Accidentaly ran mongoimport with --drop & now I lost all data, I'm in M0. Anyway I can restore the collections?

I accidentaly ran mongoimport --drop & now I lost all data, I’m in M0. Anyway I can restore the collections back?

Hi Sooraj,

Unfortunately, there is no way out from this scenario.

You can check your local system, if by chance you may have backed up an earlier version of data. As there is no built-in backup or point in time restore functionality for M0 Clusters.

You can move to paid tiers (M2 or higher) in order to avoid such unfortunate scenarios in future.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

I’ve never seen this before but I did some googling and it looks like you’re in a setup utility for downloading content that one in CSV or TSV format. No need try give a chance BLR data recovery tool to recover lost file or else try CHKDSK

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