Deploying realm app hosting files with cli

I’m trying to push my realm app’s hosting files (a react app) via the realm cli.
I put my files in a “files” inside the “hosting” folder, I created “metadata.json” as the doc says.
This is the command I’m using and the response I get:

$ realm-cli push --remote “my-app-id” --include-hosting
Determining changes
push failed: EOF

What does that means? How can I fix this?

Hi Benoit,

Which realm-cli version are you using?
realm-cli -v

Would it be possible to provide the app id (hexadecimal version), this is safe to provide publicly but if you prefer feel free to dm me or raise a support ticket.


Hi Manny, my realm-cli version is 2.6.2
My app id hexadecimal version is 610932e76ef44e5b35860fd3
I’m trying specifically to deploy the QA version.

Alright, I figured it out.
I added an empty array: , in the metadata.json file and it fixed the “push failed: EOF”

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