
Hello community!

I’ve been challenged to start the hashtag #100DayCodeChallengeby Nisrine Bou Ghannam, and guess what?! Challenge Accepted!! So for the next 100 days, I’ll be sharing my knowledge, learning, and experiences.

Below is my progress from previous days, and I’ll now be updating regularly from today. If you’re up for it, join me on this adventure!

Day 1: Go GitHub Green

Starting your coding journey can be daunting at first, trying to learn it all at once.

When I first dove into coding, I was overwhelmed by the vastness of it all. The endless programming languages, frameworks, tools, and concepts felt like too much to grasp in one go. I remember sitting in front of my screen, looking at tutorials and thinking, “Where do I even start?” It felt like I was chasing a moving target, trying to catch it all at once.

But what I realized over time is that trying to build everything in one day is when I felt the most frustrated. I was pushing myself too hard, setting unrealistic goals for what I could achieve in such a short amount of time. The constant pressure to “get everything right” left me feeling stuck and disheartened.
Then something changed. I started focusing on the small steps—focusing on learning just one thing at a time. I set a goal to commit a small amount of code every day, no matter how insignificant it seemed. The biggest leaps came not when I tried to rush my progress, but when I embraced consistency. Slowly, I began to realize that every line of code, every small improvement, was building the foundation of something bigger.

You may feel like you’re barely improving day by day, but fast forward a year, and you’d see how everything ties together. All those small wins, those tiny green squares on GitHub, they add up.

So trust the process, stay consistent, and keep those squares green :green_square:

Day 2: Writing Clean Code

I remember feeling proud after submitting a fully functional solution to an assignment I had worked hard to solve in my sophomore year, only to be surprised with disappointing feedback. My professor told me, ‘I don’t care if it works if I have to struggle to understand your spaghetti code.’

That moment stuck with me and taught me a powerful lesson: writing code isn’t just about making it functional—it’s about making it clear, maintainable, and readable.

Functional code solves a problem, but clean code solves it efficiently and allows others (and your future self) to understand and build upon it. Since then, I’ve committed myself to focus on clarity and simplicity, making sure my code reflects these principles:
• Readability: Write code that doesn’t require someone to “decode” your thought process.
• Consistency: Follow patterns and formatting rules, making the logic predictable.
• Documentation: Don’t leave others guessing—use clear comments and meaningful names for variables, functions, and classes.

This experience reminded me of a quote by Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob):
“Clean code is simple and direct. Clean code reads like well-written prose.”

:point_right: What I did today:
I revisited one of my older projects and refactored redundant, messy blocks of code into modular, reusable functions. The result? Simpler, cleaner, and more efficient.

:white_check_mark: My clean code checklist:
• Use meaningful names for variables, functions, and classes.
• Keep functions short and focused on a single task.
• Eliminate unnecessary comments—let your code be self-explanatory.
• Stick to consistent formatting and indentation.

Let’s raise the bar for quality! What are your go-to practices for writing clean code?