I’m having performance issues with the buffer module in realm functions, a simple function to transform base64 string to a buffer taking too long
exports = function(){
const b64 = "string buffer goes here"
Buffer.from(b64, "base64");
return "Hello World!";
This code run a buffer from a base64 string of less than 300 characters
> ran at 1647901093222
> took 284.162459ms
> result:
"Hello World!"
> result (JavaScript):
EJSON.parse('"Hello World!"')
Look what happens when the base64 string have more characters:
This code is running a buffer from a base64 string of less than 100000 characters and more than 90000 ( i have not exactly value of characters)
> ran at 1647901049377
> took 4.796402983s
> result:
"Hello World!"
> result (JavaScript):
EJSON.parse('"Hello World!"')