Best Practice For Updating Extended Reference and Embedded Subset Patterns

I’m creating a data model where performant reads, and consistent data across references take precedence over writes.

What are best practices for CRUD update operations on a document field, and all documents that reference that document and also stores some of the associated information?


Collection A

    _id: 123,
    title: "Document title",
    body: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..."

Collection B

    _id: 456,
    name: "Another document 01",
    collectionA: {
        _id: 123,
        title: "Document title"

Collection C

    _id: 789,
    name: "Another document 02",
    collectionA: {
        _id: 123,
        title: "Document title"

Collection A UPDATED

    _id: 123,
    title: "New Document title added!",
    body: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..."