Hello. i use latest mongodb 5. Found intresting moment then update in parallel is not exists document with UPSERT by transaction i got dublicate documents
using var session = DB.Client.StartSession();
userId = 1;
var u = Builders<Balance>.Update.Inc(f => f.Quantity, 5)
.SetOnInsert(f => f.Id, Guid.NewGuid())
var balanceAfter = Balances.FindOneAndUpdate<Balance>(session, c => c.UserId ==
userId, u, new FindOneAndUpdateOptions<Balance>
IsUpsert = true,
ReturnDocument = ReturnDocument.After
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Error MongoDB Transaction: " + e.Message);
But if i run second time then DOCUMENT exists , all work current.
How to make the first option work like the second one?
I think the problem is that transactions with an upset do not understand that they will update the same document