Aggregation with indexed date field not working


having some collections with an index on a field, and some metrics using aggregation looking for last hour documents, like this :

"command": {
"aggregate": "recipient",
"pipeline": [
"$match": {
"$expr": {
"$lt": [
"$subtract": [

But the index is not used, besides Mongo is with 7.0 version (>5.0).

I noticed that if I replace the “subtract” part with a hardcoded date, index is correctly used.

Any idea why?

I am surprised that the query works at all.

When inside an $expr, fields must have a $, so you should have $ rather than simply Because, is simply a string rather an field path, I am not surprised that the index is not used. You are not querying a field. Here is some code that shows the differences:

What puzzle me however is when you write

It would be nice to see the exact pipeline you use and its explain plan in order to fully understand. One thing I could think is that since you do not call $substract you also removed the $expr and wrote the match as

Which will provide a valid result and be an IXSCAN.

@Patrick_DEMONGUERES, could you please provide followup on your issue.

Hi @steevej , sorry for the delay for responding.

Here are more details with another example.

  • I got a collection with 1.6M documents, each document having a field creationDate
  • there is an index created on creationDate

Here is a simple pipeline for an aggregation, targetting documents created in the last 4 days :

    $match: {
      $expr: {
        $gte: [
            $subtract: ["$$NOW", 345600000]
    $group: {
      _id: {
        creation_date: {
          $dateToString: {
            format: "%Y-%m-%d",
            date: "$creation_date"
      total: {
        $sum: 1
    $project: {
      _id: 0,
      creation_date: "$_id.creation_date",
      total: {
        $toInt: "$total"

The index is not used :

But modifing the stage “$match” with an explicit date, like this

    $match: {
      $expr: {
        $gte: [

Index is well used

Completing my previous post : it seems that using $$NOW is the reason why index on creation_date is not used.

Using $$NOW :

    $match: {
      $expr: {
        $gte: [
          "$creation_date", {
            $subtract: ["$$NOW", 345600000]

Without $$NOW :

    $match: {
      $expr: {
        $gte: [
          "$creation_date", {
            $subtract: [ISODate("2024-05-29T17:11:00.000+00:00"),345600000]

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That is a very insightful observation.

I cannot work on this for now. I will come back later.

Here is a bug related to my issue :
Thanks to Hermann Baumgartl, who opened another post with similar issue.

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Based on the observation that $$NOW is the culprit, here is a workaround that should leverage the creation_date index.

Rather than aggregating on the main collection you start with:

I could not verify that the $match uses the index, mostly because I get a the error
Expected 'aggregate' to be string, but got int32 instead. when I do db.aggregate(…).explain. But by storing now_minus_delta in a temporary collection and aggregate on the temp. collection I got the following explain for the $lookup

I might be worth trying this workaround on your dataset until the jira is resolved.

I’m trying to apply your suggestion : I created a specific collection to store documents like

//collection's name is "workaround"
{_id:"1h", ms:3600000}
{_id:"1d", ms:86400000}
{_id:"4d", ms:345600000}

Then I started a pipeline on my collection workaround like this …

        _id: "4d"
        _id: 0,
        ms: 1,
        threasholddate: {
          $subtract: ["$$NOW", "$ms"]

but then I don’t know how to use $lookup to make my search on my targeted collection…

That is one way to do it.

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Thanks @steevej , it works well, besides the explain does not show the use of the creation_date index. But the usage’s count of this index increases, and I got an instant result : so, clearly, this pipeline is a good trick!

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Here is the steps to rewrite the pipeline :

  • create a collection named workaround
  • insert documents with the value you want to use :
{_id:"1h", ms:3600000}
{_id:"1d", ms:86400000}
{_id:"4d", ms:345600000}
  • rewrite your pipeline from the workaround collection, with this stages
    ** stage 1 : $match to target your duration (4d? 1h?)
    ** stage 2 : $project to calculate your threashold date from $subtract and $$NOW
    ** stage 3 : $lookup to build a _tmp array, from stage 2 and the main collection. Use your original pipeline as a sub-pipeline in this stage
    ** stage 4 : $unwind items in the _tmp array
    ** stage 5 : $project to print the attended result

Here is the rewrite for what I posted here : Aggregation with indexed date field not working - #4 by Patrick_DEMONGUERES

    $match: {
      _id: "4d"
    $project: {
      _id: 0,
      ms: 1,
      threasholddate: {
        $subtract: ["$$NOW", "$ms"]
    $lookup: {
      from: "main_collection",
      as: "_tmp",
      let: {
        threshold: "$threasholddate"
      pipeline: [
          $match: {
            $expr: {
              $gte: [
          $group: {
            _id: {
              creation_date: {
                $dateToString: {
                  format: "%Y-%m-%d",
                  date: "$creation_date"
            total: {
              $sum: 1
    $unwind: {
      path: "$_tmp"
    $project: {
      _id: 0,
      creation_date: "$_tmp._id.creation_date",
      total: {
        $toInt: "$"

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