Hello I am watching the video Introduction to GDELT for the MongoDB World Hackathon 22 - Session 1 MongoDB presented by Shane and JoeDrumgoole.
I am trying to replicate what they do in the video but I have on issue when trying to do the reshape of the data from collection eventscsv to collection events.
gdelttools-master % make reshape
I can see in terminal:
mongosh --quiet --file=gdelt_reshaper.js
But the collection events is not created and no more info is provided.
I have no experience working with make and I don’t know if there is any previous configuration to be done in the Makefile file.
(I don’t make any changes to Makefile, it’s the same than in the repo).
I am using a Mac for the hackathon.
I have just installed make (It was not installed previously):
$ brew install make
And try again
gdelttools-master % make reshape
I would appreciate help to be able to execute the script correctly, thanks in advance.
I’d recommend running the gdelt_reshaper.js directly with mongosh, as @Crist recommends.
If you’re not running MongoDB on localhost, and the direct port, you may also want to provide the connection string of your MongoDB cluster to mongosh, like this:
The reshape step assumes you have already loaded some data with the gdeltloader script. If you follow the package steps you should get some output.
pip install gdelttools # install the package
gdeltloader --master --download --overwrite --last 20 # download the last 20 days of data
make full_data_load #load the downloaded data and reshape it
If you do those steps in order you should get some output.
Current Mongosh Log ID: 6279438bdf708b5009da2113
Connecting to: mongodb+srv://<credentials>@worldhack22.s8ynf.mongodb.net/databasehackaton2022
Using MongoDB: 5.0.8
Using Mongosh: 1.1.8
For mongosh info see: https://docs.mongodb.com/mongodb-shell/
To help improve our products, anonymous usage data is collected and sent to MongoDB periodically (https://www.mongodb.com/legal/privacy-policy).
You can opt-out by running the disableTelemetry() command.
Loading file: gdelt_reshaper.js
But nothings more happens and the collection events is not created.
I can see now that the events collection has been created, but on a database called GDELT2 (I had named mine databasehackaton2022), maybe your answer worked correctly, I’ll investigate it again and post the results here, thanks again,