Change function runtime node version

Hello, a process.version shows the current version of node is v10.18.1.
Is there any way we can change this? i could not find anything about this topic.

Thank You


i wonder too, if i could switch nodejs version used in realm function runtime.
currently, i couldnā€™t update third party module cause nodejs version is low


This is also a major issue for us. Iā€™ve also reported my concerns to the premium support and one of their product manager. They are aware of this limitation.

Iā€™ve also created this feedback:

Please upvote

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This is important. Using old Node v10 syntax and limitations is not good for productivity.

Iā€™m mainly missing two things:

  • Optional chaining
  • Date with specified time zone as in new Date('2022-04-14 16:46:08 (CET)')

I was hoping that MongoDB 6.0 would bring an update to the Node engine, but no.

When can we expect an update?

Wow, this is disappointing. There should be a huge warning in the docs about how outdated node is for functions.

Fully agree. We have started moving away from functions except the super simple ones.

Have you changed your node version in atlas app services? If you did then please tell me that how can I update node version?

Hey everyone thanks for all the feedback! Our version of Node is actually custom so we are able to support some recent dependencies, it was based off of v10 but we are migrating to newer versions with the ability to support multiple ones as well.

Regarding syntax support Iā€™d recommend to run your function with modern syntax, every function is transpiled so we are able to support newer ES features. If you have specific requests or have tried an npm package that doesnā€™t work please let me know and we will make sure to add support for it.

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Thank you @Gabriele_Cimato

I would like support for SAML. It requires Node v12 or later.

console.log(JSON.stringify(process.versions))  // {"node":"10.18.1"}

const saml = require('saml');  // {}

PS: When I read documentation at I had the impression that runtime was improved at 6.0:

MongoDB 6.0 upgrades the internal JavaScript engine used for server-side JavaScript, $accumulator, $function, and $where expressions and from MozJS-60 to MozJS-91.

Hey @Milosz_Kowalski I was able to use the ā€œsamlā€ package in functions, so Iā€™d recommend to try doing what you wanted to do with saml and let me know if you have specific errors coming up. I donā€™t have valid saml options to test this out fully though. Thereā€™s also @node-saml/passport-saml which might also help as an alternative if you end up being blocked with what you want to accomplish now.

Regarding the link thatā€™s the drivers doc not app services which doesnā€™t use a custom Node engine like we do for App Services Functions.

Well @Gabriele_Cimato, itā€™s the signing part that doesnā€™t work with saml package. I would be happy if this one can be supported!

Simple example:

I looked into this and it seems like something is being corrupted during transpilation. If you try to upload a compressed archive like so:

instead of installing the dependency I noticed that it works as expected. Give it a try to see if you can get unblocked while I keep investigating. I hope this helps!

Not really.

I uploaded a node_modules archive and dependencies was installed. However, trying to use the library yields ā€œCannot found module samlā€. It looks to be installed but isnā€™t.

More in next replyā€¦

Now, installing library as intended, it looks like this. Same 3.0.1 version. The library is available and usable. Except for the signed partā€¦ Try for yourself, Iā€™m adding the code below.

exports = async function(){
  const saml = require('saml').Saml20; 

  const options = {
    cert: "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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-----END CERTIFICATE-----",
    key: "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----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-----END PRIVATE KEY-----",
    issuer: 'urn:issuer',
    lifetimeInSeconds: 600,
    audiences: 'urn:myapp',
    attributes: { '': '', '': 'Foo Bar' },
    nameIdentifier: 'foo',
    sessionIndex: '_faed468a-15a0-4668-aed6-3d9c478cc8fa'
  return {
    signedAssertion: saml.create(options),
    assertion: saml.createUnsignedAssertion(options)

Hey @Mikael_Gurenius I think I identified the issue, weā€™re currently working on it and Iā€™m hoping to get a fix out before EOW. I will update you here once the fix is out!

@Mikael_Gurenius I just deployed a fix, would you mind giving it another try? No need to upload dependencies you should be able to do it by adding ā€œSAMLā€ through the UI. Just to be safe try it with a new app and let me know!

@Gabriele_Cimato, thank you! I can confirm that the code snippet I posted above is now working! :slight_smile:

What was the issue?

ā€¦but is awfully slow. :frowning:

Testing a few times is 1.5 - 2.0 seconds for the execution. Whereby my current implementation is stable in the 0.5 - 0.7 region doing an external HTTP call to a node server with one task: return the signedAssertion.

Is there anything to be done with the performance?


When you will update the current Node version from V10.18.1 to latest version??

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