How to get all the attributes for a particular document and its datatype?

how to get all the attributes for a particular document and its datatype for a collection?

if there is a script it will be helpful.

Hi @Mamatha_M,

Have you tried the Schema Analyser in MongoDB Compass? Sounds like what you are trying to do here.

If you prefer a script, I already used successfully Variety which was enough for what I was doing at the time.

Is it what you are looking for?


Hello @Mamatha_M

you may also can check out the schema in VSCode with the MongoDB plugin. In case this is your favorite editor.

In all other cases compass, as recommended by @MaBeuLux88_xxx, will offer you many more features. Personally I use both since, while coding, it is faster to use the features of the editor. The VSCode plugin also brings a sandbox which is great to develop queries.


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