Copenhagen MongoDB User Group: Inaugural Meetup

Copenhagen MongoDB User Group: Inaugural Meetup

What’s new and happening at MongoDB, AI Case Studies, and more!

Join us for an engaging afternoon of insightful discussions, innovative solutions, and networking opportunities at our inaugural MongoDB User Group Meetup in Copenhagen! This event is designed to bring together MongoDB enthusiasts, developers, and professionals to explore the latest trends and applications of MongoDB.

This exciting gathering will feature insightful presentations, live demonstrations, interactive discussions, and of course, great food :pizza::hamburger::ramen: and exciting swag! :tshirt::tada:

:date: Event Details

Date: April 23rd, 2024
Time: 13:00 - 17:00
Location: Microsoft Office, Kanalvej 7, 2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
Event Type: In-Person

:loudspeaker: RSVP and Save Your Spot

:arrow_right: To RSVP - Please click fill out this form to secure your spot.

:memo: Agenda

Time Activity
13:00 Doors Open & Welcome
13:15 TBD - Speaker 1
13:45 TBD - Speaker 2
14:15 Break & Networking
14:45 TBD - Speaker 3
15:15 Open Discussion / Lightning Talks
15:45 MongoDB Swag Trivia :tada:
16:00 Closing & Networking

:microphone: Speakers

To be announced soon! Stay tuned for updates.


Event Type: In-Person
Location: Microsoft Office, Kanalvej 7, 2800 Kongens Lyngby

:studio_microphone: Interested in sharing your knowledge and expertise at a MUG event?

:loudspeaker: We are looking for speakers to contribute to the event! Submit your proposal to speak at a MUG.

Looking forward to seeing you there! :rocket: