Encryption at Rest with Azure Key Vault error: Invalid Azure API request

Hi, I’m trying to set up the Encryption at Rest using Azure Key Vault, and it fails with an “Invalid Azure API request” error. I provided all the input data needed (Azure AD account credentials, Key Vault credentials and encryption key), but the INVALID_AZURE_API_REQUEST error code does not have give me enough information to troubleshoot it:

Any help/insights would be appreciated.

Hi Jorge, there could be a number of different things happening here, mind opening up a support case so the team can help you get to the bottom of this issue?

Thanks @Andrew_Davidson for your reply. New case #00834360 created!

Hi, how are you guys?

I have the same problem when trying to configure my DB to encryption at rest with Azure Key Vault.
I provide all the information on the fields and when I click save, I receive the same message and I can’t figure out the underling problem.

Can you provide me with some information on how to create solve this problem or where I can find some logs?

Thanks in advance

I am also facing same issue, Will you let me know how to open support Case?

I am also facing same issue and I am sure all my input are correct.

Hi all,

I found that “Key Vault Crypto Officer” role is required for the SP.

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Hello All,

I am facing the same issue. Even when I assigned the roles “Key Vault Crypto Officer” and “Key Vault Administrator” then it did not work. Can you please help me to resolve this issue?