skills, you can choose projects that align with your passion and interests. You’ll find yourself in a situation with structured learning paths, mentorship programs, project leadership opportunities, and a career trajectory limited only by your aspirations. In my career journey, I’ve achieved my goal of growing from an Associate SA to being promoted to a Solutions Architect for our enterprise customers. I am now a dedicated Solutions Architect to one of our biggest financial customers, helping them in their digital transformation and expanding their MongoDB footprint. What new things will I learn if I join the team? The question should be, “What will you not learn?” Databases are at the center of every tech stack. You will be exposed to and gain an understanding of the entire tech stack, including the underlying infrastructure and the application that will be built on top of MongoDB. In your role, you’ll find yourself engaging with customers to discuss the various technologies used in application development, the infrastructure decisions made, and other database solutions that are either part of their tech stack or under consideration. Each customer employs different methodologies for developing software and utilizes various programming languages and solutions. It is pivotal as an SA in the RSC to comprehend these diverse solutions and effectively communicate them to our customers. Beyond the technical aspects, you will start to see things from a macro perspective. Understanding your customer’s business is crucial. You will need to learn how to align technical solutions with business objectives, considering factors such as budget, timelines, and return on investment. Learn more about applying your technical skills and engaging with customers as part of our Remote Solutions Center.

February 28, 2024

Should I Begin a Pre-Sales Career at MongoDB? Insights from Our Remote Solutions Center

Do you have a technical background and enjoy working with customers? Have you considered beginning a career in pre-sales? Aicha Sarr, Solutions Architect at MongoDB, shares insights into how our Remote Solutions Center offers a path to building a career in pre-sales. Read on to learn more about how our Remote Solutions Center team builds off of each other’s strengths, applies their technical expertise, and focuses on customer success. Diverse backgrounds, shared attributes Our Remote Solutions Center team values both diverse backgrounds and sharing common attributes. Team members possess a blend of technical expertise and a customer-focused mindset with a strong affinity for technology and an inherent curiosity to grasp knowledge related to MongoDB, databases, and complex technical concepts. We all come from a variety of backgrounds, such as data engineers, software developers, cloud architects, and sales engineers. While direct experience with MongoDB is beneficial, it's not mandatory. Similarly, a background as an engineer can be advantageous, but it's not strictly necessary. To succeed on the team, one needs a keen interest in the technology and architecture of systems, an appetite for learning, and a commitment to ensuring customer success. We are trusted advisors, collaborating closely with customers to design and implement reliable systems, making a strong technical alignment between the platform and customer needs that are pivotal for success. Hands-on application of technical skills I’m frequently engaged in projects that require me to apply my technical skills. Many of these projects have been focused on building reusable demos that are distributed to our global team, providing an opportunity for my work to be showcased during technical calls or workshops. For instance, a teammate and I developed a mobile application centered around MongoDB Atlas for the Edge , our edge computing solution. The project included demonstrating the synchronization of user data between intermittently internet-connected devices and a central database, MongoDB Atlas. This demo showcased the practical application of Atlas Edge computing, maintaining data consistency across various devices, reflecting the real-world implications of mobile application development and data synchronization challenges. Additionally, I’ve developed an application illustrating the implementation of a Client-Side Field Level Encryption (CSFLE)-enabled application using Amazon Web Services Key Management Service with Java Spring Boot as the programming language. This hands-on experience allowed me to showcase the robust security features of CSFLE, a feature that enables the encryption of data in an application before it is sent over the network to MongoDB - a tangible example of how to enhance application security within a cloud environment. In my customer calls, I’ve used both my demos and demos built by my colleagues. Hence, these hands-on experiences play a crucial role in enhancing our team's collective knowledge, capabilities, and resources. This collaboration between team members fosters a shared understanding and serves as a valuable learning opportunity, allowing us to disseminate the acquired knowledge internally and promote a culture of continuous learning and skill development. The customer engagement journey Our customer engagement journey begins with establishing strong relationships during initial contact and holding in-depth discussions to grasp the customer's business requirements. This phase serves as the foundation for crafting tailored proposals that outline effective solutions. Technical presentations elucidate proposed solutions' intricacies, involving iterative, collaborative discussions and adjustments based on continuous feedback from customer stakeholders, including IT teams and decision-makers. Transitioning to the implementation phase, Proof of Concept projects may be initiated for real-world solution applications. The seamless move to implementation teams ensures ongoing support, addressing post-implementation issues for continuous customer satisfaction. This holistic approach emphasizes effective communication, active listening, and building lasting partnerships grounded in trust. Engaging with diverse customer personas, each playing a distinct role in decision-making, involves tailored interactions. Technical decision-makers engage in in-depth technical discussions, addressing integration concerns and compatibility. Business decision-makers require presentations emphasizing business value, ROI, and alignment with overarching goals. Interactions with developers or data engineers involve technical implementation discussions and collaborative problem-solving in specific programming languages. These interactions with end users, project managers, and technical teams are essential for gathering insights into practical requirements, project timelines, and seamless implementation. The shared goal is to create solutions that meet business and technical requirements, ensuring feasibility, efficiency, and alignment with customer capabilities. Conclusion: A tapestry of skills and collaboration The success of our Remote Solutions Center lies in the tapestry of diverse backgrounds, shared attributes, and a commitment to continuous learning. The opportunities for hands-on application of technical skills not only strengthen our individual capabilities but also contribute to a collective knowledge pool within our team. The customer engagement process is a collaborative journey, with an emphasis on the importance of understanding and adapting to evolving customer needs. This holistic approach to team dynamics, skill development, and customer engagement positions our Remote Solutions Center for success in a rapidly changing technological landscape. Learn more about careers in solutions consulting at MongoDB.

February 21, 2024

Navigating the Indian Tech Landscape: MongoDB's Path to Success

As the Area Vice President of Sales for MongoDB in India, Sachin Chawla is at the forefront of a thriving market. In this article, he sheds light on MongoDB's strategy, challenges, and future opportunities in India. India is a hotbed of opportunities, and MongoDB has made significant strides in the region. We’re one of the top regions for downloads from MongoDB's hundreds of millions of downloads globally. Recently we launched an Academia Program to train 500,000 students in India and our MongoDB.local series welcomed thousands of customers and community members to our live events across three different locations in India. This demonstrates both the significant enthusiasm for MongoDB in India and our commitment to the market. We’re still in the early days of this market shift, and we’ve got a lot of work to do. But, there are a few reasons we think we're well positioned for long-term success, and they lie in the unique characteristics of the Indian tech landscape. Thriving Startup Ecosystem: India boasts the third-largest startup ecosystem globally, with over 40,000 active startups. These companies are predominantly tech-driven and innovation-focused, making MongoDB an ideal choice for their needs. Enterprise Transformation: With over 2,000 enterprises in India, a considerable number are currently on a transformation journey. These organisations have realised that true transformation involves building modern applications that are faster, always on, infused with machine learning, and can handle massive amounts of data from a variety of endpoints. This provides an opportunity for MongoDB to further penetrate this market. Developer Powerhouse: India is home to one of the world's largest developer ecosystems, with over 4 million developers. They not only cater to India but also serve global clients through large multinational organisations with developer centres in India. At least 20% of Forbes 2000 companies have set up their development centres in India, and this share is estimated to grow to 55% by 2030. Sachin speaks with MongoDB CISO Lena Smart at MongoDB.local Mumbai These factors present a wealth of opportunities for MongoDB. As a versatile, multi-cloud developer data platform, MongoDB can cater to a wide array of use cases across various industries, setting us apart in the Indian market. But, what sets us up for success is not only the market potential. Key success factors The first element that drives our success is technological innovation . MongoDB constantly innovates to stay ahead in the market. Our ability to adapt to emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, with products like Atlas Vector Search, makes us highly relevant and adaptable to the dynamic Indian landscape. Next is our talent pool. There are 1.4 billion people in India, creating a massive talent pool for both technical and non-technical roles. This means we can hire not only top-tier tech talent but also experienced sales professionals. We have a high bar at MongoDB. The caliber of people we hire makes us a unique player in the market. Finally, our partner ecosystem. Our ability to collaborate with large partners, including consulting and technology partners, is a significant advantage. As the India B2B SaaS ecosystem rapidly grows, we can leverage these partnerships to offer solutions and services to a diverse customer base. A collaborative team Like the broader APAC organisation, our sales ecosystem in India is highly collaborative. In today’s world, customer influence does not come from sales alone. Everyone including solutions architects, customer success, marketing, partners, and developer relations is involved. Our teams must work together as a cohesive unit. In my leadership meetings and business reviews, all of these functions are present, and we always put the customer at the centre of every decision we make. Having a unified customer approach is incredibly important. Recruiting and developing the best people Maintaining and nurturing MongoDB's culture and values, with a special focus on intellectual honesty and learning, is an ongoing process. Regular reviews, "lunch and learn" sessions, quarterly upskill training, and technical enablement activities help foster these values within the team. Individual upskill and enablement plans also ensure our team members are consistently growing their skills and careers at MongoDB. We have a huge focus on learning and growth, and we look for individuals who have a growth mindset. That’s why, when it comes to building a talented team, the first thing I focus on is someone’s ability to learn. We have a unique approach at MongoDB and need to be agile in this rapidly changing market, so someone’s ability to unlearn old ways of doing things and quickly learn new ones is critical to success on the team. In addition to this, the ability to move quickly in all aspects of work is important. Innovation that used to take ten years is now happening in six to twelve months, so we need to move fast. This means that actioning on things immediately, keeping up with the latest technology, and being able to learn from mistakes without having it slow you down is crucial. The last thing I focus on is our MongoDB value “Be Intellectually Honest.” Is this person able to earn someone’s trust? Do they accept and admit their mistakes? Are they open to hearing diverse perspectives and ideas? All of these things are central to our culture at MongoDB. Looking forward We have a bold vision for the coming years. Recruiting the right people, maintaining our culture, and continuing to be agile will be key. With a focus on innovation, talent, and collaboration, we’re well-positioned for long-term success in this dynamic and diverse market. We’re expanding our teams in India. Join us! View open roles on our careers site .

December 12, 2023

India: A Cornerstone of Growth for MongoDB Technical Services

India has emerged as a cornerstone in our MongoDB Technical Services growth story, marked by the team’s 100% growth in just two years. Bengaluru has been at the forefront of our expansion, witnessing an incredible increase in personnel and the addition of new teams and functions to support our developer data platform. This highlights Bengaluru’s emerging role in providing critical technical assistance to our customers and partners. Gurugram has also played a crucial role in the growth of Technical Services in India. This growth underscores Gurugram’s increasing significance as a thriving hub for MongoDB Technical Services. MongoDB’s continuing investment in expanding Technical Services in India reflects the substantial impact the team has had on MongoDB's customer success. APAC Technical Services team members A look into Technical Services We have multiple customer-facing Technical Services teams in India, each with unique roles and responsibilities. From specific product support to support for MongoDB services and Atlas cluster deployments, each team seeks individuals with strong critical thinking skills who can quickly detect, resolve, or escalate complex issues that may span various aspects of MongoDB's products and services. Our Technical Services teams are committed to delivering exceptional support to our customers through each team’s unique focus. Building together across teams and departments As part of their role, Technical Services Engineers (TSEs) need to partner with other supporting functions within MongoDB to ensure seamless operations and exceptional customer support. TSEs proactively identify issues that may require escalation and involve Escalation Managers accordingly. They also identify opportunities for improvement within the MongoDB product ecosystem and pass on any feedback, feature requests, and customer insights to our Product Management and Customer Success teams. India Technical Services team members The Technical Services team is highly collaborative and works together to solve customer problems. While each sub-team within Technical Services focuses on specific areas of expertise, there are numerous intersections that require cross-team collaboration. This collaborative approach enables team members to learn and build new skills by exploring different areas of interest. Excellence centers We also take pride in the technical excellence centers that we have built between our teams in India. These centers are part of our global Technical Experts ecosystem. Technical Experts help us train the Technical Services team, liaise with the development teams, and highlight pain points to the Product Management team, amongst other responsibilities. Learning and development We believe that an engineer's journey goes beyond a career and is about gaining knowledge, skills, and experiences. MongoDB is an integral part of this journey, offering a platform for continuous growth and development. New hires undergo comprehensive onboarding and training to gain a holistic understanding of the MongoDB ecosystem. Engineers are encouraged to participate in cross-team rotations and have access to various learning platforms, including O’Reilly Learning and internal Product Readiness training. We collaborate closely with our Technical Services Knowledge and Training teams to deliver training sessions, fostering both technical and presentation skills and an observational learning culture. Engineers are also provided with “protected time” to focus on their individual learning plan, allowing them to focus on delivering projects, prepping for certifications, growing their expertise in a specific area, or working in collaborative cross-skill focus groups. Periodic hackathons offer a platform for innovation, encourage collaboration, and contribute to team-wide problem-solving efforts. In addition, MongoDB User Groups and .local events allow the team to showcase and share their knowledge externally. A TSE speaking at MongoDB.local Mumbai By creating a learning environment where engineers can grow and achieve their goals, both our team members and the business thrive. Enhancing support across time zones An exciting development in our Technical Services journey is the introduction of the Swing Shift in India. This strategic initiative leverages India's engineering talent to enhance support during India and EMEA hours, further augmenting support for the surrounding regions and improving service continuity for APAC and EMEA customers. We continue to hire in both our Bengaluru and Gurugram offices. If you’re someone who is technically talented, enjoys problem-solving, loves working with customers, and values your personal and professional growth, I encourage you to explore open roles on our careers site .

November 29, 2023

Ready to get Started with MongoDB Atlas?

Start Free