Hello guys, I’m trying to add a new document but I’m getting this error: The provided parameters were invalid.
This is a sshot ofthe data I’m trying to enter:
what am I missing to insert the document?
Hello guys, I’m trying to add a new document but I’m getting this error: The provided parameters were invalid.
This is a sshot ofthe data I’m trying to enter:
what am I missing to insert the document?
I think you can’t input the object Id Manually…?
as a matter of fact, the ObjectID is auto-generated, I’m typing just name and email
In Compass (version 1.22.1), the _id object is automatically created when you press {} so it is something else.
I am able to Insert the document from the screenshot. Are you sure it is still an error? Usually there is a box at the bottom of document dialog with the error message. We do not see an error message in your screenshot.
I would try to press the Insert button. It is dark green rather than dimmed green. That indicates that it is active.
Thank You for letting me know, I think there is something else. I could enter this document without any issues.
thanks a lot for your time guys, magically, today I could type the data without any problem, probably was something browser cache issue or something else, I hadn’t do any special but to type the data as yesterday except today it worked. See you around
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