Didn't recieve the 100% free certification on MongoDB student pack

I Signed up with my email password on mongodb university and completed Nodejs developer path. I recieved 50% off on certification exam. Then i got to know about student benefits and then added my github account( Which had a github student developer pack) on mongodb student pack.
Now how to avail the 100% off on nodejs certification exam?

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Did you receive it now? I am facing the same issue.

same issue man ,if anyone knows something about please resolve this issue

Hi buddy, you can just go https://www.mongodb.com/students and login with Github. After that you will see 2 benefits → 50$ Altas and Claim MongoDB certificate. Under MongoDB certificate there is a link to form i.e. “this form”. Make sure to fill that form correctly otherwise no voucher. You will get reply within 24 hours provided they are not on holiday.

buddy ,there is no form link name this from ,please send that from link

Bro Sign in with GitHub first
I can’t share the form as the link may change time to time and also there can be a chance it is private form and contain sensitive information.

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Hi there!

Our student benefits, including free certification and $50 in Atlas credits, are available through the GitHub Student Developer Pack. If you are already successfully registered for the GitHub Student Developer Pack, you can access MongoDB student benefits by entering your GitHub credentials at mongodb.com/students.

To be eligible for free certification, students must:

Please refer to our Student Resource Guide for more details on obtaining your student benefits.

Note about email addresses:

  • If the email address associated with your GitHub Student Developer Pack benefits is the same as your MongoDB University account email address, your free certification voucher will be sent to you automatically upon completing a learning path

  • If the email address associated with your GitHub Student Developer Pack benefits is different from your MongoDB University account email address, sign into MongoDB for Students and submit the form on the post-login page.

Note: Only submit the form on the post-login page if your GitHub email address and your MongoDB University email address are different. Additionally, we check that all users who submit the form are registered for the GitHub Student Developer Pack and have completed a learning path. This form is ONLY available to users who successfully verify that they are registered for the GitHub Student Developer Pack by entering their GitHub credentials on MongoDB Student Pack. Students who bypass our process and submit the form after receiving it from a friend or classmate despite not having GitHub Student Developer Pack benefits (again, this is something we verify!) will be ineligible for a free certification voucher if repeated form submissions are made.

I want to again emphasize that our free certification student benefit is offered through the GitHub Student Developer Pack. If you are not signed up for the GitHub Student Developer Pack, you are not eligible for our student benefits.

More details can be found in the FAQ section of MongoDB Student Pack and in our Student Resource Guide for more details on obtaining your student benefits.

Hi there,

Our student benefits, including free certification and $50 in Atlas credits, are available through the GitHub Student Developer Pack. If you are already successfully registered for the GitHub Student Developer Pack, you can access MongoDB student benefits by entering your GitHub credentials at mongodb.com/students.

The form Devansh mentions is ONLY available to users who successfully verify that they are registered for the GitHub Student Developer Pack by entering their GitHub credentials on MongoDB Student Pack.

Students who bypass our process and submit the form after receiving it from a friend or classmate despite not having GitHub Student Developer Pack benefits (again, this is something we verify!) will be ineligible for a free certification voucher if repeated form submissions are made.

More details can be found in the FAQ section of MongoDB Student Pack and in our Student Resource Guide for more details on obtaining your student benefits.