The MongoDB Community is made up of stellar Champions and Creators who publish tutorials and videos, speak at events, and so much more. Here’s what they’ve been up to lately!
- Community Champion @michael_hoeller authored his first tutorial on Developer Center, Getting Started With MongoDB Atlas Local Search Experience Using Docker.
- Community Champion @Nuri_Halperin wrote The MongoDB data durability and high availability advantage.
- Community Champion @hpgrahsl updated a MongoDB Learning Journey map created by himself and fellow Champion @Arkadiusz_Borucki. Contributions are welcome!
- Community Champion @eliehannouch shared his knowledge in Mongos: The Orchestrator of MongoDB’s Distributed Sharded Architecture.
- Community Champion @finisky wrote Solving Double-Spending with MongoDB: Transactions vs. Versioning.
- Community Creator @Samuel_84194 authored his fourth tutorial on Developer Center, Encryption in Use: The Magic of MongoDB for Secure Queries.
- Community Creator @moses_anumadu authored his first tutorial on Developer Center, Building a Task Reminder With Laravel and MongoDB.
- Community Creator @Otavio_Santana authored his fourth tutorial on Developer Center, Understanding Embedded Types in MongoDB with Java and Helidon.
- Community Creator @Jack_Woehr authored his first tutorial on Developer Center, Develop MongoDB Locally With TLS.
We’re so proud of the incredible work our community does every month—thank you, all!