Hello everyone. I found a script on the forum confirming user registration.
From the application level, everything works, registration is successful. The email is sent. Clicking on the confirmation of registration does not work, and I have to confirm the account in mongoDB myself. What should I do?
<script src="https://unpkg.com/realm-web@1.2.0/dist/bundle.iife.js"></script>
const APP_ID = "application-0-qqusr";
const app = new Realm.App({ id: APP_ID});
//Grab Tokens
const params = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
const token = params.get('token');
const tokenId = params.get('tokenId');
//Confirm client
.confirmUser(token, tokenId)
.then(() => displayResult('success'))
.catch(err => displayResult('error', err))
//Display Message depending on result
function displayResult(result, err) {
const message = document.getElementById("message");
if (result === "success") {
message.innerText = "Your E-mail address has been verified.\n\n You may close this page. Thank you.";
else if (result === "error") {
message.innerText = "Unable to register this user. Please try again to register." + err;
<title>E-mail Confirmation</title>
h1 {text-align: center;}
h3 {text-align: center;}
h5 {text-align: center; background-color: whitesmoke;}
p {text-align: center;}
div {text-align: center;}
<h1>My Apps Name</h1>
<h3>Thanks for choosing our app!</h1>
<h5 id = "message"></h5>