Filter for messages


I’d like to set up a filter for categories which I am primarily interested in. I’d like to apply this filter as default in my settings so that I would initially see only a subset of filtered messages (theses of primary interest). It would be great when the latest new, … would still work but on this subset. Finally it would be perfect when I could toggle the filter to no filter with one click . @Stennie_X any idea how to come close to this ?



Hi @michael_hoeller,

I think the feature you are looking for is “muting”. You can mute categories, tags, or users to focus on discussions of interest. Muting categories will move them to the bottom of the homepage view and remove those topics from the Latest view.

There’s a filter parameter to view the Latest Muted discussions (you can find this via your profile Notifications page or add state=muted to the normal Latest url).

You can adjust muting & notification preferences:

  • individually by clicking on the :bell: at the top right of a category or topic page
  • collectively via your profile Notifications preferences

I haven’t used the muting feature aside from a quick experiment to test the effects, but I do use Watching notifications to prioritise notifications for some categories of interest.

If you end up using muting I’d be interested to know how that works out for you and any tips or tricks to share. We have a Managing and subscribing to notifications guide that could use a refresh.



Hello Stennie,

thanks a lot, I will check that out the over the next week and share the findings.


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Hello @Stennie_X,

I gave it a quick try. The mechanism you describe (mute categories and switch to them via a adding a URL parameter works absolutely fine.
I need to use the above process a little bit more, after a first test it feels as it the muted categories are fairly far out of focus. As of now I tend to like the option to “watch” certain categories and filter with state=watched the combination to filter watched or tracked seems not to work, this would be nice.


Hi Michael,

The intent of the muting feature is to “turn down the volume” on some discussions so they won’t be promoted in your default browsing or notification experience.

My preference is to increase notifications for discussions that might be more interesting and leave the rest at the Normal notification level.

You can find the filtered Latest links via the profile notifications preferences page. Click on the Show link next to a notification preference, eg:


Hello Stennie,
thanks for the links, I am aware of them. My point was the OR in between the parameters. I’d like to be able to filter on all posts which I either watch OR track in ONE filter → URL

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