Please, is possible lock one user in MongoDB 4.2 Community? (Not drop)
Please, is possible lock one user in MongoDB 4.2 Community? (Not drop)
There is no such facility in mongodb
Check these
Thanks for help me @Ramachandra_Tummala , but i’ve seen it before and in my version of MongoDB (4.2) don’t have a db.lockUser method.
I think do one backup of this specific user (JSON of admin collection db.system.users) and store this in one collection. After this i drop the user!
But thanks for help!
Hi @Henrique_Souza,
There is currently no in-built feature to “lock” a user account, however you can effectively remove access by one or more of:
As noted in the discussion referenced by @Ramachandra_Tummala, a more typical approach for Enterprise customers would be using third party auth systems (for example, LDAP) which provide additional account management features.
To be clear, there is no such method as of MongoDB 6.0. SERVER-12818 is a feature request (currently in the issue backlog) to implement locking/unlocking user accounts.
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