Hello guys, Please help.
I am trying to set a trigger in my Atlas, unfortunately, I cannot set the trigger.
I get this error:
> error:
{"message":"Cannot access member 'db' of undefined","name":"TypeError"}
Here’s my function code:
exports = async function() {
const mongodb = context.services.get("mongodb-atlas");
const salonsCollection = mongodb.db("clippersDB").collection("salons");
try {
await salonsCollection.updateMany({}, [
$inc: {
waitTime: -1,
"barbers.$[].workingTime": -1
console.log("Update operation completed successfully.");
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error occurred during update operation:", error);
Although I created an app in Realm and set up a trigger there and it is working with the following code:
exports = async function() {
const mongodb = context.services.get("mongodb-atlas");
const client = mongodb.db("clippersDB").getClient();
const collection = client.db("clippersDB").collection("salons");
// Fetch all salons
const salons = await collection.find({}).toArray();
// Update workingTime of barbers and waitTime of salons
const updatedSalons = salons.map(salon => {
const updatedBarbers = salon.barbers.map(barber => {
const updatedWorkingTime = barber.workingTime > 0 ? barber.workingTime - 1 : 0;
return { ...barber, workingTime: updatedWorkingTime };
const updatedWaitTime = salon.waitTime > 0 ? salon.waitTime - 1 : 0;
return { ...salon, barbers: updatedBarbers, waitTime: updatedWaitTime };
// Update the salons in the database
await Promise.all(updatedSalons.map(updatedSalon => collection.updateOne({ _id: updatedSalon._id }, updatedSalon)));
console.log("WorkingTime and WaitTime updated successfully.");
Then why am I getting errors accessing the db
database which exists?