Compass unable to connect to instance with replica set

I’m launching mono from a container with:

docker run --rm -it -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=mongo -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=mongo -P -v $PWD/ mongo:latest --replSet rs0 --keyFile /tmp/mongodb-keyfile

After it’s running, I execute mongosh -u $MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME -p $MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD --eval "try{rs.status().ok}catch(e){rs.initiate({\"_id\":\"rs0\",members:[{\"_id\":1,\"host\":\"\"}]}).ok}" --quiet

When I try to connect with Compass with the connection string mongodb://mongo:mongo@localhost:<ip> I always get this error:


There was a problem connecting to mongodb:27017

But my application using the C# driver is able to connect.

What am I doing wrong?

Hi @Paulo_Morgado

The -P option to docker assigns a free port to bind on the docker host side. It would be more usual to see the form -p 27017:27017 used.

If using -P is desired use the docker ports command to discover what port was assigned.

10:49 $ docker run --rm -d -P --name post305877 mongo:8

10:49 $ docker port post305877
27017/tcp ->
27017/tcp -> [::]:32770

10:49 $ mongosh --port 32770 --eval 'db.adminCommand({listDatabases:1})'
  databases: [
    { name: 'admin', sizeOnDisk: Long('8192'), empty: false },
    { name: 'config', sizeOnDisk: Long('12288'), empty: false },
    { name: 'local', sizeOnDisk: Long('8192'), empty: false }
  totalSize: Long('28672'),
  totalSizeMb: Long('0'),
  ok: 1

Thank you for you help, but I know how to get the port dynamically exposed by docker.

I have more than one mongo container running at the same time and they can’t all be at port 27027.

So, how do I connect to those mongo databases using Compass?

Use the port that was dynamically assigned.

You haven’t tried it. Have you?

Yes, a great many times in fact.

The replica set member is defined on what is used in the connection string are seed hosts. The drivers connect to the seed host and retrieve the topology in this case `

As docker is actually bound to another port the connection will fail.

Add directConnection=true to the connection string. e.g. mongodb://localhost:32770/?directConnection=true

That’s it!

Why doesn’t the C# driver require it? Is it something other drivers need?

With a single host C# driver appears to connect in directConnection=true mode. If the connecion string / contains multiple hosts or the options replicaSet or directConnection=false then cluster discovery is in use.


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