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AI Apps: What the World Sees vs. What Developers See

Imagine you’re in the market for a new home in, say, Atlanta. And you’re on vacation in a different city. You see an amazing-looking house, whose design you love. You open up your favorite real estate app, snap a picture of this house, and type: “Find me a home that looks like this in Atlanta, in my price range, and within my budget, that’s also next to a park.” Seconds later, you’re served a list of homes that not only resemble this one, but match all your other specifications. This is what the world—specifically, consumers—expects when it comes to AI-powered applications. But when developers see the possibilities for these hyper-personalized, interactive, and conversational apps, they also see what goes into building them. A video showing the behind-the-scenes of an AI-powered real estate app. To make these advanced apps a reality, developers need to be able to unify operational and vector data . They also want to be able to use their preferred tools and popular LLMs. Most of all, developers are looking for a platform that makes their jobs easier—while, at the same time, providing a development experience that’s both seamless and secure. And it’s critical that developers have all of this. Because as in previous tech revolutions (the software revolution, the birth of the World Wide Web, the dawn of the smartphone, etc.), it’s developers who are leading the new AI revolution. And it’s developers who will use different kinds of data to push the boundaries of what’s possible. Take for instance audio data. Imagine a diagnostic application that records real-time sounds and turns those sounds into vectors. Then an AI model checks those sounds against a database of known issues: all of which pinpoints the specific sound that signals a potential problem that can now be fixed. Until recently, this kind of innovation wasn't possible. A video showing an AI-powered advanced diagnostics use case. This is also just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the types of new applications that developers will build in this new era of AI. Especially when given a platform that not only makes working with operational and vector data easier, but provides an experience that developers actually love . To learn more about how developers are shaping the AI revolution, and how we at MongoDB not only celebrate them, but support them, visit . There you can explore other AI use cases, see data requirements for building these more intelligent applications, discover developers who are innovating in this space, and get started with MongoDB Atlas for free .

July 1, 2024

Why We're Telling the World: "Love Your Developers"

Today, we at MongoDB are proud to announce the launch of our Love Your Developers campaign. The tl;dr behind it all is simple: We love developers. Always have. Always will. The reason is simple. From the earliest days of room-sized machines doing a handful of tasks to today’s pocket-sized super machines, developers have been there, pushing past what anyone ever thought possible. Developers not only defined what the internet could be, but are now redefining what it should be in an ever-connected world. And it’s developers who are leading the charge to demonstrate for the world all that intelligent machines can do. At MongoDB, we want to recognize and support all that developers have done and continue to do; and we ask you to do the same. The “Love Your Developers" campaign is our call to celebrate developer accomplishments — past, present, and future — through a variety of media and storytelling avenues. Our anthem film, “No Matter the Future,” looks at the monumental achievements developers have made in the history of tech and why they’ll continue to redefine what’s possible into the future. Going forward, this campaign will also detail what developers are doing today to transform the way that customers interact with businesses around the world. To join in on this campaign, check out our Love Your Developers page, and tell us about your own developer triumphs, achievements, hopes, and dreams on social with #LoveYourDevelopers. *Archival photos courtesy of the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration

June 22, 2023