Extremely slow execution of an external dependency function

Maybe this all looks like networking issue. In fact, Stripe or Algolia clients would, at the end, just call an URL too.

I had problem with upload too, but it might have been related to input timeout, which was 30s and was raised to 60s as per this thread: Realm functions 30s input timeout

Now back to us, I also tested a Ream App deployed Global vs a Local, just in case. And no difference. The Algolia saveObject just reaches “execution time limit exceeded” in both apps.

Looks like I should give up Realm Functions.

Ahh you’re not uploading from a browser, sorry my bad. your uploading from node. I wouldn’t do that in a serverless function, as wouldn’t you be paying for a long running task this way? why not upload from the client directly.

I am afraid my API keys will be exposed. If I upload it directly from the client how can I make sure the API Keys are not exposed??

no no… if you need to upload from the browser uses temp keys that are generated for that user only. i think aws has something called a STS KEY, you first define which path and what the keys can do dynamically, then pass the keys to the browser, and allow the browser to upload… the keys live for a short time say 60 mins.

G’day Folks, @Rishi_uttam , @andrefelipe @Sahmed_Matsko,

I acknowledge the frustration with the issues with dependencies in Realm functions.

The Engineering team is working on these issues and please expect significant improvements in the upcoming weeks. For your questions and comments on specific packages, we would request to open a new topic to avoid confusion.

For updates on AWS S3, please follow this thread:

I will update here for the release updates on Stripe.

Appreciate all your patience with us.

Cheers, :performing_arts:


Thanks @henna.s those improvements will be a much appreciated!


G’Day, Folks, @Rishi_uttam , @andrefelipe , @Sahmed_Matsko ,

I have amazing news… :tada: The engineering team have made performance improvements and Stripe, Algolia and Axios run much faster than before.

Could you please try and confirm?

We would appreciate your feedback if you have a different package to test out as well.

Looking forward to your response :smiley:

Cheers, :performing_arts:

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Wow, @henna.s thank you so much for delivering in a timely fashion.

Here are my readings regarding Algolia:

Algolia “update a single object” using raw REST HTTP:


Algolia “update a single object” using official NodeJS client “algoliasearch”:


So simply put, you guys nailed it.

Thank you very much for the attention and the solution.

(can’t say about the Stripe yet, but I must tackle that this week, so, also extra happy to rely on MongoDB)


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