Atlas CLI not available on Debian Linux ARM64


I am trying to build a Docker Image with atlas-cli and mongodump and mongorestore.
In my Dockerfile I am using debian:10-slim so I followed the instrcutions on the atlas cli page.
It became a bit tricky as I am working on a M1 Mac but the Container will run on a x86 machine.
The compatibility matrix ( ) says Debian: x86/ARM so my thought was “I can try the image locally and if everything works fine I will push it to the CI/CD” but there is one problem…
The apt repository doesn’t have any atlas-cli binaries:
MongoDB Repositories

I think this should be fixed as using arm based machines is becoming more usual these days.

Hi @Sven_Meyer ,

Thank you for raising it to our attention. That’s a miss on our end and we will have it fixed.
In meantime, feel free to use the Debian builds from the Download Center.
I’m also wondering if a vialble alternative for you would be using our official Docker image for Atlas CLI and then do Docker Compose? This way you could save some time with the ongoing maintenacne to keep Atlas CLI up to date.
In case you’re using GitHub Actions for your CI / CD we also have an official Atlas action that uses Atlas CLI.
